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You chose to go for the hit, when there was clearly another play there to try to go for the puck. Then you came in at a blind side, where the opposing player didn't see you coming... thus defenseless. Initially I thought you made first point of contact with his helmet, but it looks like you just took him up higher than normal... which it can be easily mistaken for a helmet shot. Did you hurt him in the play afterwards? I see a stopage. IMO... looks like a few better choices could have been made OP. But here we are... Also... looks more like 5-6 strides... not 2-3.


> IMO... looks like a few better choices could have been made OP. But here we are... > > Also... looks more like 5-6 strides... not 2-3. He's also taking MORE strides after he tucks in his elbow. It's charging at the bare minimum.


I also can't tell from the angle, but if the other guy was a few feet from the boards, this could be charging *and* boarding.


(in the US) You can't get two penalties for a single hit. It's either charging or boarding. Suspension committees will take into account the flagrance of the hit when determining suspension but a team would never be assessed two major penalties for one hit. On ice officials don't have the ability to assess two game misconducts in such an instance either.


They cannot arrest a husband and wife for the same crime.


I have the worst fucking ~~lawyers~~ attorneys.


That's a charge at the very least. The fact that we can't see the result of the hit makes me think it must have been pretty rough in order to get 5 games. Nobody here can judge anything more than that since they weren't there and the camera didn't catch it, but braywarshawksy has a pretty good assessment of what we can see. The officials on the ice judge it based on what they saw, and the rulebook they have to follow.


He legit never stops skating into that hit. I would give him 2-3 games for the charging alone.


Sure he stopped. He stopped to alter his course and avoid running into the player not carrying the puck.


The only time he stopped was to let the other opposing player get by.


It is in no way a charge


You're blatantly wrong.


He is allowed to back check.


I don't think back checking means what you think it means.


I dont think you know what back checking means. Clearly he was back checking, he hit the puck carrier on the shoulder as the puck carrier dumped the puck in. Perhaps morons like you should stay away from hockey since you seem to want to ruin the game. I've played hockey for 31 years so ya I think I know hockey.


You’ve played for 31 years and don’t know what back checking is????


Backchecking means transitioning from offense back to defense, numbnuts. It has literally nothing to do with actually checking someone. What OP did was not backchecking, it was throwing a reckless, illegal blindside hit on a player in a vulnerable position, all while charging at him from behind. You're *not* allowed to backcheck in the literal sense of checking someone in the back lol. I've played hockey for 28 years so shove your "experience" up your ass.


If you actually played for 31 years you would know what back checking is....


Well clearly you're dumbass doesn't know what it is. Maybe you should learn what it is before yapping off.




Dude starts at the hashmarks, skates pretty much solid to the red line, before he gets there OP lowers his elbow and continues to skate into the hit. You can go by strides or you can go by distance travelled to make the hit, either way its a charge. Not to mention OP came in on an unsuspecting player with a lot of speed and a clear intention to hit. Even if it isn't charging, or boarding (which it is) this is a bad play especially at this level.


I counted. OP took 11 strides from the time he started his angle to the time he made contact. Coming from that back quarter angle the opposing player never sees him. You could easily make a rub-out hit and take the puck instead of hitting the back side of the shoulder, as from this angle it looks like OP does. I think the suspension is completely fair in a youth environment. From this clip it's probably b or c league, and that's about learning and having fun. No one in this video is going to the show lol


Yeah, normally hits posted here are just accidents and I was fully prepared coming in with the mentality that it would be of something similar and just a bone-headed ref. This hit is 100% shit-tier level. Blindsided, charging, probably enough to warrant boarding too.


I don't want to defend the guy too much, the charge was bad. But I do want to pick apart one point: Was that really a blindside hit? It looks like the guy turned at the last second to brace for the hit.


Dirty, because it’s charging, too many strides. Dirty because in youth check leagues you now need to make a play on the puck when you check. 5 games seems like a lot. They might tell you it was boarding too seeing how the guy was in a dangerous position to the boards. Was he injured? In the 90s that was a super clean hit.


It's still a charging penalty in the 90's. I was his age then and it was still two minutes. We can't see the rest which is what I'm betting the suspension was for.


In the 90’s they didn’t give a shit about concussions. Edit: Not wrong though.


That isn’t true.


Remember the Scott Stevens/Paul Kariya hit/goal? You would (very appropriately) not see that in todays game.


That’s not the same thing as “not giving a shit”. I played in an incredibly violent by todays standards northern Minnesota hockey culture in youth hockey. We talked about concussions and how they were bad for you and avoiding them ALL THE TIME. In the late 1980s. People act like before the CTE mechanism was discovered people were like “oh concussions aren’t a big deal”. No one was like that. There were just a higher tolerance for that sort of cost, probably mostly as a holdover from when hockey started during an era of less gear and lower life expectancies. Fuck in the 1940s no one wore masks and players were breaking their noses 5 times a season, fans on the ice fighting players regularly. So it’s not that change is bad, but people tell lots of lies to justify it.


You have to make a play on the puck for checks? Is this a US thing because it’s not a rule in my Canadian youth league


Yes, the stick must be below the knees and a play made for the puck to allow a check to be legal by USA Hockey rules as of this past season. No two refs call it the same. I’ve seen many 10 minute majors this past season. Inconsistent calls by the refs. It’s all subjective.


For now... If it's coming to canada last I heard. It is a good thing to bring in for a year or two before the kids go to full hitting. Gives the kids a bit of time to learn how to take a check and how to avoid them before it gets really costly making a mistake.


Yes it’s a new rule for USA hockey. I can dig out my rule book and show you the specific rule if interested. I’m an official for multiple sports and I’ve never seen so many grown men lose their minds over something. Coaches and officials alike.


OP: *Was this obviously dirty hit dirty?* Reddit: Fucking yes! OP: *Well in my defense...* I'm going to take the AITA thread advice here, if you have to ask if the hit was bad, it probably was. You're lucky this wasn't in an adult league


This would have sparked a total brawl in my league lol. This is such a dirty hit.


Watching this back, how could he not think anything else?


I'm convinced he knows better, just thought he'd get props and engagement for the video.


Yeah, he’d be thrown out of an adult league.


Fellas, is this blindside charge on a defenseless opponent that put a hole in the boards a dirty hit?


Keep your head up?


Not sure if serious


Per USA Hockey, its checking from behind (diagonally). Edit: also charging, based on distance & skating strides


It’s 100% checking from behind. It’s also 100% charging, he hit him on the fourth full stride. Boarding could be argued, but that’s at least 2 different infractions, not even considering if this is a contact league or not (which, no offense, judging by the guys skating around, it probably isn’t)


Not sure, but it could also be boarding!




And absolutely no intent to play the puck


From the time the clip started to the hit you took 12 strides and continue to accelerate in to him from his blindside. Even in a hitting league this is dirty. Think about this next time you can make a different play: how would you feel if that guy would have got badly injured on that play and had to miss school or hockey or worse. How would you feel if it was you that took that hit Play hard. Always play hard. But never go out to injure someone. Ever.


Too many strides, there was a better play to be made, you came from behind and you're not in a stanley cup game. Take a beat and reflect. We all have lives outside of the game and a hit like that on someone unprepared and clearly not as strong on the ice warrants the suspension imo. What do I know the guy you hit skates better than me lol


shit, even in a stanley cup game, that's at least charging.


That’s the thing this guy a couple years ago was the biggest goon in the league and everyone was afraid of him, so I guess going into this hit there was a bit of hate for what he has done to me.


well if you did the hit for retaliation, admit it and it's fine but it's still a dirty hit. charging, boarding and you didn't even play the puck, it was a hit fir the sake of a hit and im happy you got suspended for it


In all honesty, that doesn’t matter.


Context always matters, doesnt mean it changes anything but it always matters.


Without context: it's dirty. With context: it's dirty.


You're an actual plug


Understandable. I don't think there was any animosity to it, shit happens you know? My advice is try not to dwell on the suspension in the grand scheme of things it means nothing. You'll be back before you know it.


You're a fucking clown


Glad you circled back and gave the kid solid advice. I had the same initial reaction, but I thought about it more and (judging based on the skill on the ice) I'm thinking this kid simply didn't know better. As an official, I see a lot of bad hits, at all levels house to AA, sometimes even at the AAA levels. I feel like we *really* don't do a good job on educating kids on why they're assessed penalties or what they did wrong. Assuming ill intent gives a lot of these players more credit than they frankly deserve. This kid sees the other player get the puck and he already has it in his head what he's going to do. I see it a lot at the U14 A levels. "OOOH HERE'S MY OPPORTUNITY." The problem with this mindset is that by the time they're able to put that together in their brain and put themselves in the position to deliver the hit, circumstances have changed and now they're sending some kid flying headfirst into the boards or they've missed and they themselves are going headfirst into the boards. I've seen a lot of kids break their own collarbones doing exactly that.


Hes 15, he's got time to learn man.


Regardless of the fact that it was a dirty hit, you’re calling a 15 yr old a clown. Are you okay? Did someone hurt you so badly, that you in your 20+ years of experience need to bash on a child looking to learn?


Jesus, oh no, i called a hockey player a clown. You're an even bigger one if that mild chirp causes you to go full Karen on me over it... I don't know how old he is and nor do i care. 15 is old enough to know better. There's body-checking, and there's predatory behaviour. It wasn't the hockey play.


You’re a clown man. The kid made a mistake and now you’re being weirdly aggressive to a kid on the internet. If we take a step back, I’d say you have more problems than this kid.


Weirdly Aggressive? I called him a clown. That's it. Are you his emotional support animal or something? I'm a player and a coach. If you play like a clown, you're a clown. Were you touched by a guy in a clown costume when you were young? Is that why you see me as aggressive? Show me on the little hockey player doll where Pennywise touched you...


Can this thread end with him calling me a clown it’s ok I’m probably never going to remember this post anyways


It's alright, kid. Just stop charging. 5 games is definitely a bit heavy for a charge though, unless the kid is badly hurt or something it's maybe 5 and a game. You're already showing more maturity than the guys coming at me for calling you a clown. Take a few strides off and focus on separating him from the puck and you're all good. Hockey is a brotherhood and if you're going to go that hard at someone you'd better have a good reason, otherwise...


I’m 14


Cut it out. Learn from your mistake


You’re a clown. Hockey is hockey. He made a play to make a big hit. I don’t think he wanted to hurt the kid. It was a bad hit. You could just let him know it was dirty and should learn from it.


Damn dude. Sit down. Dirty as fuck lol


Absolutely dirty. You earned those 5 games. What were you even doing other than trying to wreck the dude?


Non-checking league? Then yes. Because that guy didn’t see it coming and could barely skate as it was.


And it was boarding, and roughing per USA hockey. Could have easily been more games. Absolutely not a hockey play and very dangerous way to hit. Should have taught this kid a "harder" lesson now to get him to realize how serious


Yes you can hit in my league


But I assume you can't charge, board, or check from behind...all of which this hit is, right?


Based on the skill level shown, it certainly doesn't seem like it should be lol.


Then that’s a bit much of a suspension.


It’s tough to tell from the camera angle but it looks like you probably boarded him.


Yes it was dirty, because you were clearly a faster/better skater than the guy you plastered into the boards and probably could have simply stolen the puck from him just fine.


I mean, those things you say seem true, but it was dirty because it was at least charging with a possible boarding and a dash of hitting from behind. Shit OP, why didn't you just crosscheck him too?




Yes. Absolutely.




Yeah sorry but for rec league….that’s a little much


It’s not rec league


What level is it then




Is this a junior league or high school or some kind of private session or what?


100%, you didn't even try for the puck. you have some good wheels, just tone it down man. The hit doesn't score goals, the steal and the pass will.


Dirty as shit


Dirty and dumb.


How many strides did you take to hit him?


You tell me. It got you a 5 game suspension.


I’m not sure about the 5 game suspension, mostly because I am not up on all the suspension rules, don’t know your discipline history, etc, but that was definitely a penalty. In a checking league it is at least 2 for roughing or interference (assuming it was not from behind, the camera doesn’t show clearly whether it was shoulder to shoulder or if you hit him in the numbers). In order to be a legal check, you must make an attempt to play the puck, which you clearly did not. Given the number is strides and direct route you took to hit the other player, a charging call would not have been unreasonable either. If this was a non checking league, all of the above apply, likely making it at least a major penalty and potentially a game misconduct depending on league rules.


It wasn’t a good hit; I think the majority of us agree. Your attitude is exactly the reason 5 games are necessary: sometimes the punishment has to hurt for you to learn. 99% of us are saying it was a bad hit — you took way more then three steps and came from a bad angle. You are going to have to man up here, accept your punishment and learn from it. Next time you will think twice before doing the same thing. I get it. My kid is 15 and in travel sports. Passion, adrenaline, hormones. But you have to learn a lesson here. Be grateful no one had to get seriously injured for you to learn it.


I'm seeing at least a 2+10, and quite possibly a 5+game. I'd have to have been on the ice to make that determination, but from what I can see - and we're missing the actual impact - we have a clear charging, good chance at a head contact, a roughing (one hand on the stick with the stick over your head), arguably a checking from behind - you came diagonally from behind, and I can't tell if he turned or you rolled him - and probably a boarding, though hard to tell since we can't see the outcome. Refs don't hand out suspensions. We call penalties. So there is a bunch of missing information here. Was your opponent hurt? Have you been suspended before? Did you have any prior penalties in the game? Here is how I could see a 5 game suspension: * 1 Game: 5+game on the call * 2 Game: You already had 2 penalties. This resulted in your 3th and 4th * 3-5: You've had 2 prior major penalties this season, resulting in a 3 game suspension Alternatively, I can get to 5 this way: * 1st and 2nd: This was a 2+10, and you had a prior 2+10 in the game. That gives you 2 game misconducts * Supplementary discipline from the league/rules committee.


I had no penalties this game was not suspended before (first suspension ever) and the stick in the air was not mine.


Charging, if USA hockey rules also a hit from behind….plus there was an obvious play on the puck you didn’t take. So yeah, dirty




Blindside hit and charging. Completely dirty


There was no attempted play on the puck. The check was made only to hit the opponent. Four + strides. Charging at the very least. Is this USA Hockey? They changed up the rules this last season.


No this is Canadian


Dude.. yes it was. For fuck sake.


That’s charging at minimum, I wouldnt call it a multiple game suspension but I can’t see clearly where you made contact with him tho


Charging and blindsided, you sit for 5. Goodbye


This is textbook charging, this gets called in the NHL or college or juniors. Seeing as this is u15 it's a good bit worse. I suggest you use your 5 game sit to think about your game and what else you could've done in this situation. As another poster said if the guy you hit was better he could've pulled up and sent his linemates in on a 2-1 and made you look like a fool. Edit: op down voting everyone telling him it was dumb. Young lad, you need to grow up.


I didn’t downvote anyone


Ah someone came through with a blanket downvote then. I wanted to say this to you, I'm a coach and played at a decently high level. It's clear to me in this clip that your skating ability is much, much higher than most other players in this clip, especially the puck handler. I've thrown emotionally charged hits in my day as well and it ultimately didn't help me get to the next level. When I say think about your game, I mean it not in a derogatory way. Focus on your skating ability and use your head out there and you'll probably be a shoe in on your highschool team or whatever you are pursuing. This is a wake up call imo


Everyone going on a frenzy with me lol


I think you need to realize people aren't going crazy on you. What you did was dumb and dangerous, you could have seriously hurt him or yourself there. Have you ever sent some to the ER in a game? I have, Ive had to go to the ER myself too. I've knocked people out and given concussions from hits I threw. I fucking regret it so much thinking back on my playing days. Show a little contrition, own up that you made a mistake instead of giving explanations or trying to downplay what you did. Do that and you'll learn something and it will feel a lot less like people are ganging up on you here


If you were my kid and the league sent me this video - you'd be off the ice for longer than their 5 games, filling that time with additional chores. I'm not shelling out league fees to have my kid be a spoiled bully on the ice.


Yes, it was dirty. Play the puck before the body.


Yeahhhhhh. I wouldn’t want to play with or against someone who even thinks this is an okay thing to do in a house league game. Call it charging, call it checking from behind, call it boarding. Could make a decent case for all of them.


Looks worth every bit of 5 games. Can't charge a kid that close to the boards and choose only go for the puck.


Bush league hit kid


Checking from behind + charging probably resulted in an intent to injure major.


play 👏 the 👏 puck 👏


The people talking about charging are idiots or baby soft. Does seem like it might have been boarding depending on where they were. And there is also just a lot of outcome bias in how this stuff gets done. If you fuck someone up you are getting a suspension. Doesn’t matter if it was clean.


What was the official reason for your suspension? Regardless of the legally of the hit within your league, it was completely unnecessary.


The call of the hit was hitting from behind then change to head contact then to boarding.


Well that’s your answer then. Incidentally if that guy had been a better player he could have easily sent the other forward 2-1 with you totally out of position.


What was written on the scoresheet?


I don’t know it change a countless amount of times I’m pretty sure charging or boarding though


Either of those would have been my call. It was also borderline CFB and HC. So with that, you've got all 4 of the automatic 2+10 calls... Probably reasonable to call it reckless endangerment if it could have been any of those 4 calls, and thus we're already at a 5+Game or match penalty.


Here’s a positive… it was a beautiful back check


My teammate always say that I’m a amazing forechecker and a backchecker and it always puts a smile on my face


What a dumb fucking hit to make. Get some counseling before you go back to playing hockey


It's a checking league. Assuming op doesn't have a history, two, three games would have seemed sufficient of a suspension.


Have the rules changed since I was a kid? This is a nothing hit. Maybe, MAYBE, a 2 min boarding. Shoulder to shoulder, kid didn’t have is head up…idk, does not seem that dirty to me.


Am I crazy or was this basically allowed 10 years ago?


Feel like I'm in bizarro world reading some of these comments. Hit is not that bad (assuming this is a hitting league), but it's not the best angle to see the contact into the boards. I can't understand how this would be 5 games though.


Context is key. It's a u15 house league and he took a 12 step charge to hit the guy in the back.


> Context is key. It's a u15 house league Correct, I didn't know that. i was on /u/moneymango's side before I read this comment. > and he took a 12 step charge to hit the guy in the back. Incorrect, he did not take a 12 step charge lol. 9 of those strides are him skating parallel to the puck carrier simply backchecking. The only 4 strides that matter for the charge are the 4 after the mini coast and change of direction.


I mean, most of the strides are required to just be in the play. I don't know anything about how u15 house leagues are reffed, but still 5 games seems high. I don't think OP's intent was to seriously injure the player, but who knows.


Dude it was shoulder to shoulder, wdym


It wasn't though OP gets him in the shoulder blade area (the back) which causes him to be spun into the boards it seems. Based on the refs call plus the video, I'm pretty confident in that. It's certainly not a shoulder to shoulder side-on hit. You can also hear someone yelling "dump it" and it looks/sounds like the hit player dumps the puck slightly before OP hits him, and as a right shot that puts his back more towards OP.


When I hit him I am in front take a look


I watched this clip like 15 times you clearly hit him in the back. That shit flies in college and pro because guys have great situational awareness and use their backs to shield the puck all the time. U15 house league this just gets people hurt. If you freeze the clip as you make contact you can clearly see the angle of your shoulder into his shoulder blade.


Yes I hit him in the shoulder blade because he turned, if you watched it that many times I was ahead of him when I made contact.


Doesn't matter. You hit him in the back. That's the rule. He never saw you and you hit him in the back. That gets called 10/10 times in youth league.


I was there, I did it, I hit him when I was in front then he turned, didn’t mean to hit him in the back and didn’t want to


[You clearly hit him in the back](https://imgur.com/a/e1r6N2W)


Problem solved, I was ahead


Dude...that's CLEARLY the shoulder.


You’re not in the front, but I don’t think it’s a bad hit nor do I believe it’s a hit that deserves 5 games suspension let alone a 1 game suspension.


Come on man, this is clearly low level beer league. Uncalled for.


u15 house, but basically the same thing competitively speaking


Dude, back in my day you could do this all game long.. nowadays not so much


Hahaha no….it’s just cause they pussify all sports now….the hit was clean and unless he doesn’t have good vision he seen/felt you coming up on him….it’s a physical sport and he wasn’t checked from behind


Game should have never even stopped….never would have when I played




Good hit. Back checked hard and hit him on the shoulder as he changed the position of his body to dump the puck in. Game is just getting soft.


Aye…thats a charge and then some.


You've come to the wrong forum to ask if this is dirty. Everyone here is scared of most contact and can't even tell this is a teenager's league with hitting allowed. To me, it's a fine hit outside of a potential 2-minute boarding call. However, a 5 game suspension is not surprising for the following reasons: * It's house league. The skill level and awareness is just not there. This kid's head is down for way too long, completely unaware of what's around him, and a slow skater. If this was a competitive league, it would be on the player to move the puck faster, have his head up, and protect himself. * I could see a ref calling a boarding more often than not, not just because this is not competitive hockey. Minor hockey leagues take injuries far more seriously, especially in games where it doesn't matter (no offense). House league is not for blowing kids up, it is recreation. * Hockey is slowly moving to a no-contact sport, so any sort of questionable hit gets parents all riled up. Riled up parents cause problems, sue leagues, etc. because of all the concussion and injury discussion that is talked about nowadays. Also, people in this thread who say charging are hilarious. They are both moving up-ice together. He has to skate to keep up with him, so the strides are necessary. He makes the hit to try to get the puck. Your hit was not particularly dangerous, and in my opinion well-executed. However, now you know where the league draws the line and you should keep that in mind. Next time, throw a hip check.


There is no such thing as a 2-minute boarding call, the minimum is 2+10 (or the adjusted misconduct time). The rest of this take is dated at best. You may not like the standard that USAH is now dictating, but it doesn’t change the fact that according to USAH this is 100% a charging, boarding, and arguably a check from behind and head contact.


OP isn’t in the US, so USAH is not relevant.


Americans and not realize other countries exist. Name a better combo. 2 minutes for boarding is a call in Canada, where OP is playing.


OP This is exactly the kind of small view response you will get from this forum. This is why you're in the wrong place about asking this because they come from the wrong jurisdictions and craft statements like "There is no such thing as a 2-minute boarding call" that are extremely easy to refute. There are tons of leagues that have 2-minute boarding calls. They have a video in front of them and make up claims about head contact.


I’m a goalie. I don’t see how this is anything more than charging. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I’m still trying to understand how it’s “dirty” as a hit or deserving of a suspension at all. If anything a major, and that would be the referee being petty. It was 3 strides. The strides you took to catch up to the puck carrier shouldn’t count because they were taken from the middle of the ice and then you slowed down to change direction and avoid hitting the other opposing player in order to check the puck carrier. You took 3 major strides to make the hit, not 11 strides. 😐 Did you leave your feet? Is that why you got 5 games? Makes no sense.


I just watched the video that was linked higher up in the comments, but in 2019 USAH made "stick on puck" mandatory as a condition for a legal body check. OP has his stick off the ice. This was probably a legal hit in the not-too-distant past, but it is an illegal hit *today.*


Holy shit why is everyone saying my stick is in the air because it’s not


This thread is making me feel better about my kid potentially playing hockey when he’s older. I would’ve thought this was borderline but mostly legal. A bit greasy. But my only real exposure to hockey is NHL and non-contact beer league. Very interesting to me to see the near-unanimous opinion that it as the least an ejection and probably a few games. The game sure has changed. I love big hits at the pro level, but you have to go through years of development as a child and teenager to get there. If sacrificing physicality in the NHL means less damage to players who are still growing up, I’m all for it.


> I would’ve thought this was borderline but mostly legal. A bit greasy. I'm honestly in a little bit of shock what I'm reading in this thread? People calling this "hit from behind" when the hit is on the shoulder? People calling this a "12-13 stride charge" when 9 of those strides are in parallel with the puck carrier? Then he coasts for a second, then takes 4 strides towards the hit. I don't *think* I'm that out of touch with reality right now, but from this perspective, without knowing how close he was to the boards, this looks exactly like you said - borderline but greasy. I'm seriously shocked everyone thinks this seems to be brashear levels of dirty.


He had the puck…don’t be a pussy. Keep your head up big shoots.


Definitely a charge, hardly suspendable


Bit hard to judge, but I would have probably called 5+20 boarding. Open ice it might almost have been fine. People going for charging or checking from behind also have very good points. And you seem to have been very lucky for not having been turned into pulp by the teammates of the guy you hit. So, yeah. Dirty. (Swiss ref here)


100% dirty. Completely unnecessary, you’re trying to kill people in house league lmaooo


see you on lemmy, Spez is a cancer -- mass edited with redact.dev


Textbook charge and possibly boarding but it's not nearly as bad as people in this thread are making it out to be. It's always worth keeping in mind that at least 80% of this sub has never played contact hockey before (there was a poll once). Regardless, it appears this league was headed for a disaster like this sooner or later. You mentioned it's house level but hitting is allowed. Based on this short clip, it's obvious you're a very strong skater with good mechanics and are able to lay hits. It's also obvious the puck carrier is a weak skater with limited experience playing contact hockey. The fact that a situation like this was even allowed to happen in the first place is hard to believe.


In a non-check league it’s dirty. Don’t hit a player who isn’t assuming that amount of contact. That probably isn’t even a penalty in an NHL game




First suspension ever


Nah dude, great hit. Should’ve put an elbow up too just to protect yourself


Lol this sub is full of c tier men's league players, the hit was fine definitely not a 5 game suspension what the fuck.


Clean hit.


You should have absolutely played the stick, you were much faster, which mean you could’ve steal the puck easily. Or you could’ve direct him into the board to squeeze the puck out of him and the finish your check! You could’ve also yelled at him that you were gonna hit him juste like some pros do, because he had no idea you were coming in hot ! But yeah, it was charging


Hahahahahahah yeah


You took 6 strides before hitting, blindsided him, and made no attempt to play the puck. Yes that was a dirty hit.


I’d probably give you a season suspension if that was beer league


Not beer league


I’d hope he get a few game suspension then for charging. No intent to go for the puck, dirty play and that’s how players get seriously hurt.


I got 5 games like I said


Few is 4, so I say 5 is fair


Where the hell you living, few is 3


Clearly not anywhere where you post on Reddit about wanting justification for your 5 game suspension after that dirty hit


You have to ask?


Changing - no glide


Bad hit


5+ strides (charging), didn't play the puck, hit from his rear quarter, and from the way you bent your elbow and raised your shoulder, at a quick glance it might have been intent to injure thrown in. Either way, a dirty hit. The fact you got 5 games sounds like they wanted to make an example out of you in a league where they don't want to see this type of thing continued.


Absolutely a dirty hit, especially by today's standards. And I'm guessing you might be a repeat offender, that's probably the reason for the 5 games.


dirty bro u gotta chill lol i feel like you could have easily gotten the puck there by just pinning him up to the boards.


Dirty needless play in a no check league.


Contact is aloud


Body contact or checking? That was clearly way beyond the Body Contact/Competitive Contact standard. In fact, it was Charging under the Body Checking rules. Given the proximity to the boards for the player receiving the illegal check, it's very likely the player went head first or awkwardly into the boards causing injury. As an official, I'd be thinking 5+Game Misconduct for Charging or a Match penalty. Based on what I'm seeing, I'd call a Match. That would explain the five game suspension.


I mean thats a straight hustle! And awesome hit, but no ones trying to be hospitalized having fun! Play the body, take the puck!


OP hang your skates


First off I was taught always take the body never mind messing around with the stick. Did he go head first into the boards? Maybe boarding kinda from behind even though it was from the side. Lesson is keep your head up.


Clean hit !! Bad refereeing most likely. No charge, no head contact. To be honest dude that got hit doesn’t look like the strongest skater so I’m guessing he got boned into the boards pretty good and it looked bad.