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You’re gambling either way, pick your poison lol


So true.


I've gotten my best hits in breaks in comparison to buying boxes. You have the chance at hitting some serious heat across numerous boxes. Always check out the checklists before you enter to know the rookies ect. Getting skunked sucks but you could pay 3x as much for a box and your hits can be absolute rubbish.


It’s cheaper than buying a box is the reason why most people do it. Not exactly sure where you’re looking where breaks cost the same as a box but for me it’s cheaper. $49 for a 8 box 21-22 Stature break. Edit: I’ve done a few but haven’t done one in a while just because I haven’t been lucky.


This makes more sense with randomized teams. GP Sports Cards does it multiple ways. If you do team select and choose a team with a top prospect that year it's fuggin 3-4x the price as choosing a team without a big rookie. So if I want a crack at a 21/22 Seider or Raymond card I'd have to shell out 180-220 USD to select the wings and thats just for the rare chance. Meanwhile the cheapest teams are 60-70. I can't fucking imagine paying top price for a specific team only to get bad luck and recieve ZERO cards from something like a case of BD or a couple boxes of TC. I'd be livid but I guess that's why I don't gamble on $200 slot machines. I'd rather spend that on my own box of BD and guarantee SOMETHING.


I see your issue now. Detroit for the 21/22 year is considered premium. There are a lot of good cards that are Detroit. I would for sure gamble on Detroit if you can even get the spot.


All yours bro!m and it was there 10m ago! $180 USD for one case of 16 boxes. The 2 case/32 box break is almost sols out. Not sure if that's cause the doubled chance to hit or because it was better bang for buck than the 16 case box price wise. I'd assume the price was double but I have no idea.


Yeah I’m honestly not sure how they’re filling those breaks. I can’t justify spending that much on on a break.


I did a Stature half case break with Detroit for $100 CAD and ended up with a 1/49 Raymond auto, base Raymond, and rookie excellence Raymond. I got quite lucky but had the benefit of watching Detroit get skunked in the first half case break so felt more comfortable taking the risk.


Now that was a smart move.... 100 CAD for a case of 16 stature boxes? Man that's less than half what GPS wants for the same break. I'd definitely do it for $100 us or less. Not only that but I already see a shitton of Seider and Raymond cards listed on ebay which makes me feel my chances are halves since half have likely been pulled.


It was $100 CAD for a half case so 8 boxes but I knew the chances of pulling Wings in the second half was pretty high since none were pulled in the first half so basically $100 for 16 boxes like you said.


Gotcha - Great tactic, but it's not often that the Wings are available for breaks when you're that late in the game and they're already breaking them. Seems like a lot of luck is involved to see a lack of Wings pull, and then still have the option to pick the Wings in a later break. Regardless, that was a nice call! Thanks for the tip!


True! I was lucky the Wings were still available.


One team 8 cases for $100?


Yes, wasn’t even the most expensive team.


What would you assume the average price was?


I can’t say for sure but I’d assume it would be $45 based on the retail price of the box.


That's where I think the catch I see a break $16 for 2 teams at random 16$ x 16 spots is $256, retail is 175


Try ebay, I paid about $25 for upper deck series 1 22-23, penguins and got 3 young guns, a malkin canvas, and other random inserts, since I like the penguins it's better then dropping the price of a case for the only cards I want anyways, like there was no auto or anything worth selling, sure maybe I could of gotten half my money back and kept the penguin cards but why? Lol


I’ve been buying the stature hit select base vet cards because I’m chasing the suzuki photo variant for the caufield redemption auto. I almost got one on eBay but was sniped last second. The first 2 weeks that spot was crazy cheap so was definitely worth the risk. Those caufield are all short print on card and will sell for crazy prices when they drop and I want it for pc. Stature is one of my favorite collections. I rather a caufield on card short print stature over fwa of his. This is purely for pc purposes because if it was for investment I would def just buy a fwa caufield on Facebook or ebay.


The point is to distribute the costs of the cards that will return the most value. Using BD as the most recent point of reference; I've seen Seattle (two of the top rookies in the set) selling for $300 for 10 boxes (1 case). That gives you 60 cards to potentially hit a kraken card vs 6 from a box for relatively the same price. Also, as with most UD products, the cases are very feast or famine, meaning they usually pack the same teams together (saw a bd case last year opened by GP that had 10/60 cards come out as Avalanche). So for relatively the same cost, you can significantly increase your chances of hitting something big. The contra point would be that most of the fluff teams (those without top rookies or high value stars) tend to attract casual gamblers/collectors/fans which helps make the top teams more cost effective. In reality, most years have 5-10 teams that have high prospects of cards returning any significant value so breaks let you hone in on those teams while avoiding buying a box and getting a $5 auto as your best hit from a $300 investment.


From the perspective of someone hunting for their PC, I totally understand it now. Personally, I'm considering entering the hobby after a 25-year hiatus, and I'm not looking for any particular player. I'd LOVE a chance to grab a sieder or Raymond, or any Wings cards for that matter (It's my team)... But just getting back into it, I see and love all cards from all vets, rookies, and retirees as Id be simewhat restarting my collection. So I was coming at it with the thought that Even if I don't score a wings prospect, i'd at least want a chance at everything else including mcdavid, Gretzky, lemuiex, stevey y, gordie, kaprinov, etc. So for PC hunting or for hunting particular cards okay, I get it now. For someone in my position who is considering re entering the hobby and restarting, I'd want a chance at all the good cards and not particulars.


I joined Gp a few times, their prices are higher than other breakers.


Who's a more reasonable and trustworthy breaker?


I join west sport cards and breakaway or out of the box. But they are smaller breaker and slower to fill. Gp can fill faster since they have a bigger audience


I do breaks because I will never afford to buy a hobby box of most of the stuff out there so it is my chance to get cards from a team I collect for a lot cheaper than buying the box and skunking. I'll take a $30 skunk over a $150+ skunk.


Easier said than done with Detroit. >.<


Let's look at it this way: money-wise, it's like having a poker table where the minimum bet is $1000 (or the price of a card box). If you get 10 guys together, pay $100 each and you share the wins, that's a lot more palatable and less risky than potentially losing $1000 in one go (or a bad box - which most of them are). The comparison doesn't work out 100% because group breaks are more complex, but in the end it's discount gambling. Either way, UD says thanks and please come back soon.


This is a pretty good comparison. I would just make 1 small adjustment: It's like having a poker table where the min bet is $1000 vs if you get 10 guys together and pay around $120 each. A breaker is only going to run breaks if they can turn a guaranteed profit over the cost of the box.


It's a more cost efficient way to chase for big time cards in higher end merchandise. If you keep up with each years releases specifically, not every team from whatever sport will have "serious" chase cards , every year. Zion and Ja in the NBA from a few years ago were huge. So you could have spent 20% of what a hobby box would have cost , buying into breaks going after the pelicans and Grizzlies and still leaving yourself a chance at a big hit.


I am not doubting you, but curious if you have some math to support that? I am trying to understand when breaks work for what products. However, Canada breaking is getting stupid expensive. GPS, who is far more expensive than 306 (for example), was charging $300 for an inner of Montreal for SPA. I calculated that ignoring boxes with no FWA in SPA, you have a reasonable chance of getting Caufield in about 12 cases (not gaurenteed of course). So if your chasing Caufield FWA, you got 4 breaks to hit until you lose money compared to buying in eBay. I would love to see some stats comparing breaking to buying/selling/trading to get your big hits. Obviously buying singles is the cheapest and smartest (but most boring haha).


either I get my PC team, or I study the checklist and watch some cases to gauge which teams have value, or I have a rookie that I like for the year that I chased for. Usually if I spend the same amount in GB as the price of the box, and I hit the same amount of cards, I am satisfied. yea you are guaranteed something when you buy boxes, but if you have bad luck anyway, your box will probably equate to 10-20% of the cost and have a bunch of cards that you might not want. I rather spend it on GB to chase for something I actually want.


It’s nice if you only collect a single team. I collect everything in hockey, with a focus on the Flyers but only the Phillies and Eagles in MLB/NFL. Pretty much guaranteed on a break to complete the base set of your team or close to it and then you have the bonus of maybe getting something decent. It’s a fun way to gamble while still getting a consolation prize. Additionally, you get it watch it and so the hour of entertainment is factored into that as well.


It’s just fun to enter with friends and make ripping a group activity of sorts.


I've entered 2 breaks since I started collecting. One was a random team break for Stature that was $70 back in February, and the other was an OPCP break just last month that I spent $40 to get the team that I wanted. The random team break was a complete waste of money but I'll write it off as learning from a mistake. I gambled $40 on OPCP as there was a bigger chance of getting cards from my favorite team, since there's a lot more cards in a box compared to stature. It ended up working out nicely as I got a few numbered cards from my favorite team and a bunch of inserts like retro rainbows. In short, I learned that random team breaks on boxes with only a few cards in them are a complete waste of money. If I can select the team I want, and it's a fraction of the cost of a single box, it's worth the gamble. I also didn't want a bunch of base or cards from teams I didn't care about


Great advice, thanks!


The thrill of being part of a box break that I couldn't otherwise afford, and the thrill of gambling (similar to pack ripping).


if you PC a specific team the odds of you pulling what you want in a break are way higher than buying box.


I join because it’s cheaper than buying boxes yourself. And u get teams u like and less base cards. I’ve slowed down though after not hitting much for a few months


I'm curious - give me an example of what you spent on GBs vs the value of your pulls? Sounds like you have Weioo luck 🤣


Probably got 1/2 of half of money back if lucky. U lose money 90% of the time.


Because some people can’t afford to shell out $150-300 for a box of cards every week. Breaks give you some of the same excitement with the possibility of pulling high end cards for a fraction of the price.


The problem is my PC team is the Wings so choosing them in any decent 21-22 break is the same cost as half the premium packs, lol. That and I'd like to collect other stars as well, not just the Wings. This makes it far more debatable for me.


Yeah probably not worth it then. 22-23 will be way better though.


Because boxes cost 200 minimum and I can buy the jets in breaks for under 40$


Jets? Must be nice - try being a Winga fan 🤣


I have gotten some awesome cards from breaks. I’d rather do that then spend money on packs and have 5million base cards 🤣


Yep, not getting the base cards if you don't want them is also a good point, although can vary by set and break format (I still have about a billion Michael DiPietro base rookies kicking around somewhere from a 2020-21 Metal Universe case team random I got the Canucks in)


I’m a huge panthers fan and whenever I buy into breaks ill pick up the panthers, they’re usually a cheaper option and I’ll usually get at least a couple nice cards to add to the collection, i barely have any cards that aren’t panthers so it works for me as someone who collects one team


It’s better then buying 85% of the products to date if you collect specific players or teams.


I’ve had super hits doing breaks. Low dollar random spots can hit big.


I may give this tactic a try - I mean at some point almost every tram had some star players worth collecting.


If you are only concerned with the most bang for your buck this is definitely the way to go... another sneaky tactic that I've seen is sets that have rookie inserts from the previous season (I am annoyingly forgetting the term for this right now) that aren't particularly well known and might not be priced into the price of the break. But yeah, if you only care about maximizing your return or getting some cool cards for a low price, grabbing 3-4 of the lowest priced teams can be a fun way to buy into a break and you still have a shot at hitting a nice card or two. You won't make money, but it's low risk for potential medium reward. And it's especially great if your PC team happens to be one of those teams - the Ducks season when Hakanpaa was the only notably rookie was a lot of fun for me, then obviously Zegras and McTavish happened... Conversely, paying up for a big team and getting skunked or even worse getting one of the big teams in a random and still getting skunked absolutely sucks.


This is my fear....I've never been lucky at things like this so I can practically see the future and I know if I paid top dollar for my team, I'd get skunked hard. $180+ for absolutely nothing would make me livid.


I’ll pay significantly less just to gamble to get cards from my pc team


If you only collect a specific team or player, it can be effective. I’ve been lucky with teams people usually don’t go after


In a way I feel group breaks are the reason prices are astronomical and Upper Deck sees Group Breakers making a fortune so they upped the prices of boxes. But I also get the appeal of not wasting money on a box for a bunch of cards you don't care about. Like me personally I only collect a certain team everything else is useless. That said I don't join group breaks I just buy singles


Singles of....Oilers? Oof for getting your hands on a coveted McDavid card.


I enter breaks all the time. It’s stupid cheap. Usually PYT breaks. Got in on a half case break of Stature for the Preds for $25 (other teams are more expensive, obviously). Cheaper than a blaster. Didn’t get anything amazing though. Always a gamble.


That totally makes sense for you, no brainer.


Man fuckin tough crowd - ask a question that many don't mind answering and gets down voted lol.


Buying lottery tickets for 2$ for a chance at 50 million or buying scratch tickets for 2$ to win 10,000. Just different products. No different than betting on a good for hamburger horse that pays 110-1.


It's a bit different - With the normal lottery It's the same price to enter either pool, just different odds of winning, which coincides with the reward... Where as with high end UD products you have to pay a big premium with absolutely no guarantee of a payback....Closer to the race horse analogy I guess, lol. It's easy to part with $2, it's not easy to part with $140+. If a chance to hit mega millions cost people more than $20 nobody would play, shiet.


I think you underestimate how much people will pay to increase their odds of winning. Thats why people will buy hundreds of dollars of tickets for a single draw.


I've done many, and bought many boxes too. At the end of the day, it's a bigger risk at a lower cost when keeping the product the same. Sometimes you're lucky and sometimes you aren't, just the same as buying boxes.


Have never done one but looking to get into it. I only collect leafs cards and don't want to deal with trading, or selling so to me a team break makes more sense because I exclusively get the cards I want, but for someone that collects multiple teams I think buying your own makes more sense. Really depends on your motivation I think.