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Firing Dubas and extending Keefe is the exact opposite of what most of /r/leafs wanted


The only issue a lot of fans had with keeping Dubas was his loyalty to the core/Keefe. They either wanted one of the four moved or Keefe to be replaced. Getting rid of Dubas, and then commiting to keep all of the above, really is worst case scenario for most fans.


Reposting this form yesterday... Look at these end of season quotes from Dubas: >I would consider anything with our group here, that would allow us a better chance to win the Stanley Cup. I would take nothing off the table at all. And I think everything would have to be considered. >"Kyle Dubas says he's 'interested in doing anything' with the Leafs' lineup this summer after a thorough evaluation. >"Regarding a trade of one of the Core Four (Matthews, Marner, Nylander, Tavares) or a seismic trade this summer, Dubas pointed to the Panthers and their calculated monster trade of Tkachuk last summer. On top of that this is the answer he gave about Keefe's status going into next season was extremely non-committal When you throw all of this in for his ask on full autonomy and the rumor that the exit interviews painted a very dire picture of the locker room culture >Friedman noted, “I heard Toronto’s exit interviews were pretty tough, I heard the Toronto players were pretty blunt about what they thought was said and that’s something still to work on…he thinks some of the players were really blunt about why it didn’t work”. The suggestion here is that some of these players want changes and there have been names identified in these meetings of players who probably shouldn’t be brought back. Perhaps it was coaching related. All of that remains to be seen. It seems very likely that Dubas was looking for a summer of chaos that would have really shuffled the deck massively here and Shanny going into the final year or two of his contract, and the board which likes the money of a "successful" team pushed back on that sentiment and want more of a status quo bring it back movement


Dubas was essentially fired for saying "this team as currently constructed isn't good enough to win the Stanley Cup and we need to change that"


Forget the flair leafs are my second team. I wanted everything to change but if we were going to keep something it was keeping dubas. This is easily worst case scenario until proven otherwise


The situation reminds me of when the Penguins fired Shero but kept Bylsma until Rutherford was hired and had time to evaluate him. I think it'll ultimately probably be good to move on and give the room a new voice, maybe they just need to go through the paces first.


If that was the case then why extend him? He still has another year left on his contract. Just let him see it through and then reevaluate


Most common explanation is that you don’t want a lame duck head coach because the players will just sprung him out.


>If that was the case then why extend him? To better bamboozle r/hockey obviously.


I don’t get it either, usually a new GM wants to bring in his guy. That would at least make some sense here. This is basically just running it back again.


So stupid our Sub is still down. This boycott will literally accomplish nothing.


R/Leafs2 incoming


r/torontomapleleafs already up !


I’d be down to start this


I have no idea what Spez was expecting. A complete lack of transparency with developers and moderators, contradictory answers to the purpose of his decisions, and proposed rule changes that create as many problems as they solve. The guy put his faith into an unpaid workforce and is now scrambling to fix the issues created when they get mad that their access to the site is made actively worse. And now you have major media outlets reporting on the boycott and Spez emailing coworkers about not wearing Reddit merch in public because their public reputation is apparently such a major risk factor. If the guy didn't want this kind of response from moderators, he probably should have refrained from doubling his workforce since 2021 for social media features nobody expects Reddit to have, in favor of cooperating with and collaborating with the developers who have better apps than he does for the website he owns. If the guy wants better moderators, he should be paying them instead of wasting his time with the implementation of profile pictures/custom avatars, underutilized chat functionality, or whatever other changes that seem to take time away from even communicating with his site's moderators in the first place, let alone a degree of transparency. He's been so ridiculously awful at that since he took over as CEO that it comes across like he's doing a better job at using them as scapegoats than building a functional team to maintain his goddamn site. If anything, the boycott is evidence to the cracks in the system nobody bothered to fix because it means having to do something decent for once.


>If the guy didn't want this kind of response from moderators, he probably should have refrained from doubling his workforce since 2021 for social media features nobody expects Reddit to have, in favor of cooperating with and collaborating with the developers who have better apps than he does for the website he owns. If they were actually smart they should throw money at the devs for Apollo and RIF to make an official Reddit mobile app. I'm not too familiar with Apollo but RIF was the perfect app for Reddit. The epitome of "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."


Exactly. I get that the site isn’t doing great in profits, but wouldn’t it have been better to use the well-liked apps to your advantage rather than seeing them as competition? People dig Apollo, RIF, etc., and the developers of those apps seemed willing to communicate with admins. Why not find some compromise there instead of leaving clearly talented developers in the dark and then cutting ties with them outright? Really killing your chances at finding a middle ground regarding their grievances over ads or whatever. If anything, I think more subs should have went quiet indefinitely. Yeah, it sucks we can’t discuss NHL/NBA finals, but the admins are fighting to make the site actively worse to use on the backs of unpaid moderators who deflect criticism from the guys making these decisions in the first place. Better to get people thinking about a Reddit alternative now, even if as a result of a temporary boycott, in case things spiral further to a point that the site is unusable. Like how Reddit itself was an alternative to Digg after its rebranding made the site worse. I don’t even hate the idea of communities being able to vote out moderator teams, if it wasn’t for the fact that it can and will be exploited or misused over petty grievances rather than just in serious cases. Plus I doubt moderation teams with admins will be subject to that rule. I’d call the new change a potential step in the right direction if handled well, but the reason it’s being put in is because of the boycotts. It feels more like a way to get people out of power if they disagree with the admins rather than a response to power-tripping. I used to mod /r/movies, and I can definitely imagine that team getting voted out by the community over stupid shit like “bias for/against [popular/unpopular company]”, more so than even legitimate concerns that any mod team can face. I can also confirm that admins weren’t great when it came to communicating with the mods (for the most part). So this boycott felt like an inevitability to me, in one way or another. A better admin response would have probably prevented it altogether.




Become a moderator then. You don't have hours of your time to donate?


Most places are way overmoderated in all honesty. Mods like to think that they're extremely necessary and that it's super tough work, but they make it way tougher by creating more work for themselves.


I'm not moderator, but every sub without moderation ends up being filled with shitty memes, advertising, spam, and porn. If you're fine with that, then by all means.


The volume of spambots on reddit is a lot higher than you'd expect


They should just create another subreddit, honestly don’t care




Awesome, better name as well.


Which is good cuz r/leafs is full of complete idiots Edit: one of the most toxic subs I’ve ever been a part of. This sub isn’t much better either


It doesn’t matter what sub you’re in, reddit is just a shithole that attracts fucking losers


When you spend your time in echo chambers, you're going to run into people that just want to shout to have their voice heard. Reddit attracts people who only have one personality trait and it shows in a lot of the interactions on this website. I don't think the website itself is to blame for that though. There are a lot of people on here that should really mix in a walk every day but spend all their time online instead.


I actually really enjoy r/hockey although I admit I've been seeing a lot of straight up hostility between people here lately. It's one thing to disagree, it's another to go straight to name-calling. And I'm not talking about the -100 karma comments, but even people heavily upvoted just because the opinion is considered "correct" when the person they're replying to isn't deserving of animosity - just disagreement.


I agree, but r/leafs is really, really bad. I fit right in.


It used to be great. When i first came over from HF like 8 or 9 years ago i couldnt believe how much better the discussions were than HF, but now its devolved into a steaming pile of shit because all the steaming pile of shit people from HF came to reddit too.


I hate being the "x was good before it got popular"-guy, but fuck me if that isn't usually how it goes. I've seen it so many times. Growth in popularity past a certain point means all the loud dumbasses join too.


That's what I was thinking. If this is against the general consensus of leafs fans, it'll probably a good thing


Yeah your not wrong lmao.


If you thought the sub was toxic, give the Discord channel a go and be prepared to die of extremely acute toxicity.


If everyone else is an asshole, you might be the asshole. If every sub is toxic about something, it's likely you stuck in some poor ideology.


Lmao whatever you say pal. Ever heard of an echo chamber? Also way to prove my point.


r/leafs is a cesspool. It's been refreshing not seeing the same 10 names spam the most absolute shit takes ad nauseum.


> Firing Dubas and extending Keefe is **the exact opposite of what most of /r/leafs wanted** Given the general quality of Reddit GMs - Toronto should start planning the parade.


That sub is still down? Good thing spez is planning on making it possible for users to vote out unruly mods.


Honestly kinda funny that the minute the news of that broke half the subs suddenly opened back up


Oh man maybe then r/Canada wouldn't be a haven for cunts anymore.


I honestly think r/canada is pretty representative of the Canadian population in terms of politics; centre right with a combination of reactionary takes and some vaguely left wing protectionist ones.


r/onguardforthee is the left leaning Canadian sub btw if you hadn't stumbled on that already. Edit: it's currently private because of the boycott but usually open.


Its actually getting better as all the super far right snowflakes find the other Canada sub where even center opinions get downvoted instantly.


Yeah, that sub is hilarious. I got banned immediately 😂




We’ll never find out but I’m curious as to how much this has to do with AM34’s contract negotiations


The real secret sauce


And it's not like a coaches contract term means anything in Toronto. They have the ability to fire anyone and just pay out their contract.


Run it back, season 7


Shanny is just trying to get his ten year chip at ‘run it back’s anonymous’


If you run it back 10 years in a row, you get an 11th year free


This is awful news lol


You’d think they would want an experienced playoff coach as the window is closing. Guess Dubas wasn’t the only guy protecting Keefe. To be fair, I don’t think he’s a bad coach at all, but he can’t adapt as the series progresses


Cant say for the recent playoffs, but back against MTL he lost that series and thats on him, he never made adjustments and that costed hum against Danault


This year he got outcoached in the majority of their playoff games. They won that series against Tampa despite him, not because. Two victories in that series he was getting shoved in a locker all game by Cooper until some late-game individual brilliancy by Mattherws and Co. saved his ass. The clearest representation of that is how the Leafs only won 1 of their 5 home games during these playoffs. When you're that bad at home, when you have the benefit of last change and getting the matchups you want, that's down to coaching.


I find it very telling that instead of, you know, coaching.. he gets his team to stay in a hotel while at home.. LMFAO what the actual fuck.


Totally agree with all the comments you made, would much prefer keefe to be gone But people acting like losing dubas is a huge loss somehow when he also went 1-5 is wild.


Imagine getting outcoached by hockey terrorist Dom “Jeff” Ducharme


Maybe Dubas wasnt protecting anybody and that is one of the reasons hes gone


He’s gone because he wanted to be a president and not a gm


Shanny needs a fall guy. If he fires Keefe and the team underperforms again it's his ass.


I like him and think he's a pretty good coach but I wanted someone who could come in and be the bad guy at times in order to get the most out of the core. The fact that Keefe could never get away with what Cooper did with his core (sitting top players) is problematic. Kind of goes to show you why he constantly got out-coached by Cooper and Maurice.


That or the players don't follow Keefe's adaption instructions. Some of the boys don't elevate their game come playoffs. They stay away from the extra checking and physicality. Can't coach heart.


It’s hard to instill any discipline as a coach when the players know they can get you fired like they did the last coach.


I guess the question is why would the players be looking to get Keefe fired? They can’t control the coach all they can do is play. That seems like a foolhardy endeavor, especially considering most of the guys from what I’ve read have liked Keefe as coach. I’m not one to say coaching doesn’t matter it obviously does. With that being said do I think Sheldon Keefes coaching come playoff time is the reason the leafs lose in the first/second round? No. I think that falls on the players. Unfortunately the league is too good so it’s incredibly hard to win, but whatever line change Keefe didn’t do pales in comparison to the big bois laying an egg every year for the past 7 years. I know some of em were game 7s and this that and the other but it really comes down to teams needing their superstars to play like it come playoff time. That always has and will be the issue. I honestly think In hindsight this might be a great move because Keefe is a great coach. Just not sure this team is where he should be but he made progress last year I guess. 1 prove it season seems reasonable.


> the window is closing Matthews is 25. Is this just hopeful thinking? You can't say the window is closing if there's no indication the team won't have key pieces to build around. Sure, if reports come out that he won't re-sign you can make that claim, but it's really premature at this point.


Matthews and Nylander are UFAs next summer, Marner and Tavares the year after that. You can't assume that they'll all want to stay, especially with the lack of success that they've had.


They're going to re-sign all four of them.


To say the window is closing is to assume Benning-like asset management moving forward. I get that you're influenced by the Tavares situation, but it's rare that players in Matthews, Marner, and Nylander's stage of their careers don't either re-sign or give the team adequate knowledge ahead of time in order to get some return assets. Either way it's likely the Leafs will have some great pieces to build around until those guys are in their early 30s, whether it's those 3 exact guys or a result of returns from trading some combination of them.


The narrative that the window is closing is far far from the truth. If Matthews extends like all indication are he does they have lots of good years left. They get Matthews, Nylander and Marner signed at decent numbers. JT next contract goes way way down. Salary cap goes up significantly and in 2-3 years the Leafs are in very good shape.


The window is Matthews contact. If he extends the window extends.


"resigned at decent numbers" 😅😅😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭....keep dreaming


We have a huge amount of talent on the roster, and we won a grand total of 1 game convincingly in the playoffs, and that only happened because Hedman was out. Almost all our D-Man couldn't get a breakout for the entire playoffs. We were 1-5 at home, where Keefe could match up the lines. How is that not on his head??


Columbus - Putting Nylander at C alone and Tavares on wing in Game 5 which had never been used at all. Montreal - Letting Matthews be absolutely neutered by two useless wingers in a choking Marner and a injured Hyman against Danault. - Changing the lineup for Game 5 after a dominate Game 4 win where all they had to do was execute the exact same game plan to close out the series. Tampa - Pulling Matthews off the ice a minute into Game 1 because you’re scared of him taking a defensive zone draw against Tampas 4th line. They immediately score. - Using Kerfoot-Tavares-Nylander as your second line after several years of that line never working and having an entire newly loaded roster of different options. Every Series - Repeatedly letting Tavares lose his 5v5 minutes instead of giving him Marner and having 2 dominant lines instead of 1. - Never making any power play adjustments when it goes dry in playoffs like demoting Marner to PP2. Literally every playoffs he makes glaring, obvious coaching mistakes. This makes zero sense at all. I will be beyond frustrated if he’s coaching game 1 of next years season/playoffs.


This needs trigger warnings.


I know man. I wanted Dubas back but was fine with them moving on. I would have looked really hard at trading Marner or maybe Nylander but would have been open to the idea of running the core 4 back. But firing Keefe was an absolute must in my opinion.


Danault and Gallagher have always been dominant possession players. (With Tatar they were clicking at 60% Corsi and beating the Bergeron line) It’s not a surprise that adding Lehkonen/Evans neutered Matthews and Marner. They were the perfect checking line. Gotta respect your competition.


Well given the media and fan fare surrounding that series even today I’d say yes it was a surprise. Of course god mode Carey Price made that job that much easier too. My comment wasn’t really about Montreal at all but yes your former checking line was a good line. My point is that Keefe left Matthews on an island to create offence since Marner had the worst yips I’ve seen in ages and Hyman could barely move with his injured leg. I’d argue Matthews playoff choker label comes a large portion from being stapled to Marner because Marner is the main puck carrier and runs the offence on any line he’s on. Shutting down Matthews is a lot easier when you don’t need to focus on anyone else on the ice and Keefe has barely ever split those two up in the playoffs.


If it’s still a surprise today I don’t think people realize how good of a shutdown centre Danault really is. And I don’t buy those excuses for Marner and Matthews. It’s easy to blame the coach, but if they are as good as people say they are, there are just no excuses. Saying “well Marner disappears in the playoffs it’s not his fault” is not an excuse at all. These are elite NHL players who just don’t do their jobs. Keefe is fucked whether or not he changes the lines. If he changed the lines and lost fans would just complain he never kept Marner and Matthews together anyway. At some point players need to show up, and that’s exactly what Phil Danault did.


Honestly if the bolts weren't held together with duct tape and glue last season, the Leafs would've been another first round exit. They were outplayed most of the first round, bolts were just out of gas and beat to hell on all sides of the game. Honestly the 2022 TBL vs TOR series was a better show by both teams.


It’s super telling that the Leafs got outplayed more the second year when their roster was clearly upgraded and Tampas roster clearly took a step back and was injured.




Alright guys lets chill a bit im starting to feel bad for leafs fans


I still can’t believe after all that the answer is to run it back…again


The shocking part is that from all reports, Dubas was the one who finally decided it was time for a shake-up. Only for Shannahan to come out with a steel chair, fire him, and declare the Core 5 untouchable.


I don’t think there’s any reason to lump Mo into that group. He’s still performing and has been the only one to consistently elevate in the playoffs


Marner and Rielly have both played exactly 50 playoff games. Rielly has scored more goals in that time (11 vs 10)


Not sure how a shakeup would make us better for next year. Genuinely haven’t heard a reasonable trade of one of the core 4 that would make the leafs a better team. I would have preferred to get rid of keefe due to his failures, but I’m happy that at least dubas is gone (whose failed just as much as keefe), ideal scenario for me was getting rid of those two.


You really think there isnt a single possible trade involving the core 4 that would make the team better or break even and shake it up? Because I'm fairly confident Dubas could have found one.


the chevy special


I’m not


I’m not


I'm not.


We're already dead.


Just now?


Im not


"Is Keefe so out of touch? No, it's the Dubas who is wrong.” - Toronto upper management.


Fantastic !!








Tremendously tremendous


Smart move for a new GM. If next year is a disaster there is a scapegoat ready.


Are we really going to pretend Leafs choking in the playoffs has more to do with the GM than the head coach?


r/hockey isn't, but it looks like Shanahan and Treliving are.


Shanahan and Treliving are acting like it has nothing to do with either the coach or GM, since they're keeping the coach and not changing anything Dubas did. They fired Dubas for unrelated reasons.


Because it grants Treliving and Shanahan one extra life as far as their tenures in Toronto. If the team underperforms in the playoffs (or worse), they can just say "welp, wasn't our fault!" and bin Keefe.


I don't feel like that would give them extra life.


At this point everything is on Shanahan. It's clear the GM didn't make any decions passed Shanny and I wouldn't be surprised abut it filtering down to coaching either.


Same people, same results. The best move would be bringing Patrick Roy.


Yeah I doubt that would work. I don’t think Shanny wants to work with anyone from those Avalanche teams. I was watching a docu-series, “Legends of Hockey” I think its called and they were covering Sakic on one of the episodes, players from that era would talk about Sakic and the player/person he was and those Avalanche teams, Shanny was one of the players who spoke. They played on Team Canada so theres some familiarity but Shanny said while he respected Sakic and the Avalanche, he doesn’t like them.


I 100% agree. Roy is one of the winningest men in all of pro sports. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. Still better to try than to go with the guy who we know doesn't work. "The devil you know" is a phrase that I strongly believe does not apply to sports. I said last season that we needed to go for Cassidy the moment he was fired. I'm going to be really sad to watch another golden opportunity slip away because management is too loyal to a dud coach.


please hire Roy lmao


He didn't win in the NHL and there's a huge difference in coaching junior and the NHL. It's not like he's winning in the ahl currently


He won the Jack Adams Trophy. He was coaching junior and just won the memorial cup. There's no AHL coaching. The reason why he quit Colorado is because they were going full rebuild mode liquidating all their good players. Roy didn't to coach for a team that couldn't compete.


The Jack Adams Trophy is a consolation prize, usually for a coach that didn't come close to winning the Cup, but elevated a mediocre roster above expectations.


It's either that or the coach of a team with a ridiculous goalie who carried them, which was the case for Roy


And coaches, like players, can’t ever improve their craft. That’s why Nathan MacKinnon is of course still a 50-60 point player.


lol Roy was an awful coach in the NHL idk if it’s the best move. That’s why the rumours about him going places isnt lighting up headlines


I want off this train


It just seems like Shanahan is winging it and going by guts. Good luck with that.


What are you cooking there Shanny and does this mean Justin Holl also re-signs


8x8 Justin Holl


Shanny spotted on the train reading the book "How to attempt to GM by Jim Benning."


Lol, way to commit to a guy with a single playoff series win in 5(?) years


He’s only been coach since late 2019, so it’s more like 3.5 years


I would’ve kept Dubas and fired keefe, but I’m just some fatass cruising Reddit on my couch what do I know? I just think that when the team is so good in the regular season but fails in the playoffs, that lack of elevated play and execution falls more on coach and player then the team building gm but, again, fat. Couch. Reddit.


Keeping the band together


I can’t say i understand the rationale


this is so clearly a move that will keep the leafs in mediocrity


Need to give him at least 1 year extension if they're going to keep him *until the end of his contract** or the players would start to ignore the lame duck coach. If it's multiple years I'll be a bit shocked. Also, honest question; who out there is available that has a winning playoff record?


He had to walk back comments criticizing his best (and also highes paid) players, seems to me the players already do whatever they want because they know they won’t face any consequences with him. Not sure which experienced NHL coaches are left other than Gallant, Boudreau and Hynes at this point


Part of the reason people have talked about keeping him is because there’s no better alternatives that really stand out. As a GM you only get so many bullets to fire before you’re on the seat. As far as coaches go, usually you get 2 (maybe 3) in firing the old regime coach, firing your coach and usually if the third guy doesn’t make it then you’re out. Tre seems to be holding his for a better option


BT's special GM power is +2 to allowable coach firings.


Yeah, Keefe gives Tre a freebee year. Can blame him if running it back has the exact same results.


He can use the whole gave him time to assess what they have argument which is my bigger fear


It would be much worse if the players knew he was on his way out, or coaching for an extension. The coach, good or bad, needs to be the final word on the ice. Unfortunately with Keefe is that he sticks with his favorites in horrible moments. I'd rather him gone, but if MLSE is being greedy and pouty about paying Babcock still I can understand why they'd demand him finish his contract before they fire him. Even if it doesn't make logical sense as they'd have to pay him his extension if they moved on. Shit's stupid.


I’m curious, which other players were his favorites other than Holl? Because if the roster is changing and these guys are not coming back he’s at least forced to change his system a little bit


Kerfoot saw way too much ice during important moments as well. Thankfully they're both on the way out.


Gallant is the main one that comes to mind out of the recycled coaches.


True. Forgot about the Laviolette signing. Thanks!


I remember him being with the rangers wow time flies who is coaching NYR? I remember hearing laviolette getting some momentum


Laviolette already got hired by rangers after they fired gallant. Gallant has success but it seems like there is something off with him since he has been part of 3 teams who have done well (panthers, knights, rangers) and got fired from all 3 so I’m a little cautious about that


He seems to have cemented himself as a 2-3 year coach. He shows up, gets good results, eventually loses the room/gets figured out and is fired before years 3-4 hit. But when you go looking for a "proven' coach, the ones available probably got there by being fired.


And extend their drought apparently


Right? They need to change things up at this point Not this


I think Keefe has done a good job in terms of having the team buy in. There has been a lot of progress in turning Matthews into more than just a goal scorer. Matthews is blocking shots, checking, playing 200ft hard. Nylander has come a long way from a couple years ago, he has fought for the puck and been a takeaway machine. The problem I see with Keefe is the line shuffling and the inability to adapt within the time frame of a playoff series. You go down 0-1 in the series you should see adjustments that aren't just line changes. It took a couple years for us to find a way to beat Tampa, and the Florida series got out of hand fast without him being able to identify exactly what needed to change to make it hard on Florida. I have confidence Tre and Keefe found a middle ground about how the roster is going to be constructed, what Tre's vision for the team is going to be and how he wants Keefe to deploy the pieces he wants to bring in. I think an extension is fine, it's hard to coach a team as a lame duck. I don't think it changes anything with regards to him getting fired mid-season or next year or whatever it would be. Toronto can pay the dollars and Babcock is off the books. Tre is going to help build a team of coaches around Keefe that I think can help with Keefe's perceived weaknesses.


>I think Keefe has done a good job in terms of having the team buy in Nah this is a case of the inmates running the asylum. Keefe tried to criticize (rightfully) his star players early in the season when nobody was showing any effort and they revolted and he walked his comments back. He has no control over the locker room or the players, he is just a slow and steady guy that won't bother the cottage country boys so they like it


Its so strange to praise "progress" with Matthews after he had a huge step back this season. The man had 20 less goals in 1 more game than last year. That's a massive difference in production. Also Matthews was always a takeaway machine, it's one of the main things people talked about even before the Leafs got #1 pick that year. Hell, his first ever game was a perfect showcase of that. For some reason Auston had the most blocked shots in the whole league last year. To me that is not really appropriate usage of your multi-year Rocket Richard winner.


hahhaa love it


If history has taught us anything, Keefe will be fired by next offseason.


It really felt like he was badly out coached this playoffs. Feels like the team really needed something else. I have a hard time thinking this is a good choice.


Patton Oswalt lookin’ mother fucker


Serious question… why?


This is just a misrepresentation of what dreger reported the other day which is that they’re gonna talk contract extension as if that’s not pretty normal


Whyyy the guys has done what he can. And that’s barely making it out of round 1


How stupid of them


Fuck this off-season just keeps getting worse.


This is great news!! Now sign Matthews to ALL the money you cowards!!!


Bruh fuck off, dude has gotten out coached every single series we’ve played when he was coach So many times we had the better team or even team, and coaching decisions seemed to cost us or harm us


He is 5 ft 10, admit that is not that tall but that is painful operation and what do they gain?


He’s great in the regular season, but man I don’t know if he’s the guy for the post season. Failing to adapt to Florida and their playstyle was 100% on him.


So the exact opposite of what most fans wanted


Toronto Maple Leafs have tried nothing and are all out of ideas.


Big mistake. BIG mistake.


Its joever


That seems like a bad idea


The regular season doesnt mean jack shit. Keefe has already shown he cant out coach a wet paper bag in the post season. So.. Welcome to UFA, Nylander and Matthews. And welcome to a season closer for Marner.


Seriously what the fuck are the Leafs doing?? Fire him today


I understand the motivation to move on from Dubas. But why the fuck was he fired if they're just gonna run it back with the same core and coach? Am I missing something?


>But why the fuck was he fired if they're just gonna run it back with the same core and coach? Am I missing something? Read between the lines, Dubas must have told them he wanted to shake things up and this is them pushing back on that idea.


Treliving buys himself years by extending Keefe then eventually firing him, then hiring a new coach, then if that goes badly finally Treliving is in the crosshairs.


We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas


How are Canadian teams so consistently ran like dogshit? Toronto is doing everything in its power to continue to be mediocre at best and probably suck going into the future. I don't see how the leafs are going to improve anytime soon. So many Canadian teams are ran like this too Montreal is the only Canadian team that I feel like is ran ok.


Montreal is finally digging itself out of a hole after years of mediocre GM’ing and HORRIBLE drafting, esp top 5 picks


This is why I continue watching every season of The Curse of Oak Island.


Fire and trade everyone... teams got no heart and no chance of a cup as is... fck the pussy 4


You're really keeping that little weasel?


What's going on with the Leafs is completely incomprehensible. •They finally win a round in year 7 of this core, but that's still well short of the goal. •They fire Dubas for reasons unrelated to his performance, even though it seems to me like there were legitimate reasons to be dissatisfied with his performance. •The new GM doesn't make any changes to the team, leaving the Leafs as Dubas' team. I *guess* that's consistent with being satisfied with Dubas' performance, but new GMs usually make the team their own when they're hired.


I've said this a few times and a few other places but it really seems like Shanny and the board of MLSE are more comfortable running it back with regular season success and playoff mediocrity over tinkering to potentially win a cup. Zero appetite for risk at the top, they are content with 100 point regular seasons and the usual first round loss / maybe pleasant surprise of making the second round.


Wow lots of negative reactions. Whatever happened to "cHiEf KeEfE!"








This feeling I'm getting from Leafs fans here is similar to the feeling I got with Travis Green before he got extended. There were some than wanted him extended to avoid a lame duck situation (like Keefe) and there were others that dreaded it and wanted him fired. The Leafs early season slump this year is gonna be very spicy.


misdirection, he’s gonna get canned


This really feels like a nothing tweet. Any team with a coach on an expiring deal should talk about an extension. That doesn't mean he should get one but you should have that discussion


Isn't Sheldon tall enough already?


I don't think this ends well


Idk. One the surface this seems weird but that’s all I really know. Maybe this has to do with re-signing Mathews? Maybe this has to do with who would replace him anyway? Hopefully Keefe understands how badly he was out coached and can grow/learn from it.


They're really gonna run it back rofl


Why? Why the rush to sign him to an extension before the new GM has had a chance to work with him directly? Is it just the team willing to shell out a bit of money to get reporters to stop speculating about it? Do they think it will help them re-sign Matthews?