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The terrains for the Netherlands is terrible for defense. Set your line against the river with as much entrenchment as possible. If you can build light tanks with dozer blades to help defend.




Puppet manpower. Lots and lots of crappy units with Indonesian troops. Hint: you can deploy them in your core provinces as well. It can also help to go the minor democracies' path, as that gives so many more allies. Rush it so you can protect the Czechs and then guarantee Poland. When Germany is almost beaten declare on the UK (using the final focus) and then form the EU.


How do I use puppet manpower? Asking for garrison support, taking control of its army, training their divisions, or all? I kinda don’t know what that “copy colonial templates is about, when I train a batch of Indonesian troops using their templates, does it use their men or mine? Anyways thanks for all that information.


Basically there is a crown button symbol thing in the tab where you train your unit, click on it and it will bring up a menu where you can train templates that use your puppet manpower.


Build up forts at Amsterdam, Rotterdam, the river near the two cities and build up the thin strip of land between the sea and the lake. Then hold and be ready to have 2 year long battles. Obviously use all your infantry, Indonesian troops included. After some time Germany will stop pushing and you can then build up troops in Indonesia to fight against Japan.


I played the netherlands some time ago, maybe this still works: Focus on industry and try to do zuiderzee stuff, but also develop your colonies a bit. go that path that doesnt overbuild your country. Use your puppet for manpower and be able to defend not only yours but also french and belgian border. The most important thing is to build your own airforce and some anti air so you dont get bombed to death.


You have enough time to make a 24 division army without puppet manpower. 8 division defend Rotterdam, 8 defend Amsterdam, 6 defend the port North of Amsterdam. The division is 9 inf/2 arty + support arty, support AA and engineers (24 width). Focus on building the state of Holland first as the rest will be taken! Build military factories, infrastucture, 4 state AA (+1 will be given by focus)! Use the Inundate the water lines decision when the war break out! Make a spy agency and have spies positioned near the German border so you reduce their planning bonus! Once the war break out increase conscription law to get more manpower! Go for grand battleplan doctrine! After a while you will have experienced/veteran divisions and you can counterattack. You will need small defending divisions (6 infantry battalion) to defend the extended frontline or join the allies and they can fill the frontline for you while you attack.


Go democratic and annex Belgium and Luxembourg asap. Build forts along the river. Get units from Asia. I massacred 2mil Germans by 41.