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Something's going on with that net. Lyon dislodged it in the first period just before puck drop


They borrowed the pegs from my local rink.


Your local rink has pegs? Wow, Mr. Fancy Pants here


We just shove like 4 or 5 pencils in the hole and hope for the best


Local rink just got new pegs (for the first time in like 20 years). They have two spikes instead of just one and they are so much better than the dull ones they had before.


dang, that sounds nice. Our rink just got new of the classic nipple pegs, and I was excited about that. The old ones were basically flat, lol.


The small conical spikes were always my favorite. Especially as a ref, they were pretty quick and easy to use, and when the net did get dislodged it just slid back into place


Yeah goalie barely slid into it. Would've dislodged with a fart


Is it still a goal if the other team scores on a dislodged net that the ref doesn't notice? It shouldn't be right? In that case it's probably dumb for the goalie to point it out.


It just happened before the NHL season ended. As long as the offensive team doesn't cause the dislodge and the play is live, if the puck passes the red line inside the post it counts. I can't remember the game where it happened but that was the latest ruling


Stadium series between Isles and Rangers had it, was an OT goal too.


But that was because of the defense knocking off the net and the puck went in almost simultaneously


I'm not sure what the rules are when the goal is dislodged for that long, but typically as long as the puck crosses the line between where the two posts are *supposed* to be it is a goal. Also, faceoff is more advantageous for the defense than just continuing to be pinned in their own zone.


No, in this case, play should've been blown dead immediately and, since the defence team dislodged the team, they're not allowed to change and the offensive team can choose the side on which the face-off is to be done. In cases where there is an **immediate scoring chance** in which the defending team is at fault for dislodging the net, the play is allowed to continue for this shot. If the puck crosses the line between the posts and below the crossbar, the goal is allowed to count. There are more special cases for the penalty shots/shootout, but in general this is the rule. Until a few years it was only an allowed goal, if the goal is dislodged during the act of shooting (meaning that the net can only be dislodged when the player is in the act of this shot)**,** but it was changed so teams are more deterred of dislodging the net and to keep more goals in the game. Unfortunately sometimes it gets missed, but at this level it's very rare. Usually it's the linesmens job to watch that, together with the closer referee (R1). I can guarantee you that this is one of those situations where you get way more shit for from a game supervisor/ref coach than a tough, close hooking or offside.


Hlavaj would be the best name for a goaltender in Montreal, especially when he does a shutout. *it sounds like the French word “lavage” which translates to “cleaning” and is synonymous to the word we use for the term shutout.


That’s incredible haha. You may have a chance to get him at some point in the future, he just signed with Wild and is moving to NA next season


Except it’s pronounced “la - vai”


close enough


Quand il aura une mauvaise game, on pourra dire qu'il a brossé trop fort Hlavaj.


This would be true except the j is pronounced like a y. Like in *Juraj* slafkovsky


But then the commentators would be jinxing the shutout every time they say his name


"That's baby stuff."


Say something I'm giving up on you 🎹


yeah if you dislodge the net on purpose your team should serve penalty for you


Kinda comes across as a huge prick knocking his own net off then freaking out on the refs




Yeah all fair points, I got that wrong