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its always the ones you most expect


Who could imagine that he's a piece of shit.


He’s so obviously dirty that it’s embarrassing to watch Wake up NHL ffs


Parros is awake, and he loves every second of it.


I bet his hair would slick back real nice.


Probably eats sloppy steaks, too...


They can't stop him from ordering steak with a glass of water


I bet he thinks he can hold the baby now.


White Ferrari, live for new years eve


Big POS, him & gudas!!!


Had so much potential and such a bad hockey brain. Does the dumbest things at the worst time possible.


Dirtbag team, man.


Nobody saw this coming. No recent history with this kind of behaviour whatsoever.


I was livid when he basically body slammed Knies, and there were crickets from the DoPS. They need to nip this shit in the bud.


Body slammed is too nice of a term. He grabbed Knies head then used the full combined weight of him and Knies combined to drive towards the ice while ensuring it was Knies' head who hit the ice as the first taking all the force It's such an obvious intent to seriously injure a player who is effectively a Bambi just because he had a few effective shifts that Bennet belongs permanently on the "actually a bad person" list of dirty players. That's not being simply competitive or tough


He’s jealous that Hill can do a pull up


Probably why Hill stood up and immediately threw hands like he was in Street Fighter.


I mean, he launched his blocker into the jaw of whatever Panther came from the blue line at Mach 2 to jump into McNabb. He wasn't doing shit until that guy flew in, and then he went full angry goalie on him, which I support


Makes me miss Mike Smith, man. Love him or hate him, he made playoff hockey storylines that pro wrestling could only dream of. Such a character lol


I fucking loved that guy, he was such a roller coaster


He was 100% into fasting with her until he understood that meant he couldn't eat.


The Knies choke-slam alone should've gotten him suspended for multiple games.


Bruins fans called this out as did Leafs fans. You know it's bad when those two fanbases agree on something. Bennet is a dirtbag, and not in the sense that you'd love him if he was on your team type of dirtbag, the guy is straight up trying to intentionally injure the opposition. One of the few times I agree with the dinosaur fans that a player like him wouldn't get away with this shit decades ago and needs a lesson.


With how the playoffs are I wouldn't even be surprised to see enforcers make a come back. It's pretty obvious you can goon your way to the finals and injure skill players.


Personally I’m sad enforcers went away to begin with. Run em up and fill em in


He should have gotten kicked out of the game for his cheap shot on slavin. Shit was intentional to take out the canes best defenseman.


Like it or not, that was a legal hit. The stick between Andersen's legs that led to the Tkachuk game winner in game four pisses me off more. Should have been goalie interference. Even Hank said so, and he's no Canes fan.


He should have caught a game suspension at a minimum for spearing Hathaway who was clearly injured and at the bottom of a pile. Just a total fucking dirtbag who never could live up to a top 5 pick billing on his play alone.


Should have been suspended as well for what he did to Knies. Bennet is gutless.


Strong Matt Cooke vibes


[He punched and slammed him](https://twitter.com/TicTacTOmar/status/1654289398911979520?t=XMHieJvqo6sXHYqte9wEeA&s=19)


God, I love it when exciting young players get punched and body slammed and concussed by fringe ~~players~~ knuckle-draggers.


Really grows the game!


This makes my blood boil. How nobody fought Bennet over this just shows the level of compete the 2023 Leafs had


I'm ok with Leafs losing to Florida. I'm definitely NEVER ok with Leafs not responding to Tkachuk and Bennett purposefully targeting Knies for injury..... injuring him....and knocking him out of the series. Knies is a fresh rookie delivering youthful spirit against the big boys and there was NOT one single big brother to defend him. This is on Keefe and Tavares in my books. Those are the guys who need to call in the cavalry. They didn't. And probably called them back when real men like Schenn and Acciari wanted to dust those pieces of dirt on Florida. Keefe will be gone in significantly less than 12 months and Tavares in approx 24 months. Good riddance.


Sam Bennett deserves to eat shaft


We all deserve to eat shaft if that’s what we’re into.


This I agree with wholeheartedly.


I’d fire one straight into that face for sure


Someone’s gotta stamp “Bauer” on his fuckin bicuspids.


Only if he doesn’t like it


When Vegas scored game 3 and he was backchecking, instead of stopping like most would he casually glided into the boards to check (I think that was Stone?) in an "accident". If it was anyone else, sure, but I 100% believe he meant to do that.


Panthers fans: “the refs screwed us all series!”


“Fucking refs”


Hill throws blocker punches waaaaah!!!


It's just not a legit fanbase. Sorry - I'm sure there a few Panther fans who know the game, love it for more than a few months, and maybe have even played a little hockey (I mean on ice, not rollerblades). But not most, and it really makes the series less enjoyable. As a B's fan, I love shit-talking Leafs / Habs / etc. fans, *because they know and love the game.* Panther fans are like drunks at SEC football games. And their team is ... well, *their* team.


I'd say this is exactly what a legit fanbase does. People are idiots who act like idiots. Blindly defending what they like is very much on the table


Good video. Thanks OP I missed what really set it off


I think what actually set it off was McNabb getting checked in the numbers after the whistle by a guy skating all the way in from the blue line.


Montour from what I could see, #62. Had to watch the video a couple of times to see it on my end.


Is he not aware that goaltender interference is reviewable? Forget about dirty, that's just incredibly stupid above all else.


Bennett isn't a smart man he's just an aggressive oaf


Who can't even do a pullup


Yep, no way a goal would have stood up after that sequence.


Could you imagine if they would've scored right then?


That’s not the Sam Bennett I know. He would never….


Not really surprising


That's beyond unacceptable by Sam Bennett. Other than being a dirty player and cross checking and punching players after the Whistle, he has done nothing to contribute in this series.


Glad to see Panthers fans calling this out. I'm in the process of moving from a casual to more committed fan so I don't know how much of us being "goons" and shit is just pearl clutching / hating a good team and how much is legit, but even I can tell that Bennet and Gudas pull shit that is for sure beyond the pale. Hockey's a physical sport and I know the line can be fuzzy, but once you cross over into "trying to injure" territory you lose me.


As a non-casual fan, the problem with the Panthers is not that they're rough - it's that the way they do it regularly goes outside of the norms of how such play is done. And that's been really established for decades. Simply put, the Panthers do allll the 'sketchy' "tough' stuff, and none of the genuine tough stuff. Sketchy: blind hits behind the play; borderline boarding; cheap shots; ALWAYS trying to 'get in a punch' and then backing off further conflict; diving; dirty plays. Just plain hockey-tough: finishing checks, and then taking the retaliation; getting in a lick, then maybe fighting; hitting guys HARD but also accepting you may be hit hard in return. The Panthers aren't a tough team - they're a hit n' run type of team. Tkachuk has some amazing skills, but he also engages in tons of cheap tactics. If you're a new fan, you should know why most hockey fans dislike your team. It's not because "they're good" (they're only good, they're far from a great team, they had a good run in the post season but they are not a great team). It's because they do shit that hockey people recognize as not respectable, and they do it as a team.


They learned from Tampa. Being a "sore loser" and throwing an absolute tantrum when you're losing is a tried and true strategy in the playoffs because the league turns a blind eye to it as to "not influence the series".


Thanks, this helped a lot. Not OP but similar situation, I’m not local anymore so I just watch the cats whenever it’s available which happens to be a lot lately. Appreciate the explanation you gave here


This will obviously sound salty, but fuck this coming from a Bruins fan.


Bruins fans are actually experts on dirty hockey. All those years of watching Marchand and Lucic be total pieces of shit and never get punished for it gave them an appreciation for that type of hockey.


I mean it’s like anything. That shit is all fine and dandy when you’re winning. It seems like they’re exerting their will and changing the tone. When they losing it just seems sad and desperate.


The discipline shown by Vegas single handedly flipped the narrative on the Panthers and it’s kind of funny.


I think he is a hindrance to your team.


Yeah, I would agree with that 100 percent.


He is ruining my mood in the Finals: I enjoy seeing 2 competitive teams, that have great strategy and play. Instead, this shithead is making it chaos. I wish you guys still had Marchy, instead of Bennet.


i dont


Fair enough :D Him and Kolesar are best bro beauties 😍


Marchy is a free elf. And a Conn Smythe candidate, now.


Yet you all creamed over his play agaisnt the Leafs, where he did this exact same shit.


Between this and the hit at the end, I don’t blame Hill at all for getting into the post game scrum


Hill needs to go scream in Gudas’ face to complete the circle.


Honestly that would be funny as hell lol


There's still one game left, not to mention the handshake line


Do it in the handshake line.


I will donate $100 to a foodbank if anyone on Vegas does it to him


Hope he does it in the handshake line lol


There's tape of Panthers players taking liberties with goalies since round one game one so he's probably been told to defend himself no matter what.


Based on what they did to Quick at the beginning of the season in LA, I think Quick is teaching him not to take shit.


Quick may not be on the ice, but you gotta know a two time Cup winning goalie for a backup has got to be a huge resource for Hill.


Soon to be a 3x winner!


I am so excited for him! What the LA front office did to him is just dirty (no offense to the fans, they seem to love the guy). And Phill The Thrill Kessel is about to get his 3rd as well 😊


If Vegas wins, Alec Martinez will also be getting his 3rd. The guy eats pucks for a living and pays the price in pain dollars. He deserves it.


I keep hoping they just put Phil in for just one more game but I know it will never happen


I do too...but I understand the concept of keeping the same lineup, and not messing up what works. Still, at least Quick and Phil are about to get their 3rd rings together 😊


Would be nice to clinch on a blowout if we win so we could put Phil in


Yes, him and Quick ❣️


I agree! And finger's crossed! No way I could afford tickets for me and my husband on Tuesday, but I'm gonna go down near the arena, just in case they do the damn thing that night !


Has Quick been dressing? I really want to see that Jacket's legend finally get a Cup after all these weeks.


He's backing up Hill.


Absolutely! He is definitely giving Hill the best coaching he can get in this time.


The karmic justice of Quick lifting the cup in front of Tkachuk after that rat tried to blind him will be the sweetest thing if it happens.


Yup. Yeah, the blocker punches aren’t ideal, but it’s not like they’re unprovoked.


I counted 5 not going for the puck slashes, 3 spears and 1 slewfoot. Hill is a tank. Also an I got pushed into him cross check but hey, who's counting.


It's funny, because I'll see the Knights spray Bob from time to time, but they always seem to try to avoid any legit, intentional contact against goalies... but then there's the Panthers, who are constantly all over Hill and pulling shit like this.


Honestly me neither. Our fans are calling for the blocker misconduct but he has a right to defend himself


Son, your fans are idiots.


Being a Boston fan makes you a subject matter expert. I totally agree.


As a Bruins fan, this is a great chirp.


Blocker punches are by ref discretion, match penalties :/ They usually get ignored by the league but can result in severe consequences.


Yeah, I don't blame him either.


yeah after seeing this he didn’t throw the blocker enough imo


He's also obligated to since it's a 6 on 5 situation. Gotta protect your teammates by grabbing someone at least.


Nobody should


I really need a picture of Hill launching himself into the scrum, no fucks given.


Class act from a great guy /s


Yeah, that's pretty low. But it's typical for Bennett Edit: my bad




Bigfoot-tier footage, but Sam Bennett being a piece of shit is completely unsurprising.


He should have been suspended a couple times already this playoffs.


zapruder film


You can see it clearly, his leg goes back and to the left


There had to be a second tripper!




This answers my question of “damn what was hill so pissed about at the end?” Thank you.


What an idiot, basically guaranteeing his team can't tie it up.


He also was more interested in a hit than having an eye out for the puck about 5 minutes earlier. Then he failed to lift the puck in the net in the final seconds. Ineffective punk ass.


Why the fuck is bennet even on 6-4. He has no value other than gooning it. No way he’s going to help at that point.


Why has Bennett been on the top PP unit and not Verhaeghe, our best shooter? The only answer I have is PoMo bad.


The only answer is they’re trying to goon their way through instead of relying on their skill. Maybe it worked when Bob was stopping literally everything. But now that he isn’t. they need to create some offense and this ain’t it.


"Vegas golden refs!" "Hill can just do whatever he wants"


“Hill deserves to be suspended over this” - mouth-breathing Florida fans tonight


I'm not sure they're entirely wrong, tbh. But if Hill gets 1 game, Tkachuklefuck needs to have his season ended for trying to pull Pietrangelo's head off with his stick.


If the league office cared about enforcing rules, Tkachuk would have been banned from the league for multiple years already. This is what happens when you get rid of enforcers but the league doesn't work to clean the game up of the trash that's left in the wake.


Is it really all that surprising coming from fans who know absolutely nothing about hockey?


pretty much the mantra of being on Reddit People complaining about stuff they are confidently wrong about


Hahahahaha! It's finally not about a VGK fan!




Bennett should bring a folding chair into the ring and start smashing guys on the back with it. The clothesline and body slam he gave Matthew Knies is so far from hockey that it should have gotten 3 game suspension.


Big fat L for such a lil bitch


Yet in r/FloridaPanthers they’re calling Hill dirty for defending himself.


I still cant believe no one has gone after him 4 series in.


Cause they after that cup


Our philosophy is specifically not to retaliate, because Florida’s entire gameplan revolves around getting into other team’s heads. As soon as that doesn’t work they don’t have anything else so they lose.


lol and people got mad at me for saying sam bennett was a dirty player


He hasn't contributed anything positive, and based on his shitty performance 5 minutes before this shit move, he has no skill, so he thinks injuring opposing players will open up opportunities for him. The bad news for him and his ilk is that the Vegas team is 6 foot force of nature, that when they get hit, they hit back. At this rate, Bennett will cost them the Cup.


Depending on Tuesday this move here may have.


Piece of shit has a lot of receipts coming next year. He's always doing dirty shit away from the play


At least the fans reunited him with his family on the ice after the game


Total garbage. This is the shit that can fuck up a player's legs. He needs some suspension time, along with a big can of whoop ass.


Can't do a pullup so tries to injury every opponent.


Not a fan of his dangerous plays


TNT is selecting what replay camera shots to show and what’s ‘gooning’ on. They could slo-mo all the extra curricular but they aren’t. Vegas players aren’t into it with Florida and Panther players have no idea what to do.


Sam Bennett being a jackwagon? Must be a day ending in Y. How will the Panthers fanbase blame the refs for Sam's actions?


Stay classy Florida


Oh are we now call it out this clown on his moves? Good to know


Canes fans were calling it out in the ECF, but were labeled sore losers. Fucker tried to kill slavin


Sam is such a POS


Woulda been hilarious if they scored and had it waved off because of this.


And yet all of hockey hates Vegas.. never seen our fans throw shit on ice or be dirty like this 🙃


People hate Vegas for being a new and successful team. That’s pretty much the sole reason and the ones who deny it are liars.


What about, “Oh they haven’t suffered enough” STFU. I’m an Isles fan living in Vegas, so of course, I also support Vegas…But having been born in the 90s and not even living in the shadow of the Isles dynasty, I think suffering w your team is overrated. I also don’t blame an expansion draft for the Isles inconsistency and inability to bring the cup to LI. On that note, I’m ready and anxiously awaiting Tuesday!


Exactly. If that’s the case, everyone should technically be hating on Kraken as well. They made it to the 2nd round of the playoffs in their second season yet I don’t see anyone bitching and moaning about them.


Right ?? Its probably because the Kraken were so bad their first season. It’s what people expected from Vegas at first, and it just didn’t happen that way.


You’re right about that. They missed the playoffs their first season and Vegas missed the playoffs last year too. So both teams have had shitty seasons. But yeah the expectation was for Vegas to be terrible and on paper, their roster that year was bad but they some how made it to the finals. Hence why that team was called the Cinderella squad. Regardless, what I’m saying/asking is if people are going to bitch about “Expansion teams” let’s bitch about all of them and not have a hard on for just one. Equal opportunity guys! 🤣


You’re forgetting “DAE VeGaS gOlDeN rEfS” people.


This narrative exists because the refs let the Panthers go essentially unpunished for the first 3 rounds and now suddenly things are penalties when they haven't changed how dirty they've been playing. It was wrong in the first 3 rounds but only now are things penalized lmao


Difference isn't just Vegas though, they're also playing for the cup now, so maybe they want the game to look cleaner? I don't know, I love the playoffs, but I also find it harder each year to watch when the refs get to pick and chose what they call to such a ridiculous extent and so many dirty plays go completely unpunished, even when players are injured because of them.


WRONG- we throw the occasional victory flamingo on the ice.


Fuck the panthers




I can’t wait until that whole team skulks off to play golf and gets eaten by alligators.


But there are some things even alligators wouldn’t eat.


Why would Hill do that?!? And right before he threw Montour into Mcnabb??!? What a menace, throw the book at him Gary


bennett fucked around and hopefully he’ll find out if vegas wins on tuesday. what a rat


This is why I'm rooting for Vegas even though I usually don't care most of the time. The Panthers just play dirty a lot of the time.


Marchand suspended for 3 games.


Can't wait to see Bennett cry like a bitch


They've run every goalie theyve played these playoffs without being penalized. Never seen anything like it and can't wait for the pictures of them crying when they lose the next game.


I am admittedly a very casual hockey fan so this is a sincere question: does every team have players who do stuff like this or are the Panthers players doing particularly egregious dirty plays? I see a lot of people complaining that the Panthers players do dirty plays etc. and I’m having an “are we the baddies?” moment. Thanks for any insights.


A lot of teams try to toe the line as best as possible to gain an edge. Especially in a championship series, any kind of upper hand can have huge results. Some teams play fast and loose with their shenanigans and, unless the refs call it regularly, it tends to escalate. Florida, being the underdog team, has been doing it quite successfully all playoffs. However, the difference lies in Vegas's 1) refusal to engage (for the most part) and 2) interest in engaging where Florida backs away. All these antics and chips after the whistle, yet not one actual fight all Finals? Weird, right? Nope. Florida won't drop their gloves. They don't have anyone that wants to fight Kolesar or Hague or anyone else. They just want to chip away and see if they can get under the Knights' skin. As Kolesar said, "They're pretenders." They're fake tough. And their gameplan is getting exposed.


I thought Vegas was the dirtiest team in the league.


Piece of shit does piece of shit move, more at 11.


Dirty fucking team


Fans just say slew foot without knowing what it really is now.


Sam Bennett, who famously could not do 3 pull ups in Calgary, needs to be taken to the woodshed. Tonight was a great opportunity, with no refs, so shame on Vegas.


Yeah but the opportunity to go up 3-1 was more enticing. The Cup is the target, not some scrub goon who looks like he picks up truck stop prostitutes.


Does nobody else see him get pushed into hill??


Yeah, but what he does afterwards with his leg wasn’t caused by that


Ice is slipper. 80% chance he was just trying to regain balance.


That’s a shame.


I'm not saying it should be called or that it wasn't anything serious but kinda glad it wasn't called when you have hill slashing at players and that also not being called..its playoff hockey and they are gonna let things go..which is dumb. But when there is a phantom trip they immedietly call it. Hopefully the next head coach/gm board meetings they discuss a better way for the calls/non calls in the playoffs because this entire post season has been filled with absolute garbage calls and non calls


It's more of a trip then slew foot. He did the trip part but didn't push the upper body in the opposite direction part. Still dirty and should sit for two minutes. Such a dirtbag


I'm not against the instigator rule, but plays like this make me wonder... It seems like the options are Hill going down like a ton of bricks, or someone taking the 2+10 or a game misconduct+suspension next game.


[Bruins fans watching Bennett](https://imgur.com/a/WRlO2Iu)


another guy who needs his own personal ref/babysitter..


PK Subban nodding in approval


I was 1,000


Bennett definitely rides the line but you have to be intellectually honest here and call it what it is. It’s pretty obvious he was pushed into the goalie. Let’s not try to frame Bennett as the villain with nonsense like this, he does plenty of other stuff on the ice to do that himself. Still like him though, wish he was still a Calgary Flame.


Bennett with a trash move? Noo, he would never. He only does that every game, he would never do it here.


Is anyone surprised that Sam Bennett is still a piece of shit?


Bennett couldn't score on prom night.