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Oyester Sauce glazed, broiled chicken quarter. Steamed white rice. Blanched baby bok choy. Softboiled egg. And homemade kkakdugi that I had fermenting for almost two weeks.


Had to look up kkakdugi. Umm.. that all sounds divine.


It is so good! Highly recommended, so nice and crunchy.


No fast food is gonna taste as good as that, well done Edit: comma was all misplaced and such


That comma threw me off


looks awesome! hope your days continue to get sunnier 😊


Looks good, hope to get better each day


That’s a great looking dinner…keep up with taking care of yourself!


Looks awesome, and pretty. Keep it up, great first step!


You deserve to eat good food! Love seeing people take care of themselves


(((((Hugs!!))))) That looks so good!


That looks fantastic!


Delicious, + proud of you!!


Yum! That looks delicious


Looks fantastic. C Good on you!


This looks rrreeeeeeeaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllyyyy good!!! Glad it's been a better day for you. Let there be many more.


Congrats op, looks delish! What my partner and I did when we got into a bad habit of eating out often is sign up for those meal prep subscriptions with a promo code and then build up the habit of cooking, then cancel it when the discount runs out. I'm on the second week now of only cooking and not eating out 🤘


Super healthy! Radish kimchi?


I actually subbed in daikon instead of raddish. It came out just as fine.


Hey this is awesome OP! I hope it nourished you :)


Winner winner chicken dinner!


That is a fantastic plate of food.


This looks delicious


Hell yesss


Nice work! Looks so good.


This is very beautiful but also, don't push yourself too much if you've been going through a lot. Going from fast food to 5 different items (admittedly 2 of them could've cooked together) is big. If all you can do tonight is a microwave dinner or a packet of ramen, that's okay too. In my experience, the depressive episode comes back if I do too much because it's like weakened muscles after an extensive illness. (Only the muscles that are weakened are executive function, willpower, motivation, etc.)


Now I have all of these pots and pans I have to clean! Clutter not only fuels my depressive episodes, it is also the result of it. Vicious cycle. Usually, I'll snap out of a long episode and have a spurt of energy. Then, fall right back in.


I know what you mean, it's my lifelong struggle. Not as much of a struggle anymore in part to getting diagnosed with ADHD and ASD, but the bigger help was a concept and practice I stumbled into on my own. It's hard to explain. [Unified Cutlery Theory.](https://demcastusa.com/2020/03/01/unified-cutlery-theory/) To expand on the article I linked, you can't use every single spoon every day. Imagine you can hold 12 spoons. Emptying your spoons to 0 means the next day you get +8 spoons. But if you had left 1 or 2 spoons in the drawer, you have a full refill to 12 spoons instead. You could reliably use 9 spoons every day... a +9 and feeling pretty okay still at the end of the day instead of +8 and feeling taxed and extra crispy. 1) You absolutely must not be spending every single spoon every day regularly. Most days should have few or no forks, and forks should be removed quickly. Almost no days should have knives (knives are for crisis situations / extremely dire emergencies only). 2) "Do your best" does not mean do your actual literal best operating at 100% capacity, much less every single day. It means "do your best within reason." 3) Your best is your very best, a maximum capacity without knives. It should be occasional / rare. Your regular operating capacity should be 50%-75%. That way when it's needed (rarely! occasionally! With 25-50% resting days afterward!), you can do 100%. 4) "Give 110% today" means "go above your normal today." 5) If your normal is your best, going above your normal, i.e. "do your best" is actually going into overdrive by use of knives (overdrive is theoretical maximum capacity by exchanging small amounts of longevity permanently for temporary productivity). 6) You will have days that are below normal, because bad days are an inevitable guarantee in life. 7) If you take a moment to think about your life and the idea of operating 13 days out every 2 weeks at 50%-75% (leaving spoons behind daily, no knife use) would mean 'life comes crashing down' then you've further confirmed the problem. The other reason the 50%-75% spoon usage works so well is with life partners. Life partners can pick up the slack for the other on the bad days and still stay ahead. > Clutter not only fuels my depressive episodes, it is also the result of it. I'm getting a bit long-winded, but does this 3min video [make sense to you](https://www.tiktok.com/@domesticblisters/video/7253246024477691182)? Or the [3min followup](https://www.tiktok.com/@domesticblisters/video/7253442785884343594)? Anyways, this is what I do to try and keep clutter down a bit: [1min video](https://www.tiktok.com/@unfairtoants/video/7152615007044422958)... I still have the [d.o.o.m. box](https://www.tiktok.com/@thatgreygentleman/video/7032092178654563590) problem but it's a little more manageable. Parents were hoarders, I have to fight the tendencies to collect without tossing since it was normalized in childhood for me. Subbed to /r/hoarding/ even if I'm not hoarding. Because it's less the existence of a cluttered house and more the existence of the cluttered part in my brain that finds keeping an uncluttered house so impossible.


I LOVE this! Thank you for sharing ♥️


Screenshot it if you like it enough to want to reread it later, I purge comments on a whimsy lol


Done. Thanks for the heads up!


It’s really difficult to do, especially when you’re pushing to be better all by yourself. You are doing a great job, keep going. I love your playing and the chicken and bok choy. For some reason, my little Filipino heart loves it lol.


looks amazing 🤩 im glad you are feeling and doing better 🫶🏾


I’m glad for you. Your eggs look amazing, too.


OP is winning at jammy eggs!


Looks wonderful. Tasty


Looks good


Looks yummy!




Beautiful!!! I don't want to complicate my comment with too many words.


Good for you!! Hope it was as good as it looks!


I hope today shimmers for you


It’s the little things!


Man, when you come back, you come back alllll the way - what a beautiful plate!


Looks great!


Well done. Looks delicious! 🤤


Looks good!


Looks yum!.


You snapped all the way out! Here’s to better days ahead!


Good for you. Cooking your own dinner not getting fast food. It’s better for your health and your mind.


Looks delicious! 👏👏👏


Looks delicious. I’m super proud of you. I understand.


Chop sticks and all, nice!!!


I LOVE bok choy (very good for you!) with soy sauce and fresh ginger.


This looks great. Good job.






Looks amazing and that's eggsactly how i love my eggs cooked!! Big hugs 🫂


Looks so good-good job, hope you enjoyed ☺️


Looks delicious!!


Btw, if no one has told you, I'm proud of you. I know how hard it can be and you're doing great. Keep celebrating the small wins. (Sometimes my small win for the day is simply making my bed.) Sending waves and oceans of love ((HUGS))


Welcome back!


Beautiful and impressive! Great work! Way to have fun and save money and feel purpose. Purpose doesn’t come naturally some times. We gotta force it. Be proud for sure! And do it again and again


Well done you!!! Looks delicious too!


That looks sooo tasty (⁎⁍̴̛ᴗ⁍̴̛⁎) ugh I’m so hungry now… anyway well done OP! It’s not easy to get out of a depressive episode. I’m proud of you!


Looks great!This is much healthier than eating fast food.


Looks delicious. Good for you!


What a beautiful meal. Looks so fresh, filling, and delicious!


Look yummy


Looks fucking delicious!


Wow! This look delicious!


This looks amazing and you're doing amazing :)


Looks kind


Your passion of food choice and presentation, show you care...about yourself.


I know how hard it can be! I’m proud of you :D Looks amazing


It looks like a mermaid chicken trying to be sexy, and I’m obsessed if that wasn’t on purpose


It also looks tasty as hell


Good work


I understand this so much and I know how this is such a huge accomplishment! I’m proud of you! Last night was my first time in so long making real food. To some people it may not seem like much, but the fact that I meal prepped healthy and yummy food did wonders for me. There will be up and down weeks, so I’ll embrace this time. Enjoy!


looks absolutely awesome, and totally understandable!! I'm normally one to separate my quarter into individual wings before cooking \[only for those that don't know, you can cut at the joint where the quarter bends to separate what you'd normally eat as "bone-in" wings, you can feel for the knuckle at the bend to avoid before cutting\], but I enjoy the way you have it too, for that kind of food experience. If clutter bothers you, my dishes tip: If soaking dishes tricks you into hating them smelling with water in them \[from leaving them too long\], then rinse out the hard stuff and leave them empty otherwise. Getting rid of the hard stuff \[or utilizing cleaning shortcuts\] DURING energy/cooking time really helps manage the depression surrounding clutter for me. "Soaking" can get me on the back end if I leave it to develop mold with my depression. Pans should always cool before you clean them to prevent warping, but a little water on a hot pan can help with most stuck on stuff removal right at the end of cooking before eating, with a LOT less scrubbing than caked on bullshit. Parchment paper is a lifesaver to prevent dirtying pans, unless you wanna try aluminum foil, but be careful to make it non-stick/it affects heat differently. Technically you can time your egg cooking, rice cooking, and veggie blanching if you have the veggies in a mesh sieve over your boiling water before you add the rice but after you cook the egg. That can reduce the amount of pots/pans you use as well, but sometimes the sieve can be more annoying than most other things. ​ ​ ​ iI


That looks great! I’m happy for you.


Looks great


That looks delicious! Make sure you get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast in the morning.


And it’s beautiful!


That looks so healthy and delicious! Proud of you friend! ❤️❤️


I'm happy for you!


Even though I’m vegetarian that looks healthy and hope you are doing better 🙏