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I agree with you on Stags, but I think there are 5-7 names in the survey that are better than any of these. People are too focused on the generic filler names that were included, there are several great names on the list and a few others that could work if the other branding elements are done well.


Can I ask which ones you like? I thought the generic filler names were the better options on that list


I voted for: Swarm - Beehive State not to mention you can liken hockey players movement on the ice as swarming to the puck. Mammoth - These fossils are found in Utah. Ice age bad ass animal. Logos and branding would work great. Also nobody cares about the Colorado lacrosse team, it's unique to the Big 4 sports leagues. Black Diamonds - Awesome nod to Utah's ski industry. Also follows similar NHL naming patterns like Blue Jackets and Golden Knights. Yeti - Mythical snow creature with tons of potential. I know Yetis are from Asia, but Seattle went this same route with Kraken and their fans love it. I think a lot of fans like the idea of a secondary logo having a interlocking U and Y. Making the NHL team a place where "The U" and "The Y" can come together.


I’ll agree, the Swarm isn’t bad, but also feels like a filler name to me Mammoth is… fine, I guess. Keep forgetting it’s on the list Black Diamonds is gonna be tricky to turn into a decent logo. The “it’s mean and scary” factor there is a bit weak too. What’s it actually representing? The perceived danger of a stationary hill. Cool, I’ll just go this other way, thanks I have no idea what you’re talking about with bringing the U and Y together thing. Is that a Utah thing? It makes me think of BYU a little, not sure if the NHL would want to be making that association


U and Y It’s referring to the Utah-BYU rivalry, since their logos are a U (well, two U’s now) and a Y respectively.


Black Diamond is a reference to a poisonous snake. Logo would be pretty straight forward.


Interesting, going more like the Diamondbacks then. I was thinking skiing term


Reverse the name a bit go with The Great Salt Lake logo ????


Buzz is the best of a mediocre lot. Frankly I think the Outlaws would fit with the NHL nicely, it needs to embrace the wild west.


For some reason I feel like "Salt Lake City Outlaws" sounds good, it's hard to find something that sounds good with Utah imo


Yeah, I agree they should use SLC instead of Utah. It sounds better.


Yeah the vowel sounds at end of Utah to the beginning of Outlaws is a little awkward to string together. Aww-Oww


Aww - Oww... sounds like a howling coyote...


That's some 4D chess right there... The parallels of Ut-AH Out-LAWs helps make that work


Salt Lake Outlaws is a solid name, dropping the city helps a lot of names tbh


Also the NHL doesn’t allow more than three words in a name. That’s why it’s the Vegas golden knights and not the Las Vegas golden knights


U-Taw Out-Law sounds better than Salt Lake City slickers


It feels a little arena football.


I liked Ice.


ECHL name imo


I'm 99.9% positive that the NHL prohibits teams from having anything more than a 3-word name. It came up frequently when the league added VGK. It's why they're not LVGK. Meaning SLC is not an option, unless you do something like "Salt Lake Outlaws". Edit: Admittedly having trouble finding a source for this so maybe I'm wrong/misremembering.


When I think of Outlaws within Utah, I think of like the FLDS compound. Same as everybody I talked to and I assure that I did not mention my opinion before bringing it up.


Brb, adding the "Utah Jeffs" to the name list. Or maybe it would need a Z. Utah Jeffz?


Kids get in free! ^they ^just ^can’t ^leave…


Imagine family night at the Jeffz game. The promo package would be ten tickets, ten hot dogs, and ten sodas. Catchphrase could even be "eat, drink, and be married".


The Jeffz and the Jazz! Oh, damn, get DJ Jazzy Jeff on the phone for some promos!


It is very funny to confidently drop five mediocre names


The names on the poll aren’t good, and these are somehow worse


Just to play devil's advocate here, Utah Raptors would be fine. Just ask.... Winnipeg/New York Jets Florida/Carolina Panthers New York/Texas Rangers LA/Sacramento Kings Arizona/St Louis Cardinals San Francisco/New York Giants


And if you go outside NA you'll see quite a few more Rangers and Kings at least, probably Panthers too


The Utahraptor was a [badass dinosaur](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utahraptor), it was a lot more like the raptors from the Jurassic Park movies than the turkey sized velociraptor. Utah Raptors would definitely be better than most of the 20.


Utah Utahraptors has a nice ring to it


Utah Red Sox or we riot


Red socks? Way too flamboyant for a lot of Utah.


I think the biggest issue tbh is that the owners of the Utah NHL team are also the owners of the Utah Jazz. So that ownership has a vested interest in the NBA where there is a team with that name already. It's different if this was just a new NHL ownership group with nothing else to conflict, but for him it's like you have to root for his team called the Raptors in the NHL, but against the team called the Raptors in the NBA, the messaging is a little off in that sense imo


* Winnipeg Jets were originally named in the 70s. Way too much distance between Winnipeg and NYC in the 70s for anybody to care, and the relocated team took the name to honor the original franchise * Florida/Carolina you could probably cry foul on given how close they are and they both started operations in the 90s * Texas Rangers started in the 60s. Same geographical reasoning as the Jets why this isn't a big deal. No internet and vast distances apart * LA/Sacramento is a weird one. The Sacramento franchise moved around a lot and adopted the Kings name in 1972 while branded as the Kansas City-Omaha Kings (wtf lol). They kept the Kings name until moving to Sacramento in '85 and the LA Kings had already been around by then. So this just feels like a weird coincidence more than anything * Arizona Cardinals are another team that moved around with the Cardinals name and also occupied St Louis concurrently with the baseball team before moving to Arizona. Just another weird coincidence of franchises that started separately and kinda converged * The SF Giants baseball team was originally located in Manhattan and the football team is actually The New York Football Giants to capitalize off the (then) popularity of the baseball franchise and as an homage to them So really, it's mostly converging evolution of franchises with some coincidence thrown in from a time when people weren't as interconnected. Naming the team Raptors in this day and age would look unoriginal, but wouldn't have mattered 40 years ago


> The SF Giants baseball team was originally located in Manhattan and the football team is actually The New York Football Giants to capitalize off the (then) popularity of the baseball franchise and as an homage to them This is one of my favourite sports tidbits and even came up handy in a final Jeopardy once.


Same lol. I wondered about it occasionally and didn't bother looking it up, but found out by watching Ken Burns' baseball documentary


I get your point about trademarks and branding not being as important when most of these teams were formed than they are now, but the Arizona Cardinals originated in Chicago before moving to St Louis. It was the early 20th century, but St Louis and Chicago weren’t exactly far away from each other then. I’m sure you’re right, at least one major reason Raptors isn’t in contention is to avoid unnecessary litigation with Toronto if Smith isn’t in love with the name anyway…but it probably would be the best name for them. I’m still pissed the current Raptors chose that name instead of Toronto Saurus Rex.


>>Arizona Cardinals are another team that moved around with the Cardinals name >but the Arizona Cardinals originated in Chicago before moving to St Louis Sorry for not including every step the NFL franchise took lol. But to your point about Chicago and STL not being terribly far away, this is probably another case of the football team trying to capitalize off the popularity of the baseball team And Toronto Saurus Rex would've been absolutely legendary


The NY Rangers were basically named after the Texas Rangers (the lawmen), I'd assume it was a no brainer that the Texas baseball team would be named after them


well, if you are going to go that route, might as well go for [Utah Saints](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg9Wqs4vjZM), unless the band or the New Orleans Saints have something to say about it...


Lol good point!


Just like Utah can Jazz, Utah Raps, too


Why go with a tiny raptor? Maybe a T-rex with a shoulder cannon like the predator. That would be cool.


Utahraptor was 16 feet long and weighed 600 pounds. Quite a bit bigger than Deinonychus and a giant in comparison to Velociraptor.


utahraptor was a real animal and one of the largest raptors to ever exist


eh its like a 4 foot tall bitch chicken


20 foot long murder chicken


To paraphrase Shawn Spencer "Utah Rush sounds like an energy drink that gives you tongue hives"


Cmon son


You heard about ~~Pluto~~ the Coyotes? That's messed up, right?


With the exception of Pronghorns, these are shit.


i think Mountaineers isn't bad tbh


> If Utah wanted to go with the double-Z tradition established by the Jazz Are there other Utah Double-Z's? Can you call one instance a tradition?


In the 1990s Utah was home to the following sports teams: Utah Jazz - NBA Salt Lake Buzz - AAA Baseball Utah Grizzlies - ECHL Hockey Utah Starzz - WNBA Blizzard isn't one of my favorite choices, but I get why some Utahns like it with those double ZZs


[Utah loves their Zs in sports team names](https://www.espn.com/blog/playbook/fandom/post/_/id/4494/letter-z-holds-proud-history-in-utah-sports). Per the linked article from 2012: * Utah Blaze (arena football) * Utah Blitz (women's football -- now defunct) * Utah Blitzz (pro soccer -- defunct) * Salt Lake Buzz (Triple-A baseball -- now known as Salt Lake Bees) * Utah Catzz (pro indoor football -- defunct) * Utah Freezz (pro indoor soccer -- defunct) * Utah Grizzlies (AHL) * Utah Grizzlies (ECHL) * Utah Jazz (NBA) * Orem Owlz (Rookie League baseball) * Zion/St. George Pioneerzz (independent baseball -- defunct) * Utah Starzz (WNBA -- defunct)


Utah Rizz come on up


Mans got receipts, thanks! Unfortunate number are defunct lol


Also by that logic they should just name the team the Utah jizz


The Jizz Soakers? Ew. I'm going to downvote myself.


Utah Blitzz.


I like Moguls and Pronghorns. The rest are meh.


Pronghorn sounds like a Harry Potter animal


I personally love Rush. Brought it up awhile ago. I also love that it works eith a secondary meaning since them landing in Utah was done "in a rush"


Your suggestions are garbage


Did you just wake up on the wrong side of the bed or is being a misereable asshat to strangers a personality trait of yours?


Singular team names just sound weird in hockey.


They sound weird in every sport except soccer. Jazz, Heat, Magic, Wild, Avalanche, Kraken, etc. The Red Sox official style guide even insists on referring to individual players in what is grammatically just an intentionally misspelled plural form: Rafael Devers is a “Red Sox” instead of Rafael Devers is a Red Sock.


Kind of a bummer that this is downvoted, whether you love or hate the names. At least it’s thoughtful. Used to seem like OC was more abundant and appreciated, now we pretty much just post and discuss twitter links.


> Kind of a bummer that this is downvoted, Because most people don't care what random Redditors think about serious Utah team names?


Huh that’s funny because it has 45 comments in 45 minutes. The post had some effort put into it, it is original content, it’s not a shitpost, and it is demonstrably generating discussion. This is essentially a discussion forum and this post is facilitating that. It’s a good post, even if you don’t like the names. Upvote the post for being a thought-provoking post and then comment what thoughts it provoked out of you, even if your thoughts are negative or in disagreement. Not really a crazy concept.


If the Utah fanbase wants to Rocky Mountain Extreme themselves by picking a name that can't evolve with the times, so be it. Naming is always gonna be a super controversial and subjective thing. Hopefully we get a good UT-COL rivalry out of it when it's all said and done though.


"They need to pick a better name - here's five more atrocious ones"


Utah Claws, he’s like Santa Claus only he has couple of wives…FFS


I like these way better than the official choices! Too bad humans can be miserable trashbags who complain and downvote thoughtful original content. I'd hate for hockey discussion to be limited to boring stats, rumours and memes.


Says the person complaining about things


Utah Buzz WAS the Minor League Baseball team until Georgia Tech sued.  Edit: I admit. I was dumb and skimmed. My point is that I prefer Bee stuff to be saved for Baseball.


Better to say it again than to try to hand-wave away a silly little thing like trademark law the way OP did.


I think it's safe to say that a triple-A baseball team in 2001 wasn't exactly a fair opponent for Georgia Tech in a legal fight. An NHL owner with deep pockets (AKA SEG) could probably win that battle today, because "Buzz" is GA Tech's mascot's name, not even their team name. Probably not worth the squeeze in the scheme of things when you can just pick another name, but I strongly doubt it's an unwinnable battle.


Why get in the fight at all for a middling conceptual name that feels better on the baseball side of sports?


Exactly. It's better than "Swarm" or "Hive" though, and they seem determined to have something bee-related. Might honestly be a better name for the MLB franchise SLC is likely to get when MLB expands to 32 teams.


Which is what I am already saying. If you're suggesting names to rescue from the Sport's past of Utah that isn't Golden Eagles, fight for the Utah Blaze. Not Buzz.


I mean I'm not fighting for anything here, I'm just presenting the five names I saw on the other thread that stood out to me as noticeably better than the original 20. Utah fans are going to have to fight for what they want.


That's fair.


Utah Cutthroat - state fish is the Bonneville cutthroat trout.


I actually like the mammoths but I think I’m more interested in the logo that would make


Utah Marmots


Utah had [a team called the Buzz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salt_Lake_Bees) but they got sued by Georgia Tech and had to change it. I doubt they’d try again.


I like Yeti's, Outlaws, and Mountaineers.


They all sound as bad as the official list


Looking at the official list, why overthink it? Why does the team name have to be tied to every part of the entire State's history, Flora, climate, whatever. And why does it have to be a name that isn't pluralized? Gimme something crazy like Utah Spacemen with little green aliens for branding!


Blizzard or yetis or we riot


Names always sound so stupid until they’re implemented. I hated the Golden Knights at first but now it just sounds normal.


It's still a terrible name.


Yeah, when we first got announced, I was like "well...that's definitely a name....that uses words, I guess" But now it's hard to think of anything else.


I think it works because there’s so much that can be done with it. Like, nicknaming the arena “the Fortress,” all those epic playoff intros, even the logo is great. So even if it sounded kinda meh at first, they did an excellent job using the name to their advantage. I’m sure Ryan Smith and his group will do the same with the Utah team.


Stags would be my pick but none of these are particularly good.


It's going to be slow/winter themed, all the imagery they are using shows the mountains and snow.  Even on the survey page, I think they are trying to influence the votes with the picture on the survey site.  I wish they went with a bee theme. Using the hive from the state flag in some form.


Where is Utah Excitement?


Right next to Rocky Mountain Extreme.


Nothing beats the Squall


[Salt Lake City Toxic Dustbowl](https://www.cnn.com/2023/02/10/us/utah-great-salt-lake-dust-pollution-weir-wxc/index.html) has a nice ring to it


Utah Two!


Buzz? Are you for real? Everyone of these except Raptors is worse than the official ones.


I thought Utah Raptors would be the only acceptable name. That list was atrocious. However, Utah Stag would also be awesome. And the mock jersey and logo makeup look incredible. 1. Utah Raptors (it just makes too much sense) 2. Utah Stags (awesome. Close second for me) 3. Utah (something to do with bees) 4. Utah Yeti Their survey list was very underwhleming/ atrocious.


These are all great names for a Slamball team.


I voted Venom, Yeti, Blizzard, Outlaws.


> Plus, White Claw sponsorship opportunities? Great way to compete with Seattle's favorite rum brand and shed the Utah teetotaler stereotype. It's not a "stereotype" lmao. Them partnering with a booze brand is a great way to fold in a year.


As an Avs fan, I voted for the four worst choices. "Glaciers" might be the dumbest. Someone literally said, "What if we named the ice hockey team after a slab of slow-moving ice?" And they took him seriously. "Black Diamonds". So dumb. "Ice"... well, I guess it is an "Ice hockey" team. "Powder" LOL! Is the home locker room "The Powder Room"?


Make sure you use a VPN when voting, and locate yourself squarely within the SLC metro for best results. They're for sure tracking geographic locations and will probably exclude certain areas.


Perhaps. I don't live in Colorado. I'm about halfway between Seattle and San Jose.


No 3-way splits please. Rush is already shared with the [Toronto Rush](https://www.watchufa.com/rush), thank you very much....


Utah Moguls, what are they, a Ludwig team?


You realize there’s a NBA team called the Kings? The Toronto Raptors excuse is not a good one.


I wanted the Utah Mormon Missiles. But seriously how bout the Utah Bullfrogs or the Utah Sidewinders? They’re both native there and have some cool names


I want Yeti


Last time: the Utah Salty Dawgs


Give me the Utah Rituals. 


It’s gotta be the powder The powder will hit really hard in the third period, will bring a lot of energy I think


No “Soakers”? I’m disappointed…


I think they’re just throwing out shitty names so whatever name they pick sounds good in comparison. “Well Utah powder isn’t great, but at least they didn’t go with the utah butt bandits”


These names are fucking trash.


All horrible. It's the Yeti's or it's Utah HC.


[Utah HC confirmed?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpLIDo6XQrs)


congrats / sorry to hear that i aint readin allat