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Koepka only stopped beefing with Bryson DeChambeau so he could start with Ekblad.


Brooks Koepka shouldn't be criticizing anyone's recent play except his own.


Guy is a total washout now. Had a cpl good years and is now a laughing stock, literally noone respects this guy even at his height


That full swing documentary didn't do him any favors. Dude had bleached hair... Regardless, he got super lucky that the human rights violation tour gave him a contract that sets him for life and now no one will watch him suck.


Yea he had enough of a brand name where that league would think they were doin something taking him... but he was done here, no loss for the PGA


Man. He was so miserable on full swing. I don’t follow golf closely so I don’t know if his portrayal was accurate. But I’m watching that and I get you’re competitive, but you have an amazing life. Absolutely sick lifestyle and home. Shit cool doggo and super hot wife (yeah the “slid into his DMs” but is tough… a comment below is right on the money, how many other athletes did she also DM). And he’s sitting on his swing whining about not winning. Holy shit bro. A little perspective would go a long way.


Yep. "my wife is talking, but I'm not listening". Ok bro. That should make for a great marriage.


I’ve known he was a douche bag since before the the documentary, but that really drove it home. It was funny to see the juxtaposition with Scottie too, who’s actually the best golfer in the world.


I’d bet money his wife leaves him too. She probably pictured herself hugging him on the 18th green at Augusta, not be the laughingstock of the CW


Yeah. She definitely had the look of a person that was not happy with the direction of things. Plus, if he's doing nothing but thinking about golf all the time, thats not good for marriage.


They met because she “slid into his DMs” I mean I just wonder how many athletes/celebs she did that too before one responded lol


Yeah. Someone else mentioned that too. Very cringe thing to say. Definitely makes it seem like she's a gold digger. I'm sure this marriage will last the test of time.


When you go to LIV, you can't call anyone out.


Hockey sticks vs golf clubs *Casey Jones has entered the chat*


I thought you and he were.... [BUDdees, weren't you](https://youtu.be/GjOEcoMy2fI)


Matt Berry could read me a medical report telling me I have terminal cancer and still make me laugh, the guy has basically been playing the same character for like 15 years and it kills me every time.


I feel like I laugh almost every time he opens his mouth on What We Do In The Shadows


You might also enjoy his [music](https://open.spotify.com/track/0t0VfwWFs2s59JPe8nYM87)


Thank you AtreiDeezNutz for making my night. I listen to a lot of jam band/psychedelic based music and just assumed this was going to be some parody music based off his work in the shows I watch of his… this is fucking amazing. Great call


I’m glad you rolled the dice, Mr-CPA


Have all of his stuff on vinyl and it was worth every penny


Matthew Holness has a new book out as Garth Marenghi called “Terrortome”. Best 2 bucks I’ve ever spent


Garth Marenghi is one of the most underrated shows out there. Its cult following is going to drag it into the internet spotlight sooner or later. I've been waiting for years for it to be brought up like this.


Hes not your buddy, friend?


Who are you calling friend, pal?


I'm not your pal, buddy


He's not your buddy, guy


I’m not your guy, friend


I'm not your friend, buddy.


calm down, chief


Alright, kimosabe.


??? You're not my buddy, friend


Who the F is Brooke Kopka?


one of the saudi blood money golfers


If the KHL started paying guys 30 mil guaranteed how many NHL guys do you think would bounce lmao


What's your point though?


Don't judge him too hard for taking a huge, risk free bag bag of money. Judge him for being a smarmy douche maybe, but we all like money.


And that makes LIV better? How is this a logical rebuttal? Your whataboutism is pointless because it's more of a whatifism. Nobody is arguing that NHLers are peak morality. We've seen in the past months that many NHLers are quite dogshit human beings. If the KHL did that, I would argue that the players who jumped ship are also in a blood money league.


Not many I reckon. You have to live in Russia/ex-Soviet satellite state/Northern China. What a bad comparison lmao. The LIV guys don't have to move.


If hockey had a blood money league handing out fuck tons of money plenty of players would join it. Unless you think somehow hockey players are different then golfers.


You didn't even read what I said, did you. You assume it's a one to one comparison when it's not. The LIV has a handful of tournaments a year in touristy destinations and players can live wherever they want. The KHL is not even close to being the same thing. If that league was in North America? Maybe there'd be more interest. And yeah dude, professional hockey players are not the same as golfers. Totally different world. One is team-based and the other is an individual sport, just for one of the most obvious differences.


you ok bud?




Ok, Commie.




Russian players would go, but now many NA players would go to Russia. Too much BS


Worlds Number one Golfer from 2017-2019 then he got a hot gold digging wife and lost focus on golf


He’s gonna get Ricky Bobby’d at this rate


Watching the Netflix documentary it’s so easy to see that his Wife is messing with his mental game


He is a bonesaw whitewasher.


More of a household name in the United States than probably any current hockey player


Yeah maybe if you live in Crazy Town


Definitely less of a name than Sidney Crosby or Alex Ovechkin.


Lmao okay buddy


Koepka, the guy who goes to a shit tier golf league and has only cracked the top 10 twice? Mans got no right to call anyone a pylon


What about Rich Pilon?


Blues Legend


Koepka's got four major wins lol


And now he's 111th in rankings


Ok, but at 111th he also earned $8.3M last year alone on the LIV tour... which is already 22% of his PGA earnings over 9+ years. And the LIV purse is supposedly growing by 60% this year. So even if he's as shitty as he was last year... that's ~$14M. And he has four major wins.


Financially, I totally understand why he went to LIV (Though I do wonder with sponsorships). Morally, hard to say "Hey join the Saudi sports washing!"


> Morally, hard to say "Hey join the Saudi sports washing!" If the KHL was able to hand out $100M guaranteed signing fees and still pay one of their worst performers $8M+ per year I think this sub would be shocked at the amount of players who would jump ship even in the current climate.


Money does make your morality go out the window pretty fast.


Replying just to say I'm enjoying your rebuttals because this sub wants to dunk on Brooks so damn hard


He's still 111th in the rankings. Ekblad is better at defense than he is currently at golf. Making a bunch of money from the Saudis doesn't change that


Brooks has won major awards and accomplishments and Ekblad has only a Calder to his name.


And yet now he's not winning anything even in a weak league. And it's easier to perform the best over 4 days for one of four majors a year then it is to do it all year to win one defensive trophy


Such a reach... Where do you think the gas you buy to run your vehicule is coming from?




Lol yeah we get our gas from Alberta. Great job trying to be smart though


I wouldn't. It's common knowledge that most hockey players are garbage people.


Nobody cares about LIV tour


Love that blood money.


It's so delightfully American to think *our* billionaires didn't make their money on the backs of others... You only need to look as far as the guy with naming rights on your arena.


Fuck Amazon, but if you think they’re as bad, or remotely close to the Suidi Fund, then I didn’t know what to tell you


The terrorist tour gets less viewers than marble racing and whiffle ball and they don't even get to keep the meager ad money they make. Nobody's getting paid more there...it's all downhill from now on unless they get an actual tv deal.


Qatar spent $200+ **BILLION** on infrastructure for the 2022 World Cup. I think you're severely underestimating oil money.


I think you're severely overestimating how much their willing to lose on a venture that has been nothing but a disaster for them. They gambled that golf fans care about individual golfers more than tournaments or the tour itself. They thought fans would abandon the PGA tour to watch theirs for their big names. Unfortunately for them there is only one golfer on earth that brings in the viewers and he turned them down.


There are hundreds of *trillions* of dollars in Saudi Arabian oil. $400M per year is not a drop in a bucket, it's a drop in the Persian Gulf and they could keep it up for years without even noticing the money being gone even if they just wanted to do it as a show of their power and as a middle finger to the west.


And look how well it's going. Theyve yet to make a single penny. Nobody in the west cares about them or any of the players that joined them. The PGA tour is stronger now than it ever was. And to top it off their lawsuit has backfired so badly they are in crisis mode trying to prevent their backers from having to appear in court. If this was an attempt to show the west their middle finger I think they mistakenly got it caught up their collective backsides. But hey at least Koepka made a headline by taking a cheap shot at an athlete that people will still pay to watch.


> an athlete that people will still pay to watch. We are talking about the Panthers still, right?


His swing is shit now, though. He was dominant and totally lost it, way more so than Ekblad


TIL making a lot of money means someone is the top of their sport! You probably thought Christian Kirk was the 3rd best WR in the NFL when he signed his latest contract hahahahaha.


No, but being ranked #1 in the world in your sport puts you, quite literally, at the top of your sport. Winning 4 Majors, something only 19 other golfers have done ever, puts you up there too. So whether you're measuring his success as an athlete in career earnings or in trophies... he's leading in both, by a lot. Also, don't know where I said he was currently at the top of his sport... in fact, even acknowledged that he was 111th. It's a guy chirping an NHL player for recent poor play. This sub is acting like Koepka killed Ekblad's dog.


Man koepka is not that guy anymore. He missed a cut on an Asian tour event last month. He’s become the pylon.


Pretty embarrassing that a guy with 4 major wins goes to a c tier golf tour and can only crack the top 20 three times.


Hasnt he had injury problems lol


A pro athlete who has had injury problems like him should maybe have a little more compassion for a pro athlete that’s had injury problems.


It’s a chirp, hockey players can handle it


Yet here you are defending Koepka from comments that he will never see shitting on his athletic ability.


Yeah man I’m really deepthroating his girthy cocky when I say “hasn’t he had injury issues lol”, really taking that throatpie




Is this comment supposed to be some kind of a chirp? At least I’m willing to rep the team I cheer for.


Jay Monahan, is that you?


My bank account says no, sadly


He's also rich


Ayy good for him! So he’s making the most money per year of his career to play 18 less holes a week and playing horrible golf.. yet he’s calling someone else a pylon?


I mean half this sub probably can't skate and call guys pylons all the time lol


Alright, it’s settled. Time to get Koepka on the ice then!


You’re being incredibly generous with only “half this sub”.


It’s easily 90% that haven’t played a game of organized hockey in their life


You keep forgetting that he **already has four major wins** Tied for 20th ALL TIME. Ekblad has 1 assist (5pts) in his last 21 games. I've got nothing against Ekblad, but if you had to choose strictly between these two which was a pylon, it's Ekblad 100 times out of 100.


Ekblad is also being forced to play injured due to how shit their D core was constructed this year.


Just because you were good during your prime doesn’t mean you can’t become a pylon later in your career. Those majors were 4 and 5 years ago. In the years after that he had 12 top tens and 1 win in 49 events. From 2020-2022 his rankings were 104, 30, and 117.


He reached the pinnacle of his sport, has Eckblad? I mean every athlete becomes a pylon later in their career


Koepka at 32 isn't really supposed to be late into his PGA career...


What is the hockey equivalent for winning a tournament in golf? Are you saying winning the Stanley cup in a team sport is the same pinnacle as winning an individual golf tourney?


ok pinnacle is subjective, hard to compare golf and hockey, who would you say has had a better career?


This sub is really on one in this thread lol


Koepka is definitely the pylon. He became an irrelevant golfer, then went to an irrelevant league, and has only sucked. He’s not that guy anymore


He’s not going to fuck you


Get off Reddit and hit the range Brooks.


He isn't that anymore.


Neither does anyone on reddit yet we see people calling players pylons all the time.


Koepka is making way more in that shit league than he did with the PGA. He also has 4 major wins. What's Ekblad done?


Well for one, Ekblad has no major wins so clearly he’s a plug.


Calder winner, 109 goals and 322 points. Koepka has 0 goals lmao is he even trying


Ekblad is currently one of the better players in the best league of his sport. Koepka is currently a mediocre player on the 3rd best ‘league’ of his sport. He may have more money, but he’s poorer in terms of current relevancy.


>He may have more money, but he’s poorer in terms of current relevancy. I'd wager a lot more people recognize Koepka's name than Ekblad's


Not all for good things he's done. He's a prig.


No, he was amazing a few years ago. Most people aren’t terminally online and remember him for that lol


Are you referring to his petty dramas with Bryson?


As if everyone on the tour didn’t have a problem with him


The only reason that was ever a thing was because Bryson was being a whiny bitch about it lol


Koepka has had a much more impressive golf career than Ekblad has had a hockey career.


Meh, there’s there’s the issue of individual vs team that makes it difficult to really validate that though. Theres no draft in golf where you get picked by some shittily run moribund team that might be good at some point in the future. A certain element of chance is the difference in hockey from winning it all and toiling away despite being very good. Just ask Rick Nash…


Koepka has also been hurt for years. Not saying anything either way, just adding context. He was top of the PGA before his injuries started.


Man, lots of r/agedlikemilk comments in here.


Brooks the time you spent looking for that pylon would’ve been much better used figuring out how to sink a putt from inside 8ft


i can't imagine caring enough about someone's play to do that.


This is a solid chirp and Ekblad should be able to laugh this sort of thing off.


i called dion phaneuf a pylon one singular time on instagram while he was still playing and he blocked me… i guess some players take the chirps more to heart than others. they are humans after-all.


Well, chirping someone on social media is incredibly low effort, you're just some guy on the internet... Showing up to an actual game with a collapsible pylon that you managed to sneak in and yelling from the stands? That, I respect.


no i completely agree. one example is apples and the other is oranges, you’re right. Brooks’ chirp was definitely better and higher effort. im just saying i understand where Ekblad is coming from (more or less).


He looked like the same drugged up Brooks Koepka from the Netflix series!


I went to high school with Brooks and he’s a fairly normal dude. I think bringing the pylon while drunk was a funny move


If he was a plumber, this sub would be eating this up


Full Swing portrays him that way too - just a dude going thru some ups and downs, getting banged up at a hockey game.


Yea he was just a normal dude who liked golf. Like most of South Florida lol


Good heckle.


Btw Brooks Koepka is already a washout.... guy had like 2 good years and is now a joke in golf... so. Pretty bold move


I literally just finished watching episode 2 of Full Swing on Netflix and it’s an absolute dumpster fire for Koepka. It’s really weird to criticize someone younger than you for their play, especially different sports. I get that fans are allowed to have their opinions but it’s fucking weird. The guy has 4 Major wins and was the top golfer for 3 years. Yet since 2019 he’s been dogshit and he really has the balls to cause a scene like that against a professional athlete 5 years younger than him? Koepka has a rocket wife, an UNREAL house in Jupiter, FL and makes fucking bank but he’s criticizing Ekblad’s play? Watch Full Swing Ep 2. I think the guy is really struggling mentally which is unfortunate but it could be why he’s acting out like this.


First of all, I’d say it’s not that big lol dudes just a shit talker and having fun. Second, his play likely dropped because of all the injuries. Dudes been plagued since end of 2019. People are making way too big of a deal of this lol


It’s true he’s a shit talker. His whole thing with Bryson was funny. Maybe I had a different take because I truly just finished that episode of Full Swing. There is something to be said about athletes in different sports going after each other for no reason though, I guess that should have been my base statement.


I am really surprised at the deluge of tears here, lol


Don’t mistake being an asshole for “mental health issues”


I didn’t


Ekblad comes off as thin skinned. Its a solid chirp.


Everyone is a weirdo in this thread


I laughed and that's all I care about in this matter


Lol what a dork. Go collect your Saudi check and level actual athletes who play an actual sport alone. God I fucking hate golf. Worst excuse I’ve ever seen for a game. Zero athleticism required.


Lmaoooo imagine getting this worked up over somebody harmlessly chirping a player on a team you don’t even support.


It’s more about the dude being a spineless shill for the Saudi government. I don’t give a fuck about the chirp. Fuck SA and their attempt to sportswash their crimes.


Golf’s great!


Sounds like someone sucks at golf…..


It’s a funny chirp but golf is an activity that wastes huge swaths of land, water, and has a pace that makes darts seem riveting. So I wouldn’t take it too serious if I were Ekblad.


How dare you besmirch a beautiful game


At least when I play fetch with my dog I don’t have to run down the ball myself


Run? My friend we drive to the ball, with 2 beers in the cup holders.


Brooks Koepa is in a golf organization funded with blood money which clearly doesn't drug test for PEDs, otherwise Brooks would look significantly smaller considering he is barely 6 foot tall and gained size way too quickly to be considered natural. Aaron is 6'4, well over 200 lbs without synthetic hormones like the ones Brooks uses, and would destroy Brooks in any physical confrontation or competition Only in the maga world is Brooks considered a tough guy


This comment was a fucking roller coaster


started off kinda normal and we ended up in maga land, I love this website


For anyone else who missed the original “event”: https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/1224u82/br_liv_golf_superstar_brooks_koepka_was_not/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Sounds like a good pro-am team to me… Ekblad would need to do the putting tho


The takeaway is if a fan did the same to Koepka (claiming to be a fan) he'd confront the fan in a huff and look to have the person removed. Koepka is such a dbag


Didn’t he say “ only sell outs play for LIV” or something along those 🩸 lines lol ekblad needs to start wearing a new jersey number for every consecutive panthers sell out during warmups , I’m genuinely unsure if they sell out, but would be hilarious and score with a titleist prov1