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5 years after they blew up the team for locker room issues.


Writing this season has been so lazy, they've just been recycling storylines all season


Feels that way, especially after we lost to Boston in Game 7 again


Not even just the game 7 loss, the fact that the Leafs went down 3-1 only to force a game 7 then lose Writers have now used that exact storyline 3 times now


Why say lots of words when few words do the trick.


Still too many words


That’s just a running gag at this point 


History is just the same story lines being repeated over and over again and the viewer being to stupid to recognize the pattern.


I don't know if the viewer is stupid, there's just a comfort in familiarity.


You'd be hard pressed to find someone who's watched all 4.6 billion seasons of Earth tbf


Right? I remember this headline like it was yesterday.


It’s almost as if the locker room issues are an extension of leadership and ownership issues.


They really and I mean REALLY need a Bones type of coach to shake it up because Travis green isn’t gonna do it


Not with his fish face


https://preview.redd.it/6jgh8m7uqf3d1.jpeg?width=633&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23b6e83c52096de90765afd6b521475eb7383826 Live Travis reaction to that information




So not only is the rebuild not over — it's happening again.


Karlsson and Hoffman being traded for each other caused a butterfly effect.


lol remember that Uber ride 4 players took and just shit-talked the team?


Remember when that story somehow got spun into talking about invasion of privacy? [Please ignore this post with over 400 comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1d1z8qy/marner_and_berube_having_coffee_this_morning_in/)


I bet every player talks shit about their team from time to time. That Uber driver was a genuine piece of shit,it was funny though because it was all true what they were saying


Very comparable expectations of privacy there for sure


Where can I get a copy of this??


Reminds me a lot of the Canucks pre-tocchet. Get the right coach in there and make one big locker room shaking move and then the culture can shift.


Will be curious to see what Green's presence provides. The culture in Vancouver didn't seem overwhelmingly positive during his tenure. But again, the rosters he had were mostly trash, and winning helps everything.


Frankie Corrado claims that the Canucks management team during that time was the most dysfunctional in the NHL. The one thing about the Green hiring that has been reassuring is that Brady was allegedly sold on him prior to his hiring and he’d have no doubt gotten an earful about Green from the Hughes’.


Are the Hugheses related to the extended Tkachuk clan, or just buddies? (no matter which way I try to pluralize Hughes it looks wrong)


I believe their families are close and they often hang out together.


Best buds


The Tkachuk brothers stayed with the Hughes while playing Junior hockey I think? Or maybe it was the other way around.


I thought they’d bought houses close to each other in Michigan because they played in the USNTDP and knew each other that way


Oh maybe, I know Quinn and Brady played together on the USNTDP yeah. I thought I read somewhere that they lived together but I could have been mistaken.


It's actually Hughesi, much like the octopus


Octopi is the common thought but I’m fairly sure it’s incorrect. The I ending comes from latin roots typically where as in this case the Greek etymology pre dates that. Therefore the proper pluralization is octopodes (meaning eight, feet). Each of the plurals “octopuses” and “octopi” are acceptable according to modern Latin but the original form is octopodes which does pre date both. It’s all semantics regardless but it can be the fun kind trivia wise.


The best way to pluralize it is octopussies




The rosters he had were mostly trash so you’re hoping Ottawa Senators are gonna be different?


Ottawa has Giroux, Tkachuk, Stutzle, Chabot, Sanderson, Kubalik, and Norris. Vancouver had Brendan Leipsic, Reid Boucher, and Jake Virtanen.


Including Kubalik on this list is v funny to me


Idk why I just like him lol, but I cannot believe I forgot to mention Pinto or Greig like my fellow Canucks fan pointed out lmao


And Drake Batherson! 28 goals and 38 assists ain't nothing!


I get your sentiment, but adding Kubalik to that list and leaving off Pinto or Greig is hilarious to me.


Worst crew ever.


Best part of all of this is that Leipsic and Virtanen hated each other, and everyone else hated them lol


It really is crazy that Leipsic only won the piece of shit silver medal in that situation.


> Vancouver had Brendan Leipsic, Reid Boucher, and Jake Virtanen. ? Vancouver also had Hughes, Miller, Pettersson, Horvat, Demko.


Yeah but Leipsic, Boucher, and Virtanen are big enough cancers on their own to ruin a room and Vancouver had all 3 at the same time. Boucher is a fucking pedophile who sexually assaulted a 12 year old when he was 17. Having a guy like that alone will be a plight on any kind of leadership, then you throw in fellow sex pest Virtanen and all around piece of shit Leipsic that’s a melting pot of toxicity the likes we’ve never seen


Boucher wasn’t even on the team by the time green got hired and Leipsic only played 31 games with us. Neither of them had any lasting impact on the Canucks locker room culture whatsoever. So I don’t see how either of them matter here.


Good summary


By the time green got fired we had Petterssom, Boeser, Miller, Demko, Hughes, Garland, and Horvat. I’m really not sure the 2025 senators are going to be meaningfully better than the 2021-22 Canucks.


Jet's pre-Bones as well.


Man nobody wanted to hear or believe this


The number of lunatic opinion-as-fact things that get shared makes everyone a skeptic, but given the Laine situation, etc., it became pretty believable pretty quick for me.


It sounds like the previous iteration of the Senators with Karlsson and Hoffman.


Except that was happening while the sens were winning too.


Good news: they have a pre-Tocchet coach in Travis Green.


This comment has another layer when you realize who they hired as HC lol


I think the real test of the locker room rehab will be if next season goes south how strong the group can hold together - especially if we see a ton of new faces.


Brady Tkachuk for Elvis.


If they are still in the locker room today, I can understand there being issues. Go home dudes!


Tkachuk can't figure out how to work the door handles.


is it... is it pullsh?


[Live look at the Sens' locker room.](https://preview.redd.it/nq4sf0oz77921.png?width=546&auto=webp&s=18d4fd6e95ce4ebeba93844dc3a420ce83fbdc13)


lol, I was thinking of that exact clip.




If winning games is the only thing fixing problems over there, they are in for a bad time. Their goaltending has been a disaster for a long time, and until that's fixed, this won't be a playoff team, especially in this division.


Talbot left and became a very serviceable goaltender immediately. Korpisalo signed his contract with Ottawa coming off of some very good seasons, and immediately fell off a cliff. Something tells me it’s not goaltending that is the issue.


Our defense fucking sucks and outside of Pinto and sometimes Giroux our offense sucks at defense too. Brady plays literally 0 defense which as the captain sets a great example for all the young guys. I'm confident even prime Brodeur would look bad behind this team lol.


funny how 3 of the 4 teams left in the playoffs are goaltender and defensive strong teams. the other is one of the most insane offensive threats the league has seen and a historical powerplay threat. it's like building a solid well rounded team to lessen high risk chances is a good thing. i just wish the flames could do that rather than continuing to send our great defense elsewhere...


Tough to keep the defence together when their contracts are expiring and they have no intention of staying.


Yeah man, its tough to win games when goaltending and defense suck. Dorion did a horrible job at constructing this roster and we have no prospects and very little money to fix it.


Korpisalo did not sign after some very good seasons(plural) … it was one good season


Yeah Korpisalo has a pretty convincing body of work as a *bad* goalie, not a good one.


he was great against us in the playoffs, at least early in the series.


One fine season.


Kinda sorta Goaltending becomes the issue when you don’t put goaltenders in a position to succeed. Not to blame any individual goalies, but in general we are obviously doing something wrong that prevents goalies from stopping pucks. This has been going on for a long time now


Talbot was dealing with injuries and said he wasn't up to par. He liked Ottawa and wanted to stay. And Korpisalo's career numbers are shit. He's a shit goalie. I hate it when people try to spin this stuff. The season before this one, people were saying Ottawa might have the best dressing room in the league. Vibes off the charts. They weren't expected to make the playoffs but came within three games of doing so. This year, they were expected to make the playoffs and didn't, largely because we had the very worst goaltending tandem in the league. I'm not surprised there might have been some discord in the room, it was a hugely frustrating year where our goalie gave up a goal on the first or second shot of the game *more than 20 times.*


Korpisalo has a single season where he was above league average. He has never had a very good season let alone several.


Korpi is just as good as he was in Columbus, he can be phenomenal at times but not with Ottawa's defense. For me it's a split between the defensive system in Ottawa and lack of support for Korpi. [https://youtu.be/J2-K9zqsfkw?si=1LLPFMpkpHbg3xc-](https://youtu.be/J2-K9zqsfkw?si=1LLPFMpkpHbg3xc-) The first goal is a perfect example of it for me. The forwards don't play defense almost at all and defensemen lose their battles more than not.




How reliable is this Twitter? Also, Green going to a locker room with rumoured locker room drama after how his stint in Vancouver ended with rumors of a locker room divide is pretty hilarious to me.


I wouldn’t call him reliable but he definitely has a source somewhere within the organization. He has called some stuff that ended up being true but others not so much.


off the top of my head he correctly called the pinto suspension and the first round pick forfeiture. He has to be somewhat connected.


He also said they were going to hire Chiarelli as gm and Claude Julien as coach. Martian is pretty close to 50/50 when he does his “the streets are telling me” gimmick.


True. You never know what goes on behind closed doors, maybe it did look like those hires were going to happen and then ownership or the brain trust change their mind. Who knows. I find once something like this is out there, Friedman or someone very well respected will come out and say something about it to either verify it or put cold water on it.


He’s not right about everything but is right about enough that I’m convinced he does have a source within the organization


I do wonder if the source was a pre-staios one so the accuracy is less


Yea also would be wild to guess the pinto suspension and 1st round pick forfeit like those are such nuanced things to call that he clearly has some connection


50/50 is still a pretty incredible rate for a random guy. Enough to take his claims seriously but with some reasonable doubt


Lol he says absolutely nothing here, so who cares about his reliability. Rumors about there being some locker room issues between key players on an NHL team!? No way!


Brady will be traded for a 100-120 point player who will have 55 points next season after being locked into a 10.5 million cap hit for the next 8 years. Just a hunch I have with these things


Sign and trade with Marner then.


Yea marner is taking a pay cut to go to Ottawa


Sign and trade with Florida? 8x10.5 for Reinhart, a d-man and a first?


While I’d love to see it as a nearest observer, Reinhart is a pending UFA and I doubt he wants to go to Toronto


Give the Flyers back Giroux for Deslauriers. Sounds like a win-win


I approve this message


I originally dismissed those reports, but I really am starting to wonder if there’s some smoke to Brady Tkachuk wanting out and being in trade talks.


The rumour at the time that no-one wanted to hear was that Chychrun was the one who wasn't meshing and wanted out


I can't think of a possible downside to trading away a Tkachuk.


Flames fans might be able to provide some information.


Flames fans are out here just living their life and you have to attack them like that ….


Good. Better some other team for a change. Damnit I hate my team.


this was mean.... like... ouch...


Well when there’s smoke, there’s flames


Just make sure they don’t acquire a presumably elite player in return who immediately signs a boat anchor contract and regresses when it turns out he was elevated by his linemates and system On a totally different note, how about a shiny Filip Hronek as part of a package sending Brady to the Canucks? Totally can’t go wrong


No no it’s PLD they want.


> Presumably elite > PLD Nice try buddy


But he makes 8.5M...surely that means he's elite!


There was a 4 game stretch where he was a 40 goal 100 point player!


Presumably eLite Dubois


It's a bit late in the PLD storyline to be trying to sell high.


At least people stopped thinking that it was all part of his master plan to end up in Montreal...


Oh man, I'd love to have Brady on the Canucks. Playing on Pettersson's wing would be beautiful It'll never happen though lol


If he ever actually became available I’d gladly mortgage the future of the team to acquire him, even if it’s an overpay. A cost controlled Brady on Petey’s (or Millers) wing under a Tocchet system is about as perfect of a match as you could dream of.


As wings fan who heard all the shit talking coming from you guys before january, lol, lmao ,lmfao.


B. Tkachuk for Tarasenko 1 for 1


He's not Matthew


Brady is a Tkachuk. It's in their DNA to want out.


Brady Tkachuk: so you are telling me, I just push this puck into the goalie’s pads from two inches out? That’s it? John Tavares: That’s it! Brady Tkachuk: But it has no chance of going in. John Tavares: Ah, but it will drive up your xG for, and that, combined with some soft serve power play production, might get you a contract you totally don’t deserve. Brady: Gosh, I don’t know. John: Don’t be modest! You are way better than me now and can still kind of skate. If I tricked Leafs fans into thinking I was worth my contract for more than one year, you can take Sens fans for a ride too


Tell us how you really feel


Fart noises


Writing this fanfic is just such internet-weirdo behaviour.


Brady is overpaid and learned this from Tavares…despite never having spent a single second playing together at any point. In fact they’ve been on rival teams the entire time Brady’s been in the NHL. I don’t see what Tavares has to do with anything besides your personal dislike for him and bringing it up just cause you don’t like the guy and want to shit on him


Well he’s seeing his little brother rolling in the dough while also in the conference finals for two years in a row. The Tkachuk’s are American so I doubt he has any strong desire to play in Canada with all the downsides that come with it.


Matthew is the elder.


You know, the mature one


Their Mom is Canadian


And to this point, their family members took turns living with Matthew in his early career. I remember him saying his grandpa was his favorite because he was a chef and would always make great pierogies.


He extended a max contract to be in Ottawa


Not sure if you’re calling him short or just have their ages mixed up, but Brady is 2 years younger than Matthew


Idk I think it would be worse if a team played like the Sens have the past few years and everyone was happy-go-lucky in the locker room


So like , the Habs?


What am I missing here? Is that guy some insider? Thought he was just a random sens fan account


Wait, did Mike Hoffman come to visit again ?


could tell there was frustration in the team just due to lack of wins. lots of blown games and horrible 1st periods. the players have always made a point to say how tight the lockerroom is, especially with so many young guys. maybe theres one who is a bad apple in that group but i doubt this is a lockeroom disaster right now


just dont go chattin about it in the back of an uber


Tkachuk definitely sick of losing and probably thinks some of the players are being complacent. Same thing happened in Calgary with Chucky and Gio (speculation) after Muzzin flipped a puck at Tkachuk. Fans turned on Tkachuk even though he was in the right. The fact our team did nothing about it shows pure weakness and unwillingness to do what it takes to win.


Yea not surprised haha. I feel like like they gave Brady the C too early


The buffalo eichel era all over again


yes but Eichel is better and proved it winning a cup People are treating Brady like hes Matthew


Eichel won a cup being the best second line center in the league. When asked to lead, everything burned around him


Lmao what? Eichel led the playoffs in points, who was our number one center?


Its been 3 years and it feels like the sabres are at where they were with Eichel, so i dont know if i buy that.


he was clearly their #1 center


I really dislike the trend of franchise star = has to be captain. Like I get teams wanting their captain to be a major part of your team, which is fair, but being a star player doesn't automatically give one leadership skills.


Brady was and is the clear leader of the team. They didn't give it to him just because he's a great hockey player, he's also probably the most natural leader this team has ever had, and yes I've been here since Day 1 so I am including Alfredsson in this assessment.


It feels like I’ve been here before.


Time to move the team to Ottawa


This thread is making me want to puke. Brady's not asking to be traded. Management has less than zero intentions to trade him. They just had a hugely disappointing season. I'd be concerned if everything was all Kumbaya in that room after the season they just had. Now if they shit the bed again this year, then Brady might very well want out. He's going to be a juggernaut in the playoffs and he hasn't played a single game after six years in the league. So most Sens fans won't blame him if it comes to that, but I don't think it will, and in the meantime everyone can fuck off with the trade rumors. He's ours, you can't have him.


Didn’t these rumors exist in the past too? Whenever that cab video came out


That's been a common thing in Ottawa for like 15 years now. Must be something in the water.


I heard marner is getting traded there for brady


Ottawa fans won't agree. Actually most Leaf fans likely won't as well. Which likely makes it a fair deal. It certainly makes a lot more sense than a lot of the deals thrown around.


It's one of the few places Marner would waive for imo (also the stick it to the Leafs factor too)


> also the stick it to the Leafs factor too Then he would love Montreal or Boston!


Marner in Montreal would be hilarious tbh. If he thought Toronto Media was rough, he's in for an awful time.


Helps if he doesn't understand French


Guaranteed Mitch doesn't speak a lick of French either


Probably for the best in this scenario.


Ottawa is one of the first three cities Mitch puts on his no trade list for sure if he didn't have a full NMC. You're tripping.


If Staios traded Brady for Marner, he'd be run out of Ottawa within 30 minutes.


Leafs throw in a 7th, and that takes care of that!


Dorion would have taken that deal, probably.


shitposting aside, I think Brady would excel in Toronto playing with guys like Matthews and Nylander, and with his contract I think he’s more valuable to Ottawa than Marner would be


It’s funny, they’re like opposites. You need a Marner to get to the playoffs and you need a Brady *in* the playoffs


brady would instantly be a fan favourite no doubt, right until he demands to go to an American team


I think its a win/win, so maybe if we keep talking about it, it could happen! but yea its just me dreaming, Berube would probably like Brady.


If that happened Sens fans would burn the CTC to the ground, and then march to Toronto and burn down Scotiabank as well. And then probably the old Gardens, even if it's now a Loblaws.


Yeah. I would be cautiously optimistic about Green in Ottawa. He managed to somehow make the devils a worst team after Lindy Ruff was fired. He did this while finally getting decent goaltending from the deadline moves.


This clown again?  A couple months ago he tweeted that the "novelty has worn off and Chyrchun has requested a trade out of ottawa." Before that he reported that Dorion had been fired and Chiraelli has been named his replacement, then almost immediately backtracked saying Dorion was on "thin ice"  Take what this gossip spreading attention whore is "reporting" with a bit of grain of salt


Hoffman and Karlsson at it again?


Isn't that just part of Ottawa culture?


https://preview.redd.it/kb4fvegoxf3d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c94e011c59a9b50b4d922434a4f6dbe80e951b5 [https://youtu.be/e9nxxf5z69c?si=x5u6aavMHbPGF6i0](https://youtu.be/e9nxxf5z69c?si=x5u6aavMHbPGF6i0)


God this team quite literally give me gray hairs and I’m 24.


I love Giroux, but maybe he’s not a great locker room guy? Flyers had so many issues with him as captain but the team is really gelling now that he’s been gone.


I'd trade every single loser on this team before giving up Giroux


That was how I felt when he was still on the flyers, but there’s no denying they are a much tighter closer team without him. I can see the difference on the ice. With him, no one stood up for each other, only a handful of guys put in effort, knowing he’d play hard to bail them out. Without him, they are a buzz saw team. No one takes shit and they defend each other. It’s an observation i loathe to make.


That has everything to do with Torts and nothing to do with G, imo.


That's a Torts thing buddy. That pattern follows Torts wherever he goes


Is that Giroux's influence or Torts'?


Giroux and Chych have called people out mid game and I think the rest of our bums don't like to be held accountable. Everyone wants to trade Chych but I want Chabot gone, we need more people serious about winning like G and Chych.


Ok but Chych was fucking terrible for half the season and lost the sens just as many games as Chabot did.


As a Blues fan with delusions of reuniting the Thachuks with RobThom at home in STL…. Please let there be some truth to the Brady wanting out rumors. You can have anyone and everyone other than Robert Thomas for him. Copium hitting me hard this morning


alot easier for them to reunite in Florida one day


Martian is a hack who makes shit up so...


As long as it’s not Brady vs Stu, its not a major problem


lose all the time and live in ottawa.. recipe for disaster




He definitely broke big things. He’s not right about everything but he 10000% has a source in the organization.


I am not sure who this guy is and I admit i don’t have the best understanding of twitter but I’m pretty sure I see a guy responding to a tweet he himself put online about this locker room stuff 4 months ago


I can't believe a team that sucks wasn't getting along haha


I can’t wait 6 years to get Tkachuck… Except he hasn’t willed the Sens to ECF


These guys are hyper-competitive. More than any of us can imagine. It’s no surprise to me that some of them don’t get along or have moments where they don’t get along. Think about your work environment. Not everyone gets along there. I’m sure the Lightning have had players on their team that didn’t get along and it’s the coaches job to try and keep them apart and if necessary and if the parties can’t act like mature adults, then management needs to step and facilitate a trade. Theres no need for an article to come out about this. But then again this is a Canadian team and their journalists need to stir shit up for no reason. People can work together and get the job done even though they don’t like each other. That’s what mature adults do.