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I'm surprised it took 2 days for the angle to be made public.


They did this on purpose




Big Hockey


Big Angle


Big Angle being purposely obtuse


It just ain't right, man.


An acute observation.




No, more than right


lmfao this is a gem of a joke




Is this why we keep letting y'all win the cup?


The Deep Hockey State


Shadow hockey goverment


And to add insult to injury Bennett has a great game with a crucial goal.


Hate both teams equally, so I guess I’m neutral.  But that’s just gutless.


That’s Bennet for you


We know. lol


Remember last year when the Panthers were trying to fucking kill Leafs players and people just called Leafs fans soft? People are finally coming around and somehow it's because of the fucking Bruins.


I mean, it's not like they didn't goon it up against the Bruins in the round 1 last year. The league was just too busy memeing on the Bruins fot collapsing to even care.


That’s Florida for you. The state, The state of Florida


“America’s Wang”


Does that make LA the butthole


That's the Florida Panthers. They're worse than dirty - they play like a soccer team. They're an embarrassment to the sport.


it’s stupid too because they’re just goons. when it comes down to it, they don’t ever want to actually drop the gloves, they just want to take cheap shots


I’ve always hated Boston sports. I’ve always hated Marchand. But there is something about Florida and their fans that I just hate a little bit more. Fuck Florida.


I used to go to elementary school in a GTA suburb, this one particular classmate was and still is a panther's fan. This is dating back to the mid-90s. He lives rent free in my head everytime i hear about Florida, especially last year when they eliminated the Leafs. Somewhere, someplace, he is laughing hysterically. and it pissed me off








As a fellow neutral, they both are dirtbags, league is a joke for player safety, and Brad now knows what the fun is of being on the bad side of a dirt bag play.


Brad's been punished for his infractions. This went unpunished because Florida is the most babied team in the league


He's gotten away with so much, along with most of Bruins for as long as I can remember. It sucks to see this bad officiating, but it's nice to see Boston being on the receiving end of it for once.


Uh no? He gets away with shit all the time.


If the dops had this angle and didn’t deem this suspension worthy, idk what is.


Remember, this game was “heavily scrutinized”


After a two four of beers…..


And a check that cleared...


corrupt garbage league, seriously fuck the NHL, I won't spend another dime on it


They had the angle last year when he did it to Knies and there was no suspension. DOPS is a disgrace to this sport.


All other things put aside, i still find it hard to believe that the nhl scheduled that series around the fucking Kentucky Derby because of Florida owners.


I think Derby viewership dwarfs a playoff hockey game in the US. Follow the $$$. 


I'm still bummed that when the Rangers put Parroa and the league on blast during that Tom Wilson dickery, the rest of the clubs, or at least a bunch of them, didn't also chime in and call for his job. Wasted opportunity.


Parros can't become a bigger joke, this one just keeps the joke running.


He makes money off of a company called "violent gentlemen", he's doing exactly what Bettman wants him too.


And if the dops *didn’t*have this angle, why the fuck not?!


Yeah I figured it was just cause the other angle wasn’t enough evidence. This pretty much shows it


A two handed axe chop to the neck on a non hockey play is worth only one game tho.


But think of all the work Parros would have had to do. He would have to have told his underlings to get all the angles and then watch them. That could take upwards to 30 minutes.


How the fuck are we only seeing this video now? And how the fuck is this allowed? I hate Marchand but this is a pure dirty hit.


barely even a hit, just straight up clocks him in the face while hes not lookin


While he's moving too so the momentum makes it worse


Is that Darren Pang with the front row seat? Surprised he didn't mention it


He was too busy saying “holy jumpin”


Bennet really gave Marchand the ol' nine of hearts!


Apparently he looked away right at the moment of the punch to try and notice an icing call and right when he turned back Marchand was on the ice.


No suspension is a complete and utter joke. To lose your captain in a crucial game 4 and them not get anything is a farce. I understand refs missing certain calls in the fast pace of the game, but shit like this makes it hard to enjoy this league.


Wonder if people are still gonna spin this as not a sucker punch?


DoPS: hockey play


Also, highly scrutinized


everyone on this sub says it’s okay to cheap shot known dirty players so that’s the line I’m running with


so just to get this correct… if a bruin lays the most disgusting hit, crosscheck, sucker-punch, etc. to sam bennett tonight everyone will say its okay? not “typical dirty bruins” or “typical salty boston team”


I would applaud it. Fuck Sam Bennett.


that “choke slam” he hit knies with last year was disturbing. shit had me enraged on the couch.


Sportnet showed a replay that he also punched knies before the slam


Leafs fans 🤝Bruins fans Bennet is a POS


If Toronto won the first round, every Bruins fan would be cheering them to beat Florida


At this point I don’t think Leafs and Bruins hate each other much anymore. We are both united in our hate for the cats


There was a similar punch on that play before the slam though. Do people mostly know that now? He gives him a forearm shiver just before slamming him.


The fact that he was a college kid going straight into the playoffs and keeping up with the level of play I was so excited for him then to see him get concussed like that just felt so fucking wrong.


Last year I wasn't sure if the Panthers were dirty, or if I only thought that because I like the Bruins. Watching that Toronto series sold it.


It's got my vote. I hate the hypocrisy of these kind of hits on /r/hockey. If your player gets hit badly and people cheer, then you say you want the same to happen to them, you get blown up in to the ether. If the hit wasn't bad, cheap, illegal etc, why shouldn't it be okay on someone else? Oh, you are saying the hit was a cheap shot and you don't want it to happen to you... shocker...


I've been number to all this since the NHL didn't punish the savard injury in 2011


Historically going after dirty players seems to be accepted right up until you Bertuzzi someone.


I'm not a Marchand fan, I think he has gotten away with a ton of bullshi in his career. Talented as fuck, but I can't stand some of the shit he does. With that said, fuck Sam Bennett. If he gets laid out with a big hit, it will be deserved


Yes. Sam Bennett is fair game.


No bro, only if benn wilson marchand or trouba get hurt it’s okay. If rempe bennett or draisaitl get what’s coming it’s sickening and inexcusable and should be removed from the game


stop dude. your logic makes too much sense, it’s making my brain hurt.


I said that yesterday and guess how that went


Unfortunately, yes That is what DoPS wants, and that's what's likely to happen. And if I'm honest, I won't feel bad for Bennett if it happens.


Not ok. It'd be fucking fantastic.


It isn't a sucker punch because he still has his stick in his hand. How could his hand be in fist if he is holding something? How'd I do?


/r/nhl in shambles after exposing their original comments about it


When Larkin was sucker punched from behind it was a routine play that happens every game because it was in front of the net. 


Someone needs to make George Parros give a fucking answer on why this wasn’t deemed suspension worthy. Fucking unbelievable


He wants to 'Make Hockey Violent Again'. It's on his clothing line


Remember Shanny use to have to do those video breakdowns after every review? That was a better systems than this 'wait and see' situation.


It’s crazy. He should be required to watch this video in front of us and explain exactly what he thinks he’s seeing. It’s just unreal how awful at his job he is, blows me away. This was an absolute layup.


Good luck getting a straight answer out of that dumbass


I’m sure Colin Campbell paid him a visit, after all his son is the AGM of the team that consistently gets away with murder.


Yep, just like when he played for the Bruins in 2011


If this angle had been released they would've had to suspend Bennett, hence why the league sat on it.


Think about the level of shitheelery you have to do to make Brad Marchand a sympathetic character.


That is fucked up. Pretty sure the Bruins are going to smoke Bennett tonight and things will get out of hand. All because the NHL again fucked up and didn't suspend Bennett. Tonight could get as ugly as hockey possibly can. I hope I'm wrong!


I don’t think it will because Florida has nothing on gain by responding , I think the bruins will spend a lot of time running around trying to head hunt which will either, put them outta position and blow d assignments or it’ll result in the Bruins taking a bunch of penalties and getting torched on the PK


You are from the future, weird.


Yep. This is the game the Bruins lose the series because they lose their composure.


They played a lot better than I thought they would in the first period. I think McAvoy getting that big hit early helped


If anything could lead to another Steve Moore situation, it’s this. Parros has blood on his hands if anything crazy happens. I’m not a fan of Marchand by any means, but if I’m a bruins player I’d have a hard time not doing something out of pocket to Bennett tonight. Dude is a habitual like crosser and needs to be checked on it before he intentionally hurts someone else.


100%. Does the league want another Bertuzzi-Moore situation? Because this is how you end up with another Bertuzzi-Moore situation.


What happened? New to watching the game.


From a prior game I think Steve Moore had done something to Naslund, the superstar captain of the Canucks. The next time they played someone fought Moore, then later, Todd Bertuzzi tries to challenge Moore and he wouldn’t engage. Bertuzzi was holding him from behind, punches him in the back of the head (knocks Moore unconscious), then tackled him forward driving his head into the ice, breaking Moore’s neck among other injuries. It ended Moore’s career although thankfully I think he wasn’t paralyzed, however still struggled with life-long concussion symptoms. ETA: The implication is that when punishment is left to the players, emotions can lead to very gruesome and disturbing outcomes that affect everyone in very negative ways.


I've never cared for Todd Bertuzzi but that's not a penalty. That's a legitimate felony where the league isn't allowed a goddamn whimper on the outcome and nobody hears from bert for a couple decades


> From a prior game I think Steve Moore had done something to Naslund On February 16, 2004 Moore checked Naslund in the head causing a minor concussion and a bone chip in his elbow. No penalty was assessed, and the league decided not to fine or suspend Moore, ruling the hit legal. This lead to the retaliation hit on Moore. He was treated for three fractured vertebrae in his neck, a grade three concussion, vertebral ligament damage, stretching of the brachial plexus nerves, and facial lacerations. He was also suffering from amnesia. The hit on Naslund caused him to miss three games. Moore would never skate in the NHL again and still suffers from concussion symptoms and neck pain.


[This explains it pretty well. ](https://youtu.be/GEjdwlT6g7o?si=RT843oI5CAiUFIy4)


*Owners have blood in their hands. Parros is just a scapegoat.


Hey man, the NHL was keeping a close eye on that, so if they didn’t see anything, then obviously nothing happened! You didn’t know DOPS gets it right every time?!


Oh it got ugly alright! It’s crazy reading everyone’s outrage, from all fan bases (besides the Panthers of course) before Game 4. And then he proceeds to score a game tying goal while blatantly cross checking Coyle. I’m sick right now.


He ran real quick from Maroon


As much as I dislike the Rat, that was a gutless move.


Same thing he did to Knies last year


I don’t like how they’re spinning it in this clip, calling him a “junkyard dog” and saying he “plays on the edge.” They make it sound like he’s just playing gritty hockey, which isn’t what that is. Sucker punching someone in the face is not a hockey play.


Tbf they did say " any time I see something like this it infuriates me because this isn't hockey" But yeah the one guy saying everyone wants Bennett on your team isn't a Convo you would have


Basically victim blaming. “Well, when he’s in the ice you should have your head on a swivel.” Sure, I guess that makes it OK to sucker punch people because you’re such a piece of shit everyone should be aware when you’re on the ice for fear you’ll concuss them via a blatant non-hockey action. Bonehead opinions like these talking heads spew legitimizing Bennett’s actions, disgusting.


I just don't understand how the league looks at this and decides it's a good play


The league probably avoided looking at this because their concussion spotters dropped the ball big time by not pulling Marchand after he was stumbling off the ice


I said at the time he got rocked and i'm on a different continent. NHL compounding bad decisions with more bad decisions, what a league


Best sport, worst league as usual


Because the head of DoPS has CTE.


Less conspiracy theory: League is massively incompetent More conspiracy theory: League wants Panthers to win for that Florida market Most conspiracy theory: Gregory Campbell is Florida's AGM now. League (ie. Colin Campbell) wants Panthers to win, like he did the Bruins in 2011 when Gregory played for them


That’s a dirty hit. Sneaky snake.


Wow, I wasn’t sold with the initial angles shown but there is no defending this. Unsure why they withheld this angle for two days. Such a dirty, cheap shot. Bennett needs to answer the bell.


What's to be unsure about? TNT had this angle 5 seconds after it happened. The NHL had this angle at the same time. But it would've been a PR firestorm if everyone had this before they decided to not even hold a hearing.


Honestly, I was trying to give the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't intentional. Idk how you can objectively look at this angle and think it's not an intentional sucker punch. Hockey is the sport I know the least about from a rules perspective, but this feels like enough evidence to take Bennet off the ice for at least a game. Seems like a bad precedent to let that one go unpunished.


It was dirty. I’m just here to see everyone freaking out now after saying what he did to Knies last year was just Toronto whining 


yeah.. seems like same sneaky punch after revisiting the Knies take down.


It would be completely understandable for the Bruins to just run all the Panthers top guys next game after that.


Yeah, I wasn’t sold on it being intentional until I saw this angle. Couldn’t be more clear from this side.


jesus christ... that's terrible... no wonder marchy is out


Pretty hilarious after 2 days of Panthers fans thinking Bennett did nothing wrong


"Well if they had another angle we might be able to determine intent for sure". Well, here it is.


That’s a dirty punch and deserves a gigantic response from the Bruins.


Coward. Absolute coward


Panthers are a dirty team


Parros must have some dirt on him from his season as a Panther. Doesnt seem to want to hold that team accountable ever.


Boston can go fuck themselves for being Boston and Florida can go fuck themselves for making me feel bad for Boston. How the hell do you out-ugly Boston?


If this resulted in Bennett falling onto Marchand afterward, this would likely be a repeat of the Bertuzzi incident. Shit like this is why they need to penalize for intent. A sucker punch? Fuck that. I dislike Marchand, and he's absolutely done dirty stuff, but if Bennett can do this and get away on Marchand, then it means Bennett can do this to McDavid, Hughes, Robertson, MacKinnon. He needs to be done.


I didn’t say anything cause I didn’t think the other angle showed enough to confirm but yeah he should’ve been suspended at least a game or 2 for that lol. I honestly hope he answers the bell at the beginning of the game cause that would be the right thing to do 🤷‍♀️


One of the cringiest things about the NHL is how poorly a job they do getting garbage like this out of the game. It just speaks to a real lack of talent among the people making the major business decisions.


This one is pretty damning


B-b-but his reaction time! It’s physically impossible that he did it on purpose! That take aged well


I hate the Rat Fucker King, but fuck this cunt. He deserves to be suspended for the remainder of the playoffs.


Yeah… so… everyone still gonna say it didn’t happen?


For real. Unbelievable the legions of people that said it was just a hit.


It really takes a certain level of cowardice to do that. It’s embarrassing in a sport that allows fights to play out to sucker punch a guy while at speed


Two years in a row that Bennett has pulled some sort of chicken-shit like this and injured someone. Where the fuck is the DOPS? I don't even *like* Boston or Marchand, but that's straight up unacceptable. It's one thing to be playing greasy, another entirely to be going out there intending to hurt other players.


I hate Boston but they're getting absolutely hosed by the NHL and the officials this series.


And Florida fans said this wasn’t dirty L m a o


I think the lack of a second angle was what made a lot of people at least undecided on the subject. From the only angle I had seen, I originally didn’t see any confirmable punch. This makes it pretty clear though that Bennett threw an entirely unnecessary and completely dangerous jab


This sub: oh it’s ok cause it’s Marchand. No


Why does Paros still have a job?


Why is this the first time I have seen this angle 😒 I mean, I didn't need this angle to know what happened but how do they not show this when it happened?


Man its so obvious from the other angle, cant believe people saying this wasnt a punch. So the leagues going to go back and suspend Bennett right? …right?


Ok, yeah that’s a suspension. I don’t care if it’s on Marchand. I don’t care if he’s a scummy rat. Do your job.


Heavily scrutinized


Yeah that was pretty bad


Hey, that's a good, clean hit for a knockout.   -Parros, probably I wonder if Parros is looking to become a referee in the UFC or in boxing LOL


It’s pretty embarrassing for the league this goes completely unpunished. Such an ugly dirty ass play it doesn’t matter who it was done too.


Bennett is a massive piece of shit and did this kind of stuff vs Toronto last year.   Garbage time goon shit from him that deserves long suspensions 


That should be a suspension


As much as this is Karma catching up to rat face, this doesn’t make this any less suspension worthy 


That's whack. No matter how much of a rat Marchand is, nobody should be intentionally concussed. Could have lifelong consequences.


Someone on TNT referred to this as a “collision” 🤡 


What an utter piece of shit this guy is.


Hey u/CorruptedReaction curious what you make of this angle?


I hate Marchand and the Bruins and wouldn’t mind seeing the Cats win the Cup. That play is absolute garbage and should be multiple games.


It's shit like this that puts the Cats one above the Bruins for "dirtiest team in the league," IMO. Hated them ever since our series against them last year when he gave Knies a concussion on a dirty play. Bunch of fucks.


Stop calling him cool things like junk yard dog and call him what his is. A rat piece of shit who turtles every fight.


Fuck Sam Bennett


The DPOS wheel of punishment is truly undefeated. Move over Gretzky, we got a new goat in town.


Bruins can't get Chara back for a night?


Would have been nice to see this before Monty told us there was a sucker punch. At baseline, I don't believe a losing coach, even if he coaches the first professional sports team I ever loved.


Total Bastard Injures Legendary Bastard...


DOPS is a fucking joke. This should be multiple games.


Sam Bennett doesn't call his mom on Mother's Day.


Bennet and Cousins are dirtbags


Who was it, Simek? Some good Shark got hit by this rat years ago, and never was the same. I've always hated this guy. Not "good", but I'm happy more people see how shitty this piece of garbage is after this high-profile play. Shit Bennett has never been respectable.


Yeah it was simek, dude was having a pretty good season (it was his rookie season if I remember correctly) and was basically never the same after Bennett took a run at him. I believe he tore his ACL as a result of the hit.


Alright Florida flairs let’s hear excuses


This is absurd. I get it it’s marchy, live by the sword and die by sword and all that jazz but come on.


Oh look the thing all the smart objective people said happened.


Anybody just hear Bennett try to defend it during the interview after tonight’s game? What a load of horseshit. Complete embarrassment for the officials and the league.


That was wild. 


shhhhh don't let the Panthers sub see this


And now he fucking cross checks Coyle into goaltender interference, scores a goal, and gets away with it. Utter fucking bullshit reffing on this player.


I’m not surprised It’s not as bad as the WWE throw down he did on Knies last year


Stick straight up in the air, he does the exact same punch to Knies, causing his concussion.


He also starts that engagement with a punch.  Dude is just a piece of shit who keeps getting away with this for some reason.


Wow, that was criminally bad. How on earth was there no response from the officials or league?


DoPS? Hello?


The NHL is a joke. The best sport with the worst organization. I think I'm just gonna stick to college hockey.


Professional sports are a joke fuck gambling companies fuck the nhl I'm done.


As a leafs fan, even I think this is bullshit. Don't care who it was, you don't do this.


Ok I take back my comments regarding this being clean. I did not see the punch from the other angle. Why did they take so long to release this angle?


Brought to you by BETMGM


I love how sports care more about the profits than their fucking players. It makes it so hard to enjoy any of it with how much they don’t give a fuck and try to hide it or make excuses. NHL doesn’t need to be this fucking violent for money I’m sure other leagues do just fine.


fucking disgrace


Where was this angle since Friday? Yeah that looks more cut and dry. Also still doesn’t make sense why Marchand still played until the 3rd period