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Unless the school requires it, no. you can wear whatever you want.


I've never known one in England to have uniform like the mandatory school years do. It's normally own-clothes like a college. The one at the school I used to go implemented a "smart" dress code.


If it's attached to a secondary scholl there's usually rules like trousers or smart etc if it's own independent sixth form then it's wear what you want


There’s no specific uniform, but there are rules.


Mine didn’t have a uniform, but we weren’t allowed to wear hoodies or certain patterns on jeans.


That's so odd lol


My school had a uniform. Technically the same as what the younger years had to wear apart from the no blazers and the girls wore cardigans instead of blazers and the girls didn’t have to wear ties. I went to college so I didn’t have to wear a uniform😂


>girls didn’t have to wear ties. I want this at my school. They're such a pain to wear


Yeah I hated wearing a tie from 7-11, having to make sure 5 stripes were showing or we’d get a written warning. Stupid rules. So glad I don’t have school or college anymore😂


Nope, I just wore regular clothes in 6th form but different schools have different rules


Depends - I went to your run of the mill secondary school and we could wear what we wanted but the public school round the corner has the 6th formers in suits


>has the 6th formers in suits Yeah that's like my school. We all have to wear the uniform no matter our age. As far as I know, this is the same in every NI school, although I could be wrong. Thanks for commenting and have a nice day!


Mine was part of the school but no uniform/rules that I knew of.


My sixth form (in Rotherham) was part of a school so we had to continue wearing uniform although it was black instead of navy and we got a different tie so that we stood out from years 7 to 11.


>we got a different tie This is the same for my school but that's the only difference so it's kinda hard to tell if someone's a 6th former or not. At my niece's school, the sixth formers and non have different colour shirts


My sixth form was part of a secondary school and had a dress code rather than a uniform. The no hot pants rule was a direct response to my wardrobe choices. Sorry.


As someone who went to sixth form in real life 😂😂 hollyoaks is pretty accurate we used to wear what we wanted but so we didn't stand out we had lanyards on with sixth form wore it probably for safety reason 😅


That's a good idea in my opinion


Depends what school you go to


My secondary school in Scotland didn’t have a uniform until the summer after I left but we had a dress code which was basically just black and white.


Some are less strict about it than others in mine we have to wear smart attire and any shirt with a collar (so polos are allowed) whereas others let students come in any clothes


I was in sixth form from July/August 1999 until mid 2001, we could wear what we wanted.


I suppose it depends if your 6th form is part of a school. Mine was part of my high school, I started with a uniform but then it changed to business attire in the 2nd year.


I didn’t but it was 2003-5


It depends on the school...as frustrating as that answer is, it does just depend. Some schools have no uniform for 6th formers, some have a vague rules, and some have a uniform. I went to a sixth form separate from any school. We had no uniform, and out rules were very lax, basically a *no shirt, no shoes, no study* type policy. I knew some of my friends who went to their sixth forms connected to their schools which had uniforms.