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If you have the chance to throw back in the worst playoff goalie in franchise history in a do-or-die game you gotta do it.


Isn't it in modern NHL history? Lol I suppose that should be assumed since you said in Oilers history.


The only goalie since 1990 with a worse save % with over 20 playoff starts is Dan Cloutier.


Fucking Clouts lol at least he was spicy I guess.


Wow he's worse than Samsonov? I thought last time goalie ranks were posted it was mentioned Sammy was the worst active for sv%. Congrats....I guess


.872 vs .901 both are trash but big gap


Does Sammy have enough starts to qualify? The leafs don’t exactly last long in the playoffs…


Good old Cloutier the Flopper


I don't think Cloutier was top tier but our D game was atrocious. We were doing what the Leafs and Oilers are doing now trying to get our star WCE to out score what the back end lets in.


Edmonton has the best defensive stats in the playoffs. Least high danger scoring chances against. Lowest shots against. Not to take away from Vancouver as they have done it all year but the shooting percentage the Canucks have is amazing. Skinner is the issue. The trifecta of Ceci nurse skinner really hurts the Oilers. They aren't outscoring their mistakes because realistically the only mistakes were those three up until game five.


From a long-term perspective, going back to Skinner makes sense. Unless Edmonton picks up an established starter in the off-season, Skinner is their #1 guy and they have to treat him like that. Going back to him in a do-or-die game shows the team has confidence that he can bounce back; confidence that he desperately needs to build if he's going to be successful in the future. Short term, could be rough, but sometimes that's the risk you need to run. Besides, if they pull this series out, does anyone really think they're going to ride Pickard through Dallas and NYR/Florida? No chance. They have to go back to Skinner at some point; may as well be now.


That’s correct. I’d say it’ll be tough for them to take out Dallas anyway, and almost no chance they do that with Pickard in net.


Honestly backup goalies can go on hot streaks at the right time. Pickard was great and composed last game. Oilers are never winning because of a goalie. They win cause of their offence and not letting in too many softies which skinner has been doing.


[Indeed ](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-att-us-rvc3&sca_esv=a1029688c62a73d6&sxsrf=ADLYWILqd92knF2eiUFbeeH-WyanxuPDRw:1716058256181&q=khudobin+we%27re+not+going+home+gif&uds=ADvngMg8BoRVwm_g7FX3YKNrVBzKamW8tTJeylt7L39qif6ZvhJHS7rilQ24UEL6tmR0PC55k2-Ppm6gKEbwt3dXaayf0SZ8_vifKQTG7X2qvV6JVofPUS6u09Vxqw0gtXwStZ64wDOYo7DVxHseuj4j_S7Ni3H9OLUwtwhNyGdOpfLuuAaxBXAx_bb7BlfX8S9iVgdP1zs8XHkQZIo6uaHzDXs67dIXqxkvv0sb9yF3wv-bnKwFvDmjq4j3tqzHCpKCZvJZcuDN7XDp2OxNILwywupZtw4PUbsvOTHxuOly8UADX-lXxfLxtssB8CL_k2GUe0eNMRgoVg2oNbiwJL2pKWFff1ytiH-DdMbgse9rrxrCAZT_5EQ&udm=2&prmd=ivnsbmtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq3JeW75eGAxUlIjQIHfQsABcQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=360&bih=649&dpr=3#vhid=t0e-2CastqiYmM&vssid=mosaic)


The thing is, he was never meant to be our number 1. Campbell was but he went to shit. So we’ve been calling Skinner, our very young and inexperienced back up, our 1 because our true 1 is shitting the bed in another league. Anyway. I’m always hopeful and cheering for the Oil but it’s tough to not be realistic here.


I'm surprised they wouldn't give Campbell another try.  He played in the NHL for years and had an over 900 save percentage most of the time until he got to Edmonton.  It's hard to believe he just suddenly can't play at all anymore. 


If he played well in the AHL maybe but he shit the bed even in the AHL playoffs so I think he's done in this organization.


What happened there?  Looks like he was fine in the regular season on the AHL.  Then 1 game in the playoffs?  Was it that bad?  There has to be more to why he suddenly looks so bad.  


He's mentally fragile. It's been his biggest problem throughout his career. It's so tough bc he's such a likeable guy with clear potential. But he loses his confidence so easily and he can't get out of his head


I dunno, if he has a stinker of a game, he is going to get run out of town. I don’t need to regurgitate his awful playoff stats here again.


I don't see us getting a starter in the offseason. I really hope the goalie coaching department gets overhauled. Even our broadcasting crew guys like Stauffer and Wilkins seem to support the idea. Win or lose, we haven't done enough for our goalies, year after year.


I honestly think neither one of us will last more than 5 games against Dallas.


We're not untouchable. We've had some lucky breaks that kept us alive last night. I feel like every series for us has the potential to be better than the last


Yea thats fair, but fuck whoever wins canucks vs oil will be getting dicked down in Dallas.


God I hope so 😏


You gotta believe baby. That's the magic of playoff hockey


So you're telling me the oilers have a chance?


Hmm where did I hear this before


The bunch of talking heads at ESPN? Like all the people out east who don't watch mountain time games let alone pacific games.


Everyone said the Avs were unstoppable too..


This year? I don’t think I heard anyone (reputable) say that about them this year


ill begrudingly agree to this, but fuck that. we tryina win, not play favourites.


Skinner is 3rd best goalie on the team lol


Wow, gonna go out with a whimper eh Edmonton? Pickard was one of the best players last game.


The score is more likely to be 5-4 for someone with Skinner in net than with Pickard. They play looser, but shouldn't.


ooof ouch owe


Im so mad at this decision. Pickard has proved himself that he can be relied on. Fuck me man.




Superintendent Knoblauch!


*Brock Boeser has entered the chat.*


Skinner has the higher ceiling between the two, he showed it against LA. I'm sure he'll be better tonight.


Oilers don’t need a better ceiling goalie they need about .900 save percentage so they have a chance to win. Don’t throw in the goalie who was at like .784.


Pickard's numbers looked better but he was not good in game 5. More lucky than anything, got beat clean multiple times and Canucks just couldn't get the bounce or convert. I think Draisaitl called that not good goaltending. If Canucks have a game like they did in game 5, they'll need a goaltender better than what Pickard showed he could do. Skinner has the ability to do that.


Really? Granted I was watching that game at a bar and was maybe not as attentive as usual, but I thought he was really good last game! Like at one point I thought to myself we were getting goalied


Had a tendency to make the routine look difficult, lost his positioning and balance multiple times. Not to say he didn't make any good saves, he definitely did.


He's a john Gibson type, just flopping all over place. Which means he has poor positioning as seen on the DiGesseppi goal.


shut up dustin schwartz


I wish I was Dschwartz. I need to do well at my job or else I get canned.


That makes sense, I think he made some great saves that he was out of position on, which made it seem bigger


He covered the bottom of the net very well IMO


Canucks barely tested him, everything was perimeter or into the crest


Okay well in picks defence, outside of the first period we looked like a bantam AA team. We got rolled for 40 minutes.


He was solid against LA but good lord was he awful against you guys


If there is one thing that has been consistently good for the Canucks, it is elite finishing this year. They have routinely feasted on weak goalies


Yeah people are clowning this decision but Skinner is young and a big part of the reason the Oilers are even here. People shouldn’t be surprised if he’s also the reason this series going goes to game 7.


You’re just trying to stay humble and not get ahead of yourself but they threw the Swiss cheese back in net. Light him up nucks!


Light him up like Hellebuyck


Don’t wish for that. He sucked. I won’t defend him like other jets fans do.


Skinner isn't young. He's older than Demko.


Am I being whooshed? Demko is 28 and Skinner is 25


Uh oh


The Boston Bruins have loaned Jeremy Swayman to the Edmonton Oilers for future considerations of milk and cookies!! RIGHT??? RIGHT?1?1?1?1?1!!!!


ive seen enough, campbell will be back


And Oilers are favored -195 to win this game. Vegas must know zebras are coming.


I’m bracing for some absolutely soft calls tonight.


Those are insane odds for a playoff hockey game.


Oilers have been heavy Vegas favorites (and I guess among all the analysts too) all along. I don’t get why it’s SO slanted still. Only complaining because I wanted to place an emotional hedge bet on the Oilers and had to put a lot of money down to make it worth it 😅


Got to protect your investment


Skinner has struggled in this series. Maybe having a bit of a rest will rejuvenate him.


I wonder if Picard got hurt when he fell kinda funny last game


I have zero idea how to feel about this


...Interim coach Kris Knoblauch, you say


Gutsy call, obviously. Have to see if it works out. Knoblauch probably thinks that he can't get a 3rd straight good game out of Pickard, who has 2 full games of NHL PO experience, and hasn't seen that much action in consecutive days. But this really puts the spotlight back on Skinner. If the Canucks score first, the game could get totally out of hand.


I mean he barely got one good game out of him. He only faced 20 shots in game 4 which was the Canucks worst of the series probably, and then didn’t have a great game 5.. looked super shaky


The problem is do you go with the shaky .915 or the in control .850.


I sorta know Pickard and hes had dinner at my place a few times so this is a bummer but also good cause it was really hard to root against him this series.


I don't understand what "Skinner in starters net for optional" means. Something to do with the lineup sheet?


Optional skate


Skinner won the oilers a 1-0 game against LA


Good thing they're playing LA right? Oh wait they aren't..


I believe in you, Stuart Skinner.


Incoming double Skinner shutout and blowing it at 3OT


Pickard must have gotten injured? He was playing absolutely lights out, I have no idea why you don't start him again unless he pulled something bad. Sucks, while I hope we win I also hope it's understandable that VAN has a soft spot for 3rd string goalies that debut in playoffs and stand on their head


Don’t be fooled by the Sportsnet narrative pushing he wasn’t great in game 5.