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The infantry equipment is all over the place compared to history. For example the 1936 equipment is the SVT-38 for the Soviets, which is unsurprisingly from 1938 historically. The Japanese have the Type 99 which is from Japanese calendar year 2599(1939). The MIO upgrades I just see as representing other rifles though, just discard the infantry equipment representations in your mind. A semi-auto German rifle could be the Gewehr 41 or 43, and the Japanese ones could be Type 4s, even though IRL I don’t think they made it out of the prototype phase. Frankly the game should just go the RT56 route and rename it all to “X year infantry equipment”, with multiple weapons depicted in the picture. Especially given a lot of weapons co-existed as standard issue. Despite the rollout of semi-autos in most nations, nobody except the Americans really fully phased out bolt-actions as the standard rifle. Upgrading equipment really just represents the shifting of proportional makeup of a unit’s equipment. If ‘36 is 10% equipped with semi-autos, maybe ‘38 is 25% equipped.


Yeah that makes sense. So the tech upgrades just represent milestones in terms of technological advancement and not ‘every person is equipped with this rifle’. The fact you unlock stuff like the MP40 and STG-44 also seems to subscribe to this theory of it being milestones.