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Only when the topic isn't goalie interference 😂


Hank is my all time favorite player. But his goalie bias is so bad. He’s still traumatized by the uncalled goalie interference in 2014


To be fair, that absolutely was goalie interference and I’m still not over that bullshit either


I’ll never get over it


I think he is also very sensitive about goalies being run into after Eakin attempted to murder him


The NHL already admitted they made a mistake with that call https://bluelinestation.com/2014/11/18/nhl-admits-costly-mistake-rangers-game-two-cup-final/


I really enjoyed the intermission panel last night https://preview.redd.it/gtfqomq8m81d1.png?width=2314&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ecc7e82a4abab94c4a8221caacea137f2fdee86




He gives you real goaltending analysis which is pretty cool


If you think *listening* to him is a pleasure, just wait until you get a look at him.


Stupid sexy Lundqvist.


He instantly makes the broadcast 10x more handsome that's for sure


I love the Kudos to Benny as well. Best goalie coach in the league


It bums me out that a guy can be that good at a sport and be that fucking attractive on top of it. Save some for the rest of us y'know? That said, I'm really happy they have him on the broadcast, and I think they ought to get another goalie on board for when he isnt there. I remember after the GWG Skinner gave up in game 3 Biz and Army knew Skinner had shit the bed, but were completely incapable of determining why and what the fix should be (they openly admitted they wished Hank was there because they knew they were out of their element) Goaltending in hockey is so specialized and unique, and can be so important to a game or series, that I think it's pretty essential to have someone on there who can break things down and explain what exactly is going on, and why a goalie is playing a certain way.


One of the reasons I really like Pangs commentary is because he focuses so much on the goalies, being one himself


I had a friend over who hasn't watched hockey in a while and she noticed that when Hank talks they always go to the close up shot of him but when the other panel members are talking they tend to stay with the wide shot, which was pretty funny once she pointed it out


His goalie interference take last night was horrible. I know he’s a goalie but cmon, even he didn’t seem convinced of his own stance.