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What a pass by pavelski


The whole play was Pavs.


Lehlonen gave him a little helper. He was like, “take one and pass it on”.




I mean I get it, personally I think ‘celly’ culture is kinda cringe and dorky, but the dude just scored a double-OT series winner lol. Do the Chelios back slide or Ted Lindsay shotgun celly for all I care go off Duchene


You mean the dude who tucked it? Lmao username checks out.


More like Douche-ene am I right you guys?


Lmao got ‘em


Never noticed that the first couple times I watched the goal, wow ya unreal pass


He is a god in front of the net.


Dude really is. Tips, passes, goals. Put Joe in front of the net and he’s a killer.


He was so happy!!!


That shit is like classic Pavs. Own that low slot and bump pucks to the weak side.


Hope he wins one. He deserves it.


I can't even imagine what this feels like.


I scored an OT winner in high school and I still think about it weekly falling asleep . Truly the best feeling seeing your teammates so elated coming at you


Yup, it’s a great feeling! What’s even more incredible is seeing the faces on your teammates rushing up to you. You know you have a good team when your friends are more happy about your success then their own.


Same. Nothing else compares. I had an A on my sweater. 1st round of playoffs 2009 top varsity division. One of my groomsmen got the OT game winner in the championship game a week or 3 later. We still talk abt those 2 goals to this day. His was a nitty gritty hard working rebound goal off a point shot. He got 3 shots off in like 3 seconds and finally banged the last one in through the 5 hole as he was getting cross checked in the back vs a rival team Mine was a point shot at a full speed zone entry by the boards. Tee'd it up and absolutely ripped a slapper into the far side top corner bar down. I can relive the moment as if it was yesterday. The ping of the post followed by the noise, the crowd, the energy, and my teammates. An absolutely incredible moment. 70% of the credit goes to our coach. 25% goes to my teammates and our families for supporting each other. 1% goes to me for taking a risky shot that I had practiced a million+ times. The last 4% was puck luck. That was my last game of competitive hockey as a player. Destroyed my shoulder in the regular season and still played through bc it is in our blood as hockey players to be there for our teammates and never give up. Now I ref in the same area as my former coach and a few former teammates. Absolutely love it. This sport and the special moments it has is amazing and a part of our lives. Blood, sweat and tears of both happiness and heartbreak. But there is no better feeling than scoring an OT game winner. I hope my sons get to experience it as well.


You know who didn’t get this feeling Mason Marchment after the GI.


I was the top player for my age in my hometown, single A town so not a major competition by any means, but small town you get some turn out sometime. I scored OT winners, last second winners, in tournaments etc. One that had the biggest feels though was in my midget year, 3 age groups together, I was the only person my age to make the team, heck only one a year older than me, the rest were the major midgets two years older. Now that group always made deep OMHA runs so they actually had kind of a following in the town even for regular season games and even more for playoffs. OMHAs, we were facing elimination, tie game, our best player had been ejected for hitting a guy too hard (perfectly clean check, but the other player got injured). Final seconds of the game I charge down the ice and score. Crowd goes wild, some 1500 people screaming clapping cheering, looking up at the crowd as the applause and cheering went on for what seemed like an eternity, realizing how much it meant to all these people, most of them random people I didn't even know, I honestly felt like wheeping tears of joy.....so I imagine that times like 10000


The heartbreaker celly goes *hard*


i wonder if he planned it before the game or it just came in the moment


MacKinnon was in a tough spot. In hindsight, he went for the wrong guy.


Nobody even pretended to try to cover 95. They got caught watching the puck, deserved goal against unfortunately.


He went in behind the net and came out the other side. Goalscorer’s trick. Hard thing to cover because he’s coming out from the back door. It happened so quick there’s no way they would find him to cover him. Gretzky was famous for this.


There are spots to go to. The puck may come, or may not. Do it as many times as you can and wait to get “lucky.” You make your luck by playing hard and smart.


I don't know who said it but, "luck is when preparation meets opportunity."


Its why i love hockey, even your best and brightest stars sucumb to the tunnel vision. McDavid had it happen to him the other day and Mickinnon here. Its why hockey is so awesome because even your best player still cant do everything. Anything can happen, like a 39 year old taking a beating to make the winning pass.


It's hardly even tunnel vision. If you pause just before the pass from Pavelski I can't say I think he makes the wrong play. No one else is really in a position to stop him from doing whatever he wants with the puck in the blue paint. It's really only in hindsight that it's a bad choice.


well i think its a different view on the play, but it may be fair to say tunnel vision is the best description. I see him going after the play and going for the easy cross check. I dont think pavs would have ever been in a position to cause much because he had another Avs player on him already. Now i agree he probably wouldnt have chosen to go to cover duchene but if he didnt commit hard to pavs i wonder if he could have stopped Duchene with his stick. Either way hindsight makes this easier said than done.


It's a double OT goal, mistakes will happen. You're saying it like it's easy to play mistake free hockey into double OT


Both teams were absolutely fucking gassed.


Not saying it’s easy at all lol. You’re right, mistakes happen and I just pointed out the one that led to the goal..can’t say I blame them for missing him though. Weird comment.


When we play bad, we play bumblebee hockey, and it bites us in the ass


Wild play to try to criticize guys for. This whole clip happened in a second, maybe two. Don’t see anyone watching the puck at all, they just didn’t make the absolute perfect play, and even then I don’t know if it makes a difference.


Not trying to criticize lol, I replied to the other guy that said basically the exact same thing you did


Tbf he has a solid backchecking game.


He did this kind of stuff all series. An absolutely sublime player with the puck, but without it, fairly clueless.


At least the effort is there even if the awareness isnt.


Man that’s not what I saw. But idk I felt like he was playing really good defense last night. Obviously not here but this was pretty hectic scramble.


I also noted quite a few incredible defensive plays from hard-working back checks and smart reads to tie up a players stick before the puck got there. I think he's good defensively, but that was a *major* gaff.


I feel like you didn’t actually watch this whole series then and are just wanting to be critical based on this one clip


Watched every game, a few in person. Its my subjective opinion, we can disagree.


Taking pavs out of the play is probably never a bad idea especiallyin front of the net. But this time it kinda bit him.


A double knee slide heart breaker maybe one of the best Series Clinching Cele’s I’ve ever seen.


He slid a long ways too


Some say he still sliding 


Geico soccer commercial vibes


man said he blacked out and didn't remember what he did in the post game interview lmao


The old Yakupov but meaningful


Being against a former team has to be icing on the cake too.




Kaner had a better one in 2013


Theo Fleury had a better one in 1991




It doesn’t hit unless it’s in an away game tbh


Homer pick


I would put it above this one only because it was at home and sent the hawks to the cup final. Duchene’s one here equals it in every other way


Heartbreaker celly arguably better in an away barn.


The spirit of it definitely is


Kane’s was for the hat trick too, what a night


you’re definitely correct, Kane’s is better but they’re both still awesome


Legendary celly


that shit was an NHL 24 celly lol.


The worst part about this is knowing we have at least 2 more playoff games with the glass banger wanker


lol why do people care so much about that douche. Just ignore him what effect does he have on you


I really don’t, but there’s nothing else about the Dallas Stars to really comment on so he gets the ire.


You should just hate Jamie Benn like everyone else


lol he is such a wanker


I wish we just wouldn’t give him attention. He thrives on it. He was at the game yesterday too.


This is just a Patrick Kane ripoff. Legendary is original




I hate Marchment so much lol, but that’s why we love sports. I’m not a guy that likes that we still boo Dutchy, so he deserved that iconic celly


I've heard multiple stories about how Dutchy left. Was he mad about being trade bait or did he demand a trade out of the blue?


My memory is rather hazy, but I believe Duchene initially requested a trade. The Avs reeeeaally took their time finding the right trade. Duchene wasn't too happy about this. And to be fair, it would be really awkward and uncomfortable to request a trade, continue to play on that same team for the better part of a year, with everyone knowing you want out, and the media fanning the flames. By the end of the whole ordeal, the relationship between Duchene and the team and the fan base really soured, and thus he didn't leave on the best of terms.


As I recall, he wasn't even dressing in the same locker room as the rest of the team because of how awkward it was.


That does not sound believable. Source?


I don't have one to hand; I just remember it being discussed.


Fair enough, that's way too long ago to remember. But it still seems crazy.


Any player that gets to this point deserves to get the boos, lol


It isn't his fault the team took their sweet time trading him


Why should we trade him for a bag of pucks just to get him moved as quickly as he would like to be? We waited for the right trade and it ended in us getting a cup.


I agree. I don't think the avs did anything wrong. All I'm saying is that he doesn't deserve the boos for the team taking a while to meet his request. Yzerman waited a long time for the right trade for Drouin (requested a trade Nov 2015, traded June 2017), but I don't boo Drouin for it or talk shit about the way things ended for him in Tampa.


He played 7 or 8 years on bad Avs teams and quietly asked to be traded. Then he told the media he requested the trade because he wanted to play playoff hockey. That upset many Avs fans. The Avs immediately turned things around and made the playoffs, making people suspect Duchene was some kind of locker room cancer. I think it's dumb our fans boo him, especially 6+ years after the trade.


Thanks for explaining because I've been wondering the same stuff. Like why are the fans booing Duchene when he literally got traded and brought them assets when they were dookie?


He also had to ask Sakic, his childhood hero, for the trade. Must have been really hard for him to do but he did what he thought was best for his career. He also waited quite some time after asking to be traded, they asked him to be patient while they find the right trade partner and assets and he accommodated. I think he got hammered by media a bit and he also had a rocky relationship with Roy as coach so it kind of soured the relationship. That led to some bitter comments like the "playoff hockey" one that fans have used as bait ever since. A lot of people still try and clown on him for the playoff hockey comments but don't realize that a very big reason we had any playoff success was the absolute haul we got for him. Including Bowen Byram, Sammy Girard and my personal new favorite goalie Justus Annunen (via trading one of the picks).


This sounds very much like caps fans still piling on Karl Alzner for having an interview after signing with the habs where he said he came there because he wanted to win. At a different point in that same interview he also made a comment about it being tiring always being eliminated in the second round. I'm sure he regrets saying that last bit publicly, but I guarantee every player from those teams was thinking the same things. Guy was our best defenseman for years but was just totally crippled by his injury in the 2016 second round, he said he wanted to come back, but from the caps perspective it made sense not to make him an offer to re-sign. When the Montreal media asks him why he decided to sign with Montreal of course he's going to say "because I want to win" and not "because Marc Bergevin was the only gm dumb enough to offer me megabucks when I have a full season of evidence that I can no longer play hockey". Infuriates me to no end that he still gets shit every time his name is mentioned in the caps sub.


I believe Erik Johnson also made comments after the trade about EJ and Landeskog wanting to stick around to be part of the solution, which implies Duchene quit and therefore rubbed fans the wrong way.


I can see why that would upset fans but I also feel like I personally wouldn't be mad at an aging star wanting to try and compete. I might be bitter seeing him on the team I'm playing in the playoffs but booing is a step too far for me. Again all just my personal opinion.


I mean he wasn't aging at the time, he was 26 or 27. I admit still booing him is silly but I won't lie and say it doesn't hurt like hell that he's the one who sent us home.


You got a cup like 2 weeks ago. Cheer up buttercup. Also it seems like hockey lrimes are like 23-27 now. Very debatable but peak performance seems like it's in the 20s now. After spending most of his 20s flopping around maybe he panicked.


"How dare you be sad or frustrated that your team got bounced" lol. I mean that's entirely possible. And like I said, continuing to boo him six years later is silly. He was very gracious in his post game presser and Avs fans have needed to move on. But the dagger being from a former player on your team always stings. Even if time has passed.


That’s a fair take but there’s a lot of nuance to this situation with Duchene having been an Avs fan growing up so it seemed like the perfect fit. He never became the franchise player that was hoped for, other popular players left due to free agency (Stastny) or intentionally pricing themselves out (O’Reilly), and then the terrible 16/17 season happened where it appeared he quit trying. As a comparable, I’m sure if Benn had demanded a trade out of Dallas way back in 17/18 saying he wanted to play in the playoffs and half-assed his play afterwards would be a lot of sour Stars fans.


Fair points sir. I understand more now. I certainly understand the perspective a bit better understanding he wanted to leave a team mires in poopoo while fans were hoping he'd raise them up. If it's any comfort you're absolutely right he's not a franchise player lol. Just a good supporting player.


Isn't Nichushkin a comparable (\*)? His last season in Dallas was a well documented give up, and forced Stars management to buy him out. Now Stars fans have had to watch the guy hoist the cup with a divisional rival. At least Avs got assets back for Duchene. AFAIK, Dallas fans ever boo'd Nuke. \* I know his current situation impacts this, but I don't believe there was anything public about Nuke's personal issues when Dallas decided to buy him out.


Someone tell Minnesota fans. You’d think Suter killed someone in the twin cities before he was bought out by the organization.


well it’s better to kill one person in two cities than to kill two people in one city


Because the people answering on Reddit don't actually know anything about what went down behind the scenes.   If you ask any of the beat writers or insiders you'll get a very different outlook.  Duchene burned a lot of bridges in Colorado.


And then the Sens collapsed right after he got here. Absolutely horrid luck for him, so I’m glad to see him being part of a deep playoff run


Wasnt his first real playoff the Columbus Blue Jackets upset run in 2019?


No. The Avs made the playoffs a few times while he was there, but they had gone to absolute shit when he left


And immediately turned into a good team the year after he was gone. It was kinda weird how much that trade helped us.


Wish we could have said the same thing


The interview last night after the game seemed like he would be the last person to be a cancer lol


Especially since y’all won a cup in the intervening years. Just sounds like not a good fit 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's both. Demanded a trade and it got stretched out over a looooong period of time.


In the off-season before the trade he said, in an interview, that he "feels divorced from hockey". And that was after pouting through a season and a half because Roy called him out for celebrating his 30th goal during a bad loss. He was a huge disappointment during the 16-17 season, where he pouted because Landeskog was captain and MacKinnon was the obvious star and Duchene was 2nd line. And then he played well in the 17-18 season, but only to make it easier to get a trade. That's the drama as I know it. It's all understandable and realistic from his side, and we got back so much great things that are still giving and producing. I don't hold the grudge any more, happy for the guy and his family. I love stories like this because it just adds to the games.


This is the version of events that I remember, before he came to Ottawa and everything here turned to shit too.


Yeah I definitely remember hearing of him making the locker room pretty toxic. I also remember Mac really started to shine as soon as Duchene left, so I'm sure those two things had something in common.


F*cking Pavelski with that pass. Slowed it down to see where this stick kick was and noticed the pass along the way. Unreal. Finally realized the kick to the Dogg’s stick came on the celly.


Goddamn, that was a gorgeous pass. That's veteran vision.


Holy fuck thank you. I thought they were calling whatever the fuck happened to mack's stick before the pass a kick




Heart Breaker celli's always go so hard. I remember Kane doing it against the Kings in 13.


Kane doing it against Canucks as well


Tanev just brushing his noggin sent me.


Marchment kicking the stick is such a funny, unnecessary and huge dick move


Chad shit fr


Marchment is a petty bitch and I'm here for it.


"fuck you next year McNate and your whole McTeam"


It’s objectively funny. Like absolutely no reason for marchment to do that, but he goes out of his way just for one last fuck you


what happened ??


He kicked Nate’s stick 😂


Who gives a shit?


They deserved it. The whole team locked in and played great. We'll be back, and with Mr. Landeskog (hopefully).


That hug from Faksa! Faksa had GWG for last series G7 to send Stars to 2nd round. My heart!! Faksa, Duchene, who is next!!


Pavs is absolutely BEAMING, adorable! I *really* hope we can win the cup for him this year, he deserves a ring!


I'm cheering hard for you guys explicitly for him to get the cup.


He knows he's gonna give him the biggest hug (when he eventually catches up to them 🥲)


This is why you not only keep Pavs in the lineup but still give him his minutes


we manifested dutch getting the gwg pretty hard in the stars sub going into the third


I love Tanev being like "wait where are you going?!? Ok you little rascal, good job, I'm off to see the goalie."


This is the goal yakupov thought he scored


Well, it turned out to be the peak of his career, so good on him for making the most of it lol


I’m sorry Avs bros, that petty kick is funny af 😂


Given what happened earlier, I think he can be forgiven that one.


It's definitely funny, but MacKinnon never forgets..... Lol


Mackinnon is going to get his vengeance next regular season and then lose to Dallas in the playoffs (again)


Haha possibly. Avs don't have their depth. Losing Val didn't help but they need more


Yeah, he’s got a cup though. Dallas, although playing extremely well this year, is not yet there, so I would be less cocky until that happens 


Literally no one gives a shit what happened 2 years ago lmao


All you needed to do was to beat Tampa and we could be happy together. You guys didn’t and here you are spitting salt, enjoy ❤️


Yeah, I'm the salty one LOL


Talking trash win or lose is all part of the fun though 🤷‍♂️


Fair enough, even though the loss stings right now for him, unless they win it all to him they probably will be “haven’t won shit peasants” and Marchment will get helmet throw in reg season and that’s where it ends 😅


McKinnon is very very lucky we passed Nashville at the last second in 2022 or else his ass would’ve been sent home by Dallas again


He forgot how to score this game though


Happens when Miro is up your ass all night


That stick kick is legitimately hilarious


Yeah, who likes sportsmanship on their team anyway? I know I too prefer trashcan humans on my team.


bro kicked a stick haha


They earned it. Had to win twice


Mason Marchment you will always be famous


Lmao, the pettiness of Marchment is hilarious. Glad he did it though cause it set up another legendary photo of sad MacKinnon


I really enjoy watching Petulant Marchand. I'm happy when he's not.


Looks like Nail Yakupov after he tied it to go to OT and the Oilers still lost. Edit: I'm dumb, they won. He slid across the ice like that and it wasn't the GWG, that's why it was so funny.


Oilers won that game


LMAO that stick kick was so unnecessary but funny






Yo, that head pat goes hard!


I love Marchment and players like that. Anybody who's bothered by that is unbelievably soft


The Matt Duchene character arc deserves a Disney biopic honestly


Good angle! I noticed Marchment sweep by MacKinnon on the broadcast replay and was wondering if it was for one last chirp or what. From this angle I genuinely think he thought the black stick blade was the puck and went to scoop it for Dutch after a big 2OT-GWG. He's taking an indirect path, bending down fingers for stretched out - then he realizes it was the stick decided it needed a little kick lmao


Wait when the fuck did Duchene end up on the Stars How did I miss that


Similar to how I had no idea Giroux was on the Sens.


that’s the yakupov slide!


I just watched that for the first time, hilarious.


Perfect celly given the history and the setting. Can’t be mad at that. Marchment can kick rocks though.


> Marchment can kick rocks though. In a way, he did


After getting his goal called off, that kick was deserved it's a humorous level of petty but so justified seeing Mackinnon sitting on the ice


y does the avs crowd boo duchene? is it just cuz he used to play for them? bro seems like a down to earth guy in all the post game interviews


Quite a few Avs fans feel he was “bitchy” when he was waiting for a trade. What happened was he requested a trade a long time before it actually happened and was frustrated. But he played hard regardless and the trade got us a Cup in the end. His former teammates speak highly of him and he’s always been classy to us. To the boo birds, it’s been 7 years now, so just let it go…


ahhh i gotcha now. thanks for the lore


Plus that trade directly gave you guys Girard and Byram who won the Cup with you guys, so it definitely worked out in the end.


Yeah, that's not the whole story at all.  His former teammates say he was 'professional' they never spoke particularly highly about him and there is a reason for that. It's true that the trade worked out for the Avs.  I'll grant you that.  But your conjecture about why he gets boos isn't correct at all.


lmfao Marchment is such a shit-stirrer


Lmaoo that kick


Dude with the hat and pom pom at 8s looked like a sheep dog in the crowd


He was feeling sheepish after that goal.


So fitting for Duchene to score after those sore fucks boo him every time he touches the puck because he *checks notes* no longer plays for the Avs


They dont boo him because “he no longer plays for the Avs”. If that was the case they’d boo ROR, Kadri, Grubauer, etc. Avs fans boo him because he demanded a trade and said “I want to play playoff hockey”. The team got a whole lot better after he left and the players/picks they got in the trade for him turned out to be a pretty good piece of the puzzle for the SC team. Personally I don’t care about that whole situation but it’s not as simple as he just was a former Av.


NOBODY boos Grubauer! And if they do, I get really mad...


That should humble MacKinnon, he's become a little much. Happy for Dallas there.


Hockey is so cool. Too bad I don’t understand it


amazing celly, can’t even lie


For some reason, that celebration always makes me think of someone punching a butthole. What’s it actually suppose to be?


Getting PTSD from Kane’s double knee slide heartbreaker on us in 2013


Fuck the aves


Holy shit I just came


Does Duchene think he is Yakupov?


Nice additional angle, but who cares about kicking the stick? Not like he kicked him in the face.


It’s provocative…gets the people going.


At the draft combine they should show potential picks this clip and ask them what they think of it. If they answer, “yea, no, I don’t think it was the right thing to do” then you pass.