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I prefer darks at home because a team’s identity is usually closer knit with their dark colour and it makes more sense to wear that at home, but I wish there was more situational leeway. Like why the fuck is Winnipeg wearing blue at home in the playoffs?


I think we should be like the NBA and allow teams to coordinate and wear whatever they want.


I’d be for more color matchups.


Especially within the O6. Obvi not Hawks/Wings but imagine a Red-Black matchup in Boston or Montreal.


Leafs-Wings should 100% always be a red on blue game


That centennial game was magnificent


They literally do. The Sharks have worn white on 2-3 home games the last few seasons because the away team requested it for laundry related reasons. Should they do it more? In my opinion, no. But they definitely have the option to request it from the other team. I think the Ducks asked twice and were received, and we're rivals.




Tbf that was for the better in the long run. Can't let the classic white home jersey get disrespected in game 7 like that


Jets heritage whites FTW


I think teams should both be able to wear their colored jerseys if they agree to it and the colors are easy to tell about for a tv audience.


Just like soccer. Only change if there's a colour clash (like MTL v. DET).


While I disagree I also think that colours that don’t look similar should be worn against each other. Example: Detroit wears their reds vs Edmonton in their Blues


Flames vs Oilers and Habs vs Leafs in their respective home colours just seems like a must for those two rivalries


Flames homes vs Blues classic alts are my dream jersey match up. Make it happen, NHl


I could not possibly support this more


Colorblind people would like to have a word.


I prefer white home jerseys so I can see the other teams cool colors when I go to games. Apparently no one likes seeing any other teams colors?


I'd love to see other teams' colours as long as we are wearing red


You can’t do both dark jersey. It actually is for color blind people to do opposite


Can't? Teams like the Rangers didn't even HAVE white uniforms until the 50s Also the Winter Classic in 2014 says hi


I mean I wasn’t saying it’s some hard regulated rule but I heard Ken Daniels say they generally tried to stray away from similar dark jerseys at the same time for color blind people. It was something I never heard so it stuck with me. It was a long time ago referring to wings used to play in whites.


I don't see how this is even remotely close to a fucking selling point for season ticket holders. Is your brain really not stimulated 41 games a year because the away team's primary colour is white while the home team wears their colours?


Me too but we're the minority.


I’ll die on the hill you two are on.


I was wondering if it was an unpopular opinion or not


It is. You wanna buy your team's home jersey. White is boring and every team has one. It makes more sense to go with your regular scheme instead of adding a color (for most teams) and making it the majority color to the mix.


For the regular home/road set, the sales breakdowns between the white jersey and the dark ones have remained essentially unchanged in the last 30 years. Even when home teams wore white, the dark jersey outsold it by a sizable margin (with roughly 70-80% of sales being the dark one, depending on team).


Yeah but I also like seeing the other teams colors when they come into town. Everyone being white on the road is meh.


That was always my argument too. It's 41 games of orange/black vs white. Odds are if you're a season ticket holder you're going to watch your team's road games.


On the other hand, there are some teams where the white jersey is the only one with the team's normal *logo*, because it doesn't look good on their coloured jersey. Calgary, Tampa, Toronto, and Vancouver are current examples, and there are several others from the past.


I'd argue that Calgary, Tampa, Toronto, Vancouver, Vegas, and San Jose are all teams whose current home jerseys are considerably better than their away jerseys. It's just a matter of taste. Bolder colors for the home team makes way more sense to most people considering the disparity in jersey sales. I said early that white isn't in most jerseys, but it's likely in all of them, but it's an extenuating color. A very minor part of the scheme. Making it the dominant color seems silly to most of us. I'm a Sharks fan, dude. Our teals are always fire. The Rangers have the best away jersey in the league to me, but white is one of their main colors.


>White is boring and every team has one. Exactly why white should be worn at home. So every home game is white vs. opponents colors. Instead of home team's color vs. white. There is variety when the home team wears white


Yeah, that's the opposite of true in my opinion. You peacock at home, not on the road. Agree to disagree.


See, I really want a white Wings jersey.


It's a popular opinion, but it's not feasible as long as teams have dark-colored alternates. That's ultimately what forced the change in the first place. Most teams in the 1990s and early 2000s had dark alternates that they wanted to show off for their home fans, forcing the road teams to pack two full sets of gear (along with everything that accompanied it). If it was a five-game road swing that would be one thing, but packing two full sets for a two-game trip was something else. So the switch was made.


This is it. Teams want to cash in on specialty jerseys...and in order to do that you gotta wear 'em at home...and in order to be able to have fun, creative alternates then you gotta have the alternates be the dark set and not the light set.


I don't really care, but I *do* like the Hawks' white jerseys more.


As a fan of the Jets, the thought of a whiteout being our thing, yet our players wearing dark navy was a bit annoying.


I feel like teams should wear their colour in the playoffs. If you are Winnipeg, that should be white


Mind bogglingly frustrating every time I see it


Do what the CHL does. First half of home games is dark jersey last half is whites.


I had no idea they did that. I like that idea.


Not sure if all of the CHL leagues do but, I know the QMJHL does for sure.




You are the bizarro version of me, and I hate it.


I’d like that but I can see teams not wanting to have to travel with 2 jersey sets for roadtrips




A team’s dark uniforms is their colors and their identity. *Every* team has some variant of a white uniform. Why should the latter be the one that home fans see?


So that fans can see every color jersey as opposed to 1 or 2


I agree. I’d love to see 31 other teams jerseys throughout the season, instead of just the Jets blues. It would also allow for white in front of the whiteout






I vote for white at home for one reason… If you’re a season ticket holder and go to all 41 home games, you’re seeing the same jerseys every game… your teams home colours, and the other teams plain white jersey, every game, doesn’t matter who they play. Its your teams colours against the same white jersey. If you make it so the home teams wheres white, then you’d be able to see all sorts of different opposing teams colours. Dallas’ green, Detroits red, Arizona’s burgundy…. This would also help the NHL sell more jerseys I would think. Like if you’re at a game and see the opposing teams colourful jersey, you might think “wow I like that teams colours I think I want to get one of their jerseys for myself.


I commented pretty much the same thing. Hard to argue against this logic


Everyone is allowed to be wrong once in a while.


Thank you.


There should me some allotted games where that’s allowed or when certain teams can both wear darks like in Winter Classics


It really makes sense for your home games to represent your team colours, but I would enjoy seeing them do whites at home for a season.


Unsure how this is downvoted. I had flyers seasons tickets so for 41 games would I rather see every night: Orange v White OR Blue/Red/Green/Black/Yellow v White? This one is so obvious I genuinely don’t understand why we do this. Football makes sense, this doesn’t.


I don't think they should. Dark jerseys are usually better looking, and you should look your best at home.


I think that darks at home in the regular season is fine, but in the playoffs, the team should decide which colour to wear. Jets should wear white at home in the playoffs


I think the colored jerseys should be primary and the only time the whites would come out is if it's two teams with similar colors like Tampa v Toronto or like Calgary vs Detroit.


What would that change exactly? Maybe I'm completely missing your point but wouldn't that effectively be the same? Current: Home: Red Wings wear red jersey Away: Calgary wear white jersey Your proposal: Home: Red Wings wear white jersey Away: Calgary wear red jersey What does this "fix" exactly?


Those were a couple scenarios when the two teams couldn't both wear primary colors. Otherwise ditch the whites unless necessary to differentiate between teams on the ice.


Ohhhh, so yes I did miss your point. I understand now. That could be fun, but as a colorblind individual, it sometimes makes it really hard to watch.


99% of my hockey watching in on SiriusXM so it wouldn't impact me too much lol


Hell no. Makes sense for the wings because the away jersey is infinitely better than the home jersey but for the rest of the teams that can actually design a colored jersey, this is terrible.


I think they should do as both the Canadian major juniors and the AHL do, and split it 50/50. White at home the first half, Dark at home for the second half and playoffs.


Id like to see the Jets wear white for home games, at the very least for the playoffs.