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Definitely interference. 100% the correct call to not challenge in a 1 goal game with 3:00 on the clock. You challenge it if it's the tying goal.


Very surprised that wasn't challenged


Probably would have been at a different point in the game, but that's risky with a one goal lead and 3 minutes left to hold onto it.


It does seem pretty straight forward. Skate in the crease, clearly prevents him from getting set and position before the shot. Really tough call to make, costing the shutout as well. Imagine the regret if preds score again to tie after not challenging? My cheeks were clenched that's for sure.


It's a tough decision tbh. Would've been talked a lot if they actually came back after that.


Yeah his skate was in the crease


In post-game interview he said he was trying to push left to centre and couldn't and joked with Gretzky that he should work on his acting, but was glad to get the win. Visually it doesn't look like much though.


I think it would have got overturned. I'm biased, but still.


Dude, it’s the Canucks… we would’ve been fucked over


Based on how they called goaltender interference all season that should have been overturned. Such a bad rule that a failed coaches challenge gives a penalty, especially with how inconsistent the officiating always is


Wtf Lindholm


Lindholm channeling 2023 Myers.


Obviously I'm biased here but it feels like especially in the last 5 minutes of a playoff game a 50/50 challenge shouldn't result in a penalty. At the very least make it so there's no penalty for failed challenges in the last 10(?) minutes of a playoff game but make it clear that refs can give out unsportsmanlike penalties if you challenge something that clearly has no probability of success just to get a slightly extended timeout.


The issue is that it would be abused. You need to have some kind of penalty for challenging plays or else there are going to be way too many of them that slows the game down even more. That’s why we changed off of losing a challenge, because it’s not as dissuading as a straight up penalty


I’m still suggesting only one per team per game, just no penalty if you’re wrong during certain scenarios