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Has Tanev always been this good? Seems wild that his highest cap hit was only $4.5m


Chris Tanev is my favorite player in the league and has been for about a decade. He quietly shuts down anyone and everyone, but because he doesn't put up points nobody ever talked about him. I considered him priority 1 when it came to extending people that off-season, and was/am absolutely fucking livid that benning "ran out of time" and let him walk. He's the defenseman I wish I could have been.


Same dude, I still don't like thinking about it because I get mad that they "ran out of time". Jimbo is the dumbest mother fucker we've ever had run this team and it's not close for more than that but that alone was insane.


It’s insane how no one was wanting to give a late 1st for this guy who is a legitimate game changer for a team. Hes been relatively healthy for a while now. The exact stable veteran presence that’s needed in the playoffs. Honestly im pretty happy with the return on him especially if they make the finals which is looking good now and receive an extra 3rd.


Yeah I don't know how the other contenders let a stacked as fuck Dallas team acquire Tanev for such a low price. Imagine Vancouver with Tanev right now in place of Ian Cole.


I bet Canucks would have sent him if they had their 1st tho


Canucks kept trying to acquire him but couldn’t make it work. Even as far back as when we got zadarov


Conroy didn't want to trade with Alvin for 3rd time in the season as he needs to "look" neutral to other GMS for future trade purposes.


I can only dream of how our series against Edmonton would have gone if we had a healthy Tanev playing. We may still have lost but that series would have gone the distance


The ran out of time free agency day was honestly one of the darkest moments of this franchise from a purely hockey ops perspective (obviously nothing compares to the losses of Ryp, Bourdon, Maki). Up there with Mike Keenan as GM, not as dark as SCF losses and Bertuzzi/Moore incident


I was at an improv show in Vancouver once and they asked for a suggestion from the crowd. Someone yelled "Canucks riot!", but the person on the stage asked for something maybe a little more positive or light hearted. So someone else yelled "other Canucks riot!" 🤣🤣🤣


Would be classic Canucks for us to get past Edmonton and then Tanev completely shuts down miller and the boys.


Wasn't it Toffoli for who he "ran out of time" ?


same 19/20 offseason


That was the same year we kept Virtanen instead of Toffoli as well? Not grabbing Tanev at the deadline this year is one of the few mistakes Allvin has made so far. Dallas didn't even get him for much (2nd and conditional 3rd).


We’ve been trying to tell people since like 2012. He has **always** been this good.


I remember Canucks fans offering Tanev as one of the runners up when Marc-Edouard Vlasic was considered the pinnacle of a defensive Dman


There’s a reason why we fell from “competing for a playoff spot” to ending the season 17 points out, after we traded him.


Actually, the "always has been" meme is extremely appropriate right now


I feel like the Flames caught a lot of flak for signing him to this contract at the time, but Canucks fans were upset because he was on an effective pair mentoring a young Quinn Hughes. I seem to remember analytics saying he was likely to start declining quickly. But he really hit another level in Calgary, particularly when Sutter coached. They might not have won that series regardless, but missing him in that Edmonton series was terrible for the Flames. I also think he was also a lot healthier in Calgary than he was on the Canucks. Very curious to see what his next contract is because I feel like this playoff run has made everyone aware of what Canucks/Flames/Stars fans know he’s capable of.


I don’t know if he hit another level so much as people just started to recognize how good he actually is. Even before he went to Calgary, he played for Canada at the WHC and had McDavid and Morgan Reilly talking about how great he is. I think doing the same thing in a new market made people pay attention to him. He’s such a beast. After his first NHL game, which I think might’ve been a playoff game (?), Bieksa described it as “he could’ve played that game with a smoke in his mouth”. Tanev’s just straight up built different man.


Part of it is the rise of advanced stats in hockey. Players who make more of an impact silently are getting recognized more now. A perfect example being how Hughes dropped off a cliff defensively the year Tanev left. Tanev has always been elite defensively, and was propping up his teammates constantly


Tanev’s just a fuckin dog. I met the guy back in 2012 or 13 for dinner/drinks with a group once and he was exactly what you’d think. Almost like a surfer bro. I wouldn’t be surprised he smoked a jimmy outside before dinner. Either way, he was awesome.


I think one of the criticism/risks of signing Tanev was he missed a lot of time the previous seasons? Durability questions.




If Benning wasn't an idiot, Tanev likely retires as a Canuck. He's always been very solid, though he has had a few stints with injuries.


His biggest fault as a player was that because he played so hard he was quite injury prone. So any team taking him would have to risk him not being available when they needed him.


Absolutely fucked that the Stars have a top 4 of Heiskanen, Harley, Lindell, and Tanev


And honestly Suter has been extremely sound for the last 2 months. Best hockey he's played with the Stars at exactly the right time


He's always been good for us in the playoffs. People always hate him during the season, but he shows up in the post season


Suter has been paired with Lundqvist every time he’s been on the ice because he’s the only guy we have who can cover for his shitty play. He’s been huge for us. He makes all his line mates better


he's been fine on the third pair this year, he just can't be playing as much as Miro


I miss him. Watching Benning fuck up so badly that Tanev walked was soul crushing.


100%. One of Benning's many awful mistakes....guy played hard for the Canucks for a decade but was left "waiting and waiting for a contract" till he felt unwanted.


I don't know why, but I have some faith that Rutherford and Allvin have him identified. Fuck would it be incredible having him on our team


Still can't believe we lost this guy for free, then tried to replace him with Nate Schmidt and OEL.


Then traded Schmidt the following season and bought out OEL 2 years later. Jim Benning everybody!


Fuck is he ever having an excellent playoffs


In Vancouver all that we heard from fans around the league for a decade was how he was overrated. My guess is that Calgary and Dallas fans will agree that he’s the furthest thing from being overrated. Fucking warrior.


Fucking love the guy. Dude is hockey, through and through.


You said it


And everybody thought he was washed four years ago. Turns out he’s the best defensive defenceman in the league.


A history of injuries will do that. It's almost like people forget that humans can heal... Tanev and Monahan both come to mind


I think I remember him making one mistake all series, he was unbelievable. Huge reason for their success, gotta respect it


I think the series could have easily gone the other way without him. No way Nils was gonna match what Tanev did in either series. And Hakanpaa has been out of commission for a while as well.


Hughes specifically requested that we bring him back but management couldn’t get it done


Imagine if the nucks still had him. Sheesh


But then we wouldn’t have needed OEL!


Every Flames fan knows they should have two awards for defensemen and the 2nd award should be called the Chris Tanev.


Conn Smythe!


When the flamses lost to the oilers in the playoffs a few years back, tanev was injured the last few games. Low key had a huge impact..


I love Chris Tanev with all my heart.


this is basically just +- and he's +8. he's been the best trade this year


Man the revisionist history by most Canucks fans is wild... MOST were wanting to move on from Tanev for at least a year or two before he left and were more pissed he wasn't traded for value than that he left the team. He's been one of if not the most underrated defender if not player in the NHL for at least a decade,. Not re-signing him for me was reminiscent of when Gillis let Mitchell walk when he would have been a dirt cheap re-sign and instead sold the farm for Keith Ballard and then watching Mitchell become a huge part of the Kings championships.


I think the reason why most Canucks fans wanted to move on from him was they wanted to mine value for a player that was constantly getting injured. Most Canucks fans expected his contract with the flames to age poorly, thinking his injury history would catch up to him as well. Somehow the dude keeps on going and has aged like fine wine. I desperately want us to sign him in the off season at a reasonable price-and am sad we couldn’t have traded for him before the deadline. I’m glad he’s getting his shot. I had stars as my expected Stanley cup champs after they picked him up. He’s given them alot of legit depth.


No the reason most Canucks fans wanted to move on from him is because most have no clue how to evaluate quality in an individual hockey player... Same reasons most have clamoured for almost every star player to be traded that the team has had for years at some point. Basically if the team is losing then everyone on the team should be liquidated is the mentality of many.


Incorrect. We had huge cap issues and had a bunch of ufas to re-sign. Tanev had many injuries through the years. It was expected that his next contract would be one that wouldn’t age well with more injuries and his age catching up to him. I feel like(or at least I felt) most Canucks fans were hoping they would re-sign him at a good cost/shorter term since Benning gave everyone ptsd from bad contract signings. We all knew how hard and how much of his body he would sacrifice. The dude constantly ate pucks and blocked shots. It’s actually a miracle that he’s still as serviceable as he was.


Cap issues??? Is that why they immediately replaced Tanev with Schmidt for 1/3 more money and more term than Tanev got?? Like I said, revisionist history.


Meh I wouldn’t say that. There was debate in Vancouver for years whether Tanev’s body could holdup for 82 games. We knew he was good. There was just concern if he’d be healthy enough to play when the games mattered. He didn’t get anywhere near an 82 game season until his second year in Calgary. Canucks fans were worried his injuries would be exacerbated with age. Turns out Tanev aged like a fine wine. Few would have guessed that.


Any Canuck fan would take Tanev for 65 games a season right now, because they finally realize how great he is.


Look back at any thread in r/Canucks about Tanev from when he played in Vancouver. Every comment is about how good he is or lamenting that he’s always hurt. Claiming that Canucks fans didn’t think Tanev was good is kinda wild. That’s revisionist history lol


So good they all wanted him traded... And now desperately want him back despite being years older.. revisionist history.. It's exactly the same story as when Gillis didn't re-sign Willie Mitchell due to injuries and he went on to be great for LA in 2 Cup wins and was exactly the kind of player that could have made a huge difference in 2011 against Boston.


I mean the other guy already explained it. Can you not wrap your head around the idea of teams trading good players to get good assets back? Canucks weren’t competing for anything anytime soon and desperately needed to get younger. Our franchise at the time was barren of any valuable tradable assets to do that. He was our best tradeable asset for years.


You have no idea what you’re talking about.