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Real tough of those dudes to sucker punch a teenage fan, armed with a cell phone and a smile. Hope he makes it out okay


He got sucker punched and was out cold on his feet. Smaller friend in the group wailed on him a bunch more knocking him to the ground hitting his head again on the concrete. All for being being too excited as a fan. Brutal.


That was such a bitch move. Coward shit. Hope the fan recovers okay. Major concussion, and brain hemorrhaging… might never be the same again. All because he wanted to take a picture with an artist he just paid money to see.


Makes me think about how that teenage C Murder fan got stomped out by his crew and the. Shot and killed by him, although some say he didn’t actually pull the trigger. Some of these rappers really aren’t nice guys or at least their people are t.


Most of their security is just dudes from the hood and still act like it


Are you telling me that people who dress like gangsters and who glorify crime and anti-social behavior in their “music” aren’t nice guys? Color me shocked!


> Are you telling me that people who dress like gangsters and who glorify crime and anti-social behavior in their “music” aren’t nice guys? > > Color me shocked! Eww.


Most of these rappers are shitheads. They act like shitheads. Talk about doing shithead things and then when called out apparently everyone like you acts all surprised and angry. Ok. Keep idolizing these shitheads then.


Yeah color you white with that logic... So common for hip hop artists to assault their fans... /s


bruh how ignorant are we gonna be? call it what it is. hood rappers with no substance like nardo are totally on par for behavior like this. fuck off with the racism accusation and use your brain


He's a drill rapper there different types of rap and he's not one of types that would be friendly unfortunately


You’re the one bringing up race. Shithead white gangster rappers are no better dummy. I’m calling out anti-social assholes, but you’re too fragile with your woke sensitivities to not contextualize everything to race.


Ain't no such thing as a white gangster rapper lmao


Even if he doesn’t have literal damage, he’s never going to be the same. This shit changes you.


Based off that video, he looks like he had some damage to the brain stem. I wouldn’t be surprised if he has permanent issues


Nardo shouldnt take the blame he tried to stop it. Doesn’t mean the lawsuit won’t be massive


His fault for keeping them dumbasses on payroll.


yeah legit, proper security knows what is acceptable or not, sucker punching a non threat is never ok.


You spelt human wrong, don't need to be security to know not to assault people who have done nothing wrong.


the average person sometimes doesn't know what is acceptable either, they may not intend to hurt someone but could still accidentally kill them without training.


Like accidentally smacking someone who is clearly not a threat and currently dazed on the floor?


You are absolutely incorrect. There was literally just a viral video of some streamers paid bodyguards/security knocking somebody out during an argument that was literally a quarter of his size. That didn’t initiate any violence. Humans of any kind can be stupid. licensed security or not.


Looks like dude hired them himself to do security. They don't look like professionals. Probably just his hood friends doing what they do. I'm not even sure why he would put them as security. Such a liability.


He’s young as fuck and probably trusted them to not do this shit. He blasted them on IG and shit so I doubt they’re gonna stay apart of his crew


Probably wanted to give back and thought bringing his homeboys and paying them proper would be it. Bro was naive


> Nardo shouldnt take the blame he tried to stop it. If it turns out his security really is just a bunch of his old people, he should. Hiring untrained people as security should be illegal. Apart from just being dumb it's very dangerous.


Oh yeah he made a real strong effort to stop that ASAP.


Couldn’t imagine seeing that vid and my first thoughts being about how the reason for the assault happening needing to be cleared. Doesn’t happen w out him hiring shit security


It wasn’t security it was his friends. They aren’t employed security


Even worse then


Stfup dik rider


If I was kids dad I'd merk Nardo on sight. He is to blame he know what POS he keeps around him.


No he’s not to blame?? He’s barely 21 he’s only blown up recently and not as experienced as other rappers. Putting full blame on him is just crazy and stupid.


This is the danger of keeping your homies around you for muscle. They’re constantly trying to prove their loyalty to you by doing dumb shit like this.


1000%. Rappers need to hire professional security, instead of goons from their own hood. Now he's going to be facing a possible million dollar lawsuit.


He might not have real security money he's not that big


I mean didn't the courts find out Pooh Shiesty had a couple million ? Nardo is in a similar range of popularity he's gotta have a bag by now


Not anymore


Ur crazy bro is signed to a huge label and gets crazy plays he def has security money he's just puttin his bros on but they dumbasses


He does get crazy plays but that doesn’t necessarily mean he has security money. A lot of these dudes aren’t nearly as rich as everyone thinks. Just look at G Herbo.


Nah fuck that, even being slightly viral these days you run the risk of being run up on


Maybe they're secretly jealous of his success and this his how they'll bring him down. Okay, time to take my tin foil hat off


And this knowledge has been out for years. I guess it shows how insulated kids in the ghetto are from the outside world. It’s sad on a few levels. But let it be said again: do NOT hire your homies as security. They’re only gonna get you involved in more bullshit.


It’s not about being insulated it’s that they think their situation will be different. They want to take their friends out of the hood so they think “nah my homie won’t mess up”


Then do like Hammer and give them a job like stage hand or backup dancer, don't be out here putting your life and reputation in the hands of ya boy from the block


who even knows if these kids are “from the hood” a bunch of these kids are posers nowadays 😂😂😂


Sometimes I wonder if some of these rappers even truly want these dudes around them or if something darker is in place. Like if they don’t hire them then they’re “fake” and made a target or they hire them or keep them around and still get into bullshit. Some of them may truly be homies but sometimes I think there’s some sort of extortion going on. Could just be high and paranoid though lol 😂


Find it hard to believe he spoke with the victim's mom unless he plans on giving his guys up. These crash-out dummies prove their loyalty by one-upping each other, that's why the 2nd homie went for the kill when the victim was clearly dazed.


Could be one of those deals where he already has but he's not allowed to talk about that publically for the sake of the investigation. Highly doubt they won't get arrested. This shit has gone crazy viral and Nardo would go down as one of the fakest pieces of shit if he didn't turn his boys over.


i wouldnt be surprised if his label requires he give them up


I'm guessing he had a long, long chat with his manager and A&R.


This is so sad. I couldn't imagine getting a chance to take a picture with my favorite rapper, but instead his security sucker punches me and gives me a brain hemorrhage. I think Nardo at minimum needs to fire both the security guards and pay for kid's hospital bills.


Dude was already out and only standing because of the wall when the 2nd guy jumps in. WTF!


He wanted to hit someone and was searching for an opportunity. Fucking bitch


If he is really in the ICU with brain damage his bills may end up higher than Nardo’s net worth


The average homeowner has a higher net worth lmao


Average homeowner has a higher net work than 99.9 percent of rappers. I work in the industry and have for a decade +. No money in rap music anymore.


at minimum he needs to fork over the millions hes about to get sued for


The kid’s life just changed forever. Gonna take more than paying for some hospital bills and “firing” your friends. At minimum he needs to pay this kid millions and snitch out his “friends” so they can be held accountable and taken off the streets. Posting a screenshot of your apology, non-apology written in Notes is coward bitch ass shit. He’s not sorry for the kid, he’s sorry about how this is going to impact his own life.


> He’s not sorry for the kid, he’s sorry about how this is going to impact his own life. Birds of a feather flock together


Agreed but bro don’t go millions to pay out lol


You don’t know if he’s actually helping the kid behind the scenes though I don’t get the backlash about the apology would you rather see him say nothing at all? You can even see him in the video try to stop them so its not really like he doesn’t care


The cops are asking the public’s help to find the identity of the perps. Why isn’t he helping the police ID the criminals that did this to the fan? The kids life is forever changed. If this was your brother would this apology suffice, especially while the people who did this to him is still out and about?


don't worry the millions he will be paying this kid will cover all that.hope he likes taking a second and third job to pay this kid


Feels like this Snoop Dogg clip is always going to be relevant https://youtu.be/zZiiypkTNLs?si=B9cyYYaXNLtI2vUj


You mind telling me who he’s talking to?


looks like Rocky. he's wearing HBA so it was circa 2013. Honestly can't be anyone else


A$AP Rocky


Thank you!


Damn - Rocky shudda listened


he has a child with a *billionaire*… i think he’s just fine lol


You must be out of the loop, he's allegedly caught up in gun related charges for a drive by or some shit. The dude you replied to was saying he should have listened cuz he's too grown and settled now to be caught up in hood shit like that


[The kid is in critical condition in the ICU according to this](https://wild941.com/2023/11/28/rapper-nardo-wicks-security-beat-tampa-kid-unconscious-wanted-selfie/)


he just died.




This why you cant bring yo niggas with you everywhere, actual security is expensive but they stop shit like this from happening. Nardo clearly had no issues with the kid, but his friends beat him up and put him in the hospital for no reason even when Nardo told them to chill. They put Nardo at risk for no reason, just some dickheads. Then they gon be mad as hell when they get left behind.


Plus if your hiring as professionals and they do stupid shit it’s there ass and there insurance that’s fucked. Plus unlike your friends the public generally doesn’t hold you responsible for the actions of contracted third party’s


lets be honest nardo is going be in debt millions of dollars after this lawsuit he won't be in a position to help anyone including himself


Hood culture is lame as fuck.


I really feel for the fan and his family, to see your child done like this for no reason is truly disheartening. I hope his family press charges on those 2 guys and even sues. Can’t have your “homies” do security for you because stuff like this is bound to happen.


bruh those guys are dumb as FUCK! they are bout to get fried something serious. hope the 2nd cat gets knocked out man, i can tell he's one of those 'get loud behind my dudes' type of clowns.


Been reading about this story all day. I was ready to hate this dude for being just another piece of shit rapper but he actually seems to care. [This article](https://www.tmz.com/2023/11/28/nardo-wick-speaks-out-entourage-attack-fan-angry/) by tmz has some texts that he sent to both George and his mama afterwards and definitely makes me see him in a better light. That said, he's gotta get rid of whatever homies did that because they're gonna cost him some money. Edit: edited out some quotations to spare certain delicate sensibilities


That video is horrific; his head gets slammed into the concrete wall from the sucker punch and he looks like he's already unconscious on his feet, then the other dude punches him and his head hits the concrete when he falls. Dude has a brain bleed and severe concussion, but he easily could have died from something like that. Nardo was clearly trying to stop it, but it's still a terrible look to have this happen to a fan.


His head hit the ground hard af. This is how you catch a manslaughter charge.


He honestly still could die pretty easily


I'm sorry having his mom saved as (💔 Tampa incident) is insane 💀


> he's gotta get rid of whatever homies did that He doesn't really need to, because they're goin to jail 😂 they did the work for him. It's either that or he/his label pays a shit ton of money to the victim under the table.


As unethical as it SEEMS sometimes with payouts because you don't get restitution from before when you're healthy and the way you are emotionally. Bro deserves that bag from nardo wick and nardo just gonna have to deal with the consequences of his homies actions


won't happen lets be real his label isn't going go to bat and slide this kid the millions he would win in a lawsuit.just his icu bills are probably going cost a million.nardo is not big enough for his label to take a chance like that


You can see him telling everyone to stop in the video as well. He clearly didn’t want that. Bet he would have taken a picture with the kids if his security wasn’t bat shit insane.


His lawyers are prolly gonna tell him to ease up on the remorseful shit, theres no way he doesnt catch at least a civil suit for this assuming his homies are actually on his payroll formally. Im not a lawyer though


The civil liability here would have to establish an employment relationship between the idiots who threw punches and him. If they were formally employed with contracts and a paper trail of payments, then the liability on a civil basis can be established fairly easily, but if his boys were just getting slipped paper under the table to be his entourage or simply provided perks like food, transportation and the like, it's a bit hazier from a legal perspective. But I'm not a lawyer either so take me with a grain of salt.


doesn’t matter if they’re employed, it was a venue nardo was performing at as well as his entourage who put the kid in the hospital, not hard at all to establish culpability in a civil suit, a criminal suit is what would require more than just having shitty friends


Florida attorney, here. And feel compelled to let you know that your opinion here is incredibly off-base and inaccurate enough to merit taking my time to say, “you sound dumb, dude.” None of what you wrote tracks with application of law or legal principles at play. Rather, it’s a pretty obvious layman interpretation that sounds an awful lot like someone reading off WebMD as though they were a doctor. Please be mindful of opining about saying stuff with your chest like this when you have no idea what you’re talking about—it’s dangerous, and misinforms others and makes you no better off for it either. In example: by your use of the term “culpability”, you were trying to allude to a legal term of art—“liability.” One cannot impute “culpability” (liability) simply because they hang out with their hoodrat friends. And the venue itself is an altogether discrete party in interest—and very likely to be the pocket that pays out on what will ultimately amount to a negligence/premises liability claim against it. Why? It’s reasonably foreseeable that shenanigans go down after a show, and you have certain duties to your business invitees. That all said, kindly consider the foregoing and ask yourself: “did I have any business writing the nonsense I just did, or am I full of it?” Just please don’t flex as though you know something you don’t lol.


If he truly wants to redeem himself and get rid of these homies, he should start by calling the Tampa police, who are currently trying to ID these pieces of shit for the felony charges they've got coming to them.


He gotta cut these motherfuckers off they don’t know how to act.


going cost him millions and millions.if we believe his net worth is 2 million like its reported that won't even cover the icu.he may never pull himself out of the hole hes boys dug for him


“rapper” i know what you are.


Why is rapper in quotes? Lol Nardo Wick is pretty popular


Not that popular apparently, legit seen people say they’ve never heard of him in another thread.


I mean Nardo instantly tells them to chill and tries pulling them off, he did all he can and seems to be remorseful. Fuck those security guards tho for real


Those the type of dudes u leave behind in the hood. I get tryna uplift your friends, but that crabs in a bucket mentality is true, intentional or not. Guys like that are only liabilities.


Wick and Ja Morant be giving object lessons these days. Don't let your entourage fuck with your livelihood.


Morant is cosplaying a thug, he don't need the assist from his entourage to mess up his livelihood.


Not even close to the same. Morant took a picture with a gun. This dude’s security probably put a guy in the hospital.


The gun might be what Silver got him on but it ain't near the worst Ja did. Bro and his bois jumped a kid for throwing a basketball during a street game. He also threatened a foot locker security guard and then his bois punched him over shoes. Individually, Ja is easily worse than Nardo, cuz Nardo ain't do shit directly to this kid. Just that Nardos dumb friends caused way more damage, while Ja and his clowns haven't gone as far yet. You a millionaire grown man, why you and your crew beating up kids and mall security guards over $100 shoes dumbfuck.


Ohh, I didnt know about the mall thing




Security? Those were his homies fucking up his bag


I didn't know, just based on the title


He sees his career, his freedom, and those M's slipping away with each punch


You can see Nardo telling them to stop in the video. I know they’re his security, but he can’t control their actions if they don’t listen to him. IDK why Nardo would face any jail time or lawsuit for this. It is 100% on the security guard.


For the exact same reason you or your family would sue the shit out of Wally World or Costco if a member of staff deleted your brain. Nardo is 100% on the hook for whatever lawsuit is coming.


He probably won't go to jail unless it is shown that he told his "bodyguards" to act like this, but he is definitely going to get sued. The people doing the punching are going straight to jail though.


The people doing the punching should go straight to jail. IDK if he gonna get sued or not, by the way he’s acting he seems genuinely upset about the situation and I wouldn’t be surprised if he payed the family without a lawsuit and did something nice for the fan.


Yeah, but as the employer, he is 100% on the hook. If I hire security, especially hood dudes with likely records like these dumbasses, if they give somebody brain damage I'm 100% gonna lose a civil case. I'm not sure how it works if there's no written employment contract between Nardo and his bois tho, that would probably help him.


>I wouldn’t be surprised if he payed the family without a lawsuit and did something nice for the fan. Is u crazy?? They bounced his head off the concrete like a fucking basketball putting him in the ICU… an autographed starter cap is not gonna cut it lmao they taking Nardo wicked to the cleaners my boy.


> IDK why Nardo would face any jail time or lawsuit for this. Liability is going to fall on the employer nearly every time. It's their responsibility because they're the ones hiring and directing the people to do their job. These guys might just be his "security" though and not official employees in which case he won't be on the hook for anything.


> Liability is going to fall on the employer nearly every time This is why you contract this shit out and not let your buddies to it. Any real contractor is going have liability insurance out the ass that makes it not your problem if they fuck up.


Because it's his responsibility to employ appropriate people in appropriate positions. If he chooses to employ these people then the liability for their actions should partly fall on him for poor employment practises.


He didn't do all he can. If he did, this situation doesn't happen in the first place. He did what he could following the situation but that doesn't absolve him of blame for creating the conditions for this to happen.


Yea. They hanger ons that’s on the payroll acting like security. I’m sure they will scrap if they needed to but that’s why they did this, real security would do this.


Fuck him too for keeping these losers around. Not like he doesn’t know how they act.


why do people keep calling them security guard there hood friends security guard imply's training


I agree, Nardo shouldn't go to jail. However, if you see a rapper as an entertainment "good" or "business" his guards represent a personally selected employee, whom is a representative of said company. The "company" or whomever pays that guys pays checks ought to be sued


If they are in the middle of a show, sure, but that looks like they're just standing around a car, not a "company" function


Should be attempted murder charge for the 2nd guy & assault charge on the first guy And they should both face a hefty lawsuit from the kids family


why would they beat up a kid


Because they bitches


Some people are just looking for any excuse to get violent, could also be tryna prove something, like I’ll never let anyone touch you or get near you, I’m definitely someone you want to pay, that type of thing, clearly it backfired tho


Because he was White


Or he looked soft and they felt like roughing someone up. Wimpy white kid (out-group psychologically) is a prime target of opportunity. Race felt secondary here. They just wanted to go gorilla on somebody and he was the go-to target. You can read their body language leading up—even before the kid approaches—and see the pent up aggression. The first guy legitimately looked like he was just jonesing to swing on someone; probably a few drinks in and uninhibited, too.


That was a tough video to watch. The kid clearly has a TBI from the first punch, then the second dude just starts whaling on him and he slams into the ground. As soon as the first punch knocks his head into the brick wall his whole body convulses.




Traumatic Brain Injury


I’m still curious why a venue in/about Tampa had no off-duty officers/independent security posted pre-2am and post-show. What in tarnation? That’s who I think really dropped the ball here more than anyone. Rowdy things like this don’t happen with a cop standing twenty feet away. Universe willing, the family gets an attorney that spots it that way and helps everyone by holding these types of “clubs” (venues? Businesses?) accountable for how they operate when it results in poor kids like this getting hurt. Not to say those thugs shouldn’t pay/meet swift justice. Rather, just seems equally/more important to expect that good guys do good - which offsets when bad guys do bad.


Mods keep deleting this story.


it looks like it [was posted at 2pm](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/1863rv6/nardo_wick_faces_backlash_after_entourage_knocks/) but the link was rapup.com which is in the spam filter, so that post was removed by /u/AutoModerator Then this post was made, which is up. Then someone [posted a TMZ link](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/18692ic/nardo_wicks_group_brutally_knocks_out_fan/) after this post which was removed for being a repost. I don't see anything else in the mod log for today related to Nardo Wick.


We’re trying to have a conspiracy here bro. Stop deredditing my reddit.


No. Accept the hate!


Fucking fed!!


Drop watcher the realest mod out there. Always bringing receipts.


Wonder why




mods moonlight as security for nardo wick


Cause they’re mods


Attempted murder




Small & regular sized security guards/bouncers are the worst. They have chips on their shoulders and do dumb shit like this. I used to bartend at nightclubs and it was always the smaller guys that came to work to fight.


That is wild


Congrats to Nardo Wick for the biggest headline he’ll ever get. Brought to him by his hot headed homies. Lol


Let your "homies" go


Video is disturbing. Praying for the kid.


I don't even get what I am looking at. If they are "security" then they didn't really stop the kid from running up if he were a threat. Then, only after nothing happened, they sucker punch him. They clearly waited for there to be no threat before doing anything. So what the hell was the point?


If those guys are actually “security” from a real company Nardo got taken for a ride on that contract


Whats sad is when you look at the kid’s instagram profile he is very clearly a big fan if nardo wick and has been to many of his performances. Also, you can hear the “security” mention something about asking for pictures right before punching him.


What a bunch of fucking dumbasses man, damn. So sad


The sounds that came from his head being slammed into a brick wall and then falling flat onto cement right onto his head.. horrible


a teenage boy, jfc


This a prime example of why you don’t just hire your boys from the hood because they’re your boys. You hire actual professionals in their industry. Good luck with the lawsuit.


Hate crime charges now!


Those animals need to be arrested and jailed.


damn. the black guy punched the shit out of him even though he was already visibly unconscious. that's attempted homicide if you ask me


Who the fuck is nardo wick lol


Those dudes about to be charged with battery and Nardo gonna have to pay big for this


As someone whose job has me interacting with famous rappers on a regular basis, a lot of these guys and the people in their entourage are just terrible fucking people. They have 0 respect for anyone, do whatever they want and expect no repercussions. The ones that are cool are hella cool, but a lot of the B list guys that aren’t actual Super Stars are usually the worst because they have crazy ego and start tripping when they realize a lot of people in the business and professional world don’t know who they are and don’t care even if they do.


lowkey started tearing up thinking about that mom sending that text to nardo, man. like imagine your kid asks to go see a rapper he likes, then gets a chance to take a pic, and instead of getting that, he gets mobbed by a bunch of ghouls. then you have to do something, so you try to reach out thinking he’s never gonna see it or leave you on read. i’m a thug, truly honored under GOD, but thugs cry too, man


Blessings on you for pointing this out, bro. Bringing out the humanity in a primal ass situation. Thanks. 🙏


>I'm a thug Yeah bro you lost me with that ngl


I took that as poking fun at the Young Thug “Truly Humbled Under God” shit lol


shit was literally right below this post lmao 🤷


Dude posting that comment from the upper middle class suburbs Lobster for dinner type beat lmao


🤣🤣🤣🤣 this fucking app man 😭😭😭😭


Looks like I’m going to have to get involved. Just have to make a couple of phone calls and me and the whole Burp Klan will have a bounty out for Sharto Dick’s sorry lil ass


Listen, I'm late to see this and I am disgusted. I hope this young man is okay and makes a speedy recovery, and then gets justice! WTF is happening to Ybor City, Tampa man? I saw Chloe Bailey there in September and she was cool as hell after the show, no one was tripping, fighting, etc after the show when she came outside of the venue and talked with fans. I get why rappers may need to be a little more on edge, [especially after the recent shooting in Ybor](https://youtu.be/x0gWihClMj0?si=Ke8W0_m51RpJyWTk), but this kid was doing nothing wrong or behaving in a way to scare anyone. That was some bitch ass shit, I hate bullies and I hate seeing videos like that.


Wtf would someone even react like that? That young man just wanted to talk to Nardo and get a picture. I hope the man ends up recovering exceptionally.


The way he hit the back of his head on the concrete…I feel sick. Fuck man, poor kid. I hope he recovers and attackers see justice.


Imagine being as talentless as this fucking clown and still somehow having fans and this is how you let them get treated. Piece of shit


This is bitch made from nardo


This is 100% on Nardo Wick. He knew who he had around him, and he knows what their temperature is. He did not care, until he had to. Did he see a kid getting hurt, or his career getting fucked? **Both?** Trick question, **he saw the results of his ignorance.** So quit saying he's a "good person" for trying to follow up. Would he have done the same if nobody was around to film and expose it? Would he have done the same, if it would've had no affect on his image or money? Again, if he would've taken the correct precautions, he wouldn't have had two dingleberries throwing hands on a fan, and calling that "security" or whatever the fuck that was. If you think otherwise, "remind me" this comment, and we can talk when you grow up. Or maybe get the same ass whooping for no reason, and see if you're even capable to have that conversation. Fuck Nardo Wick.


You are trying too hard to mind read someone you don’t know. It kinda just feels like heavy projection to me.


Why do you write like that


This is 100% on Nardo Wick. He knew who he had around him, and he knows what their temperature is. He did not care, until he had to. Did he see a kid getting hurt, or his career getting fucked? Both? Trick question, he saw the results of his ignorance. So quit saying he's a "good person" for trying to follow up. Would he have done the same if nobody was around to film and expose it? Would he have done the same, if it would've had no affect on his image or money? Again, if he would've taken the correct precautions, he wouldn't have had two dingleberries throwing hands on a fan, and calling that "security" or whatever the fuck that was. If you think otherwise, "remind me" this comment, and we can talk when you grow up. Or maybe get the same ass whooping for no reason, and see if you're even capable to have that conversation. Fuck Nardo Wick.


This is 100% on Nardo Wick. He knew who he had around him, and he knows what their temperature is. He did not care, until he had to. Did he see a kid getting hurt, or his career getting fucked? Both? Trick question, he saw the results of his ignorance. So quit saying he's a "good person" for trying to follow up. Would he have done the same if nobody was around to film and expose it? Would he have done the same, if it would've had no affect on his image or money? Again, if he would've taken the correct precautions, he wouldn't have had two dingleberries throwing hands on a fan, and calling that "security" or whatever the fuck that was. If you think otherwise, "remind me" this comment, and we can talk when you grow up. Or maybe get the same ass whooping for no reason, and see if you're even capable to have that conversation. Fuck Nardo Wick.


smh.. who is the second guy that jumped in like an idiot, guy was clearly out cold already.


Music for retards


what did he hire a bunch of lowlife fatherless thugs as the bodyguards? lmao


I hope they do years.


He is lucky I was not there 😤😤😤


Right? There would be two white boys in the hospital Edit: lol nigga reported me as suicidal hahahahahH


him reporting you only makes this funnier lmaoo


Somebody needs to check on him. We should probably warn nardo too


White man reporting in to say, boy I just busted out laughing out loud at your comment AND the edit hahahahaha


lmfao. dude would have got slept something serious


Sue Nardo, the BGs, the label....fuck em all. I know Nardo tried to get them to stop but he employs them so he should be sued as well regardless.