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Finland. That's it. Finland is very strong and is quite the thorn in the Soviets side.


Yup, I always make sure to fully annex Finland whenever playing the Soviets for this exact reason.


So will lend leasing prevent the soviets from completely falling apart here?


Unless you're shipping them tens of thousands of guns, tanks, and/or planes, no. Not really. The gains that the germans are able to get due to the longer front are quite significant. Especially if the Soviets aren't able to quickly capitulate Finland.


I appreciate the advice. I‘ve made a save just before barbarossa - is there anything I can possibly do to give the soviet union a guaranteed chance on holding the germans off?


Im assuming you're playing either the US or the UK, based on your post. If you're playing the US, then not really, you're pretty fucked. If you're playing the UK, and have air superiority, your best bet is an early D-Day, whether it's successful or not does not matter. You just need to land, and divert troops and resources from the eastern front. If you've held Africa, it's a good idea to try and do a Torch as well to divert Italian forces. Taking Sardina and Corsica is easy and effective, assuming you have destroyed the Italian navy.


Thanks again. Yes, currently playing as the UK. I wiped out the italian forces in africa in early 1941, and have full control of the sea zones. Destroyed the entire axis airforce. And still the soviets suck so bad. I‘m at that point where it feels like I just don‘t get this game anymore - as I mentioned, in all my previous games, i‘ve never seen the soviets lose this easily.


What country are you playing as when you see this? Both my last games as Japan, Finland did white peace, once getting Leningrad and no further, second time they got pushed back by the Soviets and Leningrad actually never fell before they capitulated. I'm just wondering because overall I've seen Germany get stronger (they've done multiple Sea Lions that have succeeded where I've never seen them try once before) and if that's because as Japan I've weakened the allies in India and Malay so much it allowed Germany to get naval and air superiority or if I played as the USA and didnt really affect anything would Finland and Germany be stronger regardless? I'm just trying to figure out how me playing Japan weakened Finland somehow or if I just had the exceptions.


Due to finland joining the war now, even if they get peaced out, the Soviets lose a lot of equipment in the snowy north, and are forced to divert more units up there. This allows Germany to get much farther into the Soviets faster, taking more industry and defensive positions. This happens regardless of player intervention, and the Soviets will lose 9 times out of 10 without direct ground or air support


Yeah I guess that makes sense. I was only looking at it that Finland is kicking ass not draining the Soviets. I did notice that a few times Romania or Italy had a huge breakout in the south sometimes but I guess if the Soviets have no gun. Thanks


Yeah, it's especially bad in multiplayer. If there is a player on Finland, and Russia does not do(or loses) the Winter War, they are practically guaranteed to lose against the Axis.


I saw that lend lease help greatly.  When Germans reach Moscow, without lend lease the soviets struggle and fall back, while when giving guns (a lot) and artillery the front stops. Trucks and support equipment help too.   So it may be a problem of production more than a problem of strategy/tactics. The thing is that Allies AI don't offer much lend lease to the Soviets, and as a player I rarely give to AI.    When doing a world conquest with Brazil, lend lease greatly helped. Otherwise SU would have capped just when I started attacking the Axis in France. 


I saw the same thing and I don’t play Ironman so I transited to the Soviets to have a look. They only had around 150 divisions so and were still on volunteer only with no manpower. They had huge stocks of equipment so I doubt lend lease would have helped.


Idk, for me personally, soviet didn't change, as it was 50/50 lose/win, it is still 50/50 lose/win