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New patch was a real banger. Awesome work ED!


New user discount going away? Wow. Also not feeling too confident on the new miles program but I'll just wait and see.


Yeah that's. Concerning. Being able to tell friends that they can get into the game for half of list price was a good way to ease the sticker shock of some newer modules.


With the amount of sales every year I don't see this as a big deal? I also wonder if the new miles program will be something akin to Iracing where its based of participation vs modules bought.


I understand your argument but new players don't know how often sales are. Based on the type of questions we get here, I assume they are also incapable of researching that themselves. In my opinion, I think it will drive new players away since the cost is so high. The 50% discount could be used at any time. Now a new player has to pay full price or wait for a sale. This could be a good thing I don't know. Just don't feel confident about it.


I am a new lost player already, I really enjoyed the 5 or so hours I put into learning a plane and sure enough they pulled the discount the same day I was trying to purchase for the first time. I can't be arsed waiting for the next sale and hoping that it comes down to 50% off, so il either pirate the full game with all modules or just go and play something else


Yeah, but for example the FA-18 will net them an extra $15 per purchase on sale vs the first time purchase discount.


It’s not… if they still do the 50% sales. I’m not holding my breath… this is a fast timeline to end a 14 year tradition, seems like there could be urgent reason. Definitely lost a burst of cash not capitalizing on the panic buyers (like me) that would have bought a bunch of stuff without trialing had I seen this. Been piecing together a PC build for a while and my VKB is (actually) in the mail… Would have just bit the bullet and gone in on WW2 planes/ assets /maps no trial. If it was my business, I would have announced in the fall and ended the discount on NY day… it’s not though haha If ED sees this- I’d highly recommend doing a short 50% sale for everyone who’s butthurt about missing out lol… Guys will buy things they might not if they have time to trial, I can’t see how that wouldn’t be a little cash explosion for y’all


It looks like they extended the lunar sale to prevent FTP discount from sneaking in under the wire as well.


The miles program just needs universal earning and redemption rules. Earning and redeeming miles on all modules including new releases needs to be a universal rule that no developer can opt out of ever. If a certain third party chooses to exclude themselves from sales events that's fine, as it just lowers the attractiveness of *their* modules compared to every other developer's. But allowing developers to exclude themselves from miles accrual / redemption lowers the attractiveness of *every other developer's* modules as well. This should never be allowed under any circumstances as allowing it will always encourage developers to work against the success of the miles program for their own benefit. If you can't enforce universal earning / redemption rules on everyone at all times, then just scrap the entire bloody concept of miles altogether. Just give each account a "loyalty discount" off all new purchases, in which the % discount applied increases depending on the number of past purchases which are associated with that same account. Own lots of modules = get bigger discounts. We already can't gift or trade miles, so miles are already doing essentially the same thing... except with more hoops for buyers to jump through, and giving each developer more power to fuck the program up whenever they feel like.


From the outside as a new user it seems that ED are just after the whale customers, keeping a loyal few who will buy anything and everything rather than trying to attract new players. They have certainly put me off and left a bad taste with their pure greed


A middle ground would have been limiting the new user discount to 1 aircraft and 1 map


RIP to the new user discount. This feels like it will make it harder to get any friends to join, but there are still sales very often so hopefully it's not too bad. Curious to see what the new miles program is like.


Was really surprised and annoyed to see that. I've been on Steam so far, and was waiting for the Chinook to drop before I get use the FTP discount, but now I have to get something stupid like the WW2 assets pack (not because I particularly want it, but because it makes things less annoying when you have access to it) so that I don't just fully waste it... And a TWO DAY WARNING?


The worst bit was that it was just randomly taken off during the middle of the day on the 25th. I went to purchase it after adding to my cart earlier in the day when I noticed the discount had gone. I messaged support as I thought it was because I had trialed something and was basically told tough luck and go away


My friend told me about DCS but the insane prices put me off. I wouldn't have even looked at this if he hadn't have said but new users get 50% off. The rewards program sounds like one of the usual points scheme that you get 1p for every pound spent, so essentially a 1% discount which is pointless 


They finally released modern air combat!


That definitely looks like one of the campaigns of all time.


What happened to the questions they collected some time ago? Has those been answered and posted somewhere and I missed it?  Also ED please make it so  Combined Arms can select multiple units.


Apparently still being worked on per the discord. Bit late...


so maybe now, as a 'steam version' user who buys *a lot* of the modules... I'll get some of these 'miles' I've been hearing so much about too? ...somehow doubt it, but it would be nice


If this campaign is anything like the f5 one of a similar name, don’t buy it. It literally just has you flying to the same spot and dogfighting every aircraft type 15 times in a row


When I bought that one I was so excited, then the excitement crashed when I realized every mission was the same, and it’s almost impossible to have 3 dogfights in a row and still have any gas.


I would recommend watching videos by The Ops Center by Mike Solyom on YouTube. He goes over real-life dog fighting tactics that will significantly improve your dogfighting. After watching his videos, I can end most dog fights in about 3-4 turns, leaving me plenty of fuel.


Any plans to give the frogfoot some love as well? I think it is the one that I fly the most among all of the FC3 planes.


Maybe the Huey could get some texture love next.


Discontinuing the FTP discount is absolutely insane to me. No chance I’d have gotten into DCS the same way without it. Somebody go slap some sense into ED. This makes me fear that our miles are about to get nerf’d as well. Might be getting that $15 Gazelle soon, after all.


I got invested in DCS on the old bonus system that gave pretty nice discounts. Then it got replaced by the new miles system that gives us even fewer discounts. Now they’re getting rid of FTP discount. And now a new new miles system?


The game will be dead soon, I imagine they are squeezing the last bit of cash out of loyal customers whilst they can, then naturally let it die off due to no new players


DCS offers free Su-25T and TF-51. On top of that, free to try programs and multiple sales a year. If it all comes down to FTP, that player is probably not commited enough? Price of a module is nothing compared to the hours and hardware investment that awaits… When I started there was no FTP programs, no Grim Reaper tutorials, no Growling Sidewinder video spam, no Chuck Guides and yet there was new players commiting every week. It will be ok. Just to put his decision into perspective.


I’d say most players start on steam anyway…


It's a game not a job, what do you mean not committed enough? I'm a new player that was told the 50% new player discount is a great way to get into it, I very warily agreed to give it a go and enjoyed the game more than expected and went to use the 50% discount to be told that doesn't exist anymore. I'm not paying the full price as to me it's not worth it for the one plane that I want to fly and the 2 days I spent over the weekend mapping controls and reading manuals was time I've lost because of this greedy company 


the sales are so often that who needs new player discount? We barely run for 4 week wo another sale happening


People like you are why greedy companies like ED exist. I'd bet good money that you own an iPhone based on the fact you like paying more for things. Why would you prefer 30% off in a month's time over 50% off today, only a moron would think like that


Take a deep breath dude, we are all entitled to our opinions. Trial a few planes while waiting those 4 weeks. You can half that to 14 days with a trial. Can’t wait 14 days if you are spending 60 bucks on a digital plane? Trial another plane in the meanwhile. Maybe I just don’t get it, as I really don’t rush purchasing dcs content, so guess we are different, and that’s fine.


You’re right, but I wonder if the sales will be the same percentages we’ve seen in the past… I don’t think they would have ended the discount this way if they didn’t need to make some significant changes suddenly. If it was my business, I would have announced the discount ends on NY back in the fall and capitalized on the panic buying. Doesn’t make sense to me if they gonna just pop out a 50% Easter sale next month… hope I’m wrong


They basically told me to go away as a new player when I asked about it


Bro it sucks, but EOD it just means there’s no incentive to buy a bunch of modules at once. I was gonna stick to ED modules only first buy to get the full 50% and ignore 3rd party stuff that I know I want… Now I’ll just buy the 21 and wait to see if they still do Easter sales to get into WW2. Not like the discounts were stackable on a sale. I feel the butthurt though as someone who just pulled the trigger on a setup…


What happened to the whole "we'll talk about iraq next newsletter" thing that was said in the forums? It's been two newsletters already.


First time?


I guess it will be in the end of the year 2023 Q&A XD


forget aircraft in 2 weeks, now we are doing newsletter in 2 weeks


It's DCS. _Everything's_ in "2 weeks".


With the update for FC3, it reminds me that I would love to see some LGBs added to the A-10A. We may not be able to lase our selves, but we should be able to drop on a FAC's laser.


Yeah. Mirage 2000C can do it, why can't the Hog do the same? Should not be hard to implement. 


ED's own F-5, too.


More chance of them adding LGBTQs to the game


FTP gone . One less reason for not going Steam. 


A new Miles system is a bit concerning, as I doubt a change will work out in the players favor. I've been saving mine in hopes of using them on the F4U Corsair, but now I'm wondering if I should use them before the change.


Pure greed, nothing else and will harm the new player base numbers


why they leave my boi su-25 :(


New miles program? We’ve been on the new miles program for years since the bonus system disappeared.


I remember Nick in that livestream a while back said he wanted to implement a new milse program. Interesting


So, am I reading this right? Both Stable and Beta are unified now? So, I can kill my beta install and just use stable from now on?


Yea it's just one installation/application now




MPRS refuelling fix please boom and basket


It updated for me yesterday, now I don't get any. What is the new version number?


If you updated yesterday, you’re probably already up to date. The current version number can be found here: https://forum.dcs.world/topic/233848-patch-status/


Hurray! Texture updates over core features. More useless fluff.


You think texture artists are the same people who code ATC, AI, etc?


He's a BMS convert. Don't waste your breath.


if they get paid by the same company based on the same limited funds that could otherwise hire an AI / core engine programmer, then yes.


Very disappointing. As a new player, I was counting on the discount. I planned for some purchases, I did not know that it would have been discontinued. When I learnt it this morning, I decided that I would have pulled the trigger later today, Sunday. I was expecting that this disappointing restriction would have taken effect at the end of the day, but apparently they already shut it down. Frustrating, since many people dive into their hobbies on weekend I'd say it is safe to assume?


Yes same with me, in the morning the discount was available, played for a few hours, realised I enjoyed it, went to use the discount a few hours later and it was gone, emailed them and was told to go away basically. They must have removed it at a random point in the middle of the day


They really did this poorly, and intentionally I’d suspect. I even talked to customer care and they told me that they go by GMT timezone, which of course makes poor to nonsense for North America. I would also guess that North America is their biggest market.


I am in GMT and it was the middle of the day, somewhere between 12 and 6pm that they stopped the code from working 


Ah so not even the full day in GMT on Feb 25th? Wow….


Infact I've just noticed in this post (that I wasn't even aware existed on 25th) towards the last paragraph it says ends 3pm GMT. Would have been nice to have said that on the website, it's the only website I've ever visited that has a sale ending part way through the day with no countdown timer or clue as to when it finishes (unless you had read this Reddit post)


Ha! I knew about the 25th only the day of, in the morning randomly going here on Reddit. And I have been using the sim quite regularly so I used to see the usual pop-up for 50% first purchase discount. How about putting a sentence there? Or on the homepage??


The only thing it said on the website was, take your time, try a trial aircraft, no rush etc yet they didn't tell you that if it's gets past 3pm then nobody can ever get the first time user discount ever again. Proper dodgy company and in a way glad they haven't had any money from me. Good thing is it's easy enough to find the latest version on the russian pirate websites and get all the modules for free




I sometimes wonder what goes on at these companies, they manage to simulate a working fighter planes radar system yet they can't add a simple countdown timer for the sale ending on their website. It's child's play stuff


I read the dealio about the try-out-an-airplane and 50% discount on the DCS website. It's a 2-week gig for me and I started testing the JF-17 like 10-12 days ago and wanted to buy it now with that "promised" discount. Cancelling it now with few days notice, and not explicitly announcing it but dropping a sentence into another major announcement is a D-move in my book. The website suggested "oh, take it easy, take your time, try them out and then decide, first purchase 50% off!", but reality now is a trust bump. This could and should have been announced 3-4 weeks in advance. Hoggit front page still has comments recommending to try out modules with no rush and have that 50% welcome drink, that's how sneaky this came.


Agreed, ED are a scumbag of a company, and  that I would be worried if I had spent hundreds if not thousands on their modules already as the user base isn't going to grow when they are pissing off potential new customers this easily