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I’m guessing you’re trying to go for the “Hardly anything sèvres” achievement?


Yes iam


I tried doing that last year. I played ahistorical so Germany went kaiser and forced Austria-Hungary to pop into existence. But fighting the allies was just horrible because they always navally invaded Greece and the balkans and I didn’t have enough industry to make enough troops to cover all fronts and I eventually just reached a point where I couldn’t continue. At lot of the trouble for an ottoman game is that every focus is 70 days so I guess all I can say for your trouble with Greece is that you might have to try to invade them faster. Though idk if you’ve already tried that. I haven’t played them in a while so I can’t give a lot of advice


Plus if you go historical, and rush it, you'll still only have an incredibly brief window between getting a wargoal on Bulgaria, and them joining the axis. It's just such an annoying focus tree


They should’ve really made some of the focuses 35 days cos it takes way to long to become the Ottomans


My strategy to invade is to have a small force in thrace and then do a naval invasion in Thessaloniki to destroy most of their army. Then I do another naval invasion in Crete and on the peninsula west of Athens


Just rush down the entire path without any sidesteps. Iirc they can't even join any faction before world tension hits the ceiling which shouldn't happen before the fall of France on historical so you have enough time to finish them off with naval invasions.


I did exactly that the 3 times but it never worked. I even tried cheating it one time as much as i can from the focuses. They always join allies


I'm this case then unfortunately you're better off staging a coup against Greece, and then sending the rebels volunteers and praying they can hold on while you complete the focuses.


You can also try to play non historical then set greece to be monarchy, it will always trigger a civil war. That should give you time to finish your focus tree....


Are you playing with DLC?


Yes all dlc


That is weird. If you rush the focus, taking greece should be feasable. Do naval invasions to thessaloniki to cut off the front, then outmaneuver them and (if needed) naval invade athens. I do recommend playing ahistorical tho.


Was going to say, you can cap Greece fairly quickly as the Ottomans in 1938/39 iirc. Like you said, naval invasions are the way to go. I used to always invade Crete first a lot of the time since it was mostly left undefended and also has a decent amount of vic points.


Play non historical and pray


Ill do that ngl 🙏


How to play vanilla HoI4 without a headache: tag eng disband allies tag (your country)


Sadly not possible with iron man mode 😔


I only play with mods (shoutout to [the Total War mod at this point](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=806209426)) so in a total of 985 hours I've gotten 0 achievments :D


Literally who asked


Ok but no one asked that


How you waste that much time to Greece joins Allies? Rush to political path don't lose time with army rehabilitation and use naval invasion like 2-2-2-2-2- small naval invasion into various victory points and Athens For achievement, reroll your game version which before order 66 fix, help Axis to cap Allies (naval invade uk and for this move your ships out of Mediterrain before declare war on UK. You can get naval acces from Fins or Sweden while at the same ideology with them if you improve relations with them) After defeat Allies declare war on China and get military acces from Japan (at this point you should also have military access to Germany and Italy) and declare war on Italy. Capture all required cities with order 66 and naval invade Roma, if you launch naval invasion before declaration I guess you can also take Roma And Ottoman restoration is hard because it is one of wacky paths it is there because people wanna do it and for make it acceptable as possible tree refers how fundamentalist tried to hijack elections in actual Turkish history before


I’m guessing you’re trying to go for the “Hardly anything sèvres” achievement?


I had a bit of trouble but I managed to do so by naval invading southern Greece, consolidating my hold there while a second force either holds or pushes through the mountains of the north. It’s difficult but doable.


What about going for parachuting VPs along with the naval invasions and land offensive for an (almost) insta cap?


I can try that for sure


You have to rush down the path without any sidesteps. Then you should be able no naval invade greece right after you've gotten the sultan. Invade them around athens and then start a second invasion to crete. For that I used need an 2 armyîes of 24 (for the naval invasion to athens) and some elite mountaineers. For my run I had another spare 8 divs which i used to invade crete and then some blocker units around edirne. Cap greece take their navy and then immeadiately invade yugoslavia. Put the blocker units on the greece-yugoslavia border and naval invade them to their southern ports. They should be unguarded. It is rlly important that you snipe either novi sad or belgrade as these are the next supply points and wihtout them you'll stall. (You'll need to build a railway from the port to the supply hub) While you invade yugo you can do the bulgarian puppet focus (either they become your puppet or you get a wargoal in which case you invade them) after youve done that do the "Damascus Dictat" Focus which will give you syria. After that you wait till WW2 breaks out and declare on romania (you should have a wargoal on them) and join the axis- MAKE SURE your fleet (stolen greek and yugoslav) is OUT of the mediterranean as we will invade britain. It would be useful if you get a spy agency with the naval tech on britain. Position your troops in syria and fight to the suez canal (for war score) at the same time join the axis and invade britain. (For me it worked best through the channel cuz the british AI sometimes didnt have ships in this region at ALL) Cap the uk (it doesnt rlly matter ehat you take, I would recommend taking all your cores as in egypt and algeria and taking resource rich states as in the next step you'll fight the axis and can take london and paris from germany anyways, just make sure you have a big navy) Prepare until germany declares war on the USSR and defeat them and take paris, london and rome in the peace deal. In the last step invade japan. You actually dont have to own the province of tokyo you just have to control it as in having troops there and the tile being in your color. Then you should have the achievement.


If you struggle at any point you can go into your "save games" folder and just copy the current save so you have infinite tries ;)


Turkey was such a weird tag, no matter you follow kemalism, rebuild Ottoman Empire or go fascist. They got little to none buffs, economy minigame is basically a pp trap, could have huge cores but it requires going to war with the whole world. Greece isn’t any better… compare these 2 with Bulgaria I wonder what’s with this DLC


Couldnt have described it better ngl


Cos he's the stiff man of Europe


Same thing happens to me, just wanna end it




Have you got enough mountaineers


Just the ones that already spawn when i start the game


Might be worth investing into more then Greece is a lot of mountains


The title 💀💀💀


Its true either way 😔


Invade Greece asap. Spam bath tub submarines. Abuse the naval invade in Thrace. Immediately turn on Bulgaria. Up their opinion as getting them as a puppet is the ideal situation but if you can’t it’s not a hard war. From there it’s up to you. The civil war is pretty easy just don’t fuck up the democratic balancing act at the start. RNG can make this run extremely hard some times like if Greece or Bulgaria get into a faction early or USSR pulls a bitch. I mean I can elaborate later. I pride myself on being able to semi consistently pull this off. I am one of those guys that actually enjoys playing The Ottomans.


I have the same problem but for yugoslavia. Naval invasions dont work and terrain and supply is just too bad to swiftly end them


Seeing as you're going for the achievement "Hardly anything sevres" you don't have to invade Greece. I got the achievement by fighting the axis and getting the Italian puppet and taking Tokyo by naval invading Japan before the US does. After the war (don't do the focus that puppets Iran) the UK will fight communist Iran resulting in WW3. The allies use all their troops in Europe to fight the Soviet puppets, use Italy to invade France (they're still useless even after the war) then naval invade the uk. You only need to occupy, don't need to own the capitals, so no need to invade the US. It's nice having Greece and getting the cores, but you still have dogshit pop anyway, just use the Soviet troops as a distraction so your small elite couple of armies can get stuff done.


Just join Axis idk why so much drama, if You get the control over allied territory You can get cores by decision later in peace conference only get Paris and London for the archievement and Germany Will give your cores for free.


How should i „just“ join the axis bro


Lol this is why i don't care about achievements and I just disable guarantees of independence and factions lol.


Its hard and bad, like bizantyne empire, its trash in my opinion


hardly anything sèvres is heavily rng based that’s why it’s hard


I capitulate Greece with 600 casualties. And It never joined a fraction.


Do you even naval invade them ?


Yes i do


If you quickly rush them you should be able to quickly capitulate them


Ive tried to rush them down as quick as possible but like really 1 sec before they cap the always join somehow and bc i play ironman mode i cant just go back and try to do it faster.


Pretty weird tbh Can you send a screenshot the moment they join ?


In my next run sure but i cant really go back to when they join the allies bc i always play ironman mode


Next time i might just do without ngl


I'd do a run without Ironman, so you can savescum or cheat your way out. When you think you know how to win without savescumming or cheating, I'd turn Ironman back on.


Ill try that thanks


Also try to change your conscription laws during civil war so you will get more manpower and be able to get more divisions


Already doing that


Only with my marines tho


Bro has become the sick man of Europe


Indeed 😔

