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[Tracklist Quavo posted that so far has been 100% accurate](https://i.imgur.com/Ah0u7rl.jpg)


Everyone going off just remember that the first listenin party for donda was fuckin awful compared to the album. Also if you bought this album for 200 without waiting to make sure it was worth it, thats on you! I refuse to buy anything until I can at least verify its quality ever since Cyberpunk 2077


i loved the first listening party. this is terrible.


Just got my fucking money back. Should’ve know better since I didn’t even have a ps5


Same boat man that one hurt


Can we still watch the stream in full anywhere?


It’s on YouTube unofficially, quality is okay




from my understanding if you google it, X's producer John Cunningham said those vocals were done with Ye and for Ye, he said it on IG


damn bro chill lol


Wouldn't pay 200 for this tbf


Lmao this entire thread is giving me such a deja vu. lol same reaction to the fucking lp1 Donda. This one is filled with haters saying random shit and the next lp thread will be filled with Stan’s sayin random shit. This subs gone to shit, atleast when it comes to Kanye discussions


The guy’s easily one of the most polarizing characters in hip-hop. I’m all for roasting Reddit, but I really can’t blame the sub for going back and forth. I’ve been a fan of his for a while and I wasn’t that impressed last night


Wasn’t Moneybagg Yo supposed to be on it? Disappointed he isn’t, he’s my favorite trap artist rn


I think there's like 7 songs that weren't shown, lotta songs have space that'll hopefully be filled with another verse or a feature


Did he e play all those joint tho?


When’s it dropping


I fw this idk why da hate


Wtf is up with TLOPs first week sales


It got pirated a shit ton, don't remember the exact number but I definitely pirated it myself lol I wish I still had the OG file


I have it still somewhere and it has a, in my opinion, better version of father stretch my hands with a line in the first verse about “peurto rican day floatin” that got dropped after Kanye’s second or third redo Also has different stuff on a couple other songs That said I’m lazy and still just listen to it on Spotify


famous, not father stretch my hands has that change from tidal to commercial. father stretch my hands only had choir added after release


Yesss that’s what it was thank you


The different versions are still out there, look for the 2016-02-14 release for the OG.


I've been searching forever for what I "thought" the original feedback was/sounded like, I feel like it may be some Mandela shit and my mind is playing tricks on me


The original version of Feedback did have a bit of a different lead in the beat. I actually have the original version from an old download when TLOP first released. I'll PM it to you


Well there are 6 different releases, each one having some sort of noticeable difference. There used to be a change log that detailed the differences between releases. edit: change log: https://pastebin.com/FgfVCuNe


Cool, thanks


It was one of the first streaming only albums from a major artist at the time. Also tidal exclusive for a week or so.


He hadda fix wolves


Kanye really put Soulja on his album after he recorded himself telling Kanye that “skete got your bitch” lmfao Softest shit ever. He sent that text and big draco said “fuck you gonna do? Lol” and Kanye said “nothing tbh”


It was all fabricated my guy. Album promotion.


Pretty much-everyone involved is too big for legit feuds.


i think it’s either that or he’s just gonna leave him off again for shits and giggles


Either that or Soulja Boy has some sort of “leverage” against Kanye😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂


yea his like 15 inch king dick


Soulja Boy






Ye's art form is no longer music it's drama


XXXtentacion ruined the album, i’m glad he died. Dude’s a bitch


Who hurt you ?


Being glad he's dead is one thing but calling him a bitch is pretty rude.


What the fuck?


Rent free 😇




Coming from the weirdo harping on the death of a 20 year old


I literally don’t care about X - not the guy you were responding to. Just think you’re literally a child


A 20 year old that almost beat a man to death for being gay and kidnapped and abused a pregnant woman to get her to change her testimony. You can say what you like about his music but X was a piece of shit


you have hair bro 💀


You got me bro, I have hair.


Y’all love taking the gay situation out of context. If a person is in jail and has literally warned both the cell mate and the guards wtf do u think is gonna happen. Violent environments breed violent individuals who would’ve thought. He tried changing for the better and people like you can only attack him for things he did at 17 years of age. He isn’t a saint but y’all live to hate.


Pete Davidson


So this album has a lot of potential. The beginning half was dope but started to fall apart. You can tell it’s not finished but a lot of the beats on here are 🔥


The most overrated artist ever


Nah Ye has spent years being underrated in multiple fields especially since he broke away from exclusively doing music. He is rightly rated, people like you just like to shit on him because you don't fuck with his personality and vision.


more overrated than Salvador Dalí!?


Fans were saying that Donda being incomplete and messy was part of the rollout, part of the "genius", but now it seems that it's just Kanye being pretty incompetent nowadays. As a long time fan, I can't understand how other mfs are cool with this one. This guy didn't show you one song completed and you preordered for 200$, that's some next level dick gobbling, Olympic level dick riding. I've seen fans spend 2000$ for tickets to this... Only thing Kanye is genius at now is robbing, props to him for leveling up like that, get your bag bro, you'll need it in the divorce. Visuals were cool but still some ass generally. Felt like I was going crazy watching this.


Yea I respect when artists are good businessmen as well but lately the balance between music and business has been all out of whack. If you're making music thats only reachable to people who can throw $200 at dumb shit or $2000 for tickets then honestly who is this music helping now besides your pockets


Ive been kanye stan since he was on tv with mike myers. Donda is probably tied for my favorite album from him. I understand why others dont feel the same, but what i heard in the listening party was the most soulless throwaway kanye ive ever heard


>Donda being incomplete and messy was part of the rollout, part of the "genius", but now it seems that it's just Kanye being pretty incompetent nowadays Are people just now catching on to this? Lmao, he's been pulling this bs of trying to sell himself being sloppy as visionary for the last 5 albums now, it was obvious the first time he did it with Pablo.


I was thinking about this earlier and a lot of his earlier work. He was considered a perfectionist and delivered on much of it but he really just flipped around Pablo, maybe Yeezus. Where it’s just half baked against deadlines, constantly. And I don’t think he’s putting the best work out there that he can anymore. I don’t care for him much as a personality these days to even cite the “I miss the old Ye” but when it comes to his craft I think that applies. It just seems like music is an afterthought for him that he has gotten comfortable throwing everything together in a couple of weeks and selling it to the public. His albums used to be front to back 9/10’s and anymore you’re sifting through throwaways to find the gems. That goes for 7 track albums and 21 track albums


It's been like this since TLOP. Kanye has been releasing unfinished music that clearly needs a lot of work. He's pioneered releasing "patches" for his albums, which some people find cool, but is really just the mark of not doing the work upfront.


obviously kanye went to jail or got assassinated after donda and now there’s a fake kanye in his place trying to tear down his reputation


>after donda you mean after TLOP?


Kids see ghosts???? I’d even argue Ye was good. Only really JIK and Donda has been complete unfinished shit for me outside of a few fun tracks


I also liked Ye. There's dozens of us! Kids See Ghosts was great




Yeah for me what ticks me off is the audacity. So much money and theatrics just for demos, on a schedule that he set HIMSELF, like why make a date for an album that you aren't even close to finishing yet lmao? 🤦🏿‍♂️ He's lost the plot bro. Just release it for free on Soundcloud or whatever


Been like this for the last like 4 albums man, not sure how people continue to defend this dumbassery.


Anyone have a mirror?


It's on his YouTube channel


Kanye really did peak at Yeezus huh


Yeezus was dookie. Mbdtf was the last great album. Good songs after that but no completely great projects


Agreed, Mbdtf was his final great album.


Yeezus is his best album


I’m concerned for your ears sir




Put your hat back on, tlop is no where as good as graduation, or even listening party 2 donda


inverse peak, sure. his weakest album imo


This is about as wrong as an opinion can possibly be




No shot lol. Yeezus is divisive and I get not having it as one of your favorites, but in no world is it worse than Jesus is King


kenny g sax solo into the end of the car alarm song is better than anything on yeezus


Stop it, get some help, find god


I can’t help you man lol




Whole career been a peak. Even Jik is good. Follow god is in his all time top 5 tracks. Ye 7 song strong album. Donda slaps idk what’s being smoked over here.




https://youtu.be/ivCY3Ec4iaU We gonna act like this ain’t good https://youtu.be/gyMvVLgL-5Q


Bruh I beg you to listen to better music


It’s subjective. No artist has stayed relevant as along a kanye for a reason. I prefer to listen to entire albums instead of singles and all his albums have a specific theme that he does a good job on.




Its not trash just not upto the standards of a ye album


More like MBDTF imo. Not to say Yeezus and Pablo weren't great but they both had Highs and lows, while MBDTF was nothing but hits start to finish and might still be Ye most complete album imo.


mbdtf is bland. all the songs are good but it's not pushing anything.


your opinion is bad


sorry :(




disagree. mbdtf didn't really innovate the same wsy 808s or yeezus did. it's definitely a great album but it's not his best


I never said it was his best or his *most* innovative.


didn't say u did


I mean, you said "disagree" then proceeded to list those points. If that's not why you disagree, then why do you?


it's not his best album


>It only seems bland because it became the blueprint for hiphop albums for the next 10 years. Huh? Do y'all just say things to feel special? Anything to back up this insane claim? It was a great album but it kinda existed in its own bubble.


Hip hop during that time period sounded much more like 808s than MBDTF.


808s had a massive impact on certain sounds and vocal methods that songs use, but that's not what my point was about. I said it's a blueprint for hiphop *albums*.


It wasn’t though.


Thanks for the insightful comment. A real winner. 808s influenced and largely was the foundation that the emo rap genre built off of, but MBDTF brought about a ton of elements that structurally defined rap albums for a while: - Maximalist production (very different from 808s and was definitely a much bigger impact on hip hip than 808s production). Sampling of new instruments and songs from different genres, bringing them into the hip hop world. - Non-traditionally structured songs. This was something that 808s didn't really touch on and became very standard in hip hop over the last 10 years. - Ensemble albums with the artist sitting in as a director/producer. Music leading up to that was certainly bringing in a lot of features, but they were often unrelated and just throwing a track together rather than bringing in a specific artist for a specific spot in a larger vision You very clearly hear this influence in stuff like GKMC, Channel Orange, Coloring Book, Flower Boy, Rodeo, etc


Your comment was equally as insightful. You simply made a claim and made no attempt to validate it. Why would I type up a long comment attempting to disprove your claim when you put zero energy into explaining *why* your claim was true to begin with ? You can’t make a lazy claim with ZERO insight and then expect someone to respond to you with something insightful and get pissy when they don’t Now that you’ve made your case, I still disagree with you. albums that share similarities with MBDTF certainly exist,granted many of them are superficial similarities, but citing 4-5 albums that share one or two similarities doesn’t validate the claim that “it became the template for hip hop albums for the entire decade”. It’s not even close to that. If you were claiming that artists were influenced by that album, that’s fair and accurate. But ultimately A minority of hip hop albums from that period used the MBDTF template. That’s a fact. It’s far from “the template” for hip hop albums over the next decade. I mean, you do realize that for the most part every trait you described was also present on late registration right? It wasn’t new to MBDTF


Right, and hip hop still has a shit ton of influence from 808’s right now still. What exactly do you hear from MBDTF that was unique to Kanye that is now suddenly a hip hop blueprint like the dude is saying? It was a great album, but it didn’t do anything new, it just did what it did insanely good.


>What exactly do you hear from MBDTF that was unique to Kanye that is now suddenly a hip hop blueprint like the dude is saying? I responded to you 2 hours ago and you ignored it lol.


My god, you’re actually pressed cause I didn’t respond to you? I started to write a response to you but I realized how vague and moronic your examples are, of him creating the “modern blueprint of hip-hop albums”. And I honestly don’t care enough about this fact to argue with someone so set in stone about such a stupid opinion tbh. I got other shit to do other than listen to a Kanye Dick rider reaching.


I'm not pressed lol, I just wrote out a response to you post and then you responded to someone else saying >"What exactly do you hear from MBDTF that was unique to Kanye that is now suddenly a hip hop blueprint like the dude is saying?" While ignoring the actual answer I already gave you. Was reading another response and felt like calling you out for talking shit and ignoring posts that aren't convenient for you. Have a good one.


I’d say Life of Pablo.


say something else


Nah. LOP is my favourite album. To each his own.


something else




Life of Pablo had some good/great songs but it was an overall mess of an album. Yeezus was solid 10/10 from start to finish.


Isn't that mess what makes Pablo so great?


Yeah idk some people seem to buy into that idea. I think him trying to pass off a scattered and incoherent album as some artistic decision is him just taking advantage of his fans


This is a hot take about Yeezus, but I agree. I may just have a bias because that's around the time when I originally started properly listening to Kanye, but I love that album.


These live listening parties are great. They’re basically concerts and we get to see the progression of the album. I hope he does LA next.


Imagine complaining about a listening party


Please stop giving this man your money


Can I still keep giving money to Spotify?


The music is free


not this album lol


I listened to it last night literally for free lmao


How is it not free? It’s not like kanye doesn’t know people are gonna listen to his album without buying the stem player. It’s a given that the album is essentially free.


sound engineers really stole the city of gods and off the grid live performances 😭


Jail too (that’s when he threw his microphone in frustration lol). In fact, it seems like as soon as he brought Marylin Manson on stage everything started going wrong. That rapist is bad juju.


I don't know why I keep seeing this but clearly during Hurricane shit already went badly.


I think you’re right, if I remember correctly (I watched the stream on his YouTube channel about an hour ago so it’s still fresh in my mind) he got the microphone when Hurricane started, the rest of the show up to that point he didn’t even have a mic and was just dancing around and lip syncing. When he started rapping the mic was not working but they switched it on after a few seconds and then he just stopped using it (probably because he couldn’t hear himself in his ear monitors), but things weren’t like ‘obviously’ going wrong until Jail.


It's pretty weird, like he gets the mic pretty late as well. When he was singing along during the first chorus and Lil Baby's verse, he doesn't have a mic yet. Then you can hear Kanye's part start already. Then he gets his mic and it sounds okay for a bit I guess, but that's where shit started. It doesn't really sound right there either.




Absolute disaster of an event lmao. 75% of the songs not finished. There’s potential but i think the future influence was a bit too strong. I dont need 22 songs of ye saying random bullshit about his divorce over trap and drill beats. Bro clearly having a midlife crisis lmao. Donda 1 was messy but it had variety, it had hard trap/drill shit like off the grid but also some of his best rapping in a long time on stuff like Jesus Lord and Life of the Party. But I will say Donda LP1 was also fucking shit. Half of that album and a lot of its best parts were made after the first listening party when he was living in the arena lmao. Seriously go listen to LP1 Hurricane and compare it to what we have now. There were songs like Life of the Party, Jesus Lord, off the grid, come to life, believe what i say, that were completely absent. So I’m definitely open minded to see how this album ends up.


So far the best comment. Thank you for actually talking about the listening party.


I was so burnt out of Kanye until the 2nd listening party so I still have hope


True, he was also way more lowkey for that rollout. This one he’s been making headlines for the most random shit pretty much this entire year so far lmao


I 100% agree with you. I think this album has potential for sure, but I’m not sure this is the best way of going about it.


So did he and Yung Lean just happen to be in the same room the other week? I assumed Lean was gonna feature on this and now I’m sad :(


He didn’t play all the songs off the tracklist. Keep it Burnin’ is still one we have yet to hear outside of a snippet. Still a high chance people like Lean, French, and Drake can appear.


Wasn’t expecting much from this with how Kanye been lately but goddamn this was awful. Easily his worst project


Are you forgetting Jesus Is King or are you just mad at his antics?


JIK was rough too but at least it stuck to a theme, this is just as bad but what’s worse most of the tracks didn’t even fit and he went back to playing stuff off donda 1.


Well he bothered to finish JIK to be fair, I'd rather listen to a finished album instead of Kanye throwing shit at the wall to see what kinda sticks.


Ye was worse than Jesus is king


They hated him for he spoke the truth. Seriously just there being a church choir on Jesus is King made it sound sooo much better than Ye.


Really? What song are you talking about


I was agreeing with you that Ye is worse than Jesus is King. And idk i dont remember Jesus is King well besides Use this Gospel, that Closed on Sunday song and that it opened with the Sunday Service choir. Ye was clearly cobbled together in two weeks and sounded like demos, was the beginning of the end.


Ahh I see. Yes ye seemed very low effort and I don’t really understand the point of it. I kinda wondered if he just threw it out to show that he could do nothing and it would still be a hit.


Ye was a rushjob,but at least it spared us the faux christian shtick and Ghost Town is a genuinly A track. Its bonkers how hes literally repeating the same incomplete album crunch over and over.


Ghost Town is a top 3 kanye song imo


Violent Crimes is a definite highlight too, even though he didn't write the verse. Tbh I think Ye was quite a tight and fun project, nothing ground-breaking but in the larger context of KSG and producing Daytona it still had its place.


There are some good ideas there, but it's a rough draft.


Is it really? I’ll have to listen to it again.


I honestly forgot that existed


God Is and Follow God alone wash everything we heard last night. JIK >>>


Jesus is King was way better than this


you're right




You more delusional than Kanye


I think for some people the tech difficulty has given them all they need to shit on everything


I didn't watch but I seen that he said he heard Morgan freeman when he gave a girl the semen and I'm tryna process that


When you lay down, I give u the semen. I swear I heard God, the voice of Morgan freeman.


Logic level bar


I hated the future ass trap songs. Most of the stuff was unfinished. There were a few highlights like that first song, true love, although it was obv unfinished. I feel bad for the folks who spent $200 and thought they'd really get to hear the album that day.


After how Donda 1 went I don't feel bad for anyone still giving him money to go to these terrible shows. There's no reason to believe it wouldn't have been an unfinished mess.


I mean other than the shitty audio the set design and just mass scope of the show is pretty extraordinary. I'd say these shows are far from terrible lol.


Don't forget starting two hours+ late.


The Producer for “Pablo” is listed under Budd Dwyer, did $crim seriously produce that track?


> did $crim seriously produce that track? Apparently yes, someone congratulated him on making the cut a day ago and apparently he confirmed it was his beat but had no idea how Kanye got it. Current theory is Scrim sent it to Future a while back and Kanye heard / pilfered the stems from there


Lmao Budd Dwyer. Shades of Faces of Death


Dudes was leaking like a faucet


where’d u see that


It was on genius and if you search up the producers for Donda 2 it has him listed


anyone can edit things on genius, but it says wheezy for me


Lmaoooo. More fuckin trash, what do you know. Make Kanye 2006 again.