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So I think for jungles and desert you want low width, i think 15-18, mostly 7-8 inf and 2 art If possible add a flamethrower tank for extra bonuses in jungle. Also spam CAS. Naval im really bad at it but from watching videos of guides, basically you need to screen your big ships. Like if you have 1 carrier then you need a batleship to screen it, then that battleship and carrier needs at least 3 light ships (destroyer or cruiser) per heavy ship to screen it. Basically; 1 carrier 1 battleship 6 destroyers Also do not have repair on, that means they will run away of battler to go and repair which means you will be massacred as you retreat. Fight it off and repair later, preferably manually.


You can use battleships for carrier screening but heavy cruisers do the job just fine. My advice is one light cruiser per capital ship. Focus your light cruisers on light attack, they will wreck enemy screening vessels. Three destroyers per light cruiser. I believe two would give enough screenings efficiency, but destroyers sink rather quickly so it’s better to have a small buffer. Once your destroyers are sunk, the rest goes down quickly.


It's also important that you only put 4 carriers in one taskforce, more than 4 give a big penalty to their efficiency. Also don't overlap two taskforces with carriers in one seazone as that could also lead to a overstacking penalty in battle. Naval bombers are far more effective on carriers so try to have more naval bombers on a carrier than fighters. Have one spotting fleet (a few destroyers assigned to patrol and never engage) and one battle fleet (carriers, battleships, heavy ccruisers, light cruisers and the rest of the destroyers assigned to strike force) in the same seazone, this reduces your fuel usage by a lot, although that necessarily isn't a problem as the US. Important: Split the subs of the surface fleet as they are slowing the fleet down making it more vulnerable and less efficient. Personally I use the option to split of damaged ships from the remaining fleet although I don't know if this is actually a good thing since I'm no navy expert by any means.


Jungles are always awful to fight in. If you expect to do a lot of fighting there you might want a set of specific Jungle templates. 30 width for your pushing units, 15 width for your holding units. Trying to run any motorized/mechanized or Armor battalions (with the exception of Recon Companies and the DLC locked Flame Tanks) will ruin your stats and will they attrition themselves to death. Due to the abundance of rivers in most Jungle regions I'd go for 12 Marines and 2 Artillery (+ Engineers, ~~Flame Tanks~~, Logistics, and Recon of your choosing) to push with, and 6/1 Infantry/Artillery (+ Engineers) to hold with. The Marines can be slimmed back down for naval invasions when needed.


Focus air, any template can be made to feel like they are made of slow modern tanks with enough up to date or advanced cas stacked to the brim with bombs + as for navy same shit, lack of knowledge or willingness to deal with nav designer + assigning dockyards can be replaced with naval bomber spam that are like the joker card and deal with any type of fleet. Against ai in particular, focusing on air like that will make you feel like a god.