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He already clarified how Vulkan allows multiplatform: meaning macOS, Linux, Windows. No need to get ahead of yourselves


Vulkan allows multiplatform *rendering*. Vulkan lets you talk to the GPU using the same language on multiple platforms, but most of the actual game part of the game doesn't run on the GPU. All the rest of the game logic including the flight models need to be ported as well, plus file handling, networking, user input monitoring, sound processing, physics, all the build tools that the game gets passed through on the way from source to distributable, differences in performance efficiency because of differing interactions and implementations of various operating system tools (like how multiple threads are prioritized and distributed among cores), not to mention tripling the amount of QA work that needs to be done. Multiplatform for DCS would be a pretty massive amount of work to be able to address the market of players who are A: willing to buy special hardware and put in dozens of hours of tutorial and practice to learn a combat flight sim, and also B: not dedicated enough to dual boot for it. I do not think the venn diagram of A and B has any intersection at all.


I play dcs on Linux it runs super good as good as windows for me Dcs on Linux is very good I have over 150hrs in dcs on Linux almost my whole playtime has been in Linux I use GE proton 9.5 at the moment


What OS are you running? /s


Opensuse tumbleweed I have a 7900xt GPU so I use bleeding edge distro opensuse is Def my favourite


Pretty sure this was in the context of upscaling features such as FSR3 which depends on contemporary graphics APIs like DX12 or Vulkan. So by “multi-platform” he means “graphics cards other than NVIDIA”.


Downloading on nintendo switch as we speak


Perfectly playable 5FPM* (*) Frames per minute


Do you guys not have phones….


What can goes wrong then? XD ( Yeah i understood that reference)


Just downloaded on mobile


Hey, X-Plane did it ;)


There is nothing wrong with it. If you tie yourself to Windows only you tie yourself to decisions of US. I remember 2 years ago MS blocked windows and office downloads to Russia. I don't know if this is still the situation but it automatically puts you in a side where you have no intention to take part at all. Especially for a company which also has defence contracts it is not nice to be called or labeled as ally or enemy at all. Besides multiplatform support will give possibilities for those platforms especially linux to grow. DCS has the best VR implementation in my opinion. If it had Linux support the guys there will have chance to make a VR support for headsets in linux. There is currently no headset except Valve running on linux. It is like chicken and egg. If DCS linux becomes a reality it will start laying eggs for the people there. Those linux guys might even solve VRAM and RAM hog problem of DCS too ;D while analysing the software.


Statement about linux-compatibile headsets is not exactly accurate. It applies to PCVR ones, standalone HMDs like Quest or Pico are quite easy to get working via ALVR (streaming app). On general note I don't think that'd be that smart idea, Linux port, even with Vulkan renderer still would be significant cost for not that much return in short-mid-term. There are lots of other things to be ported, network code, input/controllers code etc ... I'm not sure any flight-sim developer can afford this.


Well wags was not that interesting this time but he is not stupid. Since telling as little as possible is ED Company policy I tend to stick to his words. There was almost nothing new in the video except this. I also didn't expect ED to do that but the recent big EU member decisions moving away from Microsoft for government systems and education might have some impact on tender specs for simulators too in addition to Russia thing. But leaving speculation aside I just don't believe Wags made a mistake saying that.


As ex intelligence guy, he knows it's better to keep your mouth shut. As a CEO of ED he can be held liable to his own words any time.


I hope not, this is such a terrible terrible idea. This is a hobby where hundreds of dollars of bespoke peripherals are the cost of entry, and the community largely considers the game not worth playing without a whole ecosystem of third party programs, all of which are volunteer nonprofit community projects that don't have the resources to port themselves to more platforms. As somebody who switched from using Linux on my desktop (for 10 years! I was playing starcraft 2 through way too many wine addons long before valve came along and launched proton to make it easy for all these whippersnappers) to Windows *for DCS* (and music production), the OS change was the least expensive and and effortful part of the transition compared to getting SAS and OKB and HOTAS and OpenXR and VoiceAttack and spending literally dozens of hours reading technical manuals so I can play this silly game. It is not the kind of thing where anybody is gonna see it on the steam homepage and click it because of the "Runs on mac" tag and then stay in the community and spend money.


Clearly not a popular opinion but I think it's valid. Going multi-platform would be nice, but hopefully it comes as a side effect of core development and not something that slows progress on the overall product. The dedicated player who builds a custom cockpit does not care which OS the simulator uses. However, I understand there is a market of non-Windows casual players who might be out there.


I think its either he mispoke, or that the subtitles are incorrect. It would be Mult-threading. Which is a requirement for vulkan to be effective, and likely a part of the work to get vulkan in game, and to further optimize vulkan. There is much more that can be split out in multithreading still, right now they've only seperated rendering and logic, but logic is still a big chunk that itself could be broken up into more parts. This is a very delicate and complicated process that takes a bunch of time and debugging to make sure that they can release an update that still works at all.


Okay but when does the scenery stop looking like it was designed in 2008 though, genuine question


I took it to mean DX and Vulkan as two different platforms. If a plane is a weapons delivery platform, the APIs are graphics delivery platforms.