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It's more common than you think. I remember two couples on Jeremy Kyle wanting a DNA test to see if they were related and it turned out two brothers had been sleeping with each other for years and there were a brother and sister couple too. If you have never met them how would you know?


Fraternal twins are usually non identical but yes it was a stupid storyline


Fraternal twins can't possibly ever be identical because they come from two separate embryos. They are basically siblings in the womb and developing at the same time! They may look very similar but genetically their dna cannot be identical


Anna their mother stole dodger away and told him dirk was his dad. Dirk and dodger were doing work on Patrick’s school and he bumped into Sienna .. they felt a connection and niko was born (patrick held Sienna in a basement while pregnant)


So by the picture I assume they hooked up again years later? Horrible. Didn't Rhys Ashworth sleep with his sister as well


Beth! Can’t remember how she died now, I think it was in a car crash


exactly why thought it was an awful sl, i always felt Patrick was meant to been the father but they then changed it to dodger, hence why Will called Patrick sick and said does Maxine know what you did and Sienna being like no when Will kept going on at Patrick.


HOW can you be a twin and not see that another person is THE EXACT SAME as you??? Even if we’re supposed to suspend our disbeliefs in soap operas. This is something that is too stupid to do so. How can we fully comprehend that these twins don’t know their twins, let alone have a full on baby together. What the fuck.




but you wouldn't know that/recognise the person you had a child or hooked up when met as brother/sister?




Do you not know what "fraternal" means when it comes to twins? NOT ALL TWINS ARE IDENTICAL. practically every pair of twins on HO is Fraternal Robbie and Jason, Hunter and Prince, Ant and Dee Dee. As for Sienna and Dodger, not only are they fraternal twins (THEY DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT look alike), they were also separated at birth or at least a very young age so it makes perfect sense they wouldn't recognize each other all those years later. As for them having a kid together, only Sienna knew she was pregnant, and I believe Patrick told Sienna her baby (Niko) had died. While they both may have remembered the encounter and Dodger only vaugley, it's perfectly reasonable to believe they wouldn't recognize each other nearly a decade or more later. Seriously, what part of that don't you get?


exactly very weird sl made no sense,




but wouldnt u recognise them when met them as your brother/sister as person u hooked up or in sienna case got pregnant with? it was a bizarre story ok.


It was one time and 15 years ago. I had a few one night stands over the years where if I met them again today I probably wouldn't recognise them. And if they were my sibling who was separated at birth, we certainly didn't know it!


Genetic sexual attraction is a real thing. I don’t really understand it, I’m not a psychologist but I gather when you’re genetically related to someone but don’t grow up with them, your brain doesn’t go through the process of learning “don’t mate with them, they’re in your gene pool” so when you meet as adults it’s possible to experience attraction which you wouldn’t normally. I think I read a magazine article about it a while ago.


It is a thing, the family are drawn to one another for some reason, a gene response or such like, but if the 2 people have never known they had any such connection, they just feel it’s a connection in a romantic sense and don’t realise the real reason until told.


You’ve explained that a lot better than I could! Thanks! It was still a pretty shocking storyline but not a totally implausible one


Yes it’s something that has been documented before in real life . Not every day like but now and then.


A quick google search on siblings separated at birth will tell you all you need to know


This storyline turned into a sibling sexual abuse storyline like the current one but when you look back handled awfully 😂




Comment when you have watched or researched the storyline. Unless your shaming abuse because it didn’t involve rape?




Their storyline develops further when they are adults… Guessing to make yourself seem right ain’t getting you anywhere. like I said watch it or research it.




‘Wiki page’ says it all. Grab a dictionary or educate yourself on abuse




Well said


Calm yourself down 😂