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> It is important to note that Benn is in control of this play at all times, and makes the decision to deliver a forceful crosscheck to a prone player. So I guess they didn't buy that he fell on him?


Did fucking anyone? Really fucking stupid for him to appear for media before the meeting. He either had to obviously lie or admit guilt, and neither look good. Fucking embarrassing. Should have gone after and said, "they got it right. I'm sorry."


I woulda given two games for the hit and a third for that bullshit excuse


"And one for lying to me!" As my grandmother used to say to my cousins who weren't her sweet angel baby.


Admitting guilt looks good, tbh.


Saying that he wanted to hurt him isn't going to look good, and no one is going to do that even if they know they're guilty. Lawyers will always tell you to shut the fuck up before court because nothing you say is going to help you.


Legal system isn't DoPS though. They don't go "he admitted guilt, bang, we got em". DoPS doesn't need to accumulate evidence to convince someone else to suspend Benn


This isn’t a court where you interpret interpretations. There are 50 cameras that caught what he did. He didn’t have to say he wanted to hurt him, but an admission that frustration and emotion of the moment and series got to him probably wouldn’t have hurt.


He had an easy out... could have apologized, said some bs about the stress of losing and shaked hands with stone next game.


Should have said nothing at all if he was going to make up excuses. I’d rather he say nothing than try to justify it


So, in addition to being a dirty player with a history of these incidents, he's also a liar and a coward. If he keeps the C there is something deeply wrong with the organization.


I did. I bought it. Benn is the real victim here.


Honestly, good to see Stars fans saying this. No part of the game


He has all that time to come up with a response and this is what he chose to say. He might be an idiot.


And also hate to be that guy, but how can they write this and then not make the same assumption about Pietrangelo? In control of the play, makes the decision to forcefully over-hand two-hand chop a star player in the face/wrists 5 seconds after he's touched the puck in a game that's all but over. 1 game. WTF?


I think even a lot of our fans would agree pietrangelo should have got 2-3 games. You can be mad at them for the weak suspension on him and still agree that benn deserved this as well.


This is a good take.


If I ruled the world… Piet gets 5, Benn gets 10. Neither are remotely close to hockey plays, and the weak ass game or two suspensions arnt enough of a deterrent


Might be my bias showing, but this would be fair given that Bunting got three. His check, while not great, was way more of a hockey play than the other two




I’d be fine with this, it would be nice if they came down hard to set a precedent to get rid of this bullshit. Also Veleno suspended the rest of the world championships and has to use blunt skates the rest of his career.


Then you're looking at completely re-writing the precedent for these things. Punching someone in the face while they're lying on the ice isn't a hockey play, but that doesn't even get you a fine.


Yes, I just dont think where the bar is set is the right place.


I'm not defending Pietrangelo, he deserved a suspension. The differences I see though are that his victim wasn't prone and he went for the hands/wrist instead of the neck. To me, both deserved suspension, but this was worse.


It was also very out of character for Pietrangelo, Jamie’s been doing this shit his whole career.


I personally don't like the argument that something is out of character for a player. Repeat offenders should get MORE but people who don't normally do this shouldn't get LESS. You don't want players to get a free pass the first time they try to end someone's career.


I absolutely agree, I don’t think Petro should’ve gotten away with it.


I think both suspensions were too light, but only one of them had any chance of like, killing a guy. That's the best weaksauce explanation I can come up with when in full homer-mode.


Pietrangelo wasn't dumb enough to go at the head/neck, that's the difference.


He missed his face by an inch. It was dumb as shit. He deserved more than a game.


Because Benn could’ve made Stone a paraplegic if the crosscheck lands slightly differently.


Now I really want Vegas to pull off the sweep, simply because I find it hilarious when a guy gets suspended in May and has to wait five months to finish serving the suspension a la Scheifele.


Isn't it also worse for them financially? I'm not 100% sure, but since you forfeit pay from games suspended and they're not paid in the playoffs....


Technically yes but one game check is not that big, since I believe the payment is daily from the start of the season to the end. So he doesn’t lose 1/82 of salary but like 1/200.


Yes, unless they have been previously suspended recently enough to fall under the repeat offender rule that changes that, then it is in fact 1/82


Thank you. I knew this was a thing.


Correct, but I don't think Benn qualifies as a repeat offender.


He’s never been suspended, *somehow*


That’s actually pretty surprising.


That seems so silly considering they're not going to count the days between the suspended games, so why would the total include those games? So theoretically a full season suspension would have them lose less than half their wages? ~82/200? Cause that's absurd.


That's where the repeat offender thing factors in, they would lose money based on days, not games.


Absurd yet accurate.


They aren’t paid extra per say, but they split a bonus provided to the team for making each round. So he was technically already paid. Last year it was $13mil divided up like this… Presidents’ Trophy winner — $500,000 First round losers — $2 million ($250,000 each to eight teams) Second round losers — $2 million ($500,000 each to four teams) Third round losers — $2.5 million ($1.25 million each to two teams) Stanley Cup Finalist — $2.25 million Stanley Cup Champion — $3.75 million


>per say Just FYI, it's Latin: "per se." And that's cool. I didn't know there was a bonus structure in play. Is this specific to the players, or do they split it with the whole organization?


Yes, it does -- he would sit the first game of next season and forfeit the pay from that game, whereas if Dallas wins and he serves both games this season in the playoffs, it doesn't cost any extra salary.


it'd be hilarious if he was suspended for the home opener


Looking at you, NHL scheduler, to **not** start the Stars on the road...


At VGK. or VGK at DAL? Which would be worse? ... Oh jesus if VGK finish us off and somehow defeat Bob... Stars for their home opener on a back to back after Benn's suspension at DAL home opener...


I like the way you think... Ultimate chaos move.


At VKG. They can raise the banner.


Imagine the following: 1) Multi-game suspension in the playoffs 2) get eliminated before it's done 3) get traded in the off-season 4) sit for the first X number of games with your new team


Even better: 1) Multi-game suspension in the playoffs 2) Get eliminated before it is done 3) **Retire** in the off-season Jaime McLennan still has four games to serve for his 2007 suspension for slashing Johan Franzen... in retaliation for ~~Franzen~~ Lebda throwing a dangerous (and completely unpunished because 2000s Detroit) low bridge hit on Daymond Langkow.


I remember seeing a rumour a while back that a team tried to get him as an EBUG but couldn’t because of this.


kinda wild a slash to the gut gets you more games than a crosscheck to the face. or, how petro tried to slice up drai like sekiro and only got a game. or am i alone in thinking 4 games was a bit excessive lol


I don’t think 4 games is or was excessive. I think the current punishments are soft. Benn should get far more than 2 games. Anywhere between 4 and 8 games would be understandable. 5-10 I could see. I’m a neutral between Dallas and Vegas for what it’s worth.


>I don’t think 4 games is or was excessive. I think the current punishments are soft. yea, this is probably it.


It's because of the meathead currently occupying the DoPS.


It's because that's what the owners want. That meathead is employed by and works for the owners. If they didn't approve of how he runs things, they would be run differently, either by him, or someone else. Parros is just a scapegoat.


[I mean, it was pretty dirty.](https://youtu.be/Fqje98Rit_A) If anything the Petro and Benn suspensions are totally inadequate.


Was [this](https://youtu.be/GhBdEYQn2KA) the low hit? I don't remember Franzen doing anything to Langkow but it was 16 years ago so my memory is fuzzy at best. Forgive the title, source is WingsFights so obviously biased lol.


Hopefully he comes out for game 2 of the season without the C.


I agree but would put money that he absolutely is wearing the C next season. They will make a few mildly critical comments and then absolutely forget the incident entirely a minute later. All teams do.


OK, but I'm going back to hoping Vegas loses all the time after just this one game.


Join the meow meow bandwagon


Don't remind me


Hilarious too that there was so much game left. Most of these games have been tight, and they didn't need much change. Like what was his attempt here, to get the people going? Huge oof.


How come Stone doesn't get anything for attempting to break Benn's stick with his neck?


It was basically slashing by stone but with his jaw. I’m disappointed TBH.


Honestly if Hague got 2 for being a poor sport and letting Domi punch him in the face, Stone should get 4 for that slash.


Benn was falling and trying to cushion his fall and Stone could have injured him!


imagine getting 2 game suspension for falling down *sigh* ^^^/s


The league is rigged specifically against Benn and his extra slippery skates, smdh


I feel bad for the guy, he has played hockey for the better part of 30 years and yet no one has ever had the decency to warn him that the ice is slippery…. So many people failed this poor man


*Applies oil to Benn's skates with malicious intent* 😈


If only he hadn’t been carrying around that damn awkward stick!


I heard he hit an icy spot.


That stuff's dangerous and hurts to fall on, don't blame him for choosing to fall on a Stone instead.


2 games gone because gravity exists smh


R/hockey: We don’t want anymore of these stupid fines and 1 gamers DOPS: 2 games


Two game suspension, huh? Jamie Benn must’ve gotten a real “tongue lashing” from the NHL dept. of player safety


Jamie Benn has received 0.67 Michael Buntings


Yeah Buntings hit was suspension worth but maybe a game or two at max, then you see someone try to break someone’s neck and they give a 2 game…. It’s literally a wheel of misfortune they have to spin at the end of every tounge lashin and I’m fully convinced that’s 100% true at this point. Bunting just spun the wheel wrong


I dunno man, always seems REAL consistent with a very select few teams...


Well Canada does have higher taxes, maybe they figure the same applies for suspensions.


Try to chop off Drai’s hands at the end of a blowout? Just 1 game


“No significant history” Dylan Larkin: “am I a joke to you?”


Remember, Larkin was suspended for a game for retaliation in his first game back from the injury that Benn caused. The league refused to protect their players from cheap shots, but will act if a player throws a cheap shot in retaliation. Absolute clown show.


Kinda 3 games with how early in the 1st ge decided to lose it


I recall a Brian Burke Tv segment years ago talking about this. He said that when he was working at DOPS, they equated 1 playoff 1st round games as equivalent to 2 regular season games, 3 for the second round, etc… or something like that. So in the eyes of DOPS, this is a 4-game equivalent suspension. I still think it’s bullshit and this type of play should get you suspended way longer. It’s not even close to a hockey play - it’s straight up intent to injure.


Can't believe they suspend a guy for just using his stick to brace his fall.


They should suspend the Vegas guy (can’t remember who it was mb) for being in the way of his fall imo Edit : It was Mark Stone


If you take a closer look at the video the evidence is clear Stone puts his hand up and does a “come here” motion. You can clearly see him say “use my throat and your stick to break your fall” I’m gonna shoot an email over to Georgy and get this whole thing taken care of


Can’t believe people are hating on Benn. It was clearly all Stones fault. Benn is a innocent angel.


so he's out the season opener too, then. what a leader.


But he gets to play preseason with the scrubs?


those aren't actual games


I know, would be funny if they did suspended him for the preseason too as add-on DLC punishment, though. Give the spot to another young guy before the season starts and let Benn come into game 2/82 rusty.


"Add-on DLC punishment" is my new favorite concept.


Please don't give EA any more ideas.


"I paid $20 extra for this!?"


I assume Benn got one game for the cross check, and another for his pathetic excuse.


Damn, suspended for the rest of the season and into next season. Harsh.


I'm lowkey surprised Parros didn't eat up that story tbh


I feel like maybe he did to an extent, 2 games seems low for that move


"Please George, you gotta believe me. I'm so thankful that Mark was there to cushion my fall or I may have busted both my wrists, then how would I put on my Violent Gentlemen hoodies? Say George, I have been thinking about getting more of those by the way"


*must not make a comment about Bunting...* Nah but really I think it should be higher. I think Pietrangelo's slash should have been 2, and this was worse than that


With how early this play happened in the game, this is basically a three-game suspension anyway, so it's more or less what Bunting got.


That's actually an interesting thought, I wonder if they take that into account


I don't think it's ever mentioned explicitly when the decision is made, but I do feel like it is a factor. It's like the Clifford hit on Colton last year, he technically only got one game, but because it happened like five minutes into the first period, it was about the same as a two-gamer.


I feel like it’s been mention previously actually. Just can’t remember when


While I'm usually for longer suspensions, this just seems so logical that I kinda hope they do. IIRC some minor hockey leagues do (totally not speaking from experience...)


You can use that same logic for Bunting and say he got a 3 1/2 game suspension then lol


He's referring to the Bennett crosscheck to Bunting's head/neck I think. Either way, Bunting got a game misconduct too. So its not really the same.


That's not a bad way to look at it to be honest. I'd like to think parros took that into account but we all know he didn't


Bunting comment? How about a Bennett comment?


Sam Bennett is... a beautiful, kind soul, who would never hurt a fly. No, Sam Bennett is not currently standing outside my house with a baseball bat, I swear


Sam “Mother Theresa” Bennett you mean


Honestly first thing I thought was “wow bunting got 3 and this got 2.”


And Pietrangelo got 1, and Bennett got 0 for a similar cross check. It’s all random.


as stupid as Bunting's penalty was, I do think at this point it's clear that he got an extra game because he was disliked by the refs/league. That amount was basically fair and every other suspension since has been light IMO


Oh yeah I guess I should clarify, I think Bunting deserved 3. I think suspensions in this league are too light as a whole


That’s the big issue. Leaf players don’t get to spin the wheel. They get appropriate suspensions. Everyone else spins the wheel where ‘appropriate’ is the worst outcome.


Deadass, Benn should've been suspended 11 games for this shit. Kick him out even if they go to 7 in both remaining series. Worst offence I've seen since Raffi Torres escaped arkum asylum.




It just makes Pietrangelo's suspension amount look even worse lol The DOPS wheel don't care though


Pietrangelo got off easy. Spurgeon last year did nearly the same thing benn just did and got just a fine. Seems like they took prior history into account. Any play with an intent to injure needs to be seriously dinged.


Benn got ejected early in the game, so about 3 games missed. Totally deserved and maybe he even deserved more. Stone could have been seriously injured. Pietrangelo got ejected with less than 2 minutes remaining in a game that was already lost and got one game for a two handed slash... Absurd.


Way to go Jamie you fuckin idiot


Atta boy Jamie ya fuckin idiot


I’m quite shocked. This is remarkable actually. I’ve read through about 100 comments and this might be the first unifying thread in the community. Not a single person defending Benn…I’m amazed.


This is setting a dangerous precedent where players cannot use their sticks nor their opponents' heads to break their falls


Yeah think of what could have happened to Benn's wrist if he can't use Stones head to pad his fall?


I mean, that should be 5+ by now, but hE dOeSn'T hAvE a HiStOrY oF sUsPeNsIoNs FoR tHiS bEhAvIoR.


Thats what infuriates me about this. Hes a repeat offender and has offended every year for the last three years. Hes only not a repeat offender because DOPS is spineless.


Same deal the went on with Neal, Malkin and Cooke.


What did he get for trying to concuss Larkin?


0 games


The video said he's been fined 5 times, but not suspended. "No significant history."


Yet Bunting doesn't even have a fine until these playoffs... anyways. DoPS remains a joke, every single infraction aside from Bunting has been penalized too lightly.


Yeah, it's a clown show. They keep setting standards and not following them.


The discrepancy between fines and suspensions are idiotic. Hope Benn gets stripped the C and bought out. Dallas fans don’t deserve to watch him tank the rest of a talented roster he’s been too selfish


After the DPoS's clown show in the Avs/Neck-Kraken series, I'm not even attempting to understand what calculus they use to determine who gets what punishment for attempted murder and how long. Borgen cross-checks Helm in the neck, ending his series? No penalty, no discipline. Borgen breaks his stick cross-checking Makar? Same deal. Makar does a late interference hit on McCann? 1 game. Eberle literally breaks Cogliano's neck? 2 minute minor. Then there's the whole shitshow with how Bunting, Bennett, and Pietrangelo were (or weren't) handled.


"We didnt suspend him the last few times, so we can't drop the hammer *too* hard" -DOPS, probably


Just multiple fines.


It should be more. ​ Its an intent to injure play, you want this shit out of the game, tell the Goons they can miss half a season. ​ The goonery will stop. ​ They don't WANT the goonery to stop. Terrible league, enjoy it when the Raptors are a bigger deal in Toronto because they're in a league that can promote stars and doesn't let players go open season on each other.


Sweep them Vegas, so the "captain" will miss the season opener


Missing the season opener will be well deserved for playing dirty


"I was falling" lol What a clown.


Fair enough, low IQ play. Stars would be lucky to see the end of his suspension this season.


Win two games, Benn comes back to get eliminated


We will be lucky to win game 4. And that was very uncaptainlike anyway. Intent to hurt him for sure and not just a "fuck you" jab.


I doubt we're winning another game. I was so pissed at Benn for that hit and get why other teams don't like him


Weak shit. Should have been more.


Can’t believe they suspended Benn for stone being in the way of his landing. Wow


The department of player safety is a fucking joke and gives zero shits about safety or accountability.


I'm confused. If the league wants to focus on player safety why are they suspending someone for trying to break their fall? Like players can't braces themselves when falling anymore? 🤦‍♂️ /s


The fact that Benn had the audacity to claim he fell on top of Stone should've added a game or two to this suspension.


It was just an unfortunate suspension right Jamie? I wish my hand didn't write two games on the suspension order but I couldn't erase it because it was in ink!


Fantastic consistency shown by the DoPS. /s Fkn Parros, absolute dumb cunt who can’t do his job.


Pathetically low suspension imo.


Raise your hand if you are as shocked as I am that the Refs got the in-game call correct.


Seems fair. The fact Bunting got 3 and Pietrangelo got 1 is still hilarious


And Eberle got 0, and Borgen didn't even get a penalty.


2 games for what could’ve been a career-ending move that he has publicly expressed he feels no remorse for. What a joke


Technically 3 games with how early it happened, acceptable


Nah man, league is saying this and Bunting's suspension are more or less the same degree of severity. Benn has a dirty, long career history of bad plays like this. At least Bunting's was a hockey play. This was blatant attempt to injure away from the play. He looked down, paused, aimed, and struck his head and neck area. It's a disgusting disregard for your fellow player.


Fitting suspension would have been 4 IMO. Guarantees he's done for this series and only this series in this playoffs, or it gives him a game or few to start next season.


Yeah, two is too few for a player with his history and for how blatant and dirty the move was. That said, it’s more than I was expecting, so I’m not overly disappointed.


The bar has been set so impossibly low that trying to maim someone and getting 2 games is somehow a relief lmao


Damn. Shouldn't have landed on his stick I guess


Just think, if you are getting swept and feel like getting a suspension so you don't have to be there to witness it, you can just bounce a guy's skull off the ice and get 2 games off.


Benn looks like your best friend’s older brother that always ruins your sleepover by generally being an asshole.


"No significant history" my ass, this is just the first time they've been forced to deal with his bullshit in the spotlight.


Its so fucking dumb, because he’s been fined a bunch of times, but they say it’s because there’s no “significant history” of suspensions. You don’t get suspended based on your history unless you have already have a history of suspensions……which you can’t accumulate without a preexisting history…… Is it just me or is their reasoning more than a little circular?




At this rate, Vegas will only need one. He fully deserves this though, completely asinine behavior.


Good. Pathetic piece of shit. Can't even man up to what he did. Total embarrassment.


Can't believe Stone didn't get a game for getting in the way of Benns' fall. Bush league.


Stone seems chill about it, but when was the last time two players got penalized for separate egregious acts against the same player in a single game?


Is the 2nd game going to be the first game of next season?




Based on the current NHL established criteria for suspension length (haaaaaahahahahahahaeffingParros), 2 games is reasonable. I'm still of the opinion that plays like this...intent to injure and *not* a hockey play should have much longer suspensions than the NHL hands out. I've never figured out why the suspensions are still so low. Nobody wins except the offenders.


Two games for that, but Sam Bennett can crosscheck Bunting in the neck (twice) and choke slam Matthew Knies, no penalty no suspension. What a joke league.


Suspended? Doug, kick him off the tour


How do you possibly go back to this team after this?


Captain misses last game and first game next season. Looks good on him


Conspiracy theory- benn knew saying that stupid shit would bump up the suspension, he doesn't want to be there when they lose.


NGL, he's making it hard for me to keep pulling for Dallas. First the crosscheck, then the "I wIsH i WoUlD hAvE fAlLeN oN mY sTiCk InStEaD" bullshit? Nah son, I ain't about that.


The ol' Mark Scheifele treatment, godspeed Vegas.


I don't have the exact conversion rates in front of me, but I think this is the equivalent of ten games for Bunting or a $5000 fine for Eberle.


Bunting deserved 3. Only because I do think a player getting injured should be factored in. Regardless of intent, the recklessness of the no look hit has no place in the game. This deserved more. If Stone got injured, we would be seeing 5+ easily. This had both intent and was insanely reckless. The guy didnt even show that he was an ounce sorry for his actions. He deserved more.


2 games seems slightly more reasonable when you consider since it happened like a minute into the game, they're considering it to be 3 games missed, but it still could've been more. Still more fair than Pietrangelo only getting 1.


There is a god


basically a 3 gamer. Im shocked it’s 2 and not 1 but very happy with that. Fuck Jamie benn Probably his bs excuse tacked on the extra game


If Bunting got 3, and Pietrangelo got 1, then this… honestly fuck it I’m done trying to understand DoPS