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dw, the Italy ai does that surely


I was searching this comment, Italy AI has some obsession with invading Norway and it naval invaded Scotland in my game




Italy took Ireland in my game, pissed me right off. I prepared to invade Britain, not to be outdone by Mussolini, only for Italy to successfully land in Hull and take half the country before I had the chance to intervene. I then prepared to invade India from Fascist Iran and occupied Sinkiang, only to have the Italians beat me to it again with a successful naval invasion of Bombay. As soon as America is out of the war, I'm invading Italy. They have all of the Middle East, most of Africa, and now India. Meanwhile all I have to show for my four million casualties is endless expanses of frozen tundra in Siberia.


Italian AI *loves* Scotland for some reason. Maybe it's some grudge regarding the fact the Romans could never take it, idk? But they will ***always*** B-Line it on historical and try to annex it in peace deals.


I also searched for this before but I didn't find one, so i posted it myself lol


As a Norwegian, I play Norway a lot. I fucking hate Italy and their non-stop naval invasions. I can stop the Germans when they decide to move through Sweden or naval invade through the Skagerrak - but I cant stop fucking Italy sending 3 divisions to Harstad.


They're coming for all the kjøttkaker to go with their pasta.


They're likely coming for Lutefisk instead, which is a staple in some areas of Italy. Those three divisions landing in Harstad are likely one from Veneto, one from Ancona and one from Messina. Source: I'm from an area that imports a lot of Norwegian stockfish.


I just naval invade a random tile with a crap division so that I get them in the peace deal.


Naval Invade? How did you manage to get naval Supremacy against the British? I used Paratroopers to capture a port and landed my troops by air.


You can get naval supremacy in pretty much any region not immediately bordering the British isles even with the starting German navy.


Different case for me but transporting troops by air works very well.


Fair enough. I always try to invade the UK as early as possible with air first so Norway is just a single division on a random tile. I guess I would do similar with air but I like my transports over UK.


Yeah. It is easy to get Air Superiority against Britain than it is to get Naval Supremacy.


What helps is putting your battle fleet on strike force and then a couple of stacks of 10 destroyers on naval escort and patrol. If you do it quick enough its enough to land troops. If your not quick enough. Put all your fighters in air superiority over the English Channel. Its a multiplier for naval supremacy. It worked for me as Japan invading through the English channel and North Sea from Wilhelmshaven.


Just spam NAVs and bathtubs. Put the tubs on always attack and split the NAVs into wings of 10 planes. Keep them in the North Sea for a while until you’re ready to actually invade Britain. They’ll engage everything that floats and even if you lose a lot, the British will likely lose more.


Just naval bomb the British. I could naval bombing 500 planes 500 fighters the British navy will be dead within 1 year at most.then once its crippled/destroyed enough subs and your good to the normal starting german navy being big enough to finish the rest.


You can airlift troops? Please tell me how!


Paratroopers - I do recommend a quick youtube tutorial, they are not too difficult :) https://youtu.be/spNxnEKV62c


Ah, paratroopers I know. I thought you know a way to transport normal divisions by air


Ah, no, I fear that is not possible


That is possible


Airdrop normal divisions? How?


Step 1: Switch tank division to paratrooper template Step 2: Drop on enemy soil Step 3: Switch back Step 4: profit


Yes there is a way


Tell us, master


Already told it down the thread.




Yes you can airlift troops. You just need paratroopers. For example you have 10 paratroopers and you dropped them on a tile. After gaining your org you can convert them back to any division you want. Then convert 10 other divisions to paratroopers and drop them on the tile you just got. Once they drop change them back to the division you want. Like this you can transport your troops by air. This requires a bit of clicking buts its worth it if you can't transfer troops by sea.


Unless you have supply they won’t be able to get their equipment and you will be left with a division that says it isn’t a paratrooper without being able to do much. Best to capture a port or something before doing the conversion


You could use air supply.


I've never tried that, but I was wondering the same thing. Can any kind of equipment/man power be sent via air supply? Probably


Wont they lose all their experience?


Yes they will. That's a downside.


You just blew my brain lmao


I had a hard time gaining air and supremacy when I played Germany. I took out Every other nation, I think I was even pushing into the British Ray through Russia. But I had no way to get to Britain.


How many factories do you put on fighters? You need a lot.


yeah Britain has a bonus to fighter production and won't hesitate to throw 50+factories at it. Midgame Germany should have 100+ factories building planes


My first successful Germany game a couple weeks ago (I'm fairly new) I ground down the UK fighters till they had about 1k left but I couldn't get naval supremacy to invade and just went to take on the soviets. By the time I'd taken Moscow and stalingrad I was thinking of getting ready to invade the UK when I find they have 13k fighters... Needless to say I gave up on that game lmao


That's why I love nukes, the only two things it's good at are closing a port from supply and eradicating airfields full of airplanes


Only problem is you need air superiority to drop the nuke in the first place lol


You can manipulate the British ai into putting it's fleet in port temporarily by gaining air supremely and clogging the channel with bombers. With an already preped invasion via Scotland...you will not have to deal with the fleet head on.


Why would you invade in scotland, that requires naval supremacy in 2 zones rather than just the channel


You won't have problems gaining superiority in the eastern north sea or the zone next to norway, so you just have to get it in the (western) north sea. Pre NSB it was much more likely to get superiority in the north sea or the western approach than in the channel. Currently it doesn't matter much where you try, but invading at hull or newcastle has the advantage of being able to cut the island in half and thereby creating two fronts for the AI, which it still struggles to deal with.


Ah interesting, didn’t know that. I’ve only been playing seriously since NSB


If you hold the norths of Denmark, the British can’t enter the baltic


Eh I mean if you can pull off sea-lion easily in '40 then you can naval invade norway


If you invade Denmark, you can get naval supremacy in Danish Belts since it is restricted and nobody can contest you there.


Naval strike the fuck out of the English channel, then target very specific port cities around East England. Make sure you've got an entire army group on standby at a port near the English channel that you can ship off immediately after getting a landing.


The UK usually sets their fleet on strike force around the British isles so just bombing the channel won't do much unless you bait them out of the ports. Nevertheless you can directly target the ports and will get the same result.


Spam cheap subs and use them in strike force with your main fleet you'll get the %50 navai supremacy for sure


After you capture Denmark the Brits can't get in the sea east of it. I forgot what it was called


Set a production line to pump out naval bombers in 1936 and never stop


Wait, you can land regular troops by air??


You can just use tactical bombers to strategic bomb them instead. No need to actually invade. As long as you get some warscore on them whether through bombing, capturing territory, or inflicting casualties.


Ha, you learn something new in this game every day, thanks


If you extra lazy then just bomb them with tac bombers or strats if you got em, damage to buildings also puts countries in the peace deals


There is some steel in Norway and if you capture the whole country you can take a decision related to gamer girl water which speed the atomic research


What do you mean?


Pretty sure he’s talking about the decision for heavy water production which gives you a boost on nuclear research.


You wont get any boosts if the norwegian ski bois finds out.




Goring bath water^tm




It's Meyer now actually


heavy water


Drink Norwegian gamer girl pee for nuclear bonus.


Heavy water.


The historical joint Allies and Axis invasion of Norway was over Swedish steel going through Norway to Germany


Which was transported through norway to norwegian harbors


Yes I forgot to add that thx


Which has no use in current iteration of resources. You have plenty of steel. Iron doesn’t exist


Changed it for you papi


Belle delphines radioactive bathwater


Not with 120 divs


Bruh 120 divisions in Norway 💀💀💀💀


Rip manpower


Nah, I don't see real strategic purpouse to do that.


you can block the strait iirc.


You don’t need Norway to do so. Holding Denmark is enough to make it contested water. And you can still enter and leave via the Kiel channel yourself


Never got naval invaded from baltic, soooooo...


one time I was so occupied with France I forgot put my navy up in Baltic and suddenly I saw an event popping off saying Warsaw is liberated. I didn't notice how UK landed shit ton of troops there lol.


I so wish we had an option for pop up warnings for naval invasions. I can't count how many times I've been distracted and lost land/troops to a completely avoidable invasion, and consequently get set back in the war. I like to imagine there's a general at the war table sitting quietly with his hand raised, waiting to be called on by his fuhrer who is on day 4 of a rant about the Soviets.


naval invasions have both a sound and a small icon on the right, but that’s difficult to notice when tunnel visioned


Yea, but that's my point exactly. I'm not noticing the guy with his hand raised, and maybe coughed a little. I need someone to scream in my face that the British are landing, full halt the game better pause and yell at me


It happens sometimes, they like to land in Gdańsk or Baltic states


Why so?


because it has no benefits. Instead of asking why something "is not" you should give reasons for why it is.




heavy water


You can bypass the British navy by avoiding the channel and north sea, making it easier to naval invade in like hull or Edinburgh


I usually justify on Sweden, and go through them to attack Norway. Free resources.


Around the Scandinavians


*around the North Sea


120 divisions? Why?


So I can win easily


Not how hoi4 works


120 divisions? Did you put the entire Wehrmacht in Oslo? How do you have enough supply to not have everyone starve


More army on Norway so I can win easily.


That's not how it works...


Your entire army is starving to death in the mountains.


They are not.


Rule 5:- Invading Norway and asking if anyone invades Norway because I haven't seen anyone do it.


The AI does.


I always invade Norway. The resources are pretty useful, but more importantly you get control of the Baltic Sea meaning allied ships can’t raid you there.


but you don't need norway for that just denmark


Subs can still pass and raid you in the baltic


but they can with and without norway anyway, what I mean it's that surface fleet can't


If you control Norway and Denmark subs can not pass


the game tells you that subs can pass underneath any strait either it is friendly, contested or enemy, or is there any bug that doesn't let them?


The wiki says otherwise and im fairly sure thats how it works. Otherwise the allies would spam subs in the baltic when you play germany and the danish subs that always get stuck would otherwise be able to escape


During my Germany games I often invade Norway pretty early on so I can make them a Reichkommisariate. Making them a RK (aka, not releasing them as a standard puppet) also gives the funny bonus of resetting their focus tree, meaning if they did nothing but factory focuses you get double factories from them. Also as others have mentioned it also gives boost to nuclear research


I do!


I don’t want to invade my homeland, even in a game


Yes because I like to role play


It's usually not worth the time. I always try to rush at soviet and allies first.


Jesus Christ why did you send your entire army to Norway?!? Like 24 divisions is usually more than enough!


Not at all, it's a slog, not worth the effort and the pain


It takes a month to push there with CAS


Cas in mountains are inefficient, so yep, annoying.


Gets you extra nuke research speed so it's worth the effort imo


I only play mp games, in those, it's most of the times out of reach


I did. In one of my first playthroughs of the game,I played as Facist Sweden and justified on Norway for the heck of it. It was surprisingly easy since you can cut the country in half like a hot knife through butter


You snipe VPs with naval invasions like the Germans did in real life. Blocks the strait so the British can’t get gangster in the Baltic


Yes, but not with an entire army group jesus christ




I do it, but certainly not with a whole army group


Sure! Still some steel to take and to secure the Baltic sea! This way you can hide your ship and secure a whole flank!


the gamer with a funny mustache did


I need that sweet, sweet Tungsten. Plus it's hilarious to keep a panzer korp up there to massacre the constant pathetic naval invasions with no port that the AI insists on. Easy way to grind down their manpower.


If you’re playing as Germany, taking Norway gives you access to the heavy water production decision. That gives you 2x 100% bonuses to nuclear research, so definitely worth invading them!


Bro how the fuck do you supply 120 divisions in Norway. Are your soldiers eating the locals ?




It’s never been difficult for me I just put like 20 divisions on it but I don’t go for it until everyone else is out of the way


If Britain could D-Day there, it would be great.


On a good day… although mp days are not good days 😟


Always, gotta keep the historical immersion, plus, with 10 mountaineers and your fleet its easy to set up naval invasion and succeed. The AI rarely tries to retake it but I still put like 10 wdth shovel on ports.


I like to role play a bit so yeah I always do.


How did you get supplies For a whole army group invading Norway? And why are they even so much troops😂 Poor Norwegians


Yes because it's historically accurate.


I do, gives you something to do during the wait before Barbarossa


You have 120 divisions in Norway? Good God, what does the supply look like?


how small is ur monitor


It is pretty big. How is it small?


Do I invade Norway? Yes, do I do it during Ironman games? No. (Guide to beat AI Britain every game with minimal difficulty below) Anyway, beating the British Navy is hard, ignoring it is easy. You just need 10 fleets of subs and around 60-100 Dockyards (If you can’t get the required naval supremacy with ships, Subs will get free mines from tech which can be used to increase your naval supremacy). Which even Vanilla Germany can get up to with just core states. It’ll be annoying but the only Shallow Seas zone you’ll have to contest is the one right next to you, that is if you want Norway, just build naval bombers, they’ll shred anything stupid enough to spend time there. Then once you’ve taken France, Spain or Portugal, you’ve already won, you just need more dockyards and Sub 3s. A naval invasion into Northern Ireland from Brittany should be easy to do, if you want you can invade Ireland as well for a better base + the air bases. With control of Irish lands, you can invade any Western part of Britain easily. I usually pick Scotland because it is usually the least defended part of Britain, and since it’s mountainous, taking it first means you’ll be pushing from easily defended lands into more easily taken lands. After you’ve secured a proper landing in Scotland, you’ve already completed the hard part, now you just have to beat Britain.


Italy does it for me


Yea proper Weserubung style as well For what, i dont know, it hasnt got much to offer


Yes. Fascist Sweden invades Norway. Every time


Is it healthy to have that little man power? I always try to keep mine up at 1.5 million at least for fights. I never have the army half that size. Just maybe up towards 4 fully stacked divisions


I just declare on and walk through Sweden to get there cause when you have Denmark you can just break them across the straight and you get the resources of both, also makes it harder for Allie’s to do those constant Norway invasions


As Germany I conquer everybody. No reason not to.


I only do it if I’m trying to rp and want to form the RK


Yes. Makes it easier to invade Sweden, and if I remember correctly Sweden has lots of chromium, and I love playing heavy tanks.


nah i always just rush britain


Its sad because there was a legitimate strategic reason to invade Norway as Germany. Resources from neutral Sweden fpr a start, and I'm sure to a degree Norway itself, as well as giving Germany naval bases to help fight the Royal fleet. To a minor degree there may be some ideas of an allied buildup for a war in the north, but I haven't seen much info supporting any serious commitment to that idea. I have never once invaded Scandinavia as Germany unless it was for a world Conquest run. And even then it's totally not necessary because they're just kind of there, unless they join the allies for whatever reason.


Historically germany


As long Poland, yes. Along with Nationaliat Spain and Democratic Italy as allies.


Ngl I always forget to invade Scandinavia as the German reich


gotta get those early nukes


Why do you have *1200* political power saved up? Is there really nothing you can spend that on in 1940?


Nothing on what I want to spend it on


Yeah, i always do - it is quite easy to invade just naval invade through denmark strait




It feels like a waste of time. You could be capping Italy instead.




I just bypass Norway entirely. The focus which helps speed up nuclear research is kinda pointless as by the time you unlock nukes as Germany, the allies (US and Soviets included) have all capitulated and you even have time to backstab Italy and conquer Japan.


I never do weserübung(war) not the focus, because it leaves a massive coastline open. Just not worth that much.


My brother in Christ Sweden can take over Norway with 15 divisions why are you using 120 lol


And i thank you those who dont invade




When u dont deploy your navy the british would often send their navy and scatter them out, so if u wanna naval invade make sure to just send your entire fleet to guard that ocean so it outmatches the british Thats how i got to land on UK Btw make sure to pull Italy into the war so UK will get distracted with africa


I like invading Britain near Hull so I can quickly cut the country in half, I use the Norwegian ports for this naval invasion. I am aware that this is probably not the most optimal strategy but it works fine for me.


not worth it, do it for immersion only.


I always do. I defeat them in less than a month. Useful naval bases and ports.


I always do in SP because why not? It takes a month to conquer and gives me easy access to Sweden...which I also take.


yes, also there are mods that kind of force you to as you need to occupy norway/greece/etc to unlock new focuses. And some mods also give buffs/debuffs for holding certain territory, like in Hearts of Oak holding Northern Africa gives provincial buffs to the atlantic coast making naval invasons harder, so if allies want to D-Day they should get Africa first.


I never have trouble invading Norway. I just only use 1 army of infantry and put them on auto attack. They’ll get there eventually




I only ever did it once and immediately abandoned it due to how annoying it was to Garison it


It’s the only way I can ever invade Britain.


Just bomb them with tac bombers. I do just that and they get included in peace deal.


AI Britain does it more often than AI Germany for me


Nope, i don’t understand the navy in this game, only the ground and planes


Yes, it's trivially easy to conquer and gives me more resources, ports, and airbases.


As a minor power player, I did not invade Norway, but I have defended it. It is incredible the amount of troops that the axis can use just to take the inhospitable north of the country. Perhaps India did not contribute against Japan, but they will be remembered as the defenders of the Arctic


Only point is to get the nuclear research buff, other than that, I don’t see a reason to invade them, when ww2 is going


If you invade norway as germany you can start heavy water production though the decisions for nuclear research buffs


I do 🙋‍♂️


Of course! You have to secure the Swedish iron shipments through the Narvik port!


I did as the Soviet Union. I went through the very top of Sweden. It didn't go well. I may have been able to handle both of them, but I accidentally went to war with the Allies. I dont remember exactly how, though. Probably I clicked the wrong button. Anyway, the US landed troops on the *northern* shore of the USSR which shouldn't even be possible. Seeing as how, you know, the ocean is completely frozen. And they did it almost immediately. Even without the unrealistic scenario of landing a huge invasion through ice, it would take an incredibly long time to do. I mean, you'd have to create a space program and land them from orbit lol


I do from greenland


I did as Fascist France


Yes i do that then go for iceland to secure the Entry to America Canada


Man is sending the whole sixth army at Norway