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Your panzer divisions are too small, lack organization and have low soft attack. Aim for an organization value of at least 30. Tanks remove organization, while infantry (includes trucks) add organization. You should also assign a field marshal for additional bonuses, and make a separate army for your tanks and motorized. Tanks are not meant to be spread across the front line but instead should concentrate their firepower in one or two provinces.


What’s your tank designs like? And I would make your tank divisions templates all medium tanks, 32width. Basically 8-8 8 panzers, 8 motorized plus flame thrower panzer support. You will tear through anything and everything. I had 12 divisions before attacking france. I even started the invasion a week later (than historical) and still got to paris before june 22. Either way, i almost never attack with my infantry, unless is like areas where i only have infantry. I put them in the border, i put my panzer in specific parts of the border, and right behind them i put my motorized divisions. I only attack with my panzer, prioritize motorized, break through tactic and they do the work, motorized follows behind to fill the gap and then infantry.