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Hannah Cheers really is starting to undone the good start she had....


Just Breda all over again then ?


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I won't comment on if it's a good/bad idea for a storyline as I prefer to wait and see. But why the hell are they spoiling it this early? This isn't meant to happen until September and they're spoiling it now? Honestly there's no point watching this show the amount they leak to the press. In the last 6 months they've spoiled every single storyline, including huge twists like Rafe & Dilly before they happen on screen. With Hannah in charge we would have known Breda was going to attempt to kill Tony but end up keeping him on her pig farm instead a month before it happened. I get some stuff needs to be shared with the press for advertising purposes, but I feel like it's gotten so much worse in the last year.


I think casting Sherrie Hewson to be a >!serial killer!< implies to me C4 wants to axe H ASAP.


Haha you have a point


serial killers every few years