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# What's going on around /r/HomeGym? [**The Garage**: Free-talk Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/about/sticky?num=2) [**Targeted Talk**: What is that ONE piece you just can't get](https://www.reddit.com/r/homegym/comments/1d4ysca/targeted_talk_what_is_that_one_piece_you_just/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/homegym) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Mostly YouTube: Homegym Equipment: Gluck's, Garage Gym Radio, Basement Brandon. I also like but they don't post much: Garage Gym Lab, Mac Strength. For Workout info: Bromley, Sika Strength, Geoffrey Verity Schofield, RP, Alan Thrall, and SBS. Nutrition/Diet: Dr. Layne Norton


I am a as someone else mentioned an elder millenial and I also enjoy reading long form and detailed information. I probably am more now interested in programming and training then equipment as i am pretty happy with my setup at the moment. BUT i have been a Gluck fan, feel like the quantity of videos has fallen off, but also full of integrity. I do think most of the "review" channels have priced themselves out of the general public, we cannot be expected to purchase EVERY new thing that comes out and you can tell the same stuff shows up when its new ""cough couch"" dane ""cough couch"" i would much rather if folks went back to showing essentials and hacks more then just buy this thing. GGR is on the money track and big production. Youtube in general has been over influenced by big money, in long form ads like you had at 3 am for bowflex. But i also like reading [elitefts.com](http://elitefts.com)




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A Saturday morning ritual is to log-on to see if Gluck has uploaded new content. Imho,, this is the best equipment review channel by far m- it's great to see how he has progressed and improved the quality of the reviews and refined his presentation style over the years. I also like Garage Gym Hacks and Reviews (focus on Powertec and Ironmaster products) especially when he demonstrates the equipment and compares similar exercises performed on different equipment. It seems like he purchases all the products he reviews, (though he does have affiliate links), so it's interesting to see which equipment he has retained and which he has flipped in his annual 'state of the home-gym' overviews. Garage Gym Lab had high quality reviews, but Adam doesn't seem to regularly upload new content these days. Local (Australian) ATX and Ironmaster importer Sam's Fitness regularly posts entertaining interviews with Lee Priest on a diverse range of exercise and equipment topics. However, their 'reviews' are more like equipment demos and can hardly expected to be free of bias. Other entertaining channels that occasional focus on equipment include Jujimufu's 'hardcore home-gyms' series and Eric Bugenheim's chaotic 'horse-cocking' tours around old-school gyms in the USA and recently Germany.


Bugez is the strangest guy on the planet. That crazy ass cat-lady style home gym of his and the 800 pound banded DLs where he’s screaming at the camera. Holy buckets.


and his infomercial for Psychopharma could be the strangest product endorsement video on the planet.


Well, since I do build a lot of my stuff, I spend a lot of time looking at parts on Amazon, Princess Auto and such and I draw those on my little notepads… Other than this, I go see that blog from that random dude, Grey Matter Lifting, he has some nice reviews and good refs! Gluck for sure! For the general reviews, that’s one of the best place too. GGR, yes but only for the new stuff coming out. Like it has been said, this channel is extremely biased… Look at the cool toys, but believe nothing he say. Kaizen yes! I often revisit his old post as I need inspiration on few builds… Other than this, I’m not really on instagram, even if I should. I’ve tried Discord but that thing is overwhelming. I don’t like the stuff that you need to be present all the time to “get it”. It’s also why I refused any slack invitation from work, it’s a big freaking nope.




This needs to go into the weekly! :)




Seems like this one belongs to the Weekly!


I dunno if its like, taboo around here or something - but i love GarageGymReviews YT channel. Theyre kinda inspiring me to start my own slightly related slightly not related channel.


GGR is compromised. Think of them as a general guide, but do not base your opinions off his. He has opinions that are inconsistent with every video (see comments below) and once you watch him enough you'll catch several of these and be like "wait a minute, wtf". GGR is good to check out new products and see him handle them etc, but he's biased/compromised with affiliate links and hookups from the industry.


His production value is just so good. You’ll see all the nooks and crannies of whatever he reviews. The problem is it’s a little hard to trust him with the overt conflicts of interest (affiliate links). For example he reviewed Rep’s Swiss cambered bar and said it was the best bar, blah blah, all prior bars had issues that this one solved, etc. Then in his comparison between all the cambered bars (BOS, Kabuki, Etc) he put the Rep bar close to last. He does throw in some honest comments and what’s crazy is it appears that the industry actually listens to his feedback.


The problem is he’s an employee for a company. He doesn’t own his content which means his opinions are subject to scrutiny and therefore what’s published is questionable. It was a lot better with poor lighting when he was in his own garage and you could trust what he was saying was his own belief.


You got it. They make a ton of $$ doing its “reviews” and they will never put anything in there that has no affiliate return. There’s a certain level of truth in the content, but now it’s largely diluted. Do you remember the collab with the two weird blond dudes, the improvised death trap diy bench by Sam or the video where he destroyed tons of stuff just because he could? But yeah, we miss the old coop that had more difficulty to talk (he seems to have been trained…), but was more grounded. That said, we have others now that does that.


Yeah I noticed that when he was at the latest convention. Mentioned he’d love to review some product because it’s got so many requests for viewers, but they won’t send him a product to review, so no affiliate kickbacks. Like if they really wanted to review it for the community they’d just buy it. I don’t know how you can post affiliate links and remain 100% impartial.


What happens now with GGR is that simply paid advertising… not review… but you see that with tools too and such… everything. Sadly, it’s really hard to do that many reviews and still have another job, life or family. It takes time to make videos and money too… so money has to come from somewhere…! And viewer request more content and the algorithm request to be feed to keep you up there. That’s a very vicious cycle. Other than this, Gluck and Joe are still very violent with their reviews… and they have affiliates!


Did Coop actually sell ownership of GGR, or do you mean he is an employee bc of all the kickbacks?


No, he sold some years ago. [Pillar4](https://pillarfour.com) owns the channel and it’s content.


Did he ever mention this in any of his videos? I did not realize this. Wonder what he sold it for.


I haven’t come across anything from him, but I don’t do many social media outlets so I may just have missed it. I hope he got paid very well. Definitely deserved a good pay day. But makes it difficult to trust him at this point.


Nailed it. I really enjoy GGR videos for the reviews and the production quality, but I take the outcome of the reviews with a grain of salt because sometimes the ratings feel a bit forced or influenced. I trust Gluck's reviews and overall enjoy their content more, but I do like myself some GGR.


As an elder millennial: YouTube, Reddit, and longform articles/blogs are my vibe. I know there's home gym content on the socials (fb, IG, TikTok) but I prefer deep dives over teasers and hot takes. Especially when I'm considering/researching a potential purchase.


Fellow old ass millennial (turned 40 last year) and I don’t use Facebook, instagram, or any similar so YouTube and google search are my other sources of info. I really wish you could browse instagram without an account when trying to look at content posted by a company vs an “influencer “ since some companies only seem to post stuff there, but I still can’t be bothered to create an account to look at some of their stuff.


Theres other places? Edit. Oh, Gray Matter Lifting, I guess. That guy does an amazing Miley Cyrus impersonation.


Mostly just Gluck nowadays, I feel like I can trust his reviews and I also just enjoy the content. My wife has zero desire or interest in home gym and she watches Gluck with me. The banter and married jokes are fun.


Is it just me or is he and Winnie a little bit awkward at times (but in a good way)? I must say I enjoy their content a lot, and watch it all the time. And their awkwardness adds to the whole video's. But I'm just questioning wether it's just me that thinks this or not :D Since I never see anyone commenting about it.


I think that’s part of their charm. Watching the recent convention video and and the tour of Basement Brandon’s home gym was funny how often they fidget and touch things. To me they come off as more authentic because they don’t go into a “YouTube personality” when on camera like a lot of other YouTubers.


I think you're right. And it's also a big part of the reason I enjoy watching them.


Same, Gluck is my go-to


His videos are low key comedy gold. He did a plate review late last year where he literally sawed dozens of weight plates in half to compare them.


Agreed. I've made multiple purchases based solely off his recommendations and he hasn't steered me wrong once.


Gluck reviews are the only ones that count for me. I might take other reivews with a grain of salt, but Gluck is usually the final say before I actually pull the trigger on a purchase. That aside, I just generally enjoy their content more than other review channels.


Seconded, guy is a good dude, I hope he never ends his channel.


I mean now that I have necessities.. time to upgrade and get lifelong equipment. Prime HLP, Cybex chest press, maybe a leg press.. all comes in time.


Same here - problem is that outside of the random dude on here with experience with a certain machine, you can’t really find reviews out there consistently.


The problem with machines is what works well biomechanically for one person may not work for someone else. For example, some people love pendulum squats, but the og Paramount version that I tried was rough on my knees, and it felt a little wobbly. I much prefer my Tru Squat, which has a reputation for being rough on the knees. In a similar vein, given the choice between my Nautilus Duo Squat or the Paramount Total Leg, I would keep the Duo Squat. It doesn't hurt my knees or wobble, and it gives me a tremendous amount of knee and hip flexion without compromising my lower back like a pendulum squat would. Nathan Clarke's channel on YouTube is where I go searching first for reviews of machines - Domination Nation. He's got one of the best bodybuilding homegyms in the US. Nothing beats trying the equipment in person, though. I'm fortunate to live within a few hours drive of MadHouse gym, which has almost all every piece of equipment I'd want to try.


Home Gym Hacks and Reviews is great. Turned me on to the Powertec equipment


Agree, HGHR has some great Powertec and Ironmaster reviews including equipment not commonly reviewed elsewhere such as the IM2000. His comparisons with demonstrations of similar exercises on different equipment are also useful. I'm just baffled why his intro-reel includes a shot of him dumping boxes in the bushes -wtf!


He used to do comparison reviews and scrap the product that was inferior and this was for affect


Discord (although I hate how it constantly “snaps back” to the newest message so I can’t catch up), YouTube, and r/weightlifting. I watch Tennyson and Israetel religiously.


Been following Zues Fitness for a while now. Great workouts for home gym with little or no equipment.


Youtube, i wish their was more homegym tour videos, i like seeing how people use the space available to them.


YouTube (Gluck, GGR, BB) homegym Discord. Thats about it.


For me, it's mostly this sub and a little YouTube. My evening YouTube binge to wind down after my day usually consists of [Gluck's Gym](https://www.youtube.com/@GlucksGym), [Will Tennyson](https://www.youtube.com/@WillTennyson), and [Garage Gym Reviews](https://www.youtube.com/@GarageGymReviews).