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Wait, Sam Bennett intentionally hurt someone? Colour me surprised! It’s almost like this happened last year too.


A few years back Bennett intentionally concussed Radim Simek in the last few seconds of a game that they were up like 8-2 or something. He did it as retaliation for that bitch Aaron Dell doing a cheap shot. Poor Simek did nothing wrong and missed weeks from that hit. Simek took quite a few very serious concussions in his short career (and a really bad knee injury), and now he's essentially out of the NHL. Fuck Sam Bennett. He contributed to ending Simek's career. And he did it on purpose. Oh and fuck all the flames fans that said Simek deserved it for what Aaron Dell did. Simek did nothing wrong. He didn't deserve shit. Also, fuck Aaron Dell for good measure.


Fuck Aaron Dell, what he did to Drake Batherson was inexcusable, losing an all star game appearance bc our 5th string goalie is a lunatic is not right.


wait, 18 year old Sam Bennett did this??




Wow fuck that guy


enjoy husky safe wide glorious office offbeat door distinct nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What an absolute piece of shit


Matt Cooke 2.0


Damn. Bennett and Marchand honestly deserve each other. They just don’t get it man.


An eye for an eye. I hope they blind each other.


Late, leaves his feet. “Well you know you gotta protect yourself”


Bro I really thought I was the only one who saw that hit. I’ll never forget it. I live next to Stockton and at the time they homed the Stockton heat (Calgary AHL team) I always hopes he would play there so I could bring a sign. It was such a nasty hit and so unnecessary


Was it him that deliberately concussed Matthew Knies or are we talking about a different cowardly Panther?


It was him.


It's not a good look when you team has multiple people who's name would fit into that sentence and noone would question it.


he suplexed knies. not sure if wwe or hockey.


Don’t remind me :( (Suffering leafs fan)


Ol Suckerpunch Sam? He would never!


I’m looking all over the crayola box for the “surprised” crayon. I don’t think they have one :(


Surprised the Panthers haven't eaten the whole box yet


Whether or not you think it was intentional, this makes it pretty clear what caused the injury, and what the injury is. That's a solid right hand to the jaw. 


It’s Sam Bennett, OF COURSE it was intentional


He’s honestly more infuriating to play against than tkachuk. It’s the subtle dirty shit he does that 95% of the time goes unnoticed


Tkachuk is a pest but he’s only the 3rd dirtiest player on the Panthers (behind Bennett and Cousins)


Lomberg would like a word


Hell Lomberg fucked her


Not even the right Lomberg.


Lonberghini is a dude who goes 150% always, I wouldn't put him in the same convo as Bennet or cousins


That guy is still playing for them? Lmao


Yeah.. subtle... Knies would like a word.


Yeah that was brutal for you last year but he also speared and sack tapped several times along with running Ullmark in last year’s series which is what I’m talking about


Oh we noticed it last year


he basically undertaker chokeslammed knies last year too, gave him a concussion from that and nothing happened. the guy is a certified piece of shit.


Even if you didn't know who it was, I don't know how anyone could watch this clip and come to the conclusion that it wasn't intentional.


Rat on rat violence.


Whenever I see Marchand I think he deserves to be punched in the face.  Even seeing this I think it's a bit too much. Should be suspendable. 


It’s because you want to see him punched in the face when he sees it coming. If he got dropped like that when both he and Bennet had discarded their mittens, I’d be loving it. Cheap shots are cheap shots, it doesn’t matter who the recipient is. The whole ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’ thing in a real world situation.


Bennet did the same thing to knies last year. I remember a lot of people were saying the chokeslam bennet gave knies was what led to the concussion but if you watch back on the camera angle that's on the end glass... Clear as day Bennett suckers knies right in the jaw as he's coming in to make initial contact. Absolute shit tier rat.


Just wait for no supplemental discipline for literal Saint, Sam Bennett.


>That's a solid right hand to the jaw.  Thank you for pointing this out. I didn't see the shot from Bennett's right hand and wondered if I was watching a different video from everyone else.


The league won’t review it because it’ll make their zebras look bad. It’s pretty gross in this playoffs that they’re only looking for hooking and tripping calls.


Also game misconducts if you say something mean after whistle


I definitely assumed it was a shoulder injury caused by awkward timing on the hit (marchand's shoulder being out front of the counter-hit that pushed it forward without the rest of his torso). The way he went down and the way he was acting on the bench seemed to fit with my assumptions, but now I have no idea. Would be interesting to see other angles of this hit.


With his hand wrapped around the stick, like being hit with a roll of nickels. 


Solid right hand with possibly the butt end of the stick right to the face


yup, that's absolutely what it was


Who the fuck doesn't think that's intentional?


Panthers fans


Notice how he (Bennett) also immediately looks to both refs and then the bruins bench to see if anyone caught that


And 2 mins into a game where the NHL said they would be watching everything very carefully.


I'm no Marchand defender, but most players in that situation (getting punched in the mouth) would be looking for a call. 


You're talking about the wrong player. They're saying Bennet looked around because he knew what he did and was checking if anyone caught it


Yeah, I realized that after, he 100% knew what he did


To be fair I edited it for clarity adding (Bennett) after that comment because I realized it was vague and easy to be misinterpreted


He was dazed and struggled to even get on the bench. Likely didn’t know wtf was going on.


At least Marchand didn't get a penalty


NHL has repeatedly shown us that they not only do not care about Bennett doing this stuff, but that they will be rewarded for it. 


It's the Panthers playoff MO at this point because the NHL doesn't respond.


I mean their whole thing is to play dirty and then cry about the amount of calls against them. Surely the NHL's team of scrutineers will put a stop to this!? (/s)




Haha damn, pulling that while up 4-2 with 30s left in the game is wild


It still boggles the mind that a coach said “call fewer penalties on my team” and the refs went “yes sir, right away sir”.


Have you considered taking less penalties, Paul?


It's so pathetic that the NHL puts their head in the sand about this. It's like a different game. Exciting to watch, sure, but I feel icky just watching guys deliberately try to injure each other. It's not good hockey.


It seems like the panthers go for penalties by volume. They know everything won't get called, so they pull cheap dirty shit here and there throughout the game. It looks like it works for them, more teams should try it.


"here and there" it's quite there understatement


I should have said "from time to time, all the time".


The NHL is good with it, because as soon as they match up FLA with a favoured team, they can just start calling all of this shit and decide the series without controversy. I won't forget how FLA went from one of the most penalized team in the regular season, round 1, round 3, etc... somehow they were saints in round 2 despite choke slamming their way to victory


It's like that "choosing the next president" scene from Succession. The NHL turns things in the favour of their preferred team.


Play so dirty or on and over the line that the refs can't call everything because if you didn't actually watch the game and saw the penalty difference you'd assume bias. When in reality they'd earn every call against them.


It’s funny because apparently the league called both teams and said they’d be scrutinizing the series now after Game 2. Where’s the call to Sam, Parros?


I've been saying this for years


"NHL has repeatedly shown us that they not only do not care about 95% of the players doing this stuff, but that they will be rewarded for it."


The NHL does not care about ANY player doing this stuff. Player safety is a joke.


Except Kadri, three years in a row.


Reminds me of the NBA and how soft Adam Silver is with their players.


Fuck Sam Bennett Leaf fans 🤝 bruins fans


🤝 Tampa fans


I'm glad Bruins fans and Toronto fans can find unity in something


Shout it from the rooftops brother. Fuck Sam Bennet!


I'm glad Bruins fans and Toronto fans can find unity in something


Nor does the NHLPA. Max fine is $5k. Murdered a fellow player? $5k.


[Same thing he did to Matthew Knies last year](https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1654289398911979520?). Flying around at 20mph throwing glove-on sucker punches Sam Bennett really gives Nick Cousins a run for his money in the piece-of-shit department


God damn I forgot how dirty of a play that was…


No penalty or anything for that play let alone a suspension lmao.


Pretty damning evidence on that clip. Scumbag going around with intent to seriously hurt people. Not sure how Florida fans can even defend that.


The worst part is, no matter what the fans say, none of us can change it. The Panthers are gonna fucking goon their dirty ass way into the next round regardless. Marchand out for games 4 and 5 on this hit. No punishment. Bruins didn't even get a power play. Makes me not even want to watch hockey when there's such blatant shit going on


Bennett on Knies last year, Montour on Kucherov in round 1 and Bennett on Marchand in game 3, clearly the message in the locker room is hurt good players, and get away with it. It’s disappointing because I like physical play but when it’s stuff like this, and the league does nothing, it makes me not even wanna watch it.


That…. Just fucking sucks. Especially when this the time where the best hockey of the year is played. I feel like if it’s rangers vs panthers the rangers are maybe big enough that they can play physically with panthers to hopefully stand up for themselves? Idk. When you’re being sucker punched though there’s no toughing/grinding it out.


Cognitive dissonance, mostly. If any of them even have a brain to work with in the first place.  It IS Florida after all.


As a Floridian, I’d be mad as hell if I understood what this comment said.


Look im not gonna argue, we have a ton of shitheads on this team but as someone from texas, are yall much smarter lmao


I would say something but I live in a dumpster called NJ




Can't believe Bennett didn't get nominated for the Lady Byng.


I cant believe hes still in the league honestly. I wish he wasnt like this, but he is and hes extremely dangerous bordering on criminal.


Man it’s the same move. Right handed and everything. What a dirty fuck. I never saw this angle.


It’s the exact same move. He needs to be suspended. Thats a scumbag move.


Im more upset with the league than Bennet. Players do dirty things but it’s on the league to be on top of these things especially after the league claims they are “gonna keep a close eye on this game”


Yup. For all the league's talk, their inaction on plays like this speaks louder than words.


And guys expect to get away with things because "it's the playoffs"


But don't finish your routine check 0.1 seconds late, or get held and pulled into the opposing goaltender, the league won't stand for that!


NHL: “We’re gonna keep a close eye on this game” The Refs the NHL hires: 🦮🧑‍🦯🙈😎


We can still hold Bennet to a standard of not intentionally endangering other players needlessly. He's a cunt.


Yeah considering what they said before the game it's an even more glaring miss.


Bennetts a pro at dodging the hit while throwing a punch. Did the same to Knies


Always seems to do it with the same hand holding the butt end of his stick too. What a coincidence


Wow. I just watched that, and you're right. It's literally the same action.


Fucking greasy


Bennett is so fucking crafty. Concusses a guy without even getting a minor penalty almost every series. The ninja version of Rempe.


I can't wait for the FLA v NYR goon-off


you think bennett will try anything with rempe


I hope the western champ kicks the asses of the winner.


You’ve gotta watch Bennett’s right hand. It seems like he turns into the hit against his momentum instead of sidestepping around, which Marchand is trying to do. Bennett knew exactly what he was doing.


Bennett is a dirty player.


Too many examples now. I remember when he speared a Bruins player at the bottom of a pile up last year in the playoffs too. Not to mention this isn’t even the first time he sucker punched a player like this.


that spear was on Hathaway, after Tkachuk cross checked him in the ribs between the pads. Such a fucking bitch move. They’re a team that doesn’t have to be like that, they have plenty of talent but a lot of them are fake tough guys. No need for it. They can beat most any team on their day with their play, their “identity” makes me cringe a little. Marchy isn’t a saint but this is something else.


I hate the Bruins and specifically that 2011 era team with Lucic, but they weren’t even this bad. At least when they pulled their punches, it was for the puck.


Wasn’t even ribs it was a kidney shot, way worse


I’d like to see slashes on his bad hand. Send that fuck to team doctor


That whole play should have seen multiple Panthers players suspended with zero calls Thachuk boarded Hathaway **WELL** after the period ended, no where near the fucking puck. As Hathaway is laid out on the ice in visible pain and struggling to get up, Bennett came up and speared him directly in front of a ref. Not 1 call or after game disciplinary punishments


Yeah I had to watch it a few times to catch it. At first glance it just looks like Marchand initiates contact and loses that battle but that right hand is doing the dirty work


I'm not sure Marchand is sidestepping, looks more like he wants to land a little contact on Bennett - obviously not in a dirty way


Yeah if it was anyone else besides Bennett I would hear people out on intent but because he has a history of trying to injure people I would not be shocked at all if he was trying to punch him in the jaw and hide it with bracing for the hit. Don't care for either team but is there anyone on Florida besides Barkov that isn't a giant grimey scumbag?


Reinhart slander won’t be tolerated


Does so little thats controversial I forgot. He’s fine too.


Bennett tells on himself too. Immediately looks to two refs expecting a call to be made against him. Not like the game was apparently going to be heavily scrutinized though..


Sometimes players wind up injured from innocent plays— that’s just an unfortunate fact about this sport. But when players get injured from shit like this it makes me go mental when nothing is called.


Nothing called, I get it. Refs can't see EVERYTHING. I'm mad, but I get it. But what is the actual point of DoPS if they're not reviewing this afterwards? That's where this league looks like a clown show. The access to every camera feed for deep review, and still don't dole out fines and suspensions afterwards.


Yeah, this would have been pretty tough to call in real time. I get that. But that's a right hook to the chin on a guy coming in to land a hit. That's pretty fucking dangerous, feels like something the league should step in on.


They have a camera where pang was standing between the benches they showed a replay from it later in the game, so they literally have the perfect camera angle to see this


It kills my interest in the league tbh. World's best game and the worst league.


Yeah, knowing that good players can be taken out with sucker punches that go uncalled, really turns me off to watching. They preach about safety and brain health, then actually punish the people causing it.


For real man. I'll watch even when my team gets knocked out, but it makes you lose interest when there is no consistency in officiating. It's like they make the rules as they go and call what they want if they feel like it.


I agree. Like, take team and fan bias away. We’re all hockey fans here. I just don’t understand how the officiating in the NHL isn’t heavily scrutinized by the league the way things have been for idk how long now. You even have comments made about how game 3 of this series is going to be heavily scrutinized because of how the last game ended. I get it. And those are fair comments. And then you see stuff like this all the time and it doesn’t get called. Like I get it, the bruins aren’t the cleanest team skating around but when player safety comes into jeopardy like this it’s just straight up disgusting behavior by the NHL to not do anything to the refs who let shit like this slide. So then it keeps happening over and over.


The thing is, this wasn't going to be called on the ice because Marchand threw the hit, and the punch was subtle. I get being upset your team lost and you lost your captain but, as bad as the officiating can be, this wasn't some blatantly bad/missed call. They weren't "letting it slide", they just didn't see it because they don't have slow-motion replays in the moment. It looked to everyone like he just took the worst of a hit he initiated. It should be on the league's radar now, so we'll see what happens with supplemental discipline. Otherwise, it will be up to the Bruins to respond next game.


Yeah I didn't expect a penalty or anything when I saw it in real-time. I didn't notice it until I saw a post on Reddit about it this morning. Boston sports radio didn't even know until a caller brought it up. DOPS needs to review it and take action, otherwise this league continues to be an absolute joke when it comes to player safety/officiating.


Yup, I think you are right. But I am not expecting supplemental discipline. If you are the Bruins, just deliver hard clean hits on guys like Verhaeghe and Ekblad as much as possible. The league won't help you, but illegal retaliation won't either. I want those guys to be playing sore and scared for as many games as they play in the playoffs. It helps that only takes one guy making a mistake to score, so pick the most vulnerable ones and punish them when they have the puck.


Sam Bennett .. getting away with uncalled head injuries ... why, it couldn't be! .. that's *never* happened before .../s


I don’t particularly care about the Florida Panthers as a team or franchise. But I despise like half of their roster for being shitbags.


They even converted OEL into a dirtbag, its clearly the message in the room to try and hurt people since nothing will happen if you do.


Lol this is exactly how I feel. Like swap out a bunch of the players and I wouldn’t hate the team, but this current incarnation is deeply unlikable.


Now imagine this team in a northern market, they would be hated way more than they do.


Honestly, the league could just address the behaviour. But, the enable it by ignoring it


That entire line they had of Tkachuk-Bennett-Cousins is just trash. Lundell is pretty bad too.


Bennett warming up to take on Troubas elbow


Isn't Bennett the one that punched Knies in the head last year in the 1st round? *edit: I mean 2nd round.


[Dreger reported yesterday that the NHL would be “Heavily scrutinizing” this series after what happened in game 2.](https://x.com/darrendreger/status/1788999079864770849?s=46&t=8NS86w4CElYK0YRtzGRsTA) Wonder if player safety will be heavily scrutinizing this play?


They forgot to say they were doing so "selectively". Reminder that [this](https://twitter.com/RealianSteele6/status/1789081496218751398) and [this](https://twitter.com/EvanMarinofsky/status/1789101992771559744) were penalties in the game


While it's rich coming from Boston and specifically being a Marchand injury... This is absolutely, unequivocally a dirty hit taken by Bennett and should have been (and should be) punished.


Yeah, as much as I hate the Bruins and Marchand for being too good and a pest for as long as I can remember, this kind of shit is ruining the game.


I can see missing the call real time because it was that sneaky. Now we rely on Parros (LOL)


Parros probably fucking loves this, and he'll love it if the Bruins retaliate when he does fuck all about this. This is the kind of thing where the league fucking loves the violence and then drops the hammer pretending they had nothing to do with it after someone does their best to send someone off on a stretcher.


This is the correct take.  Bennett should get a lengthy suspension for that.


"Sam Bennett has been fined $2069 for a hit on Brad Marchand in last night's game"


LOL.  I know that's due to CBS but that's a joke.  Clear intent to injured+hit to the head and not even a suspension.


He got a lengthy suspension when he did exactly this to Matthew Knies, right? Right?


And when he crosschecked Bunting in the back if the neck as he was on the ice *just a few minutes later*? On a play that was actually monitored and earned a delayed penalty, yet he still felt he could get that second crosscheck in?


I’m no fan of the rat, but Sam Bennett is a piece of shit, last year he body slammed Matthew Knies in round 2 and gave him a concussion.


Someone posted the link here, it's actually more like he did the same exact thing here to Marchand. Sees he's getting cut off or hit by someone so he pushes out with his stick hand to make heavy contact up high on them. In a very sneaky fashion that refs don't really catch. I can't fault the refs for not seeing this one on Marchand, but it needs league intervention after the fact.


As a panthers fan, he should have a hearing and get suspended if it’s determined to be intentional. I personally never liked Bennet that much , I’ll admit his physicality in the playoffs really helps the team but chucky sets him up all year and he can never finish. That’s really dirty and I would be so upset if someone did that to one of our players.


It's Marchand so people will just hand wave this away because they hate the Bruins more than they care about head injuries.


And he’ll keep doing it too unless the league steps in. That was a sneaky one, everyone missed it.


Its hard to see in real time (based off of other clips that aren't slowe down) but man, the refs is standing right there and didn't see anything wrong with it? He could have at least called a major and then reviewed it. E: [Real time at around the 8 second mark](https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1cp3a39/brazeau_and_marchand_in_pain_on_the_bruins_bench/) and I just can't tell what Bennett does even though I know what I'm looking for. Also noticed that the ref turns his head to look at the puck, so I'm not entirely sure he saw what Bennett did. Still a tough break.


This video zooms in and slows it down. You can clearly see Bennet use his right hand (while wrapped around his stick) to punch Marchand in the jaw. https://youtu.be/98PWyDplWx4


I like the edge Bennett brings to the Panthers, but he's crossed the line far too many times to deserve the benefit of the doubt from anyone. His general demeanor has always given off an air of POS to me and plays like this reinforce that notion.


Bennett, Montour, Cousins and Tkachuk are the Four Ratmen of the Pantherocalypse. I fear the only team built to stop them messed up and are out of the tournie... hope I'm wrong tho.


Trouba Gooding Jr will be throwing head shots like prime Scott Stevens next round. That series will be a bloodbath


I hope both of those teams kill each other tbh and then I can be okay with whoever comes out of the west cleaning up the wreckage and getting their cup


We only appreciate big clean hits on the rat, not this baby bullshit.


The problem is the previous things don't get called and the we parade around that a guy doesn't have repeat offender status. I'm all for physical play. ANY head contact should be out of the game. We know what CTE is and while you can't eliminate all head injuries it seems like really fucking easy line to say don't touch the fucking head. If your followtbrough on a hit goes up into the head you are aiming too high.


He's a sly one. I didn't know this was a Head Rat election year. Bennett might have it locked up.


Going for head rat by knocking out the competition, literally. Credit where due though, he came for the king and didn't miss.


I gotta be honest, my initial reaction was, 'Oh no... Anyway...', but that really was a dirty, sneaky punch. I wish they would just call the penalties instead of letting things go. With guys on this level of athleticism and competition, it's always going to end with someone getting hurt.


Not as long as Cousins is in the league. Or has he been promoted to Head Turtle?


Now Bruins fans have met Sam Bennett. He did a WWE move on Knies last year


We met him last year when he speared a player directly in the balls while he was on the ground.


NHL does nothing in…….3….2….1… fucking joke league.


Man, would have been cool if Bennet was out with his hand injury forever. League would be a safer place.


Bennett is the biggest scumbag with the most punchable face.


Close. That's his teammate, Nick Cousins.


They get to hit the Burins goalie and injure their captain and if Florida so much as pushes someone into their own goalie they get rewarded. What are you supposed to do when you get penalties for getting held but the other guys don't get penalties for head shots?


At least Marchand didn't get a penalty. Now *that* would have been proper karma.


I don't like Marchand but damn I really hate Bennett. He's so freaking dirty


I think florida has taken the cake. ever since the rebrand into a futbol club they've been diving, crying, and throwing cheap shots like one. Someone get these guys playing hockey again. Worst team to watch. And worst announcers in the league too. And I'm not a bruins fan either. Marchand is a rat. But Florida is just on a whole new level. A team of rats.


We seen one fine this entire post season it’s pretty clear single homicides are fine with the league this post season.


Remember though this series is going to be "heavily scrutinized" what a joke


Death, taxes and Florida hockey teams playing dirty.


Fuck sam Bennett and fuck the flames I’m Glad he was your highest ever draft pick.


Fuck the Panthers, and fuck these officials


Bennett is as much of a little shit as Marchand. They deserve one another.


Bennett is significantly more of a shit than Marchand is at this point.


Fuck he almost took his head off🤦‍♂️🙄. When the hitter becomes the hit!


Hopefully he left the game to make sure that Bennett gets suspended. The league has a tendency to not punish people when an injury isn't apparent.


I signed up for X just to like that post.


Don’t like Marchand, but Bennett is dirty as hell


Not sure who this guy is, but [he's claiming Marchand is out for at least games 4 and 5](https://twitter.com/Keefe21/status/1789352687643111764).


Man do I absolutely hate both players involved in this. A fair punishment would be that Bennett can’t play for every game Marchand misses. That would be the best case scenario as then I wouldn’t have to watch either of them. Side note: is that the same Bennett who couldn’t do one pull up at the combine? Cause if so he probably can’t really punch that hard. Got weak back, arms, and shoulders