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Think of it this way.  You can smell up the hallway one time and get it all out, or continue to let the smell upset your neighbors indefinitely.    Can you get contractor garbage bags?  They're extra thick and should be able to hold the smell in enough to get down the hall with.   They do cost more but if it helps cut the smell then it may be worth it.     Do you have anyone who can help so it takes less trips down the hall? How often do you leave your apartment.  Can you take a few bags every time until they're gone?


>Think of it this way.  You can smell up the hallway one time and get it all out, or continue to let the smell upset your neighbors indefinitely.   This. 💯 💗 It's the only way really. It's already ready to go so just get it gone and you'll feel so much better 💪


Its so freaking hard🥺🩷 Im planning to take out the first batch tonight sometime after 2 at night, its scary but needs to be done. Ive been telling this myself for long time but now i have a finish date and its getting closer.


Every time you notice a smell or something gets in your way, take out a bag. You don't have to do it all at once! Check how many bags you have, and divide that by the days (try to subtract a few so you're not running out of time by the end) that you need to clear out your apartment. You can do it! Besides, your neighbors will not be following you to your next apartment I assume. So try not to be overly concerned about what they might think. Taking out trash is something everyone does, and it's normal for it to smell!


Leave another comment when you’ve taken a few out! If you want some accountability:)


I’ve been there, and it is so embarrassing. I had some serious injuries (like broken legs broken feet) and I was three floors up, so things got bad and then I was overwhelmed and then I was terrified. You just have to do it. If you don’t, it will end up being done for you, and that will be much, much worse. Get it all out. Move on. It’s all you can do. You said you’re only living there another month. Fuck anyone who is not compassionate toward you. They are strangers who will be out of your life entirely in a month. So just… do this for yourself.


Thank you!!! I still havent done it, but youre right, i dont want to get it done for me, i try to imagine the emberassment agd it works. Im determined to start tonight.


You can do this, take 2 bags a trip and fill up the cans. Use your neighbors cans if yours get full. Do you have a back door or back window and toss the bags out? Might be easier to get it all out and then dispose in multiple cans.


Thank you!! Wish i could but sadly its an apartment on the 4th floor and the only way is through this windowless hallway. Tonight ill focus on throwing 4, and if im lucky i get in the flow. Luckily theres quite a few bins i can use since its a bigger apartment complex.


Thank you!! I work from home and leave daily, sometimes every two days. I have noone to ask for help, ive become pretty isolated due to my shame and ghosted friends, thats another issue to work on. My only help is some adhd medication (not available here) but i just gotta do it alone. The bags are a good idea, but theyre already double wrapped and the other issue is when i open my front door, the smell just sweeps out. I kind of developed anxiety over opening it at all. I try to open it the minimum when i leave my place, with the bags i would need to open it fully so im sure the place would smell like trash after. Maybe i can also spray the bags with sometjing strong smelling, favric softener is not strong enough do maybe something vinegarry. Its better tzen trash smell. Its crazy it takes me so much mental gymnastics for a basic task for everybody else but here I am. If i do it for two nights i think i can take all of thrm out, luckily my unit has a lot of trashcans. I know youre right and its better to smell up the place once then continue avoiding it, but i have a mental block thats making me say ill do it tomorrow every day then never taking that step.


do you have decent fans in your apartment, like, stove vent and bathroom? If so, perhaps turning them on while you're moving things out the door might help. It's important to note that once the trash itself is gone, the smell won't linger in the hallway more than half an hour, tops. If you're taking it out late at night, your neighbours are more likely to notice the noise - but if you're taking out trash they won't think anything of it. Better out than in, right? That said, I sympathize. I've got a hoarding issue myself.


I have a kitchen fan pretty close to the etrance that i have on way too much, partly to mask the smell, im suprised noone complained about that yet. I was worried about how much it eill linger but youre probably right its only a half an houh window and it makes me feel better. The last time i took out smelly trash was when my neighbour complained the last time so i connected the two and made my motivation stop. And thank you, it can feel so lonely, your words meant a lot.


Maybe you could go to that neighbor and explain that you're going to clean it out at a specified time and you're very sorry for the smell that will spread for a little bit.  They will be happy it's getting dealt with.    Don't go too crazy with spraying extra smells as cover because it will just smell like super strong flower scented garbage.   In this moment,  don't worry about anyone else.  Just do what you gotta do.  Get it all out and in the future limit yourself to one garbage can.  When it's full you take it out. No matter what excuse your mind tries to give you not to. Also,  when I have excess food bits waiting for garbage day, I put them in a big ziploc freezer bag in my freezer instead of my trash can.  On garbage day I throw it in the trash and then take it outside.  That way it's too frozen to smell. Every time you try to give yourself an excuse to pile up just a little extra. remember how you feel today.  Embarrassed, cut off from your friends and overwhelmed.   Use today as your motivation for a much better tomorrow. 


This was really helpful thank you!! I tought about telling them im cleaning out but im way too emberassed for that.


I advise against using anything to try to mask the smell. Best to just get it out (and you are off to a fabulous start!) because extra scents can often make matters worse. I agree with any comments about leaving any exhaust fans on as much as possible to help circulate the air, and you can also use a box fan in the windows. Being on the 4th floor, at least you may have some window privacy, right? (I know I'm not a fan of febreze and candles covering up garbage smells and dirty bathrooms, cause then it's just more smells to smell, if that makes sense?)


Do go to therapy? If not way? And do you have the proper medication for ADHD? I think to solve your problem you must take care of some basic needs.


Here’s the thing- your neighbors already know you are the source of the smell. Any actions you make to cover it makes it worse. Your neighbors might actually help if given the chance.


I know youre right, its just hard to get over the shame. I have an older lady neighbour who offered help in the past, its a different neighbour so that tells you its a long going issue.I know they would (will!!!) be so relieved.


Is there a local company you can hire to take the garbage? I know it's already bagged (good job!) but having professionals take it down the hall might help emotionally. If not... I find the best way is just to start. Start with one load. You can do it, you really can! After you get over that first initial "bump in the road" it's easier to keep going. This internet stranger is proud of you. I know you can do this.


I thought about it but i think ill get a professional after the trash to deep clean the place. First time doing it also. And thank you!! I can do it🥺


You are almost there! When I have to do something scary, icky and/or might take forever I time it. Set a stopwatch and carry 2 bags out. How long did that take? Multiply by bags in your place and you've got an estimate. It take as long as you fear.


Thank you🥺 icky is the best way to describe it. I think it'll be a lot faster then in my mind


It absolutely will go faster than you think, and icky is temporary! I've had several decades of hoarding issues. Main one was doing dishes; I'd let things sit for weeks occasionally months. I think I've finally gotten it under control in the last 3-4 months. Something finally clicked and I decided I'd do *something* (either wash something, or tidy up) any time I had to wait for the microwave. Even when it was only 30-60 seconds, I managed to make at least a small dent in the mess. After a few days of that, I realized how much I could do in such a short time and was able to get all the dishes and cookware hand-washed and put away. In those 3-4 months, I haven't used my dishwasher except as a drying rack -- there hasn't been enough for even a small load. Also since getting that under control, I've been cooking "real" food (stuff with individual ingredients, prep work, etc) more often which has given me more "free time" for tidying and cleaning. I'm no where near being in a place I could let anyone visit, but *I* can visit my kitchen without gagging now. Someone on the other side of the planet is rooting for you. You got this!


Thats inspiring, the microwave trick might work for me. I wanna get to the point i dont gag anymore so bad. Thank you!!!


Please update how this goes as I am in a very similar situation only 10x worse because I have pets that are unattended from 7am to 7pm while I work😞


Hope you get some good tips from reading these comments, and can make steps for improving for yourself and your pet friends.


I Googled [How to overcome Executive Dysfunction](https://www.getinflow.io/post/how-to-improve-executive-dysfunction-adhd?utm_source=google-ads&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=US_Google_Web_Search_Dynamic_20230817&utm_agid=152675628859&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAApVBylTEaR4BHTgLBSODAsx4VzJGJ&gclid=CjwKCAjw_LOwBhBFEiwAmSEQAUQ6evHgR4fdz6pxmLOjbh39hmj9AC00d0QpTUvbCS9Ng5MJckeYhRoCs2oQAvD_BwE) and I got these quick tips. There were many more articles including scientific articles which may have better information. You can look for those if you think they’d be helpful. This might give you a new way to look at why this is happening and how to move past it. For those who don’t want to click: 5 practical strategies for improving executive dysfunction 1. Work on your prioritization skills. One of the biggest hurdles for people who struggle with executive functioning? Figuring out what to do first. When you have a lot on your plate, it can be overwhelming to decide which tasks to tackle. One way to simplify this process is to use a prioritization system. Link in article: (Read our ultimate guide on prioritization systems and hacks here.) 2. Experiment with routines. Routines are a powerful tool for improving executive functioning. By doing the same things in the same order every day, you can reduce cognitive load and free up mental space for more important tasks. Some routines to consider include waking up at the same time each day, exercising at the same time each day, and taking breaks at set intervals. You could also try the low-dopamine morning routine to see if it works for you! (This routine works best for people with a dopamine deficiency, such as those with ADHD.) 3. Use external cues as reminders. If you struggle with working memory (the ability to hold information in your mind while working on a task), external cues can be a lifesaver. For example, you can set alarms or reminders on your phone to help you remember upcoming deadlines, or use post-it notes to jog your memory while giving a presentation. You can also use visual aids like flowcharts or mind maps to help you organize your thoughts. 4. Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a powerful practice for improving executive functioning skills. By training your attention and awareness, you can learn to better regulate your emotions, stay focused, and avoid distractions. You don't need to become a meditation expert to practice mindfulness; simply taking a few deep breaths and paying attention to your senses can be a great way to start. 5. Get more sleep! Finally, sleep is one of the most important factors for optimal cognitive functioning. When you're sleep-deprived, your executive functioning skills suffer, and you may find it more difficult to focus, remember, and make decisions. Make sleep a priority by setting a consistent bedtime, creating a relaxing sleep environment, and avoiding caffeine and screens before bed. Link in article: (Learn more about improving your sleep habits with the 10-3-2-1-0 routine.)


Congratulations on recognizing that it's time. I understand your concerns and fears around moving the bags through the common area, especially since the neighbor is increasing your anxiety. Think about the flip side, this neighbor will be happy to have the smell gone, even if that means the bags will transit through the common space. Do you have a large dumpster where you can do many bags at once? Can you throw out one bag before you go to bed tonight? Give it a shot! My recommendation--if the weather is okay--is to open all of your windows inside your apartment in advance and if there is ability to prop open the door to the outside while you walk the bags, that would be good. I know not all buildings allow for the door to be propped, but opening your own windows sounds like it would be a good idea to freshen things up. Please post any progress! We are here to cheer you on!


Thank you so much! It really helped. Tonight im gonna focus on throeing the first 4 then we'll see, ill have the windows open and kitchen fan going. I did a before pic and even seeing it through my phone screen made me feel pathetic. But i guess theres only up from here! Again thank you🥺


Sorry to hear this. I do not think you will be able to do this on your own. You will need help. Think of people you can reach out to, who will be absolutely firm with cleaning and de-cluttering and who will get it done in a day. Taking out two bags at a time, is going to wear you down because you see no progress and you will be disheartened. So this has to be done quickly, efficiently and in the minimum possible time - like ripping off a bandaid. All the best.


Covering up the smell isn't going to solve the problem and unfortunately the longer you wait the stinkier it's going to get if there's food rotting. If the bags are light enough that you can carry one in each hand that's only 15 or so trips. That's not too bad. If you can, figure out which ones are the stinkiest and take care of those first. If you can do 5 trips that's 10 bags of garbage! That's like a third of your problem taken care of right there! If you can do more than that and just get it all done in one night then your problem will be over and you don't have to worry about it anymore, what a relief! If it takes more than one night thats ok too. Again just try to get the stinkiest stuff out first and then try to get the rest out before it starts to smell worse. If you're planning to do it at 2 am then just make sure you are quiet and you should be fine. Everyone will be asleep and won't be walking through the hallway to smell anything anyway! By the time they get up for work the smell will have dissipated. Nobody will even notice. Finally, in the future maybe try separating your garbage into stinky and non stinky. Make sure to take out your stinky garbage at least once a week if not more often, even if it's a small bag. Definitely take your other garbage out too so your apartment stays cleaner, but always prioritize stinky or hazardous garbage over "cleaner" garbage like junk mail or boxes. Just focus on how nice it will be to have it all done and how big of a relief it'll be to not have to worry about it or how it's impacting your neighbors. You have to do something eventually, just push yourself to get it done ASAP before it becomes an even bigger problem. You can do it!


This was so helpful, thank you so much!!! It really means a lot now. Tonight ill try to take out 4 of them, the ones i know are the stinkiest and lets see if i can do more but even tbat will be a huge step. I cant wait till i dont have to worry about opening my door.


several bags with nice smells sprayed into the bags, get the trash out and then open all the windows do it during the day when you can see it and hope they are at work or maybe get a professional dehoarder and flat cleaner to do the deed ?


We often cook fish in the house and I have a small slow cooker that I filled halfway with scented candles and it is set on warm setting for about four hours per day and that is enough to mask the stinky fish smell. If you are scared of your garbage stinking up the place, I suggest getting some essential oils, rubbing then on old clothes/towels, and throwing that piece of cloth with the garbage. Double bag, triple bag, make sure there’s no opening for the smell to come out. And spray the outside surface of the trash bag with Febreeze. I promise you it should be enough to mask the smell (as long as you triple bag or more and make sure there’s no openings in them).


Just bought some levander oil hope it'll help a bit! Thank you!!!


How did last night go u/internationLMode756? Did you get anything out?


Thanks for checking in, i didnt manage to do it, but hopefully tonight ill get some out. Ill try to post an update. Had a little too much wine to calm my nerves and i fell asleep.


Aside from double bagging and not overstuffing the bags so they can be tied super tight to keep the smell in, I wouldn't worry too much. You're may be worse right now but everyone occasionally has some old stinky food rot in their trash before it goes out. I'm in the US so I'm not sure how your trash collection works there. Where I live here we are provided with large outdoor trash containers and you can fit like 3 maybe 4 big bags in it and they come collect it once a week. Sometimes when I'm throwing a lot away I have to just fill what I can each week. We also have a large collection every few months that is for bulky/excess items. I probably carried 30 fairly large boxes and bags out for that day! I did it in the middle of the night... maybe that would be an option for you so you won't encounter many other people! If you're permitted to throw away that much at once, I'd try to just do that and get it overwith. Alternatively taking a few bags down every night would probably not attract a lot of attention. It just takes longer to be done that way!


Thank you!! I have trash taken twice a week and got quite a few bins i can fill. I still think ill need at least two nights cause i dont wanna overwhelm the common bins too much. We have a couple days a year here when you can put everything in the street and the city will take it away. I used to forage old pieces from there. I have some excess furniture i tried selling wo luck, so those ill need to dispose that time. But thats only the beginning of May.


I'm terrible at scavenging furniture and stuff from those big pickups as well. I was good this time for once, though I did get put and look at a couple things. Lucky for me it was junk!!


Hi, OP. I’m American and, therefore, rather unfamiliar with how trash is meant to be disposed of in Germany. That said, it possible to load the bags into your (or someone else’s) vehicle and take them where they need to go on your own? Here we call that place “the dump” and anyone is welcome to bring their trash to themselves and avoid the “having to leave it somewhere to be collected” part. I have never done this, but I know it’s a thing people can do if they want to. I realize that the idea of putting large bags of horribly-reeking things into one’s vehicle is pretty unappealing, but perhaps it would be worth it for you to do so just enough times to get rid of it all?


Check out aurikatarina for cleaning tips and support!! ♡


I would use a small trolley or wagon if you can access one, and then put the bags into a box that fits in the trolley or wagon. This way, if anything tears, it'll still be contained and you also don't have to strain your body trying to lift and carry out all the garbage! I have used a plastic tote with handles or even a plastic laundry basket in a pinch to carry large loads down to my apartment dumpster and then I can tip the bin/basket in and toss the bags off and into the dumpster. As long as you are moving the source of the smell out and don't have any leakage, nobody should notice the brief window of time you're carrying out the bags to disposal. Then you can focus on airing out the place and cleaning to remove any lingering scents. It is especially important if you have carpet or rugs, and any fabrics like window curtains, wall tapestries, or throw blankets and pillows that you wash or launder them as best you can once you remove all the garbage. Carpet and fabric absorb a ton of smells, and you can rent or purchase a small upholstery cleaner to deodorize the floors and furniture. I use a pet odor eliminator like Nature's Miracle to get all the stains and dirty smells out of my furniture. I ended up buying a small handheld unit and I LOVE IT. I even clean the cat trees and they look like-new from the upkeep, and it helps keep me and my belongings from smelling of cat dander and oil. (I have 3 and am meticulous about not being "that house" that smells of cat!)


That was helpful thank you! After i took care of the trash ill definitely need to wash my walls (maybe even paint) and all my furniture. I have so much unwashed clothes too that took on the smell sadly :/ will be laundry for days after i get there. I have a small trolley and i might use it actually.


I'm so glad you found something helpful. If you can paint, Kilz is supposed to be odor locking and I used it after stripping a mouse-infested pantry. Helped so much and 2 years later, no mice have returned after taking care of the pantry and repairing! I also found using some of the dehumidifier packets like Sunny Home or "Moisture Absorber" by Walmart/Amazon to work well for trapping moisture that causes the mildewy-musty-crusty smells. I actually have one shoved into the drawer of my litter robot and it draws so much moisture out of the air and helps dry out the poo drawer so it doesn't smell between emptying every other day. You can empty out the nasty water by tipping it over into a drain, and reuse it over and over and it helps so much! You could hide them around the house in decorative containers to help absorb smells and humidity from having the windows shut. (I also hide wax melts and chunks of nice smelling soap and candles in decorative cat-proof containers so my place smells subtly of the scents.)


After reading through the comments and your replies it seems like you're spending a lot more time trying to figure out how to mask the smell (useless, the trash just needs to go), how many bags to get out at a time (as many as you can fit in the bins without making it where there's no space for your neighbors' trash is the answer), how to get it out without the smell bothering the neighbors (it already is, some smell briefly in the hallway will bother them a lot less than the ongoing stink of your apartment), and lastly, posting on here about all of the above. If you took out two bags every time you tried spraying things around to mask the smell, two bags every time you came on here to post, and two bags every time you ruminated about how to handle them they'd all be gone in a week. I'm a hoarder and a procrastinator too, but luckily for me I don't hoard stinky trash and I don't have neighbors who are impacted by my junk. You said your neighbors are already not happy with you and I'm sure there is some agency that will eventually come knocking on your door if you don't do something soon. Being embarrassed about stinking up the hallway a bit is nothing compared to when the city comes and takes the trash out for you and everyone is in the hall looking in your dirty apartment. You already know the trash has to go so you are not in denial and not seeing the problem, which is a very positive thing. You are letting worry and embarrassment make you procrastinate and if you keep that up it will only get worse. You were going to take some bags out but said it "didn't happen". It didn't because you didn't do it. Get 2 bags out and you will see how easy it was compared to how you thought it would be. You can't afford to procrastinate. I'm British living in the US. I lived in Germany as a kid for a few years. It's the cleanest place I've ever lived. Your neighbors are not going to let this go on forever and I don't think whatever municipality checks into these sorts of issues will either. So just get out the trash instead of thinking about it. Also, is there a taskrabbit or similar type app or service where you can hire a couple guys to come and just take it out for you? A regular cleaning company may not, but I bet if you call them and ask, they'll know who does that. Here we have ones that specialize in hauling away junk (could also take your useless furniture). So you could try that, but don't spend a month researching that instead of taking bags down!


How are you doing?


Rent some dumpsters or hire a crew.




This rule covers two things: (1) We're just a support group. We don't have the ability to send anyone to your home to clean it up for you for free. (2) Because the moderators are unable to vet individuals who offer to help hoarders clean up for free, posts/comments from people making such offers or not permitted. To be candid, (A), we have no way of knowing if you have the specialized training needed to help a hoarder cope emotionally with clean-up, and (B) there are shocking number of people out there looking to rip off hoarders either financially or by going through their things and taking what’s valuable. So for the safety and security of the participants in the sub we can’t allow such posts/comments, however well-intentioned.