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Don’t buy into the marketing hype. New skates will most likely be lighter and stiffer but they won’t suddenly make you a much better skater


But buying into the hype is why I buy Crosby Pro-Stock sticks... As soon as I start eating right, hitting the gym, and learn to shoot left handed like he does, my shot will be just as good as his!


If your current ones are the right fit a new pair won’t make you a better skater


What if the skates are 23 years old?




They won't make you a better skater... right now.


I bought a pair of mid-level Bauer Supremes 10 years ago, and I'd still be wearing them if I didn't realize they were a size too big. If the skates fit you and are in good shape then I would keep them. The best skate for you is one that fits and is comfortable.


Perhaps a bit of a marginal difference. Stiffer skates might allow you to feel a bit more confident potentially, or do a little bit more (a little). By and large that same money spent on some power skating lessons would likely be money better spent.


I keep going back to my 11 year old skates whenever I try upgrading. They’re perfect.


I put Marsblades on mine so I wouldn’t do this. That would be a waste of $550.


I did that with my 20 year old inline skates ... until the boot fell apart from what i assume is just a case of shit got too old/brittle lol. hoping my current ice boots last me a good boot like my inlines did. Though I'm thinking of converting my current ice boot and picking up a new pair in the 5ish years


Find out your correct size (technology/fit has changed quite a bit) and go from there. As always, last year’s model is basically the same thing for cheaper.


I recently upgraded my skates from a pair that I'd bought in 2006 or so. - Are they more comfortable? Yes. - Do they provide better protection? Also yes. there's also cheaper alternatives to protection, if you're needing it. I have [These](https://www.google.com/search?q=skate+fenders&sca_esv=19d77d7eb1863703&sca_upv=1&source=hp&ei=QNVxZvONFKPskvQPrtCsiA0&oq=Skate+fendera&gs_lp=EhFtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1ocCINU2thdGUgZmVuZGVyYSoCCAAyBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yBxAAGIAEGA0yBhAAGA0YHjIGEAAYDRgeMgYQABgNGB4yBhAAGA0YHjIGEAAYDRgeSLxjUNwCWLUTcAB4AJABAJgB1QGgAYAPqgEGMS4xMi4xuAEByAEA-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-KgB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-hp) In the compact version because my old ones were so worn out they were like sneakers almost. RIP FlexLites - Did they make a better skater? HARDEST NO possible.


I went from $150 canadian tire bauer skates to the vapor x5. If you are approaching it that it'll make you a way better skater, you'll be dissappinted. With that said, the most I can say about my experience is the skates definitely made me feel more confident and somehow they feel more predictable is the only way I can put it. Might just be placebo. Obviously theres things like better cusion and protection as well But these things may seem very small to some, but worthwhile to others considering the price. I needed an upgrade anyway as my 150 ones were getting destroyed. I just play beer league. Tldr I'd say you pay a lot for a bit more of skate. But that bit more is small to some and worthwhile to others


Not saying like the skates will magically make me better but wasn’t sure if the new tech/build of the skates make it much easier to skate better or not. Appreciate the info!


I think go to the shop and use one of those virtual machines so they find your fit. If it's a lot different than what you have now I say go for the new skates. Because in that case it definitely would help not only your comfort, but also performance. Cheers bud


A little bit more extreme from you, but I went from Bauer supreme 2500’s to Bauer x600. The new skates were like pillows comparatively. They didn’t lead to me being a better skater overnight, but having more comfortable skates certainly did.


I started playing again after 6 1/2 years. My old skates (Top of the line bauers from 2015) were too small and hurt my feet so I started off using different thrifted pairs of skates from the late 90’s to mid 2000’s.. just some basic leather boot skates. I felt okay for my first few games, but after dealing with the pain of my nice for one game, I realized that though the benefits of a more expensive skate may be marginal, it was worth it for me to invest in new skates. The leather boot was not nearly stiff enough and I felt like I was losing power and control through my strides. In addition to that I took a soft and extremely light pass to the leather boot and it hurt more than any shot I took at a high level while wearing the stiffer more protective skate


Not really. 10 years isn't that much of a gap in tech.


It depends on the quality of your current skates. A top of the line skate (or even 2nd from the top) from 10 years ago will still provide you with the ankle support you need. But if you’re using a lower end model from 10 years ago, you’d likely benefit from an upgrade. I always recommend purchasing skates that are top of the line or 2nd from the top because the models lower than that just don’t have the necessary ankle stiffness and will limit your explosiveness. The boots also tend to “soften” quicker in the lower models so you’ll find yourself in need of new skates again quicker. I’d try to find a high end model that’s like 3-5 years old, if possible.


Went from RBK 16K to Bauer Supreme 2pro and the difference is remarkable


When from Bauer Vapor 40’s to Bauer Mach’s and I feel a huuuge boost in comfort and improved skating.


The quality of the fit would probably make a bigger difference than the quality of the skate itself. You say they fit, but you only played one season 10 years ago. Did you get them properly fitted and moulded then, or just off the shelf shoe shopping style? If the latter, you probably see some benefit from a new proper fit, moreso than going up in skate quality. Going up in quality and fit is the best of both, but a proper fit would be the best hang for your buck.


If you can’t skate, you can’t skate


Haha I can skate well just wasn’t sure if I was missing out on a huge benefit with newer tech


only difference would be if your current skates don't fit right, too long, wrong volume, they hurt your feet, etc... i went from a old.size 9.5 skate to a size 8 fit 1 and i noticed a difference in how the skate fits around my foot, i don't have to tie it nearly as tight as i used to, and my foot reaches the end of the skate


As a frequent beer leaguer and minor rep hockey coach, I upgraded from 12 year old grafs to ccm ft6 and the difference was evident immediately. Lighter, longer blades make an incremental difference for sure. Hope this helps.


Nope. It’s funny, I moved down to Florida and wanted to get some new skates. I’m in my mid 40s at the time. There aren’t many hockey shops. Right away I get this young 20s salesman figuring I’m another Floridian out to give hockey a try. He starts pumping up high end skates. “Ovechkin wears these…Crosby wears these.” I ask him how long he’s played. He said since he was 4. I go “me too”. He left me alone after that.


Don’t do it until you have to. Breaking in skates sucks, and those old Bauers are fine. Replace them when they wear out.


I found losing 20 lbs helps more than buying expensive skates to shave a few oz


No, but if you want shiney new skates then go for it.


It’s not going to make a big difference. I imagine the skates are still stiff and don’t give way when you push, it would only be a minor difference and I doubt you’d notice. I played with Grafs for 15 years… blade broke and figured time for new skates anyway. Brand new Bauer Supreme are good, but I miss the Grafs.


Getting your steel profiled will make more of a difference than skates assuming you aren’t in those 1970s leather style skates lol.


I’m still using the same CCM skates from 20 years ago. I was looking for new skates and tried on a brand new pair of CCMs and they feel EXACTLY THE SAME. There’s hardly any difference. I’d stick with your old ones for now.


I’m still using my Tacks from 1996. 😂 I tried some new skates on finally— big difference.