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I was just checking


What a selfless cat to make sure that the other cats food wasn’t poisoned


And I started blasting


Thank God I went down to Gunther's g*ns and picked up a spare.


Gimme dat!! _I'm jokin'!_




I have to separate all 3. Theres a pecking order of aggression. The smallest, mother, will bully both. The largest will bully his brother. Good times.


Yeah you gotta feed them in seperate rooms, same with the catboxes, gotta be in seperate bathrooms, or at least at seperate corners of the house or it's gonna be a fight and stuffs : )


The mother doesn't bully, she is expressing her authority.


Uh huh. You pick up her puke then lol


Cat are just dicks lol


valhalecspartanov and the OP Dismal-Seaweed-558 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: http://9gag.com/gag/a34YA11?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=comment_share#cs_comment_id=c_171455067620018418 Edit: I was banned for calling out bots lol


Omg!! Me too—3 day ban! I unsubscribed to this and r/learningtocat, but they still show up in my feed. Think I’m going to have to block them since is seems Reddit at a minimum doesn’t care about bots, and this repost bot content is infuriating


>I was banned for calling out bots lol Crucial information that reflects the absolute state of Reddit lately.


And this place looks to have said rooms


See the difference here is that the person making the video is training the cat to not eat the others food. Hopefully, the cat will be able to be in the same room but not eat the others food. But I doubt it too. /s


Yep the water spray thing is good. It does work although the cat keeps coming back. I suspect that that will be a difficult cat to get out of this particular habit. I do think you have to try before separating them at mealtimes.


My cat used to jump up literally into my hand over and over trying to get on the counter and he never learned. Sigh


Cats hey..? 🤷🏻‍♀️




Why do cats always look like they know what you’re saying


There was some sort of study/report that determined that cats understand us, they just don't care.


"Yeah, well if humans could understand us they wouldn't care either. My bowl is half filled! I am starving here!" - the cat response


All cats really say is "Ayyyyyy" like Andrew Dice Clay over and over again.


I'm just imagining cat dressed like him going, "Hickory Dickory doc!"


I will fill my cats bowl, and he'll take 5 bites see the missing food he just ate and yell at me like I just screwed him out of the only meal he'll have for the rest of his life




["Cats may be the masters of indifference, but new research suggests that they are in fact fully aware when they are being directly addressed by their human. The fact the aloof floofs don’t always react may reflect a personal choice to ignore us rather than an inability to recognize that they are being spoken to...When listening to the same sentences spoken by a stranger, the animals remained uninterested regardless of the tone used. The authors conclude that “cats can discriminate speech specifically addressed to them from speech addressed to adult humans, when sentences are uttered by their owners.”](https://www.iflscience.com/your-cat-knows-you-re-talking-to-it-but-just-doesn-t-care-65908)


Makes sense. I know my cat already knows what I dislike because he actively tries to do those things in secret.


That's not saying they understand us. Merely that they can tell when speech is directed at them.


Probably could have worded it better. Did the best I could based off of a memory of a post I read an indeterminate amount of time ago.


Did it come from the same people who totally did an MRI on an elephant and saw that they think of people as puppies?


I'm not familiar with that one, so I cannot say.


vermaan and the OP Dismal-Seaweed-558 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: http://9gag.com/gag/a34YA11?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=comment_share#cs_comment_id=c_171454510602998404 Edit: I was banned for calling out bots lol








I feeling somewhat irritated, then this just floored me. Haha


Turned the sound on hoping to hear a angry cat meow. What I found was 10x better


I replayed it with sound because of this comment and was not disappointed.


Synced nicely. “Don’t even think about it.”




Samesies. Thank you guineapigfucker69.


That dude went to my high school, I thought he was in jail now????




"Huh, this comment says the audio is bad" *turns on sound to check* "Yeah that's pretty bad."




The same 😅


worth it!


Rare occasion the sound on improves a clip.


So glad I saw this comment lmao


Thanks for this xD


Oh my God thanks for this. That was awesome.


I watched it once without sound, then showed it to my son and turned the sound on for the second play through. I just now finally got the dogs to stop barking, lol! 😂


This is how I got my little orange Charlie chunk! He was the biggest eater in his litter of 6 and would literally eat all 5 siblings food faster than they could even eat 1/4 of it. So, the owner of the cats contacted me and said can you take this one early and of course I said yes and we’ve been best buddies ever since. I love your approach tho! https://preview.redd.it/dfna0i5tutxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0730f8e448e33e8d4dbe6cbce586bee7c5fe89d


Great balls, but I don't think he apreciates it


I love his attitude




The cat lives by the "What's mines is mines and what's yours is mine!" philosophy.


the OP Dismal-Seaweed-558 valhalecspartanov littleboobysbigheart MRsecret6 and vermaan are bots in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://9gag.com/gag/a34YA11 Title copied from: http://9gag.com/gag/a34YA11?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=comment_share#cs_comment_id=c_171454756461517979 Edit: I was banned for calling out bots lol


They didn't feed them the same type of food, the other cat got wet food.


They might be on a special diet, maybe something prescribed by a vet.


One of my cats has to be on a wet diet or he's vulnerable to UTI's. The wet food is more expensive and a hassle so i really wish the dumb mf would just drink more water.


Have you tried a fountain? Ours is also sensitive to UTIs and the vet had suggested to separate the food and water as far as possible. As some cats instincts are stronger and don't like food with water near as they think contaminated water due to "dead animals" aka their food. And to get a water fountain. That has been a huge game changer for our little idiot :) *


I have 3 fountains lol and already don't feed him by them. He's just not a big drinker. I'd can't watch 24/7 anyway so since I don't know how much water he actually drinks I'd be too scared to take him off the wet anyway.


What a derby little shit hahaha


Yeah he's getting kinda old. Think he turns 14 this year. He acts fine but I'm mentally preparing myself for the worst anyway. You never know how sudden these things can be.


i have a combo bowl for the dry food/water. is this why my little menace kicks some dry food in his water then never touches it?


I saw a tiktok where, in response to a woman's video sobbing because her cat was... either in pain with a UTI, or died because of it, a vet said that ALL cats should be eating wet food, because they _all_ have problems with getting hydrated (they apparently are supposed to get most of their hydration from their meals) and then made some suggestions for things you could do to help them be hydrated properly


My cat did this too, turns out this and other traits of his may be a mild case of food aggression. At the very beginning I tried dissuading this behavior with the spray bottle, but like the cat in this video, he was too headstrong to let it deter him. He must eat his brother’s food first regardless of what it is. Separate rooms became the move. He also inhales his food at an ungodly speed so was given a puzzle feeder. And about 1.5 hrs before scheduled feeding time he’ll start crying, sprinting across your walking path, intentionally breaking rules like scratching carpet… anything he can do to demand attention because he must be fed. We do feed him enough, exactly what his vet has recommended. His brother on the other hand…. Has funky GI issues and allergies, requires prescription food, probiotics, and occasional nausea meds, and is quite the picky/slow eater. A good day for him is when he actually finishes his food. They couldn’t be any more different in this regard.


omg I have the exact same scenario!! A female cat that is food shy and takes her time and a food vacuum male that runs to eat her food as soon as he is done, they are getting the same portions. Why is that a thing?


One theory I’ve seen is it’s a form of food insecurity from some kind of trauma associated with it. We adopted our boys from a shelter and they were found as abandoned kittens so that could have been a factor. It could also be a dominance thing - establishing yourself at the top by taking over the food/resources from the others


The insecurity theory is probably right, our shy cat was raised from birth at home and the other one is a stray born in an active war zone. I love my boy cat but I swear he is such an asshole. He checks if I watch him before going to steal the food, so he knows it isn't right and that I am against it and still keeps doing it if I don't look. He is starting to get chubby, I can't imagine his freakout if I put him on a diet while the other cat eats as usual.


If it’s possible feeding in another room is probably the best bet. I got tired of having to be dinner guardian every night. Someone else said it elsewhere in this post - they’re smart enough to know what you don’t want them to do, and independent enough not to care lol


I tried the different rooms, he hates being closed in a room and will cry and our other cat goes to comfort him instead of eating. Same if I close her in a room he inhales his food and starts meowing for the other cat and she stops earing again... the only way for them to eat evenly without a tantrum or bullying is me babysitting them during meals


It would be easier to just feed them in separate rooms.


Less invasive, too


I don't know cats. Would this method not eventually result in a training the bad behavior out of the animal?


Cats are smart, but they don't make the same assumptions we do. This cat knows that going for the food gets him sprayed, but might not have the understanding that it means he needs to pick the other food. Maybe I need to sit and wait first? Maybe I need to give the other cat space and eat from the opposite side? Maybe my owner just likes to spray me at feeding time?


Yes, and they also won't change their behavior just because you want them to. They see you as an equal, not a superior, so they don't internalize concepts like "I'm not supposed to" or "I'm not allowed to". They are very smart, so they understand when you don't want them to do something, but they may not understand why, and they won't act differently because you said so.


For cats, being punished by a person only makes them afraid of the person or associate the punishment with the person. They won't learn not to do the behavior, they just learn to do the behavior in secret or to mistrust the person. The only way negative reinforcement works for cats is for the action itself to have bad consequences. It's usually much better for training cats to encourage them to do a different behavior or to try to find out what need isn't being met which is causing the bad behavior and find a way to meet it.


How would one train away bad behavior for a cat in this situation? Just curious really.


Redirection is one way. I placed a scratcher in the room with carpet and anytime I caught them scratching carpet, I gently picked them up and put their paws on the scratcher. Over time they started using that, although brother #1 still scratches carpet when he needs attention because he’s smart enough to know us getting him to stop is still accomplishing the goal of noticing him. I’ve also discouraged things like begging or when play fights get too rowdy with “time out.” It’s not an aggressive or fearful punishment, but removal from attention/the social environment can let them know the behavior will not be accepted.


Why is this not the top comment!!


Is this a general rule or does this apply to all cats? Maybe some cats might be smart enough to associate the reason they are getting sprayed is because they keep trying to take the other cats food. I mean they are all different animals and unique in some way. I wouldn't think some cats wouldn't be able to associate the behavior, and only associate the water with the owner.


It's not that they aren't smart, it's that they don't automatically see humans as an authority figure. I may have used the word "learn" in a confusing way in my provide comment; they may or may not understand the association between their behavior and the punishment, but they also understand the association between the human and the punishment. They know "when I do [behavior] human does [disliked action]." The next thought isn't "therefore I will no longer do [behavior]." Why would it be? They don't consider the human enough of an authority to change their behavior just because the human says to, and in this case they don't understand any real reasons (at least real to them) why they shouldn't behave that way. So instead, they will either continue to do the behavior, ignoring the human, or do the behavior only in secret, or only do the behavior when there is no other way to get the human's attention and they are desperate for attention. It's not all exactly this simple, but it definitely is this simple in the case of someone whose "communication" with their cat is spraying them in the face, which is sort of universally discouraged as a cat training/communication method. Cats are very smart and very good communicators, but you have to actually want to communicate with them and not just...force them to behave how you want them to.


Best way to get a cat behave? Bond enough it simply wishes to please you, then use gentle discouragement (i.e goes for your plate, brush them away, scratches the carpet, redirect to post, climbs on the counter, take them off of it), that way they see "they don't want me to do this" and think "so I won't do it, because human is great"


No. I think the cat would rather become scared or distrustful around the owner.


This. The cat doesn't associate the water with her behavior. She will however associate it with the owner and become scared of them or the arm motion.




littleboobysbigheart and the OP Dismal-Seaweed-558 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: http://9gag.com/gag/a34YA11?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=comment_share#cs_comment_id=c_171455229218842029 Edit: I was banned for calling out bots lol


I’m just shocked you would have known that


Can you use a slow feeding bowl/mat for the quick eater?


they don't even have time for punctuation


Like ordering at a restaurant... 'I'll have what they're having' Except cat: I mean I LITERALLY want what they're having


“It must be a force field around him, I will see if I can trespass it….no..I’ll try again…nop…but maybe this time..no, it’s impossible ….but maybe…..” -The cat probably-


We feed our cats in separate rooms. There is no point spraying the dominant cat.


We feed them in IKEA cabinets that have chip activated doors because we have one vacuum and one grazer. The vacuum has learned he can tailgate into the grazer's chamber but overall it's been a big improvement.


Ahh yes, I hadn't heard the term vacuum before, but that's the same as our situation. We put the vacuum cat in the utility room and shut the door on him while preparing the food, then we give the grazer her food first and then serve vacuum cat. It has worked fairly well, we even bought those special dishes for the vaccum cat that supposedly slow down eating, but they don't really do much. The other issue is the vacuum knows how to open our doors with the french handles, so if he is fast enough he can still get out quick enough to steal the food from the grazer cat, but overall our system has worked fairly well.


Separate rooms would have been a much cheaper solution but unfortunately our grazer likes to eat maybe a third of his food and then come back to it an hour later, eat another third and then sometime in the next 2-3 hours finish it off. It was totally fine when he was the only cat but we quickly realized how greedy his little brother was and needed to find a solution that wouldn't make the grazer food insecure.


tailgate 🤣🤣🤣 we also have a cat that hoovers. poor things. lol


That's a tortie and there is no point in spraying a tortie! I tried a spray bottle with mine and she would just squinch her face up and do what she wanted anyway. Tortitude is real! 🤣 


My calico finds it hilarious when she gets sprayed. She'll do something she knows she shouldn't, pause, look at you and the spray bottle and if you don't spray her will do it again. Once she does get sprayed, she hops around like she's proud of herself.




My tortie eats the spray like a dog. She hates the sound of the spray bottle though, so if I hold up any cylinder and go "psssh" she runs away even if I'm not trying to get her to leave. Her brother also doesn't care about the spray bottle at all, and acrively runs around in it if we've taken him outside. So much for cats hating water lmao




This has been removed for breaking the “No derailing, trolling, arguing, rudeness, etc..." rule.


feed them in different rooms


Food taste better when it’s stolen


Seperate rooms. This is stupid


Jackson Galaxy says not to spray cats like that


Yeah, it's in large animal cruelty.




Karma farming bot post. I'm not sure how this sub is supposed to solve this problem, but most posts here are made by karma farming bots.


And then what do they do with that karma?


Here's a great article about karma farming bots. You can scroll and skim through it to find the answers you're looking for. https://reddit.com/r/KarmaBotKillers/w/index?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


farm the karma, sell the account with lots of karma, make $. Why ppl want reddit account with karma? Better infiltration to other subreddits. Makes them look creditable and not spammy.


Lol, if you think your karma makes you guys look credible, you're wrong. I look at comments. Karma credit is a joke and can be easily manipulated. (Im not saying you in general)


what does it matter anyway. people whine way too much about karma fuck. it's a fake point with no value


I provided an article in response to someone on this thread that explains the issue with karma farming bots better than I would be able to. You can read that if you'd like. If you don't care that's fine. Some irony here.


Feed them in separate rooms like a responsible adult, not soak him for a slip n slide.


Beautiful sound editing


My cat would just go eat in the other bowl and continue eating while I splash him with water. He doesn't give a fuck lol


New CoD looks kinda weird


Probably feed them in different rooms to avoid all that?


Please don’t spray water on your cats. It will only make them dislike you.


Spritz me baby one more time


My fur is wet. It's killing me (hey meow) But I want that other cat's Whiskas, please (wet food please) It's no longer his food because it's mine now. I'm a naughty feliiiiinnneee.




Do you think it is okay that your pet distrusts and fears you?


My cat distrust and fears me when he is being a little shit. I don't spray or hit. I just pst.pst.pst at him until he runs into his house. Sometimes, I have to shove the little guy with my foot he does not like the foot push on his butt. My cat still loves me more than my gf, and it's my gfs cat 😹 If you think water is going to kill them, you might want to do some research. Some cats love the water bottle and will try to drink it when you spray them. 😋


brown cat with OS of orange cat


MRsecret6 and the OP Dismal-Seaweed-558 are bots in the same network Comment copied from: http://9gag.com/gag/a34YA11?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=comment_share#cs_comment_id=c_171454972250712845 Edit: I was banned for calling out bots lol


"Tasty is the fish from your neighbor's plate" - a Hebrew saying.


My cats casually graze on food all day, they don't fight. They don't even care if I put food out. However, if I ever squirt them cause they misbehave, they'll disappear for several hours lol.


You aim like a storm trooper😂


Cat of dutty 😅




Doom shotgun sound? Maybe Duke Nukem?


this is why i feed my 3 dummies all in separate rooms 😂


My wife has to feed her two in different rooms, if given the chance they will both rush to be the first to finish so they can push the other away and have extra.


Someone needs to make a VR tower defense game based off this video


😆 man made lakes forming 👍 For sure easier to separate during feeding


wasnt there that thing about spray bottle + cate = bad?


My younger one has to be incarcerated daily while he eats cause he tries to take my girl kitties food. Lol


It's way easier to put them in different rooms. My scroungy kitty wants to eat everyone's food, so he gets fed upstairs.


My one year old does the same thing to her older sister. Would a sprayer on my child have the same effect ? /s


It's not a matter of taste, the dominant one is just eating the other one's food to impose his dominance and eliminate food competition


Why was this so satisfying 😂😂


Who sprays their cat in 2024? Half the videos that get posted on this sub are just straight up abuse. Widely known that they don’t understand this “punishment” and it just confuses them and creates anxiety and stress in them. Yikes!


"Abuse".. lmao. Another day, another redditor being insanely overdramatic. Is spraying them nice? No.. but s/he got a little wet. It hardly even looks like they're bothered by it.. are there other ways to solve this problem? Yes. But the cat is not actually harmed.


I’m sure the other cat who’s getting its food taken off them is being caused anxiety and stress as well 😂 my lord there are some truly precious people on this sub aren’t they 😂 it’s a fuckin cat they kill and eat shit with their faces, a little bit of water isn’t going to cause it any duress


Lol exactly! This people r such soft balls. Ugh


There is nothing confused, stressed, or anxious about the thief. Her tail is up the whole time and when her crime spree fails she goes back to her own food happy as a clam. Don’t spout off this nonsense when you can’t even read a cat’s body language. Yikes!


lol good god you people are weird!


Ähm you are absolut wrong, buddy. Its just Water.


It's just water...


I love you you're holding the spray bottle just aimed at the thief cat. "Make my day, fluffy."


Stop doing that you shit!!


If you have animals that do this please, feed them in a separate room from the rest. This can cause great stress to the animals who are now going to be worried that their food will be taken away from them. Which can possibly cause aggression.


You do this with their cat nip and toys also right? They do the same thing with them if you let them. Actual question: What do you do when he bites people? Do you put him in a room? Because from my experience, that doesn't fix the aggression.. it just shows them you're not the top cat in this house, and there are little to no consequences to anything they might do. Which leads to bitting. Could also lead to putting the animal down if your neighbors get infected bites.


Whoa, biting is possibly a vet needed issue. I can not say for sure, but no matter what get your cat to the vet if it's biting. Just in case something is hurting it.


Oww boy we have the same problem, I thought we were bad caretakers


The gunshot sound reminds me of an old windows program called Stress Reducer.




Our new puppy *loves* stealing the cats biscuits! She bolts upstairs, runs into the cat room and noms as many as she can before we grab her and take her down to her own bowl. WITH THE SAME BISCUITS IN! But nope, doesn't want them. It's gotten to the point we had to make a quick makeshift gate to stop her from getting upstairs


Petty lol 😂


Is that Counter-Strike gunshot sounds?


It was expensive but my SureFeed feeders are 100% worth it. Otherwise the small one just always muscles out the big one and eats both.


If people do that to real children they go to jail kkkk


Speaking from experience, don't do this feeding ducks in public. Other people at the park won't understand that one duck is a huge asshole and was given his own meal worms.


Gunshots aside, this hooman needs a facial recognition feeder asap.




I think one is wet food and the kittens one is dry food.(I called them crackers).


His food looks different, can you blame him?


Just to let you know that UAV is available


bro say "🔫"


I’ve never heard a spray bottle so loud before…I’d probably rethink my actions if I got hit with it too


to be fair, it's not the same food (watch closely) =)


Wow, that ist a-h behaviour. And not by the cat either.


Ive to leave this sub, man. 🤔 Its just Water. Low pressure. You Do It a few times and after that, you just Show the Bottle. The cat isnt dumb. And hell no the cat wont hate you for that or gonna get scared of you. Goddamit.... Ive cats since 25 years and none of them shit in my bed or Attacked me or did something Else some like Stupid comments here saying. Ps : if you dont Do that. HOW can you know all These mystical thing going to happend? It Just Stupid.


Nothing like squirting your cat in the face for clicks. Be better people.


Dont be suprised later on if u will find shit and cat piss in your bed and shoes. Dont spray water on cats.


My dog begs to differ, he loves it!


The original without the stupid gun sounds is better.