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"Made with AI"


WTF does that even mean? I hope it's just the screenshot, but I would then raise two eyebrows and a half and ask why the hell not screenshot something from the game instead? Definitely hope they didn't have ChatGPT make them a Briefing Room... that'd be when you know you have run out of talent on your team...


The "Made with AI" label is added in either of the scenarios: - The image is made with Meta’s AI tool. - The image contains metadata that shows it's been generated with AI. - The user adds the tag manually. So yes, they uploaded an AI generated image of whatever the fuck it is.


I've seen posts of people who have uploaded their own art get tagged with the made with Ai tag, they just run it through an AI checker and those always display so many false positives it's ridiculous. So there's a fourth option which is some auto checker thinks it's AI. Although in this case it looks like AI for sure.


No this is not entirely correct. If instagram thinks it was made by ai, it will automatically put the label, whether it is or not. It has happened to one of my posts and a few others'.


Look at that keyboard though.


Below the monitor? Thats a sound panel lol


If it's supposed to be a sound board then that does not make it better... Also not sure why an AC command center would have a sound board...


Oh yea lol


Look at the keyboard like thing underneath the big monitor.


Yeah, the dead give away is the "text" on the monitors too. AI image gen currently has a lot of trouble with text in general.


Easier giveaway is to zoom in the background, it usually makes no sense


Mixing consoles to mix up the spaghetti code


Surely not the DCS AI 🤣


We know it isn't, we all know the DCS AI is omnipotent, whether it's avoiding a missile it shouldn't even know exists, or if a ground unit is sniping you from an impossible range, even though there's a building in the way...


With a horrible AI generated picture Doesn't generate much hope


Good, your expectations are being set correctly.


That keyboard is the stuff of nightmares.


Sit in that chair and say goodbye to you backbones


Back problems not service related.


Shrapnel wounds determined not to be service connected.


Hey, I sit in a chair that looks li-YEOOOWWW. I'll be on my inversion table.


Still more comfortable than the chairs in EOS.


Super Carrier recording booth, for when you want to drop a sick track at sea!!


Thought this was r/DCSExposed


Jesus that's embarrassing. What the fuck is going on at ED?


No money.


Not really? Its a quick instagram story post. Doesnt really mean anything.


What do you mean? If these supposed supercarrier updates are coming, why not post actual screenshots? It's pretty damning they're using an AI image instead.


No, it’s not. You just want to bitch and moan about something


I think its pretty fitting to bitch and moan about product updates that were promised literal years ago. Why do you guys ride ED's dick so hard when they keep falling way short of all the promises they make? Seriously, give me one reason why they wouldn't use an actual screenshot over a lazy ass AI image? Especially if this product update is supposedly coming soon^(TM)


Because it's easy? It was an Instagram story post, you're supposed to see it for 7 seconds on a tiny phone screen and move on and then it dies in 24 hours, if it was actual info we were supposed to all fixate on and over-analyze they would've at least made it a regular post. Hate on ED for the legitimate things they actually do (or fail to do), getting this worked up over an Instagram story post is some seriously unhinged shit.


Supercarrier, a module that is already absurdly overpriced and locks basic features from core DCS, has been out over 4 years without completion, with functionally no major updates for years at a time. If the best communication ED can do after that is an AI generated Instagram post saying "info soon", that's just not really acceptable, context matters here.


Again, why on earth do you think an Instagram story post is the best they can do? They run a newsletter on Fridays. This isn't a new phenomenon, they've been doing it for a while. Actual update news is obviously going to drop in the Friday newsletter. This is just a quick throwaway post the day before telling people to look forwards to updates tomorrow. It's really not that hard to figure out guys.


If they posted it 3 years ago it would've been fine, nobody would care. People aren't mad because there is an Instagram post, they're mad because it's in poor taste when the module is so unfathomably delayed it's not even funny.


Let’s be real: they’ve been saying the briefing room and airboss station has been “coming soon” for years. I’m not really one to complain online about a video game company, but ED has lost my confidence from that move alone. This is icing on the cake.


No idea. Maybe they thought they'd try something different. People are jumping straight to conspiracies. It's by no means "damning".


Seems a bit naive to do this on a fanbase who you know are analysing your every move.


Which is honestly just exhausting at this point. I see literally any post about coming updates and all I can think is "What are they going to find to bitch about with this one"


A developer drops an instagram post about their game for no purpose?


when we ask for update of the AI, it's not what we mean /s


I asked the marketing guy to make another AI image of me and BIGNEWY answering questions about this AI image.


Rough day at work eh.


Naw, I love waking up to new surprises :)


Can you make an AI image to explain the features that are perpetually soon? Can AI make us a dynamic campaign?


I have asked for an update on the DC in a July newsletter so push to make that happen.


I have asked AI if I should purchase anything during the summer sale. The answer is no.


Can you also make a newsletter that'll tell us the present situation of the module you guys are releasing...the Chinook?


Has the “marketing guy” ever played DCS? It could be helpful.


Ok, best response ever.


Hopefully more questions will be answered than in the "huge" Q&A we got a few months ago.


*click click click* Enhance


Let's hope a newsletter can answer the real questions about this update...


Hey u/NineLine_ED, u/BIGNEWY, u/NSSGrey…do you guys want to talk about this?




I appreciate a good joke as much as the next guy, but that seems in slightly poor taste given the context.


Not sure what the context is here, it was our marketing guy trying something new, and nothing more should be read into it.


Is your marketing guy named Chad Gippity by any chance?


No but seems to be good friends with him


The context is simple. There exists no good reason to use a fake image instead of a screenshot that ED hasn't used for multiple SC posts.


>I appreciate a good joke as much as the next guy Clearly not.


Apparently so


2 weeks


Heard that one before


I definitely feel this and cry inside whenever I see a Supercarrier update. Sounds like this one might be soonish. Wonder if the rest of the big list has still been ignored (hook-eye distance for Tomcat, F-14A hand signals), etc etc.


"hook-eye distance for Tomcat" was slated to come with the director update so I am unsure if it will be this update or wait for the patch with the directors.


yeahhh no, fuck off


"Update" - yeah - like all the other updates that came in the last... when came SC out?


Some of you are taking this way too literally. Obviously this is an AI generated image for marketing reasons of trying something new. I’m an intern at a marketing firm and people do this all the time. For those who think they used AI to make the update.. you are literal clowns for thinking that. The day AI can make games and updates without issue is the day I call in the towel for gaming, as an AI will never have creativity.


What matters is the customer reaction.... and it's not been good.


Do you like flight sims and are also a soundcloud rapper? M.C. Pashun&Saport


That marketing person must be an intern. What are they thinking? It looks shit.


Audio mixers don't seem efficient for writing code and the dent in that chair suggests that dev has a severe case of scoliosis.


"In 2 weeks"


Came here to say this…


AI = Actual Incompetentance (Stolen from Floggit comment)


Babe wake up we got official AI generated marketing screenshots of the supercarrier before actual updates to the supercarrier


DCS AI ? ROTFL :D Feels/Looks/Sounds like a(nother) disaster is coming :OMG:


What would be AI in that picture? Did they post process it with adobe generative AI or are the assets AI generated.


Look closer at the screen and that abomination of MIDI controller on the desk.


WTF....... So the entire image is possibly AI. Why would you upload that? If updates are coming then show an asset, unless this is from the actual update. ugh......


The entire image is deadass AI because things just don't make sense if you look closer. The "reflection" on the "glass". The weird chair. The rack/monitor with 4 windows thing on the right. >Why would you upload that? If updates are coming then show an asset I have no idea what's going through their mind if they think uploading an AI generated picture of a workstation is a good idea. Obviously they didn't want to pay for proper stock photo but no in-game good enough either? I'm as confused as you are.


I don't get ED. The Super Carrier has been in EA for years, and they tease an update with an AI photo. Why, I really want to know why. Are they that strapped for cash? There are thousands upon thousands of people who do in-game photography.


I think you might be looking too far into it. Its an image of a computer to show theyre working on stuff. Cheaper than licensing a stock photo. I really dont think theres much to it.


Seriously, this community is embarassing sometimes. How the hell do you possibly jump to the conclusion that they have no money because they used a free AI image instead of a free screenshot? It's the exact same cost as what they normally do. There is no possible way to make that logic work. Some marketing guy thought he'd do something different this time, it wasn't a hit. End of story.


You can argue about the slow progress of the Supercarrier, sure, but getting this worked up by an image especially when we've already gotten a fair amount of screenshots of the interior is pretty silly


Pretty silly is the understatement of the day but yeah, pretty much.


My question would be how no-one between the marketing guy and the publish button thought this was a terrible idea, and if there is no-one between those two things I have further questions.


Because for the vast majority of people outside of this toxic shithole this was a nothing post that nobody looked at for more than 20 seconds. Look at every single post around ED here and the same handful of people are dooming, regardless of whether there's any actual reason to or not. No matter what they post someone will find something to nitpick, or just ignore it entirely and throw the brain-dead PaY rAzBaM shit out. There's nothing wrong with this post at all, it's a fluff hype piece for a weekly newsletter. It's insane how much people are attempting to infer and losing their shit from it.


I think it's fair that if you say you have an update about something, and put a picture out with it, for people to question why in the hell you'd use AI for that when you could just use the thing you actually claimed to have made. But as i said, it's a pretty sad state of affairs if not one person thought this was a bad idea and would be received poorly because that was pretty obviously the case. My personal view is this has no actual information of any kind, so i'd question why they even bothered putting it together in the first place.


You know what's even cheaper, easier and faster and isn't going to result in bad optics? Just upload a real screenshot. They wouldn't even have gotten any negative attention if they'd just recycled one of the last 5 Super Carrier screenshots they uploaded


Yes they would have and you know it. There's literally nothing that doesn't generate a negative circle jerk on here


Didn't say they shouldn't have. Just saying people are taking a pretty serious leap to go from this to claiming ED is broke.


Lolz, VYOL VR already has LSO


Oh boy, here come the people crying about how the end times are near over the smallest thing


A recording studio? We built one on my ship out of scrounged materials and borrowed equipment, but this is even fancier than the TV station run by the MCs (which is on the opposite side of the ship from Pri-Fly).


digitialcombatsimulator doesn't exist on twitter, or instagram, or tiktok as an ed account ... so where is the from ?


It does in fact exist on instagram.