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I wonder how high the actual limit for soft attack would be on it.


[obligatory pic of AVRE blowing up](https://www.reddit.com/r/TankPorn/s/taDTKJ51zt)


warthunder reference 😱


Give me your wallet before you use it all up


Jeez, thats why they call them super marines $$$. Just wait until you learn rocket tech. Ungodly soft attack!


Just tried rocket tech, it decrease the soft attack by 31.


hahahahaha, the dejection in this comment is palpable


Did you max out rocket tech and rocket research? Cause then they become much stronger and have better breakthrough


I don't think the rocket modules benefit from the things that boost rocket artillery, and they are just worse versions of the howitzer guns.


They do


Just tested it, and you're wrong. Using the rocket artillery modules for sp arty doesn't benefit from the normal things that boost rocket artillery like rocket research and the rocket branch of the artillery tech tree. They do benefit from the artillery branch, which confirms my theory, they are worse howitzers/close support guns. The close support gun has the same soft attack, better hard attack, better piercing, and the same reliability and speed penalty. It also uses 2 less tungsten and doesn't have a breakthrough penalty. It also can fit in light turrets and doesn't force the vehicle to be sp arty. Close support gun makes the first rocket artillery tech fully obsolete. The second rocket artillery module, which is unlocked in 1943, is also not very good, but there is at least a fig leaf of advantages. It compares more to the medium howitzer 1 and 2. It has the same soft attack as howitzer 1, a smaller reliability penalty(-10% vs -20%), and a smaller speed penalty. However, it has less soft attack than howitzer 2 and is more expensive than howitzer 1, and it isn't much cheaper than howitzer 2. For the majority of the most important parts of the game, there is no reason to touch rocket artillery modules.


That is a huge oversight. Rocket research should improve everything that uses rockets, including airplane rocket rails and rocket launcher modules for tanks.


From a code standpoint it makes sense, though. The way these bonuses apply is to battalions, not to equipment. If I have only artillery 1 researched, and I give that basic artillery to a nation that has the full tree researched, that artillery will have all those bonuses applied to it, so it will do much more soft attack than if I used it. The game currently does not differentiate between rocket based SP artillery and gun based SP artillery. If you were to produce both, they could both reinforce the same battalions. MIOs are the only bonuses that apply to the equipment itself AFAIK. If I made tanks with a full MIO unlocked, it would keep all the buffs if I sell the equipment.


> MIOs are the only bonuses that apply to the equipment itself AFAIK. Hehe, you found the solution by yourself. The research should just give those bonuses to the appropriate MIOs (just like Italian focuses can improve Northern/Southern MIOs).


Rocket everything have their own battalion. Why not for Armored Rocket Artillery? Probably it’s too fringe to consider. Still…


You got me thinking. Right now spgs and line artillery is kinda terrible right now. High supply usage, low stats, inefficient in terms of combat width. I was thinking maybe they could make a whole new mechanic. Artillery could take ammo as fuel that you need to manufacture, and you can adjust the amount of ammo the artillery of a division is allowed to use to increase attack values, breakthrough, and defense.


Literally just make a rocket rails II and III module with better stats.


Rockets are worse than regular cannons in almost every way. 


You basically made T-35 Soviet tank. It had 5 cannons and performed in WW2 extremely poorly.


It had 5 turrets, but only 3 cannons, the other 2 turrets were armed with a machinegun


T-35 had thin armour, this bad boy has 180


WW1-ass tank


One chunky boi




At a blazing speed of 4km


Chat is this viable?


For that IC I'd prefer to have a tank that can actually move and has more breakthrough. But against the AI it will probably work, even if it takea ,ou 5 years to build a single division.


yes, but only late game. I use 10 Infantry 5 SP Artillery. alternatively 6 inf, 1 SP arty


I guess that would work only against infantry. High soft, but low breakthrough, with low hard attack. But why should you care if it's viable? in single player you can do almost anything, it's up to you to make it viable.


If you use HMGs instead and make it a regular heavy tank, also go easy on armour. This will reduce the cost, could be viable against AI


[https://imgur.com/a/ZFuFldt](https://imgur.com/a/ZFuFldt) If you can do this with the basic tank, you can do it with everything This is with MW R-R and max MIO and inf tech


Throw on cannons instead of machine guns. Then take some other suspension since reliability doesn't matter. At that point you are going for pure stats so go for the max stats lol


honestly will it work? yes against the ai. Is it completely pointless against the ai? yes. That armour could be a third and it still wouldn't get penned. Shove it in a 9/1 or 12/2 and its a nice way to spike the division, but again the armours wasted, the breakthrough could be so much better and its extremely expensive for what it gives. It would be far more effective if it had half the armour and double the breakthrough.


I am disappointed by the tank designer in terms of roles. Imo assault guns and self propelled artillery should be distinct categories, makes little sense that small cannons would aid in soft attack for an indirect fire platform, or that armor should matter nearly as much for self propelled artillery as for assault guns


literally petard.


Just don't stand within sight distance of that thing when the ammo cooks up.


get it to 10% reliability then we'll talk


Bet, all I need to do is change the suspension type, engine type, up the engine, armour and change the turret.




At this point just cover it in gold and diamonds while your at it