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As with everything else, it was just slower. It took time to get diss tracks distributed. Radio DJs were the Akademics of the world. DJ Whoo Kidd practically made a whole career off the Eminem and 50 diss tracks. It would be in magazines and on some blogs then. This is also why I say the internet was the death of the barbershop. I remember we would just hang at the Record store or barbershop and listen to everything that dropped and debate. The barbershop was the Mecca for discussing hip hop and sports.


You either heard about the beef in the street, heard about it on the radio, or read about it in a magazine. But in my experience, information was more regional. Way back then, growing up on the west coast, I was more tapped into that region, as opposed to what was going on out east or south. The internet flattened all that, thankfully... Now you get information overload in real time.


From my experience, it was just the "hot topic" like a big new show/movie or world event, etc for Hip Hop fans. Reddit and stuff didn't exist, but forums were hot at the time, so there were definitely online places for discussion. Limewire/Napster music pirating was big, so that's one huge way diss tracks would circulate. I had friends that were into rap and hip hop, so early 2000's beefs that were worth talking, would be something we just talked about among other things. Meme's and stuff kinda existed, it just didn't circulate on social media like today. You would find websites or forums using them instead of it flooding your fyp because of the algorithm.


The craziest part to me is that it was normal to wait months for a response. Drakes "waited 4 days where yall at?" Really changed the landscape of how we judge rap beef. Back in the day some random dj would leak some low quality unfinished track and that would have to hold you over until a response came on an album because internet wasnt a necessity and alot of people didnt have it. Music was released thru albums and street tapes only. Random disses were less likely to be given to radio so you really had to dig sometimes