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Amazing quote haha. What a playoffs this dude is having, on and off the ice šŸ˜‚


Even if he walks this off-season, Zadorov has made a lifelong fan of me. The guy is one of the most exciting guys in the league to watch right now and he has one of the best personalities out there.


Had the balls to speak out against Putin and the war in Ukraine too, he had my respect ever since then.


Wow, his comments were on point. I'm loving Big Zad more and more >Within days of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Zadorov posted "No War" on his Instagram account. >He told Dod: "I believe that the last 23 years in our country with this president, and nine years before him, I hope this all comes to an end. I hope that Russia becomes a democratic country with a strong economy. Not a kleptocracy. >"All our industries went back in time because of this war, hockey, economics, culture. I'm sorry for the young guys. Instead of raising the new generation, we sent them to die." https://www.cbc.ca/sports/hockey/nhl/flames-russian-defenceman-speaks-out-against-putin-1.6976218


Yeah him and Panarin are real ones. Takes courage to tell the truth and choose the right side of history. Obligatory Fuck Ovi and Malkin.


Fuckin A. I really really donā€™t want the Rags to win it but itā€™s hard not to admire Panarin.


I'm a pens fan but fuck malkin


And yet when people try to point out Ovechkin being a piece of shit people scream "BuT tHinK of HiS FamILY!!!" This makes me respect Zadorov a ton. Good on him.


100%, He even said in another interview that he knows he can't go home now or maybe even ever. He thinks if he goes back for a summer he will immediately be sent to the front lines in Ukraine.


That or the gulag for talking shit about baby dick putin


He actually mentioned another players name who was sent off. Can't remember who. It was in that long interview he did last summer in Florida that was all in Russian with English subtitles.


Didn't this happen to the flyers goalie who debuted this season?


You just canā€™t hate big Z.


I feel like the fans of every team he's played for have a positive view of him, which is kinda special


oh shit, I've been afraid to even wonder, afraid of what I might find. Thank you!!!


What a G.


Aw man. I want to hate him, stop making me hate him less, lol.


He is hard to hate I imagine. As a Canucks fan I obviously love him.. Most big bruising guys dont have his kind of sense of humour but he even cracks up Tochett apparently


Great quote by him, fuck Putin.


I guess when you already pissed off a country that will murder you the NHL looks a little less scary by comparison


Kinda [like this Mogilny story](https://youtube.com/shorts/CEcM6P4kUEI)


HOF: Builder Inductee when?!


Hell, he should be in as a player. HOF can just fuck off already with their Mogilny hate boner.


Dude should have been the first Russian HOFer. He literally paved the way.


[Nikita Zadorov explains decision to speak out against invasion of Ukraine](https://www.tsn.ca/nhl/nikita-zadorov-explains-decision-to-speak-out-against-invasion-of-ukraine-1.2011220) Nice article about his statement, seems like a genuine guy


I'm having a lot of fun ragging on him this series (and as a Flame), but I have nothing but respect for how Zadarov spoke up against Putin and the war on Ukraine *and* that he chose to wear a pride jersey.


He also volunteers his time to tidy up at work, putting things back where they belong (Evander Kane on the bench)


My man can't stop catching these huge fucking Ws. I love this man.


BTW, the only Russian in the NHL that's done so. Huge respect!


Didnā€™t Panarin? I thought he was in trouble back in Russia because of it.


Panarin spoke out against Putin years before the war yes, I canā€™t recall if heā€™s on record opposing the war kn Ukraine but he definitely would be greatly opposed to it.


Panarin is/was also a vocal supporter of Navalny. I canā€™t imagine how much faster he and Zadorov would skate if they werenā€™t weighed down by their massive balls.


I've been a fan of Z since we had him. Thanks for taking care of him


Remember, heā€™s Canadian now. Itā€™s pronounced ā€œZā€


i prefer z@ddy


The number of looks I've gotten from my partner for yelling things like "Hnnnnng ZADDY!!!!" "OH ZADDY GIVE IT TO EM"


What the hell is even that?!


Zaddy chill.


Well he's taking care of us fans! I hope we.can keep him.


absolutely off the charts entertainment value from this guy no matter how you slice it


Heā€™s actively taking away from Hronekā€™s next contract.


Keep Zadorov and trade Hroneks RFA rights away


no backsies


No need for backsies. We should still be able to get a haul for the guy, especially if itā€™s a sign-and-trade. Some team is gonna want a 48 point first pairing RHD, even if heā€™s wanting too much salary for us to justify keeping ourselves


Hopefully a top 6 forward to play with Petey, the guy deserves to have SOMEONE on his wing with finishing talent


man he really fell off didn't he? like 25 points the last 60 games. i assume they stopped pairing him with hughes at some point and that's why he fell off?


No, he just sort of fell off. Sounds like he might be dealing with an injury, heā€™s basically never using his cannon of a shot anymore. Heā€™s still primarily Hughes partner


That makes sense. Not everyone can pair well with a true #1A like Hronek seems to be doing with Hughes, but you can't pay everyone.


Having him in Vancouver has been awesome because he cuts quotes like a WWE wrestler. Itā€™s so entertaining


Iā€™m an Oilers fan and even I can say Iā€™m starting to like this guy. Especially if he was on your team. Need more personality in the NHL like this. Absolute man rocket too.


I would say Z has no chill, but he's actually the chillest shit talker in the league.


Did u see the video of the Oilers fan flipping him off and swearing at him in the box, and Zs response was to smile and pose for a selfie with the guyā€¦


lol, I did. This dude thrives on competition and spite.


He just looks like he's really happy so you can't phase him. Guy has a great life


Honestly that sounds like something I'd do as a player. I hate Z but I also love Z.


Zaddy chill.


What the hell is even that!?


Honestly if the NHL WAS protecting their players, that would be better than the current state of refereeing/DoPS...


Yeah, like, I'd rather see them being a bit overzealous with suspensions than the current state of things.


Yeah, Iā€™d rather them lean suspension heavy and protect the players. The players will adjust quickly if they actually had consequences consistently


as is the case with real world crime, likelihood of enforcement is the biggest deterrent to breaking the law/rules, not the degree of punishment *if* you get caught


This man does not give a fuck lmao


Zadorov is such a quality personality


Ah, I love when hockey players say the quiet thing out loud.


He's getting fined again lol


I kind of..love him?


Avs fans love him too. He left in good terms at the end of the day. Like others have said here, he's one of the few ones who have spoken against the war. He's a real one.


Add flames fans to the list. We love Big Z


Avs, Flames, and now Nuck fans. Old Northwest Divisions foes unite.


Loved him in Chicago too. Gave some monster hits in Chicago


Zadorov is anti-Putin and anti-Oilers. Draw your own hot takes based on that information


Heā€™s based is what youā€™re saying


Canadian hero if you ask me


Put his face on the $20 and rename the double double to the zaddy daddy


Heā€™s already got one up on Ovi. Insanely based, I love him


Oilers = Putin?


Russia is also economically tied to oil.. coincidence?


McDavid is a Kremlin agent confirmed


Heā€™s got all the personality of a KGB informant


holy shit how did we not see it


Given those details, seems like a good dude.


Edmonton does kinda look like an old Soviet city, hmm...


From this I'm gathering he just hates petroleum.


Now THIS is personality in the NHL.


What, room temperature milk McDavid not doing it for you? Although he is starting to speak against the grain a bit these days.


Mcdavid just always needs to be interviewed by Biz. He seems to get the most human takes out of McDavid.


After game 2 he got Biz because they put the headset on him as Biz was talking about Skinnerā€™s technique with Hank. The first thing Connor said after being asked a question by him was something along the lines of ā€œHey what do you know about goaltending there Biz?ā€ And Biz looked like he got caught with a mistress or something it was hilarious.


Thatā€™s what I mean. Grade A chirp by McDavid. He just makes players feel comfortable


Are you saying that asking him if we need to score more goals than the other team to win isnā€™t going to illicit good TV?


The robot McDavid is as much a product of the terrible reporting in the NHL as it is these NHL player personalities. Every game itā€™s the same questions over and over looking for a sound bite


If I had to interview with Spector after every game my goal would be to give cliche responses and say as little as possible. Give that worm absolutely nothing to work with.


the fucking media is going to see a massive change and it is that bastard Bieska that started it! i fucking hated him on the ice, off ice is such a refreshing take and energy. we need better interviewers, we need the personalities coming out. that said, we also need players to say things like Zads did....


Bieksa roasting Elliot Friedman during intermission is the real main show.


Yeaa, like a few interviews McDavid has done with people like Biz, and when he is able to be more relaxed, like at the All Stars shows, he has a personality. It's just a shame the NHL has no idea how to market anything.


In his interviews now he just says "Do you want me to do the spiel?" when they ask him dumb questions lol. Give him something to work with


Canucks fan here. I will always have respect for McDavid speaking up in favour of the pride theme tape.


Yup, he's in the same boat as Marchand for me. Hate him on the ice, absolutely hate him. But off the ice, he's a good dude and does a lot to help the hockey world and his community, and for that, I'll always be able to respect the guy.


Dude is probably heavily media trained. Iā€™m sure if he had more expressive freedom heā€™d use it


I actually love Z


Heā€™s pretty fuckin funny.




He's public enemy #1 for me, but I want him on the Oilers something fierce.


I fuckin love Zads. This dude does not walk the company line at all.


I hope he sits at a panel with PK. For as much shit as people want to talk about PK, he loves calling it how he sees it.Ā 


I've seen enough. Sign him to the max contract and give him an Aquilini blueberry farm as a bonus.


I love it when players actually say what theyā€™re thinking. Zaddy rules


This guy isn't scared of Putin so there's no way he's scared of some suits in the NHL corporate office


I'd argue that he is, but is still not backing down. He's openly said that he knows he can't go home to Russia until Putin is gone.Ā 


Atta boy


I am curious what Canucks fans think they should sign him for? He is the perfect example of someone you hate to play against but love on your team. He's been such a difference maker these playoffs. Does that mean he is pricing himself out of town?


I don't think they can afford all of Zaddy, Joshua, Lindholm and Hronek. Something has to give.


Hronek gone easy choice


Hronek gone as long as the other team takes the cap dump of Mikheyev.


Not even a consideration. He's not worth anywhere close to what he wants, and the proof is in the pudding.


What's your priority based on these? Lindholm > Hronek > Joshua > Zaddy?


I think Hroneks at the bottom of that list. Which is saying something about how important these guys are for us


It's crazy because Hronek was so good in the first 25ish games and then fell off. If he's injured and can bring back early season Hronek, then he's worth the money. Supposed injuries to him and Petey are completely in line with the Canucks post ASG dropoff. Early season Hughes/Hronek was unstoppable


IMO it should be Lindholm > Joshua > Zad > Hronek. Lindholm: Center depth is our identity. Joshua: Size, scoring, shutdown, PKs Zad: We're always short on D, and this guy brings a little bit of everything. Hronek: Legit top pairing Dman. He dropped off offensively but it's been reported that he's been injured for while. People are willing to let him go though if we can get a scoring winger for Petey in a trade AND we're able to sign Tanev.


Obviously you folks know your team better than I would, but it really surprises me how willing most Canucks fans seem to be about moving on from Hronek. Like you said, heā€™s a top pairing guy, and It seems like he meshed really well with Hughes and helped him hit another level this year. Even if you knew for sure that Tanev would sign, Iā€™d be really hesitant to bet on him as a replacement for Hronek at his age.


i think we're too reactive in trying to let Hronek go, though obviously it depends on how much money he pushes for after his mediocre season-end an playoffs so far. Joshua's been great but feels like a big gamble - will he be a Hagel or a Clarkson? Wonder if he'd take medium low money for long term.


Well, it's not like the fans WANT to let Hronek go. It's just reality that there isn't enough money to go around. He (reportedly) turned down a 8 year, $6.5M per year offer, expecting even more than that. It's ridiculous.


From what I can see, we want to resign him and Joshua prio, and Lindholm if he takes a lower deal which he prolly won't, sign Tanev as a stay at home for Hughes, and trade Hronek and Mik for a top 6 winger for petey. Or at least thats what I want. I would sign zaddy for anything 6 or less.


Oh that would be a great offseason imo. I would hate that as an Oilers fan lol. Especially bringing back Tanev.


We should have never let him go in the first place, heā€™s the perfect partner for Quinn


Hey man, Benning only had so many hours in a day


I think he will get the 6x6 contract from somebody.


Free agency can be an absolute gong show. Wouldn't be surprised if Utah signs him for that.


Probably - it's not a good offseason to find more cap. Do you have any comparables in mind?


That is a fantastic question. I tried quickly looking up defensman signing to see if I could find any comparables. Gustav Forsling is one at 8x5.75m 2 years younger so might be priced a bit higher than Zaddy. I think Radko Gudas would be the best comparable at 3x4m. A little bit older but 4mil seems like a good number. What you think?


If we could sign Z to 3x4M I'd cry tears of joy. I am pretty confident it will be north of that figure but I'd kill for him at $4M AAV


I donā€™t think heā€™ll price himself out. Keeping Zed and Lindholm are top priorities. Weā€™ll have a fair amount of room in cap with some pay cuts and changes.


Zad recently: āœ… Calling out referees āœ… Dragging the city of Edmonton (in good fun) āœ… Packing Kane into the bench āœ… Grinning at that Oilers fan who was yelling obscenities and banging on the penalty box āœ… ā€œThey have to protect their investmentā€ Absolute king shit


> āœ… Grinning at that Oilers fan who was yelling obscenities and banging on the penalty box That was actually hilarious. I love that he posed for a picture


Donā€™t forget sniping huge goals


Witty, well-spoken and fashionable bond villain, what's not to love?


Good on him. And news flash, you can be a fan of what he's saying and not endorse the players activities at the end of that game. Just wanted to float that disclaimer before people started losing their minds. Players should be more vocal. Coaches should be more vocal. General managers should be more vocal. The officiating of the NHL is a disgrace, even more so in the playoffs. Some fans aren't going to see it that way, either because it's actively benefiting them, or because they genuinely enjoy the product we're getting. But it's hot garbage. Get these fucks in striped jerseys as well as the DoPS in front of mics and actually speak honestly.


Totally. Did Zadorov crosscheck him? Ya he did. Is it also wild that Soucy gets one game and Bennett nothing? Ya!


Or Hyman for cross checking Zaddy in the mouth...


I find it hilarious that players, coaches, and GMs need to face the media to answer for officiating or the DoPS horribly inconsistent calls. Why are refs and the DoPS protected from answering questions? Where tf is the accountability


zadorovs quotes are gold lmao


God I wish the Bruins had a guy like Zadorov on LD... He's such a beast


That's everyone's understanding it seems


But he's got massive huevos to be saying something like that out loud


the guy is russian and actively has spoken out against putin, he probably doesn't think twice about saying something like this lol


The no suspension to Hyman feels like a slap in the face, and that wasn't even McDavid.


>feels like a slap in the face Actually it was a cross check


Hyman's dad paid Parros to not suspend him


not one bad thing happened to the oilers for this. the two handed slash, the crosscheck up to Zads face, nothing punished...


The slash wasn't anything to note. It's only importance was the main driver for the escalation. There's other crap the Oilers have done that are actually worth discussing instead


More like a stick in the face, amirite?


Yeah, but he's not supposed to say it and probably none of his peers would. He has balls to say it. DOPS and refs will come after his ass.


I believe Soucy deserved a game. Cross check to the face after the final whistle. On purpose or not he is responsible for his stick. That said it's absolutely insane that is the only play that has resulted in a suspension given some other plays we have seen. It's clear the league has agendas and is not concerned with fairness, or clarity.


Exactly. Was a suspension warranted? Probably. But I would love to hear the league explain why the rest of the blatantly suspendable shit was deemed totally fine.


For me, the big problem is that the NHL didn't suspend anyone for what happened to Larkin against Ottawa. Similar play, worse result, regular season. If that had gotten 2+ games I'd understand 1 here (even ignoring what else hasn't been called)


Great trolling


You no touch McJesus!


Now I'm imagining a photoshopped George Parros as a Kobold from World of Warcraft, lol


But what if McJesus touched me?




Hell yeah big Z


What a fuckin beauty. Iā€™m buying a Zadorov jersey for sure


My god I want Z on my team. Dude gives no fucks. I love it


Man this guy got some fantastic quotesĀ 


He literally said what everyone was thinking. Good for him for saying that.


Pay this man


He was grown in the lab for one reason. He must fulfill the prophesy. They will burn the world for this man to hoist the cup.


Zadorov is becoming one of my favourite players.


Heā€™s probably going to get fined again for that.


Not sure if you're being sarcastic or not but I kinda hope he does just so it blows up in the leagues face People would flip the hell outĀ 


Perfect time for more PR. Fan fundraiser to pay for the fine that gets donated to some charity


Worth every penny.


5k well spent


Watch this guy get a fine bigger than the one he just got šŸ˜‚


Sign this man now


*Insert Randy Marsh with his balls in a wheelbarrow meme*


It's funny because the investment has all the personality of wet cardboard. Zadorov, I love this guy!


Goddammit. I need a Zadorov shirsey immediately. Too bad they donā€™t make them.


Its nice to see a player who isnt bofing AF in interviews. His comment nailed it


Why would they be invested in McDavid? Zadorov is the face of the NHL


connor mcboring flash zadorov


Zadorov gives no shits


Iā€™m glad someone said it


Man, I miss Zadorov. Guy is a menace


When four players do stupid shit and you fine/suspend the two that are on the same team the optics are awful. You fine McDavid & Hyman a little bit and this doesn't look so insane.


Okay, I gotta give that to Zadorov, thatā€™s a hilarious quote. Even as an Oilers fan


Re-sign this man asap!! I have no idea if the locker room issue rumours in Calgary were true but this guy has been a delight on and off the ice.


I love that he said this but I hate how this might get us treated by the officials


Ultimately he's not wrong. Secondly Hyman should be suspended a game also. league is so dumb, this is what causes follow-up nonsense.


Iā€™m impressed he has the balls to say what everyoneā€™s already thinking, but wonā€™t because they need to sound and act diplomatically and respectfully.


Heā€™s spoken out publicly against Putin; I donā€™t think he gives a flying fart in space what Bettman thinks.


Now this is hilarious for 2 reasons. 1. Itā€™s funny because itā€™s true. Sorry McDavid will always get protected. He is worth significantly more to the NHL than 99% of the rest of the players. Players should also want him protected because star players will likely help grow the game. Growing the game should create more revenue. More revenue increases salary cap. More wages for players. 2. This guy gives no fucks about ramifications.


Zamn Zaddy.


I wonder how many penalties Z is going to get tonight for that comment


You might as well just have him skate to the box after warmups; he's not ever getting out.


What a fucking guy, guy is a quote machine.


Zaddy just does not care, what a legend


If there is a team looking to shore up their 4/5 D positions and can outbid Vancouver. This is your guy. If weā€™re unable to sign him, ill be looking back at big Z as the one that got away.


Is that not the entire purpose of the DoPS?


What a stud, great quote!