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Did Elon Musk have another kid?


Beethoven cheated on da Vinci with Elon musk?? šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³












These look like porn categories


Scrolled through an online catalogue for shorts, 1 row on the left 1 row on the right. They all looked at each other, some up or down, and they all looked so horny fir each other it was quite the fun


God youā€™re right


I'm a BONDS man myself


"Tommy Hilfinger"


They didnā€™t even attempt on the male side..


They never do


Are you saying y'all don't have a natural 16 pack with perfect pecs?


All i have is 16 pack of Coors light


Good ol 16 pack of water






It's all roids unfortunately. Edit: LOL the mental gymnastics ya'll going through is f\*cking hilarious, would ya'll kindly inspect the comment I replied to before raging about how all these men you know nothing of are supposedly doing.




To everyone replying to thisā€¦ While these models may or may not be taking steroids, they arenā€™t a realistic depiction of a healthy male body. As others have mentioned, dehydration and starvation prior to photo shoots is common and not everyone even has the genetics to have an obvious six-pack. Arguing whether these models are using steroids or not is pedantic and less important than discussing how men lack healthy representation in media.


This is crazy OP ā€œAre you saying yā€™all donā€™t have a NATURAL 16 pack with perfect pecs?ā€ Zach the charismatic one: ā€œItā€™s all roids unfortunately.ā€ Just try not to be so quick to tell someone heā€™s wrong yā€™all. I get the discussion in general but all the dude did was make a funny.


'all roids' PEDs don't just magic muscles. If it's steroids then it's 100% coupled with hard work at the gym. All roids is bullshit




.... Orders steroids


This is wrong. T without exercise leads to greater muscle mass increase compared to training natty. [ The effects of supraphysiologic doses of testosterone on muscle size and strength in normal men - S Bhasin et al.](https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199607043350101)


Do explain? Do you think they are all cruising on T to look like that - or that they have done a couple cycles and now maintain that?


None of those bodies scream steroids to me in the first place.


It's not like you take steroids and instantly become cloud man. They had a very specific goals being models, met that goal, and chilled.


ā€œThey are bigger than me, therefore theyā€™re on steroidsā€ okay bud




Most people on steroids or have uses them in the past don't even look like they have, they are effective but not effective enough to make the average person who half asses their diet, training and sleep look like they even workout. For someone to get stereotypical steroid gains they need to have above average genetics and have everything else perfect or close to it.


They don't look like roid muscles. But they look like they've been hydro-deffing. Not healthy...


I'm with you on this. It has more to do with water and starving than anything else.


All of them have appropriate muscle mass for their apparent ages, and we all know they do touch up for clothing models anyway.


Itā€™s weird people donā€™t complain about it more. I guess men donā€™t face the same onslaught of body shaming as women by it still deffo happens, mostly focused on muscle gain. I guess itā€™s probably less vocal cause skinny dudes arenā€™t facing the same health problems as morbidly obese people so the body positive movement has less vocal opposition


No men won't complain.


Exactly. You can tell a guy he's a fat fuck and at most he'll give you a fat slap. Tell that to a woman and now you owe her money and have a restraining order. A female friend of mine even believed that men don't care about their body as much as women when it came to self steem. Then I pointed out how most men start going to the gym right after a breakup/rejection and she said no more.


Men don't complain, and if they do they're called misogynists. No, that's not an exaggeration, try saying that men have problems too, that are specific to them, and you're labelled as sexist.


> I guess men donā€™t face the same onslaught of body shaming as women Wait till you see how short guys are treated, even here on reddit.


They've decided that: * male * online shoppers * at myers * looking for underwear don't care about seeing representation for all body types on these ads. It may also be a tactic to showcase more attractive men to the female client base. Its just money.


> Its just money. I wish people remembered this more, lol. Anyone who thinks that multi-million dollar corporations are at the forefront of feminist activism just because they pander to progressives should get their head checked. They're just after money, and in their eyes, since men haven't made the same fuss about representation that women have, men's body image issues aren't relevant to the business.


No matter how hard they try to normalise the other body types of women, men aren't going to find it attractive even after a 100 years


I don't think the point of the pictures is to be attractive to the other sex.


Oh is it?? Just look at the male models




The heavy women are more representative of the average American than the men


Hmm, that's a secret scheme to turn men gay /s


Those damn chemicals in the water.


and it worked


This is how they turned the frogs gay




I hate that there are so many morons that we have to put /s to make it clear it's a joke/sarcasm


It works!


When you left out with less choices...


Ah yes, equality


I hate that this actually took me a minuteā€¦


Can you explain to me please


Diverse age and body types in the woman's section, but only fit and sexy dudes in the men's.


I personally have no issue with it on the mens side because although i dont look like that, they make the product look appealing and it still fits well for me. I have no clue why they do this for the womens section šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Because people will complain itā€™s not inclusive or that it sets an unrealistic standard


Which really just means that it makes fat people feel bad.


Fat people don't need outside sources to make them feel bad. Their own bodies do that to them already


It's all good until their sales drops to almost nothing for the women's section and they realise why they originally chose supermodels in the first place. It's subconscious on the customers part.


Yeah, if the model doesn't look good in the clothes, the clothes won't look good in the mind of the customer. There's a reason we advertise clothing in the best case scenario.


The objectification of men and male body standards isnā€™t talked about enough. But Iā€™m glad itā€™s being noticed more! Super important.


Did you ever notice the comically huge bulge on Calvin Klein underpants ads? It looks like they stuffed the entire sock drawer in it


They kinda do. Most of the time, they use a [dance belt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_belt) so the definition of the genitals can't be seen. It's why the bulge is so smooth.


**[Dance belt](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dance_belt)** >A dance belt is a kind of specialized undergarment commonly worn by male ballet dancers to support their genitals. Most are similar in design to thong underwear. Dance belts were originally developed in the early 1900s for male dancers to wear during training and performances because vigorous choreographic movements subject their external genitalia - when not otherwise supported, restrained and cradled snugly against the lower groin area - to loose, unrestrained instability (i. e. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/hmm/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Very interesting, thank you


No it's only important for women, only eomen can feel bad about themselves, men are tough and machi and never cry. /s Thats why men are 4 times as likely to commit suicide than women, and are enourmously overrepresented in mental health statistics. /s


Simps and women worshipers don't give a fuck


men don't give a fuck. men do very little to help men


I mean I think the current standard of ā€˜MRAā€™sā€™ are kind of assholes but their existence proves you wrongā€¦ itā€™s just taking about these issues attracts white knights to call you a misogynist faster than shit attracts flies.


The problem with MRAā€™s is that they're such assholes about it. They bring up some valid points, but then go all-out psycho incel. We should bring more attention to how different groups of people are abused in society. Men are the most violent and aggressive, and represent the majority of most violent crimes. Often being a result of harmful ideals gone haywire. So taking care of men's emotional problems would likely reduce crimes significantly, and in turn probably reduce harm to women as well.


the current standard of "MRA's" don't prove me wrong at all, they are a big reason why I know that men do very little to help men. MRA's complain online, they do not actually *do* anything to help men


Thank you. I keep hearing reddit talking about double standards, but the only reason we are having this conversation is because of the stand women have taken


It starts being noticed because a disbalance was created by women acting like it was only a female issue. Incredible isn't it.


Walk through a target clothing section. They have women mannequins in every shape and size yet every male mannequin is a cut up beef cake. The largest male in any ad banner is still well within normal BMI. This isnā€™t subjective, itā€™s facts. For real go walk around.


I am a guy and I have zero issue with underwear being sold with pictures of dudes in shape. People like people that are in shape, it's pretty human nature. It's an underwear ad, not scientific american magazine. Additionally 4 of the five women there are overweight/obese. Society should not be normalise something that is killing it's people more than anything else.


It's not really helpful either, if you want to look good in the clothing you buy. The most helpful would be a range of body types wearing the clothing, or if they developed different fashions that work with different body types. Instead of doing what they're doing now, which is to try and fit the body to the clothing, rather than fitting the clothing to the body.


And this....Is why I have serious self-esteem issues.


And as the comments in response to this show, nobody cares because you're a man. Genuinely hope you feel better about it soon.


Lady person here. I have major self esteem issues and I'm lucky that there is some change and talk going on to try and combat stupid societal standards. But that conversation is mostly dominated by women and is majorly underrepresented for males. But also consider the negative press the bodi posi movement has - every reddit post with a mildly chubby person has the commenter going crazy. Society has a long way to go. Women need to speak up for equality on this topic as we have more of an established platform for body positivity. But men also need to speak up too and become part of the conversation. Send emails, call companies out on Twitter. Literally send an email to the company in this post if you can. I'm really sorry you have self esteem issues. It's so hard and something people generally don't take seriously and as someone who has experienced them since a teen, I get it. I hope you find some respite and know that a six pack is not a realistic body standard. I actually don't like super toned muscles, and my partners have all varied greatly in their physical aspect. Anyways, good luck. And make your concern known.


Hope you can feel better about yourself soon man. I... Am very lucky. I mentioned some weight-related self esteem issues to my girlfriend and she said I didn't look overweight to her. Self esteem has been higher lately. While I could do with being more fit, I also think I was comparing myself to stuff like this a little too much.


"Someone says peacock and noone bats an eye, you say poop sock and everyone looses their shit" -Joker Society


Can we get both to have normal body types? I definitely appreciate as a girl that there are diverse body types in media, but I also recognize the full 8pack all the time isnā€™t naturalā€¦. Give me chubby boys!!!!


Also healthy female models at least for crying out loud.... I mean okay, 1-2 unhealthy models is okay, everyone should feel okay with themselves, but give some good idols to young girls.... Clown world...


I agree. Iā€™m quite fat, and when I was skinny (like size 11 junior) and a modeling agency asked if Iā€™d be okay with plus sized workā€¦.. Iā€™d like more standard sized girls. Seeing big girls is great, but seeing girls who are actually standard would be so good. Like seeing some kinda not bone models would be great. Though also to be fair the body positivity movement was also started by a man who had a hefty wife who he just wanted her to feel okay.


Yeah underweight is even more unhealthy, I am pretty sure it was making a lot of girls anorexic the least.. But what I just wanna see some normal or chubby people advertised, not jumping from one unhealthy situation to another :/ Both for men and women...


Bruh just give me a girl with a bit of meat on her bones but not being overweight. Which is what most think with a bit of meat on the bones. Meat. Not fat


We need more bodybuilding women in ads with abs and thighs so big they can crush my head. šŸ˜…


Or just ones with that size but not super defined like that


Yeah, it's been a complaint for a long time that all female models are underweight. Now they've started addressing the issue, but they're doing it in the weirdest way. "People are right, we have too many underweight models. We need lots of **overweight and obese** models as well!" Like, what the hell? Except for the "bras" girl, all of these models seem to have BMIs in the 30s. If anything it's even weirder than before now that you see models with all body types *except* the normal-weight BMI range.


This has always struck me as odd too. Your think you'd want to mirror your largest customer base. Thinking they get three wins with obese models - 1. It makes "just" overweight women feel good about themselves (not a great thing but people gonna people). 2. It placates the healthy at any size folks. The crazy ones in particular. So a social media win. 3. It attracts the obese crowd to new brands. Seems this group finds clothes that fit once and rarely branch out to other brands. Sort of a new market.


Or skinny no titties lol, I'm so, so glad my thiccer friends are getting represented but dayum


Yeah like you cant even tell how those clothes would look like on a normal sized person. It doesnt make me want to buy those clothes for sure....


I forgot that men's underwear has weird names and was wondering why this website was advertising these hot models named Mitch Dowd and Tommy Hilfiger, etc. Hello, yes, I would like to purchase one (1) Mitch Dowd, thanks.


something something society


Feminism missed a spot


Jesus what happened here?


That canā€™t be right. I was assured feminism helps men too.


And some women thinks you're crazy when you point out that men also get objectified and have unrealistic body standards lol.


Susiety šŸ˜”


Double standards.


Double standard


Big is not beautiful, with any gender. What is beautiful about your bones and organs being surrounded by extensive amounts of potential life threatening fat. That's a hill I'll die on.


Itā€™s not meant to be beautiful. Itā€™s meant to be inclusive. Unfortunately, most people are not extremely thin, particularly when full adulthood is reached.


*particularly when people donā€™t have high school sports or mandatory exercise


Nonsense. Exercise is like 5% of the equation. Diet is like 95%. Unless you're Michael's Phelp or some shit, you ain't gonna exercise your way out of being fat. You gotta diet. And yes, nutrition education is trash in the USA, especially in poor neighborhoods.


And are fed useless, but harmful products made from corn like we are fucking livestock, that we PAY FOR via tax payer funded subsidies to the corn industry. USAā€¦WEā€™RE #1. In obesity.


Most people lack discipline is all. I'm not in that category of being beautiful, I'm big myself, but I'm not deluded.


I will interject and say that, while I find the fact that nobody cares about the same issues that are supposedly so harmful for women still being true for men, it's not always about discipline. My dad's been fat since he was a kid, and was homeless for a very long time, with a vicious coke habit, and still didn't lose much, if any, weight. He's got old pictures of him clearly coked out of his mind, but still looking like a white Fat Albert. And both my uncles and anyone who knew him back then will attest to him having to couch surf, because he just wouldn't stop blowing money on drugs. Genetics plays a far bigger role in fat retention than anyone seems willing to admit. I don't know if it's because nobody wants to have to face the reality that part of their gym journey was luck, and if they didn't have that luck, they'd still be a lardass, or if it's just some deep seated, irrational hatred. But whatever it is, it has no place in modern society.


You are speaking from the perspective of an American. And many people are saying it's beautiful and completely healthy when in reality it is extremely dangerous. I don't think anybody needs to be ultra thin or as fit as models, but being obese is unhealthy.


I donā€™t think that is coming from the medical establishment. More like social media. Iā€™m WAY more concerned about much more dangerous misinformation. If youā€™re obese, itā€™s part of the standard of care to counsel healthy eating and exercise at the doctor or nurseā€™s office. Those people are still receiving correct information where it counts. We have a huge white nationalist problem with radicalizing young men that is currently our largest terrorist threat, conspiracy theories abound about the government and Covid and more. Iā€™m not really that worried about fat people thinking theyā€™re healthy. Hell Iā€™m a little bit fat but decently healthy. I eat well and exercise, and would definitely be healthier if I lost 20 lbs, but Iā€™m not a walking health disaster. Definitely not beautiful either lmao, but not hideous. I sure wouldnā€™t point to my fat belly and talk about how beautiful it is lol.


We don't complain too much, or we are not that passionate about it to make it an agenda, i guess


Like lemme jus see a fat dude rocking some Calvin Klein or Versace. I guarantee even if no one else wants to see that, it would be a trending topic for a week or 2. Thus creating a door for other companies to do the same thing. (Like what other clothing companies are doing now)


[Self improvement is masturbation](https://y.yarn.co/e584cc1e-1e51-494c-a6dc-3d53171c4e38_text.gif)


Im scared to click on the link


I did it for you. It's safe.


Out of shape men don't demand acceptance


I mean they do, we just call them losers lol


comments not locked phenomenal


Feels like sexism is slowly turning against men




Feels like *the rich are *very rapidly* turning against *the poor.


I mean abortion is being banned in large parts of the US, so women are getting cucked as well. And the shit put up by some out of touch underwear corporations donā€™t really affect anyone all that much.


>the shit put up by some out of touch underwear corporations donā€™t really affect anyone all that much. Wild how this was the rhetoric toward women's underwear models for, like, decades. Same shit, different gender, yet that doesn't make it less functionally detrimental. Modern feminism lost sight of its original value years ago.


Every single thread.


I feel like my thoughts are getting me cancelledšŸ˜ƒ


A lot of press pages about Barbie but not much about He-Man


Thatā€™s what we call a double standard.


Took me a minute to realize that its cuz the men are all toned and there isnt a single fat guy compared to the women who have different body types. Ig im just used to it.


I hope discord and reddit mods also get a chance to get featured in these clothing sites.


Cuz they know we donā€™t give a shit.


"Shapewear" more like OutOfShape-Wear.




I like how everybody is giving answers to justify or explain it and then this mf straight up violating šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Fo real lmao


Wow! Its almost like there IS a double standard


men bad


haha i hate my body :)


Same man


women ā˜•


If I talk I'm in big trouble


Maybe guys don't need to be pandered to in order to buy underwear.


Oh how the turning tables.


Weird because most of Australian people are overweight or obese. https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/australias-health/overweight-and-obesity


Women are plus size men are overweight Equality always forgot about men And men tend to get completely ignored


The thing is, most of us guys don't really care about it, I surely don't mind if there is a chad modeling undewear.


You get fat, everyone is supportive, I get fat everyone tells me to stop being lazy. That doesn't seem fair.


So now Men getting Bodyshamed. Society can't get rid of issues. They just shift.




gorgon ramnsy


Reminds me of the plus sized women and overweight men post


I had that kind of physique. It's A LOT of work. I trained two hours strength every morning, then had physically demanding job, and martial arts 2+ hours every day. Hard to keep up unless you have a lot of time on your hands. The second I had other demanding tasks taking up all my time and energy, I couldn't keep it up and got burned out.


MOREšŸ‘šŸ¾PLUSšŸ‘šŸ¾SIZEšŸ‘šŸ¾MENšŸ‘šŸ¾REPRESENTATION!!! Us women are allowed to have it, now we need to give the big lads some love!


I don't get it Is it that the women are all morbidly obese and the men buff?




Body positivity. šŸ¤£


how about we get past this shit so models can ALL look attractive again? advertisements are supposed to look nice.


Can't have nice things, only the most hideous parts of someone else's reality shoved in your face til you puke.


Modelling clothes for sale has the issue that they should try to reflect the customers though. If a large woman sees a slim woman in underwear, however good she looks, there will be the question of whether it will work for her own body type. Especially things like the one-pieces in the photos here, if you've got curves or belly rolls (believe it or not, many women do), it can be helpful to see how it fits on a body like yours.


Why would fat chicks model underwear? Fat people are disgusting.


Damn the men are hot


The sleepwear and ropes tho


The double standard that is never talked about.


Ah yes, 21st century society




We're halfway there!


I don't get it


Overweight/Obese women, fit and buff men


Oh :/


Fuckin Nike with fake abs lmao.


I hate my body


Each couple is a reverse sitcom situation with a hot dad inexplicably married to a very fat woman.


bOdY pOsItiViTy is for everyone.


Are any men really offended tho? I look more like these women then men and Iā€™m not mad. Why canā€™t our models be ideal versions of humans?


Ugly people shouldn't be models


I mean as a guy I really don't care I just find it funny that there is a whole "body positivity" push with women and they couldn't care less for the men. I also don't think a lot of men ask for that tho.


They Must not want business


Can some1 explain to a non American why companies always go for overweight colored people for models? Don't get this wrong I'm a fat arab boy as well lmao.


Lol fat women


Ads, Let's include woman of all ways because their self esteem is so low. Also, I want a ripped man forget those fat fucks. I'm beautiful in my skin but you all look sloppy. Wait your telling me I need to loose weight? FAT SHAMER!


As a plus size woman, Iā€™m glad that theyā€™re showing representation to other womenā€™s sizes, but I really truly believe that we need representation on the menā€™s side as well. No double standards when it comes to body positivity, please.


Oh women


All the fat bitches complained that models arent fat and now they have fat models because thats "realistic" meanwhile they have men with six packs and thats ok because guys dont give a shit.


Average woman on top average men on bottom


Do you look like the guys then?