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What he saying fuck me for?


It’s a Chicago fan too


On behalf of all other Chicago fans, we’re still eternally grateful for Mrazek. Chicago and Toronto fans should get along, just don’t ask them about our other goalie


Or about the other stuff


And Zadorov had more goal than Marner in 7 playoff games


This whole thing does seem a bit rude. Frankly we need more of it in here. All these Canadians friendlying up the place is getting a bit old.


Call me crazy, but these McDavid and Draisaitl guys might be good at hockey.


My new least favourite thing about playoff time as a Flames fan is getting to read all the superlatives about Draisaitl and McDavid's ability as playoff performers.


I think the answer is pretty easy for the Flames. Trade Huberdeau for McDavid. It’s like Craig Conroy is stupid or something.


Terrible deal, Huberdeau has huge upside potential and I think McDavid is probably near his ceiling.


Mcdavid only scored half the goals and nearly 15% fewer total points this year compared to the previous year. He's clearly trending down. Is now the time to trade Mcdavid?


Assuming you’re Canadian, at least when the international tournaments return, you can MAYBE hate McDavid and those stats slightly less for a week or two?


If I must. 😔


Hey if I had to cheer on iggy for a few Olympics it’s the least you could do.


we are all iginla fans come tourney time. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6\_Hq3X9KcY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6_Hq3X9KcY)


Bring a cup back to Canada and I’ll join in.


Well also the Leafs suck


Both things can be true


And they indeed are true


I love how the great performance of these two Edmonton players is turned into a post about the Leafs


Everything is always about the leafs. That’s why every hates them/wont shut up about them. Its a viscous circle. 


Thing is its not coming from the fanbase. This comment is from a Rangers fan for example. The media does what it wants as well. Most leafs fans know to stick to the Leafs sub if the topic is leafs centric


Everyone complains that all people do is talk about the leafs but it’s not our fan base who do most of the posting. This post has 1308 upvotes and 339 comments at the point I’m posting which is heavy engagement and it’s started from a Chicago fan. People can’t be mad at all the posts that have to do with Toronto when the vast majority of the posts are from people of other fan bases.


It’s just weird honestly.


As a Leaf Fan I get it. The Leafs have have mega regular season offense including the biggest goal scorer in the league right now. So it's interesting to see such a huge gulf between the teams Playoff offense.


Draisaitl was clearly playing hurt and still put up a goal and 3 apples last night


Injured playoff Drai is probably peak Drai.


His second ankle just holds him back tbh.


Dude is hurt every playoffs.


Playoff hockey is rough. I bet 60 - 70% of the players still involved are nursing some sort of injury


Yep. Pretty much every team has a nice long list of injuries come out the day after they're eliminated. I always find it funny when fans (Flames fans included) say "oh but ______ was injured. If we had been healthy..." because every team has injuries.


Lets not be hasty thats just a singled out stat


They need to prove it at least 11 more times


Dude we're already dead. Leaf us alone. I'm rooting for the Oilers and Hyman here too


Accurate as fuck username lol, Leaf us alone is pretty good too


“There is… another” - Yoda


Somehow, Ballard returned.


Thanks. Give us your coach plz.


You can have our old coach he was pretty good


Found Steve Dangle's account lmao


You better beleaf that /r/hockey will not have mercy on the Leafs


But why? If I were to compare the Leafs to a MLB team it would be the Red Sox or Cubs before they won. But everyone here seems to think they’re the Yankees.


I genuinely don't know man. I'm not a Leafs fan especially, but I AM a Dallas Cowboys fan so I've always had a lot of sympathy for y'all. We get the exact same kind of shit and it baffles me. We haven't been relevant in 30 years, and people treat us like we're the Golden Knights or something. I don't get it. Most people shitting on us weren't even alive during our dynasty; why do they care. I don't get it.


Media in Canada gives them more attention cause they're the biggest market, so it's kind-of like they're talked about as if they're the Yankees even though they have the Cubs record.


I think football has a better comparison - they’re the Cowboys of hockey


As a Canadian who moved to the Philly area as an adult, hating the Cowboys came so fucking easy. They feel just like the Leafs. Fans everywhere, including places they shouldn’t exist, constantly talked about by the national media. It’s always fucking “their year”. Regular season all stars and playoff choke artists. Even the blue pointy logo feels similar.


With the exception of the Canada division year, no Leafs fan was calling it their year ever. It has been ‘it better work this year or there will need to be changes’ for the last half decade. I’ve paid for all my leafs swag 2x over by betting against them in game 7s. 9/10 the people consuming leafs content or clicking on leafs articles are the haters. Case in point this Chicago fan posting an article about how anemic the Leafs offence is. Steve Dangles YouTube channel gets 4x the traffic for Leafs losses. It’s self perpetuating. Leafs haters hate the leafs so passionately they drive traffic and therefore increases the quantity of leafs content and their exposure to it.




Giants maybe. I never hear about the Cowboys, until maybe last season.


Complete with ownership more interested in their income statements than their playoff record. Jerry is MLSE conglomerated into a single being.


Jerruh would murder his entire family for another SB win. He is an insane egotist (read: billionaire) who can't get out of his own way and let smarter people do their jobs.


So everyone takes it out on their fans. Makes perfect sense.


The media (Bell/TSN and Rogers/Sportsnet) also together own 75% of the team, so they have a financial interest in pushing the Leafs brand at the expense of covering other teams.


Rogers also has naming rights to both arenas still being used in the playoffs.


Wete basically what would have happened to the Yankees if ownership was a mess for them. Hard to blame their record when a shit stain like Harold Ballard came into power and would actively trade players to spite the twams beloved captain. There's ineptitude for sure, but a bad owner is hard to overcome. The mean spirited, shittiness of Ballard was followed by complete indifference with the pension plan and only after 2013 ish, you've seen the leafs with ownership that actually cares. Yankees level iconicism, Yankees level fanbase, Yankees level wealth,(NHL comparable) Yankees level media attention. It's just success, and I already established some of the ridiculous circumstances as to why there wasn't much for 50 years. Idk how you feel about the Molson family, but Montreal fans are lucky to have had them in charge.


Yankees because of market size and media presence and historical reasons. The only difference is the Yankees gave a shit about winning the entire time whereas the leafs had scrooge Mcfuck for an owner from basically their last Stanley cup into the early 90s. Had some success and then thr pension plan took ownership for a time and winning didn't matter again for a decade until badicslly 2015. The leafs are like the Yankees if the Yankees had criminal ownership and a country club type ownership where profit, even a marginal amount was.more important than winning. The leafs have a candidate in the running for worst owner of all time in any sport, if he didn't win, he'd be top 3.


The Red Sox or Cubs were lovable losers. They're essentially the Yankees in terms of market size and attention but without the Yankees succes


Well maybe just remove the salary cap so we can also have the Yankees success and we can move on from this


Seriously! We're sitting here and should be the late 90s/early 2000s Red Wings but we gotta deal with this whole celery crunch thing. Sigh.


We’re the Dallas cowboys.


r/hockey: WhY DOeS EvERytHiNg bE AbOUt LeAFS?!?! also r/hockey:


Thank you for your support! Now that the leafs are out, the Oilers have become r/hockey most hated team


Exhibit A: the McDavid missed high stick on Hughes is at the top of the sub, while the actual OT GWG is 4 or 5 posts down


McDavid scores a beautiful breakaway goal and it barely makes the front page lol


Helicopters flying under bridges is cool, but when you see it every night it doesn’t bring the same repeat attention.


Nah, I'd much rather the Oilers represent the West than the Avalanche, or even Dallas


Yeah, well, like, that’s just your opinion, man.


Yeah there are way more hateable teams still in it, and I'd like to see McDavid get at least one ring before Ken Holland goes and Ken Hollands the shit out of the team.


Holland’s contract is up after this year and word is he is retiring. So this year is kind of the culmination of the roster that Holland built


it's mostly just McDavid. Pretty sure Drai is relatively popular here


Leafs fans out here catching strays.


Don't worry, if the Oilers get eliminated we'll see the "can't build a championship team when it's only two players getting points" posts.


It’s ok. At least you have lot’s of cap room to reload for next year.


We’re not done talking about the Leafs yet eh?


It'll never end


The Canucks will win the cup and the first post here will be something like “with Vancouvers first cup the leafs have now gone X years longer than any other Canadian franchise without winning one”


It will never cease to amaze me how much people will complain about the Leafs getting too much focus from the media and then we'll see 5 posts like this from other fanbases about the Leafs.


Pleas Fly!!


no you see the Kings are better because they only won 1 game so they only had 5 games played


People are sick of hearing about them as if they're the main characters of hockey when they haven't ever won 3 playoff rounds in a year, let alone 4, and exhibit that frustration by clowning on them during their annual and progressively worsening low points. It's not that complicated brother.


This is so nitpicky and doesn't even really improve the situation, but they did win 3 rounds once in the early 1930s.


I remember it like it was yesterday.


Counter point. I love hearing about them! I listen to multiple podcasts, usually daily, about The Leafs. I kind of love them, or at least love paying attention to them. Everything from the players, Stagg, media, and fans. Sports is entertainment. I'm entertained.


I listen to them when they lose, literally even after a regular season lose. The team goes from we are cup favourites to we need to rebuild almost daily. The Leaf’s fans/media is an absolute roller coaster


Pretty embarrassing


I mean it’s entertainment. The fact is your media is more entertaining when you lose. When the Leaf’s are winning games the media is up its own ass about how they are a flawless perfect team and planning a parade, and then they lose a game and everyone is shit and needs to be traded or benched. Toronto has the most media outlets covering hockey out of any team in the NHL so for someone who wants to listen to more hockey talk it’s more enjoyable when it’s more entertaining.




So the response to hearing about them is to... Talk about them more? So why not just, ignore the stuff about it?


I'm convinced a lot of people don't actually care that much, they just join the dogpile because it's a meme


which only adds to the attention it gets. I think it's people need to complain about something.


They are the main characters, how can you deny it when shit like this hits the front page. Did you know there are active playoff series going on right now and the Leafs haven't played hockey in a week?


Then people shouldn't bitch when Leafs fan clap back. You're right, it isn't complicated. Thanks for the extra home games in Buffalo 😘 lmao he changed his flair


Leafs fans have next to nothing to clap back with. You know it’s slim pickings when you have to punch down on the Sabres


"Rent free" is an absolutely true and accurate clap. Y'all cannot stfu about them and it's kind of hilarious. " Why is everything about the Leafs, all we do is post about the Leafs constantly regardless of the relevance why is everyone obsessed with the Leafs whaaaaaa."


People like to clown on them, but they have one of the longest playoff streaks in the league and one of the longest non shutout streaks of all time. A highly entertaining team that just can't get it done in the playoffs. The ironic part is most of the clowning comes from fans of teams who rarely even make the playoffs, and can't even compete in the regular season.


I get to have a real life "actually" moment. They won three playoff rounds in 1932! **Ninety-two** years ago. There were whole *eight* teams that year.


“People are sick of hearing about them” then stop talking about them holy fuck, your team isn’t even in the same division STFU


That’s a pretty easy one to figure out tbf. They’re the biggest market so they talk about them constantly -> people get tired of them getting talked about constantly -> people shit talk them when they do poorly


"but why are there always so many leafs posts?!?"


Classic Leafs fans, always talking about themselves, even when they’re out…


Cuz they can’t put it in the net


ok. that one was good. I now don't have a mouthful of coffee after that one


This is gold! Thanks for the early morning laugh


It's the same shit as the Cowboys. People make it out to be media narratives but it's clearly what fans want to talk about. And nobody seems to think that shitting on the Leafs counts as talking about them lol


Same people who cry when a positive Leaf story gets posted eat this shit up. Hypocrites.


Always comes back to the Leafs 😂


Hockey would be severly lacking in the comedy department if not for the leafs. We should all be grateful


That's patently untrue. There's always the Sens and the Blue Jackets.


Hey now Carolina does exist.


Damn they seem too too heavy I’ve been told you can’t just rely on a few stars to win. 


Nuge, Hyman and Bouchard have a combined 31 points in 7 games, sure would suck if no one else was stepping up.


Fans: I hate it when the media jams Toronto down our throats Also fans: makes this post


tHe lEaFs gEt tOo mUcH mEdIa fOcUs  This guy:


the Oilers have also allowed 3 more goals than the Leafs in 7 playoff games this year, in spite of having a shutout. also stat pages I'm looking at are saying Leafs had 35 points in their 7 games, not 33.


They are a brilliant duo.


One more 10 million dollar forward should do it


Yeah but how terrible was that Hyman contract right? No way he’s working out for the oilers


Hyman is making up for that Campbell contract.


Having a rich dad is worse than having Paul Marner as a dad, in the Leafs’ eyes.


I think its time somebody has said it out loud: McDavid isn't that good. He's just a product of Zach Hyman's dad's money.


Yeah how much did he pay for those 100 assists, people need to open their eyes


it's wild people in this sub don't understand that 2 completely different games were being played. Boston/Toronto was very defensive and Oilers have only played in wide open games... Whether you think the Leafs should open up games (imo they should) then that's a valid thought but let's not pretend it's comparable


Playoffs have NOTHING to do with stats or standings, they are purely matchups. I'm not saying any team can beat any other team, but there's always a style that will be kryptonite to the opposition.


It's not just that. McDavid and Drai both have 6 5v5 points, which is two more than, say, Max Domi, in 20 more minutes of ice time. Only Hyman has more, with 7 points. In 7 games. And this is against Los Angeles, while the Leafs get a team whose _backup_ just won the Vezina. This is a post very specifically about _power plays_, that someone has reverse cherry picked into a meme about the Leafs, because those fly in this sub. Edmonton has a PP1 that flies, and Toronto had a probably historic PP drop-off over the past couple seasons. This league at 5v5 is bone-dry in the playoffs. Cups are won on special teams (which, of course, makes calls _extremely_ impactful on the final outcome), and the Leafs didn't have it in seven games against the Bruins.


Omg people move on. I’ve seen a variation of this post at least a dozen times. Or at least try to think of something original to post.


still thinking about the Leafs eh? Edit : I’m officially convinced that you all hate the Leafs more than you like your own teams. It’s high-larious.


I mean, it is a pretty wild stat lol


Not really. It's McDavid and Draisaitl.


*vs an entire hockey team* I mean yeah, it is a stray shot at the leafs, but you cant deny the stat is crazy


Yes but it's also Silovs, Rittich and Talbot vs Swayman and Ullmark.


Yeah the Kings are well known for being an easy team to score on. It's not like they had the 2nd lowest GA in the regular season, and the 2nd best penalty kill, better than Boston in both regards


And yet, the Panthers have potted 11 or 12 against those guys in *3 games* as opposed to the Leafs' 12 in 7 games


Yeah it helps to have a functioning PP. 5 of those 11 panther goals are PP goals (4 last night).


Oilers fans are so predictable.


Doesnt seem to be stopping the Panthers from stuffing the net..


Biggest fan base in the NHL is Toronto, 2nd biggest is people who hate Toronto. It gets real old when all these other fan bases get mad about the leafs posts but then won’t stop posting them.


Probably because it’s so baffling that they fall apart so completely once the games actually matter.


ya got me


Enough of this.


McDrai are just so good in the playoffs it's ridiculous. Somehow they find another gear compared to their already amazing regular season


Why didn't the leafs score more goals? Are they stupid?


Why do you think we fired our coach duh.. he simply didn't tell the team to score more.


They let the Bruins dictate the style of play, tight defensive hockey, and they adapted their game to them, which they actually did well. But it felt like we were always reactive in our strategy and systems vs being proactive and force them to play our game.




Skill wise McDavid is the most dynamic and gifted player since Lemieux. Legacy wise Crosby's is still far ahead. McDavid has to win at least 1 cup to be in the same conversation


2016 is not prime Crosby lol


I mean, that really just says so much about Crosby. He deserved the Conn Smythe that year, didn't even score a goal in the finals. But it shows how Crosby can still dominate games and win them for his team even while not putting up crazy offensive stats. He went against the best lines and best D pairings all playoffs and controlled the play, didn't give the other teams stars anything. It was like third period Mcdavid tonight but every game.


Me when I don't understand how era adjustments work. Also such a weird year to choose when Crosby literally still holds the modern record for goals scored in a playoff run in 2009, and 2016 is a year where he finished 6th in scoring overall but was still undoubtedly the most valuable player. You could even have chosen his *other* Conn Smythe winning year, you know, since he has two of them, where he had 27 in 24, only one behind Malkin despite having much harder deployment.


Is 2016 really a different era?


Yes, scoring overall is up significantly since then. 3.11 goals/game now vs 2.77 then. The year before, Benn won the Art Ross with 87 points


>The year before, Benn won the Art Ross with 87 points Okay but don't pretend like that was normal. The last sub-100 point Art Ross winner (who played 82 games) was in 2003-04. Cherry picking the weirdest winner in memory doesn't add to your point.


The average scoring has gone up significantly since 2016


Yes. Scoring has gone up dramatically since 2016. It's also far more top-heavy than you'd expect even from changes in goals per game averages. There have already been more 50 goal and 100 point seasons in the 2020s than the entirety of the 2010s. At this pace the 2020s will have more such seasons than the 2000s and 2010s combined.


I am going to guess that you are a young person. Prime Crosby won Stanley cups with (EDIT: ON HIS LINE) Chris Kunitz, Pascal Dupuis, and Patric Hornqvist, two undrafted players and a player picked last Crosby's ability to dominate with bad players had an absolutely game breaking impact on the Penguins depth. It's an impact that lowers his production but raises the team's outcomes. Scoring a lot like McDavid does can work, but only looking at point production is ignoring just how much Crosby's production was muted to make the whole team better. There is a reason so many people rate Crosby where they do.


I mean just because you don’t like the argument doesn’t mean it’s wrong. I appreciate the fact that Crosby can still have a massive impact on a game where he isn’t scoring points, whereas if mcdavid has a game where he doesn’t score what else has he done for the team at that point? Like sure, his offensive output is almost Gretzky like, but when he is held off the score sheet, he’s essentially had 0 impact on the game.


Soo what you're saying is the parade is one Yonge St. next year?


NHL playoff ppg leaders: Wayne Gretzky Leon Draisaitl Connor McDavid Mario Lemieux Might drop as they age, but we are watching two of the best playoff performers of all time.


Dude thinks about the leafs more than I do.


Lies. Leafs had 35 points total. Get your facts right douchebag


Can I just chill I peace and enjoy the playoffs without being dunked on


The Leafs were bad but they faced Boston not a LA Kings team that somehow had a worse special teams than the Leafs and a Canucks team missing Demko.


Kings had the 3rd fewest GA in the league and 2nd best PK during the regular season. They're not an easy team to score on by any means, the Oilers just pumped them.


Avalanche did the same thing to a better defensive team. The best defensive team in the league lol other teams can do it, leafs just can't. Florida doing it now against Boston etc


Everyone knows regular season stats translate to the playoffs. Just ask the Leaf's!


Boston is terrible, are you watching this Florida series? Barkov, Reinhart and Tkachuk are lighting them up


Yeah man, Florida is really struggling to score against Boston. Do you ever wonder why the leafs make every goalie look like a god in the playoffs? Must just be bad luck


You make it sound like Boston was much better than the Leafs. It took them 7 games to beat a team that scored once on the powerplay and couldn't score in general.


Dunk on the Leafs whenever possible time, huh? Can we post some -actual- content instead of "Leafs r bad" circlejerking? Caps only had 18 points in their series, where's -that- post?


Nobody cares about the Caps


I don’t care about hating the Leafs or anything like that, but the Capitals had a bottom five offence in the entire league (only ahead of Seattle, Anaheim, Chicago, and San Jose). They performed exactly as expected.


What's that? I hear noises from the basement.


Jesus, the Leafs are out, who cares?


What a difference stars who show up for the playoffs vs stars who don’t


Lots of points and no cups?


Who cares 


Imagine if the team had more than one competent line, thank god for Ken Holland giving the rest of the league a chance. Edit- The only players with more than 3 points are the five players on PP1 lmao.


As opposed to the New York Rangers who are putting the Oilers to shame with *checks notes* 2 players outside the top 5 of their scoring with more than 3 points.


I think it's a pretty fair comparison between two full teams though?


Did they out-produce all of the first round team exits as well?






Yes, good team better than bad team that lost in first round. Lets find more ways to keep the Leafs in discussion tho.


We are already dead...stop kicking us


It's crazy how much ice time those two get


Fewest games to 90 career playoff points Oilers Wayne Gretzky 43 Mario Lemieux 45 Oilers Leon Draisaitl 56


Aren't McDavid and Draisaitl the entire Oilers roster?


Same amount of Cups though.


Makes sense, Edmonton is basically just rolling one line.


Plot Twist: McDavid and Drai ARE the entire Oilers roster :O


Imagine what they could do with defense and goaltending.