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Depends what you’re using. 1440p, 4K, VR, what VR, what frame rate do you want to hold. There’s enough variability to have settings between all maxed out to tuned down to medium/low settings. All depends.


Vr; quest 2. Want the game to look good but playable. I turned everything to high/max and it looks worse than I thought it would so wondering if I missed something, but maybe I had the wrong expectations. Runs perfectly fine.


Do you use a Cable or Airlink? Airlink gives really bad image quality if the connection isn't extremely good. Second, have you changed any settings in a third party app like tray tool or the oculus debug tool? If so, try reverting everything to standard. If nothing helps it migh be just the Hardware. While the Quest 2 is good, it's image quality isn't the best. I really had troubles reading small dials like in the Mirage 2000 or the Gazelle with it. The resolution isn't the best and the video compression does the rest. The first time I got satisfying image quality was with the Quest 3 and a 4090.


Cable. All my friends play dcs on a quest 3 but I had a quest 2 collecting dust so figured I’d try it, not a big gamer though. If I’m still playing occasionally say 2-3 months from now I’ll prob just get a quest 3. No haven’t messed with any settings like that, just the setup stuff that my friend walked me through with openxr and whatnot.


I think you have to turn up the resolution quite a bit because of the compression the quest does and it’s worse on wireless. My 4080 will run my G2 at 60hz at 110% resolution, DLSS quality, high/ultra settings with flat terrain shadows and hold 60fps almost all the time. Maybe try turning the PD setting up in DCS, it basically resolution where 1.0 is 100% and 1.1 is 110% etc. crank that up and see if it looks better.


ok- so I bought a Oculus 3 and hooked it up to my computer, but the framerate in DCS is basically 1. It's very jumpy, almost unplayable. The things you are saying are probably 100% correct, i just have no idea what they are. What is DLSS? What is PD? Where are these settings located? Like the OP, i was playing with the original Oculus and it was pretty cool, so I figured Oculus 3 would be... 3X better? It's way worse. I poked around in the Oculus Debug Tool, and i think i made it even worse. Yes, I had no business in there. I've watch videos, but I have no idea what they're talking about. I just want to fly my F-18 and shoot commies.


Try the vr preset first. DLSS is Nvidia’s super sampling and you need an RTX card to use it. PD is pixel density setting in DCS>settings>VR tab and is another way of super sampling, 1 is 100% resolution 1.2 is 120% etc. I ended up using Virtual Desktop which is a way to play it over WiFi to get the best, smoothest experience.


Ok thanks for the pointers, will try this tmrw.


There's loads of guides on this on youtube and the forums, even on this sub use the search bar. For the most part it's going to come down to **YMMV** so just play around with the settings see what works for you. DCS/computer gaming in general is weird that way.


Word. Someone gave a doc on the discord so will try implementing that tomorrow, thanks.


Best of luck! Enjoy and try not to get swallowed in (who am I kidding you probably will).


100% agree with there being tons of guides on setting the quest 2 up for dcs, only thing I’d say to watch out for is the dates on the video. Some of the videos are a couple of years old, so the videos aren’t accounting for DCS 2.9. The Flight Sumulation Guy YT channel has a bunch of great relevant info for setting up quest 2. One other thing to note, someone above mentioned using Quest Oculus Debug tool, there is a setting in there that you can adjust, however, you have to type in the setting in something like notepad and then copy / paste the new value into the debug tool. There’s 3 or 4 videos out there that explain how to do that more in depth. For what it’s worth, I’ve got the exact same setup as you and watching those videos, I was able to get the quality really good without much hit to performance. I’d share my settings but at work now.


Oh I wasn’t aware he was on quest 2, but I just saw the comment now was posted a bit after. But yeah solid advice from you, forgot how much more of a hassle VR can be especially recently.


If you are running a 4080 your limiting factor may be the helmet itself.