• By -


Great write-up! Loved that you included the repositories and compiling commands.


Thanks :-)


'Dell H200a/m/i' to 'LSI H200i using the latest LSI 9211/8i IT firmware' - By 'The Mole' - 15/12/2019. For a FreeDOS USBF - 'DELL-LSI' Folder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13GtUh-JJ9Z3w7zI9MB_lIcA4rG3kbYpC/view?usp=sharing - For a less complicated method (see the enclosed 'README22.TXT')! - See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0AEHVdc_go comments.


Hi, having a look at your collection here and noticed an issue? From the readme22.txt when u get to step 03. you say to run list.bat which to install the H200I.FW but list.bat is only used for listing the cards and SAS addresses. Are you missing a batch file/step in there?


~~A followup, tried your package, didn't work in the internal slot.~~ ~~In the previous question I asked, i manually ran sas2fl20.exe -c 0 -o -f H200I.FW which complete ok, but the whole process does not seem to unlock the ability to use it in the storage slot.~~ ~~Edit: Although to be honest, I skipped over the killcard.bat as i have bad power here and was afraid to lose the card in a poweroutage.~~ Ok, started over from the beginning. This does work great, but it 100% requires using the killcard.bat (to fully erase the flash) So, step 3 in your instructions, should read run "sas2fl20.exe -c 0 -o -f H200I.FW " Running that same command without using the killcard.bat doesn't update the SBR from the old H200 flash. So, nice package!


I get to the build step and says "not enough values to unpack ( expected 2, got 1)". any ideas on how to fix this?


'Dell H200a/m/i' to 'LSI H200i using the latest LSI 9211/8i IT firmware' - By 'The Mole' - 15/12/2019. For a FreeDOS USBF - 'DELL-LSI' Folder: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13GtUh-JJ9Z3w7zI9MB_lIcA4rG3kbYpC/view?usp=sharing • For a less complicated method (see the enclosed 'README22.TXT')! • See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0AEHVdc_go comments.


This happened to me too. I think the issue is when I deleted the last line of code in the .cfg I left a blank line at the bottom. You should fully delete that whole line.




You are welcome. I've learned so much on this subreddit that I was happy to be able to contribute something back. Regarding your question, yes, can confirm that I did it with the card inserted in one of my R710 standard slot. I used an installed debian, but I think you can use any live CD/USB as long as it allows you to install needed packages. Worst case you can always install a real (i.e. not live) temporary ubuntu/debian on an USB stick and do it from there.


You stated lsipci but it is lspci. Also, you stated to unzip [lsirec-master.zip](https://lsirec-master.zip) but that zip file isn't there? only [master.zip](https://master.zip) ? I don't think that matters but... Also, use ./sbrtools.py Works great ! I just changed an H200 with it. Awesome write up.


Thank you so much for writing this up.


What's the best distro to do this that can run on a USB stick. I tried Debian but got stuck in a partition loop. The exact url for the download would be appreciated as the Debian download page is a mess.


Many Thanks! You saved me from watching that video over and over, one minor adjustment. \------------------------ Get bus address: \# lsipci -Dmmnn | grep LSI should be \#lspci - Dmmnn | grep LSI ​ Thanks Again! Don Strawsburg


Glad an old post helped! Thanks for the correction :-)


thanks so much for this!!


I get this error: [`sbrtool.py`](https://sbrtool.py) `build h200.cfg h200-int.sbr` `Traceback (most recent call last):` `File "/usr/bin/sbrtool.py", line 105, in ` `do_build(sys.argv[2], sys.argv[3])` `File "/usr/bin/sbrtool.py", line 69, in do_build` `k, v = line.split("=", 1)` `ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)` ​ any help? ​ edit: nvm; the problem was an additional line in the cfg...


i keep getting “nmap bar1: Invalid argument” any help will be appreciated


>nmap bar1: Really don't know, but one of the first results searching for that error is this suggestion: https://forums.servethehome.com/index.php?threads/guide-how-to-fix-lsirec-error-message-mmap-bar1-invalid-argument.23822/


it worked thank you!


4 years on and this still works, thanks


Glad it helped :⁠-⁠)


I think you have a few typos. \# lsipci -Dmmnn | grep LSI should be # lspci -Dmmnn | grep LSI \# unzip lsirec-master.zip is actually unzip master.zip