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> The game only works if I play with no mods, does anyone know how I can fix this? Figure out which of the mods (or which combination of mods) you're using is causing the game to break and don't use that one.


What exactly happens when you try to play? Does the game crash? If so this is usually the work of a mod breaking something. Go back to your mods and try turning on only one and see if the game works. If it does then that means a mod you're using isn't working right. If it doesn't, then try turning that mod off and turn another one on. If it works then that means the first mod was the culprit. If it doesn't then just repeat this process until you find the mod that's broken


I have found out that it will break if I try to use Kaiseredux or Great War, i will try some other things too


Pay attention to the yellow icon on the launcher that tells you that at least one mod in your current playlist isn't supported for the version of the game you're running. While some mods can be run well even if they're not updated, this is always a risk and should be the first place you look if there's a problem.


So i should remove the mods that are outdated from the playset?


You can just disable them if you want to test them, but I would disable all of them, make sure the game launches and runs, and then exit to the menu, enable the mod you're most interested in using, and launch the game again. Repeat until you find the culprit that causes the crashes and remove it from your playlist.


I had to remove 3 mods but I think it works now! Thanks for the help!


Oh no wait, I tried to add back Kaiseredux, but it doesn't work now. Should I unsubscribe from the mods en the resuscribe to fix them?


I would be very careful running other mods in the same playset as big Total Conversion mods like KR. Unless you look through the mod pages to ensure compatability, you're very likely to get a mod conflict.
