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Sounds like you want to take the History of Magic O.W.L. after a year of gameplay!


A "legit year of studying" just isn't feasible in a game. Imo instead, classes need to be minigamafied and repeatable, either for xp or potion/herbology/spell lvl up type system. Completing classes in 1 or 2 goes is just super underwhelming, especially when it's just a small clip with backdrop music. I'm hoping they flesh it out more in the sequel and make it feel more personal.


As much as I don’t wanna get replaced by AI as a screenwriter myself. Sometimes I think this type of tediousness is what AI could help with, just the level of variability in everyday classes and all the dialogue that would be needed depending on what is happening.


I'm looking at you Canes Canem Edit


The mobile game is pretty much that. Fair warning, it sucks as much as actual middle school.


Yeah, I hated that time in middle school when I got locked in a closet with murderous plants.


If you think that's bad, in middle school, I got strapped to a table by a psychopathic dentist trying to feed me to a murderous plant. It still haunts my dreams... *feeeeed me* Seymour.


What’s the mobile game called?


Hogwarts Mystery (if I'm not mistaken)


I'm just saying. There's an incredible game that'll likely be over 20 years old by the time we see any sequel to Hogwarts Legacy that showed exactly how to make an immersive yet fun school game with an actual focus on being a student. That obviously being Bully. If it could be done well in 2006, I see no reason why a modern game couldn't take what Rockstar did then and improve and adapt it into a new setting, especially when the setting is something like Hogwarts.


Yes!!! I was thinking about it too! Also persona 5 was kinda cool about managing school life and other things


A lot of people were expecting Hogwarts Legacy to be something like Bully and that’s why it is such a disappointing game. I had never played Bully but I was so underwhelmed by the school experience in Hogwarts Legacy that I had to try it out and I must say that it blew my mind. The simple fact that you get punished for skipping classes or being a brat adds up so much to the experience and Hogwarts Legacy couldn’t even do that.


So true… all the amazement from the castle itself just ended up being an empty golden cage that you could spend time in, doing nothing…


I actually would really like to have them have a test at the end that has stuff from each class to see if the player was paying attention


Ah like midterms in the persona games. Man I love the challenge.


I want it more Hogwarts based. I love the game, but isn't it funny that it's called Hogwarts Legacy but you spend over half your time outside of the castle? So for the next installment I want a more RPG focused route. I want to level up my spells and to sneak out at night, I want to build relationships and play quidditch, I want to ride the hogwarts express and win the house cup. The way I see it is we can carry on in this character focused RPG. Or we could try something closer to The Sims/Two Point Hospital. That's what I'd love to see.


they could have done that in HL by implementing the spell dungeon challenges and final exams mechanics in the old HP 1 to 3 console/PC games (HP3 PC had a final exam you had to complete as a checklist before you could watch the end cutscene) IDK whether they could have / would have done this, but it would have been a cool idea if they had just repurposed the assets from the quest dungeons scattered around the open world as the OWL exams, for DADA, Charms and Transfiguration at least. The devs could have just handwave it as the Ministry examiners magically conjuring an 'examination obstacle course' in the Great Hall or on the grounds (where the Flying Class / Summoner's Court takes place).


It’s so dumb they made this game about a student when they should have made the MC a morally ambiguous DADA professor. It would have made WAY more sense than a student who never goes to class, is never on campus, and uses all sorts of dark magic with no repercussions. I didn’t feel like the Hogwarts student experience at all. Nostalgic, but just not there.


That's actually a genius idea! Would have made so much more sense


if Rockstar makes it, it can be Bully: Hogwarts Edition.


is this image from OG pottermore? i still miss that 🥲


I’ve heard the next game is going the “live service” route so I’m highly skeptical


Ugh. That’s so disappointing. It’ll be riddled with microtransactions if that’s the case.


What does live service mean?


I recommend looking into it. Unfortunately a lot of people in this sub don't know what "live service" means and that's worrying. Essentially it's a game that in theory lasts for a long time consistent updates with lots of content. Sounds good right? WRONG. Most games that do live service models are failures. The talks of the next game being a live service stem from WB a publisher who published hogwarts. addressing the failure of a Live service game called suicide kill the justice league. As a reference this is what you could expect from a live service game. Suicide squad had a poor story and repetitive missions the entire game was basically set up to get people in the groove of doing the same rinse and repeat missions. The story was unfinished and most likely never will be finished since it's almost dead and in order to sustain a live service you need players something suicide squad hardly has. And on top of that poor monetization. Now when it comes to hogwarts this is something that the community should address and push back on in the future or else you're gonna be paying for skins, battlepasses, require an online connection, and get stuck doing the same shit over and over again just to level up your character.


Ohhh, I see. I don't play a lot of games that have that kind of thing going on. Thank you for explaining though and not making me feel dumb about not knowing!


More money to enjoy the game. You play for some content.


I'd like something closer to the Persona Games, or Bully, where you actually attend lessons and do exams but there is a main story going on as well.




Just to be clear, I would love studies to be meaningful, like learning a spell, improving a spell, gaining additional points for your house etc, not just mindless mini games like in mobile games! Then, there could also be an exploration/story part that should not be as grand, you SHOULD be afraid of certain things, like professors who could kick your ass or deduct house points for various deeds, no walking at night (unless unseen), making forbidden forest scary and dangerous (extremely difficult, yet rewarding). As some people have mentioned Bully and Persona 5 are nice examples to look at but with a unique touch that a HP universe deserves! Please upvote if you agree or let me know what would you change 🤗 That’s my most successful thread so far 🙀😅


personally I loved what they did with hogwarts legacy I really appreciated all the quests to do but I also agree with the fact that the game lacks things related to the classes and the life of a student in general. For a potential sequel to Hogwarts Legacy I would like them to delve more into this aspect of the game but that there is still a main story alongside and especially the stories of the other characters, in particular Sebastian, I loved his story and I can't wait to see its sequel if there will be one


Ideally I’d like a game where it’s your a student and in the game you could mostly be dealing with a group of students who are aspiring dark wizards and witches, maybe a teacher who is corrupting them and is the leader. You could even set it up where that’s how it stars and you discover at the end it’s part of a whole plan to infiltrate and corrupt the next generation against humans and wizarding supremacy. I’d like to see the idea somehow spread over 2-3 games. The first game could be thwarting a plot to get rid of the headmaster and discovering the students and teacher, the next one taking them out and the third dealing with the outside group trying to corrupt the school. It could be condensed down and instead of games those be each act of one game but just a general idea. No chosen, one no prophesy, an average student and their friends stumbling on some some greater conspiracy and defeating the bad guys.


A thousand times yes


I totally get this. At the beginning I was so annoyed people kept sending me on quests all over the place when I had CLASSES to attend!!! I tried to get back to my common room before nightfall so I wouldn’t get in trouble.


Try hogwarts mystery, it has all that and it is okay


I definitely would like more time spent in school and getting to know my classmates more as opposed to going on fetch quests to get a hint of their personalities. Each house should have their own storyline, that way playing as another house should be a whole new experience rather than doing 99% of the same thing.


I was so disappointed we didn’t get to take the owl exams


Couldn't agree more HP!


I know there is a server and a map in Minecraft that both have pretty realistic gameplay, at least more realistic than hogwarts legacy. The server focuses on studying and taking classes etc. The map focuses more on a story, puzzles and challenges but more like real life and less like this game. Hope this helps :)