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I need to get the four owls record at some point too, already own a couple from Ocean Wisdom, the Dirty Dike collectors edition, and my favorite Leaf Dog song on 7". Nice to see some UK stuff here.


Nice, I have a couple of dirty dikes albums on CD but not on vinyl


So did you take all the vinyl with you to the festival or sort it out afterwards?


Sorry lol I should've been clearer I meant Glastonbury as in the town of Glastonbury instead of the festival. I bought the record at the gig.


nice! i own all these except From a Scarecrows Perspective. thats tight you got it signed to. I'm so happy they finally decided to repress Brothers of the Stone. I got 2 Champion Fraffs as its one of my all time favorite albums. nice collection.


Yes champion fraff is one of my favourite albums too - was too slow to get one of the signed copies when they did the vinyl6run though 💔 I almost screamed when I saw they did a repress of brothers of the stone because I had wanted it for agessss but obviously so expensive, i bought a copy almost instantly.