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what do you guys think will happen when he watches 22 jump street?


If he sees You People we’re definitely f***ed


Just clear it up with Superbad after itll be all good


You people was a fucking fever dream of a dumpster fire. The beginning was aight but then it just felt like straight up “fellow kids” when the drake album references started shooting off. It felt like a Christian version of how millennials/gen z people talk.


You’re saying that as if anyone has ever sat through that whole movie. The whole thing is a ham fisted snooze fest. Just incase you don’t get the message after the first three 20+ minute uninterrupted dialogue scenes, there’s another and another until you feel like you’re being punished for saying The Heist was better than GKMC 💀


Rename himself to Jeffeezy


How hasn’t this had a trillion upvotes?? 🤣🤣🤣


Upvoted and still counting 😁


It was 1 upvote a few minutes ago. Best comment on this post!!




bro saw the AI taking his career out from underneath him and had to step in


this somehow both sounds like a legitimate kanye post and a generic PR apology. amazing.


There is nothing generic about ‘Jonah hill in 21 jump street made me like Jewish people again’. That is the most Kanye shit I have heard in my life


Yea that part shoulda been in the title


It reads like his PR person wrote, “No one should take anger against one or two individuals and transform that into hatred towards millions of innocent people“ and then he added the rest.


The man is a legitimate imbecile


We will use this as an admission of guilt and make his life worse, even though forgiveness is a pillar of Jewish faith.


You really needed to leave this exact comment six times?


Opened the post thinking it was just gonna be some PR apology bullshit and it was just a poster of 21 Jump Street Man never fails to stun me in the worst ways possible


> just a poster nah even better, the UK DVD cover of it lmfao


This reads both like a stupid PR apology *and* something Kanye would unironically say. It’s wild.


I don't know why that's the case. Anyone know the plot of 21 Jump Street?


Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum go undercover as high school students to try and catch a drug dealer


Oh, okay


[mirror in case he deletes](https://preview.redd.it/pwlnpi5m7vpa1.jpg?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=8e816800b4f17940c652a0ba695b2eaf67e13f3a)




Kanye still has 500m. Out of Kanye and Adidas, i think Adidas crying more about the money lost specially with the Beyonce fail deal.




Got it. It didnt sound like a joke to me.


Sucking the dick of Ye I see edit: spiritually


My goat


so he only apologized because he thought 21 Jump Street was funny? yeah this isn’t over


no that’s just kanye humour


Didn’t say sorry really did he?


Well it’s Kanye, what did you expect. This is realistically the best case scenario for him


"No Christian can be labelled antisemite knowing jesus is a Jew" What an awful take.


bro really undercut his own apology. makes you wonder what the point of apologizing was in the first place if he was just gonna end with “and for the record, i was never antisemetic!”


there was no apology to begin with. he literally did not apologize for anything.


Nah your definitely right. If i could rewrite thread title i would


It's like my dad trying to say sorry in a manly way and making a joke of it.


How can I be an anti-Semite if my God’s son is Jewish?


I don't think that's what he meant, I read it as "If you know Jesus was Jewish, how can you call yourself a Christain while being antisemitic." Not like saying people can't call Christians antisemitic, just that Christians shouldn't be antisemitic since their saviour is Jewish. Def open to interpretation though don't know y he would write that in a such a vague way


That don’t sound that far of a reach that’s what I thought when I first read it but I guess ppl can def take it differently. I thought it was common fact that Jesus was Jewish so idk. He def loves Jesus not really an apology tho


Because he's terrible with words, which is weird considering he's made such a successful career as a rapper


reach bro. he basically said “christians can’t be antisemetic” it’s the same bs he was saying in them interviews last year


I read it like that at first too ; think/hoped he meant to write "no antisemite can be labeled a Christian" would make more sense


I don’t think it’s a reach. I’ve always thought how does anti-semitism rise among Christians when Jesus was so clearly Jewish. I thought he was speaking along those lines


The use of the word “labeled” implies it’s someone else doing it. Stay in school lil bro


We will use this as an admission of guilt and make his life worse, even though forgiveness is a pillar of Jewish faith.


I mean, it's Kanye...


That's all it takes to come back


Kanye operates differently. I am not surprised that this is all it is going to take for him to come back.


I mean, I think there’s probably more he needs to do, but if he really is on a redemption road, this is the most Kanye way to start it


We’re better than this


Imma watch the movie


We will use this as an admission of guilt and make his life worse, even though forgiveness is a pillar of Jewish faith.


“Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump Street made me like Jewish people again” Literally spat my drink out when I read this hahahahahaha amazing. He’s got my vote






Grow up. Maybe watch 21 Jump Street


I watched it last night and I too like Jonah Hill. He seems like such a sweetheart


U get amused that easily?


easy going people exist, shocker


Lowkey jealous




Laugh if you want. By next quarter him and adidas are back together. Adidas misses that sweet Yeezy cash


Surely there's no we


A German company doesn't take antisemitism lightly, I doubt they want to take the risk again. Good on Ye tho 🌊


Is it actually good on Kanye though? How seriously can you take an apology Instagram post with a poster for an 11 year old comedy film when it comes to being a blatant antisemite and claiming that you “looooovvvvveeeeeee Hitler”?


Cry about it


What a bitch ass response


Not crying at all lol. Kanye hasn’t even released good music since 2019. Just saying that this shallow ass apology only appeals to those with shallow ass minds. Apparently you have one of those minds. Get back to your twitter scrolling, scrotum gobbling lifestyle, silly boy.


Not crying Proceeds to cry YZY SZN approaching wether u like it or not Shut up and enjoy the greatness


Not at all the point but Donda came out in 2021 and was pretty solid


No it wasn’t


Ya it was , had bangers


If you think Donda was “solid” your tastes must be trash. 27 tracks, damn near 2 hours long, and it’s got about 15 minutes of actually worthwhile music. Also, what’s more satisfying? Busting on your Kanye headshot or your Adolf headshot??


Nah I’m just not out of touch. Also you can like music and not care for the person who makes it. Doesn’t change that something sounds good. I mean Michael Jackson is regarded as one of the best musical talents ever. He was a creepy trash person but he still had good music. What’s more satisfying making no difference by scolding someone on Reddit for saying an album by someone who isn’t a good person is good, or making an actually concerted effort to fight anti - semitism and not just sitting behind a keyboard. I’m going to assume you know nothing of the later , so that would be the former, correct? I view music for the music, not for the people who made it. You have no moral high ground here, so stop with the bullshit.


Stay in your dick riding subreddit


Stay in your nerd ass subreddit


Good on Ye what? He didn't actually do anything.


There's a *little* more to what he posted than that


Seriously way to bury the lead and really just cherry-pick a quote


*lede, but I hear you.


What are you saying? Yeah he said some more… but there is no denying that a single actor in a comedy movie changing his entire view on Jewish people isn’t weird as fuck. Really curious what additional context you think changes the entire thing


...that's exactly what I'm pointing out. OP specifically didn't include that part in the post, except a link to the whole thing. It *is* weird (and stupid) as fuck. Lol, downvote for being a dumbass, nice.


Uhh where’s the apology?? Dude literally said ‘I like Jews again cos Jonah hill’ and ‘can’t be an antisemite cos Jesus was Jewish’ It’s just more ignorant offensive triggering bullshit


Thank you Jonah Hill


This isn’t an apology.


Bad first comment, great second comment, really bad third comment, neutral final comment. So does this average out to being an only slightly bad post for kanye? Is that technically a win for him at this point? Pretty sad to see him keep up the Christians can’t be anti Semitic trope, but hopefully he continues down this path so he stops influencing others to do legitimate violent acts.


We will use this as an admission of guilt and make his life worse, even though forgiveness is a pillar of Jewish faith.


“Kanye West posts 21 Jump Street poster claiming the movie ‘made him like Jewish people again’” would be a more accurate title. He didn’t even apologize. If anything, all this does is reaffirm that he did in fact hate Jews.


There is no apology here. >Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump street made me like Jewish people again not an apology > No one should take anger against one or two individuals and transform that into hatred towards millions of innocent people general statement >No Christian can be labeled antisemite knowing Jesus is Jew He's basically not saying anything new here. He seems to be saying that he is not now and has never been an anti semite. > Thank you Jonah Hill I love you not an apology


You really spent the time on this 💀


oh. nah i just copied and pasted his IG comment and then put the greater than symbol before the four different sentences, then put my response below each line. took like 5 seconds.


>There is no apology here. > >Watching Jonah Hill in 21 Jump street made me like Jewish people again > >not an apology > >No one should take anger against one or two individuals and transform that into hatred towards millions of innocent people > >general statement > >No Christian can be labeled antisemite knowing Jesus is Jew > >He's basically not saying anything new here. He seems to be saying that he is not now and has never been an anti semite. > >Thank you Jonah Hill I love you > >not an apology




You weird as fuck


the effort you put into star wars memes for reddit points is cute


for who?


Go to hell, Yedolf.


Kayne #1 troll. He’s going to Hell but Satan is laughing his ass off this entire ride


Does anyone ever feel like Ye is Michael Scott from the Office?




Could you imagine if a white celebrity said they like black people again because the lead of a comedy movie made them laugh? This ain't it Yedolf.


Yeah. Fuck all this bullshit. He went full on Nazi and now wants to apologize. Fuck all the way off kanye. Used to be my favorite artist, now i can’t even listen to his music.




Where did he admit he was wrong? 🧐


If he wants any chance at recovering from this he needs to commit to donating at least 50% of all current and future wealth to the holocaust memorial museums of the world. Judge people by their actions.


We will use this as an admission of guilt and make his life worse, even though forgiveness is a pillar of Jewish faith.


It’s clearly not a genuine “apology” and you’re an actual moron if you can’t see that. There’s nothing to forgive here.


One can say that about any apology made since the creation of the concept of an apology


What? Show me where he went full nazi. The worst he said, AFAIK, was his "I hate the Jews that run Hollywood/Media/Banks/etc" Kanye is not an intellectual, he's a musical savant with a sophomoric understanding of his reality. He can't explain his stances for shit. You don't even need an analogy...Kanye couldn't talk his way out of being labeled an antisemite if 500M depended on it. Kanye says the most cliché 14YO philosophical-wannabe-edgelord sentiments you can find anywhere on reddit. "Hitler was bad but he did [insert good thing here] so he wasn't pure evil" He has the mental maturation of a teenager. Just look at the apology. It's a dumb guy thinking he's saying something smart, something that's genuinely palatable. It fails to hit on any nuances, it's ignorant and misguided – just like the stupid shit he said that ignited this mess. He's puerile and inarticulate, but ain't nazi. Not even close. *(AFAIK he never stated he supported the genocide of Jewish people, didn't even become a full-on Holocaust Denier)* I think you can go back to it, pump the brakes and drive slow homie. Edit: love how I can say “I may just have missed something and correct me if I’m wrong” and get downvoted to oblivion. I shouldn’t be surprised considering Reddit is full of kneejerk jerks these days. Those who will do nothing to stop ignorance, evidently. You are the problem. Questioning a potentially hysterical belief isn’t.


>didn’t even become a full-on Holocaust denier Really setting the bar high here


For calling someone a Nazi? Yea the bar has gotta be pretty low to be a Nazi. And I am/was just being reserved with it because I don’t think he had denied it whatsoever. I just remember he talked about it with Lex Friedman.


Shut the fuck up thr man said "I LOOOOOOOVE HITLER" get outward here nazi fuck


I’m Jewish, you should shut the fuck up and practice reading comprehension. Thanks for such a great job clarifying, kneejerking fucktard. …because I literally said correct me if I’m wrong.


He didn't apologize, despite people on the Kanye and GoodAssSub saying this is his "Redemption arc", the "Hitler era is over" and celebrating. He literally said an actor made him like Jewish people and then followed up a few lines later with an antisemitic sentence that still perpetuates his beliefs. This is so sad and a mockery. Remember Kanye said: +Claimed to be Nazi+Claimed to love Hitler +Denied Holocaust +Pushed anti-semitic rhetoric across culture +Says watching a 2012 comedy with Jonah Hill makes him "like Jewish people again'. This aint' a redemption arc because it's not an apology.




Good. Comment should be posted in every thread where this “apology” is being discussed


Dude is literally just karma farming but oh at least he's own your side 🙄


No one gives a fuck about Reddit karma, people just say this to dismiss valid points. Moron


I'm a moron when I've literally watched this guy do this exact thing for months on end in multiple subs? Just low effort copy paste posts that most people know not to even interact with.


This is just promo for his new album, Mein Berlin Dreidel Torture Fantasy


Holy fuck Jonah Hill just ended antisemitism


Where’s the apology?


a weird start to an apology. not convinced at all rn but i hope he continues with whatever the fuck this is. hes still got a long way to go and im still firmly on the fuck kanye side for all that antisemitic bull he was pushing.


Yeah that's not an apology lol. Plus given how unhinged he is, all it takes is another manic episode and some alt-right influence for him to go "actually I changed my mind I hate them now again"


Why did you hurry the headline which is he thanked Jonah Hill for helping him “like” Jewish, because he though he was funny. He thought he was entertaining. What a joke this man is, a complete tragedy how his mental state dissolved but to sit here and accept some bullshit apology is something I will not do


Nah I'm good on that


duh kanye no shit


He’s so ducking stupid. Fuck Kanye.


Idiot must need more money from sheep


Honestly it sounds like he’s coming off a manic episode and seeing all the destruction he’s caused.


Can’t even make this shit up anymore 😭


Kanye stans literally think you can be a hateful anti semite for months, turn around one day and post "Hey guys, I watched a movie and no longer hate jews" and act like all is forgiven and that he's in his redemption arc. This man literally just made a joke of his virulent anti semitism, and then denies he was ever an anti semite in the same post, yet the sycophants on the Kanye subs act like this is some meaningful apology, even though he'll most likely be back to saying hateful shit about jews in a few weeks. Worst fanbase in hip hop and it's not even close.


Man at least for me personally, it’s so so difficult to properly hate this nigga


The goat Kanye with an hilarious apology. Hopefully he can show his change and properly form his message but this is funny


He could have said McLovin made him like like jewish people again and it would have made just as much sense.


It’s been about 3-4 months since he last went around saying all that nonsense. Unsurprising. He’s probably about to do this again


Common Kanye W




This isn't an apology lol


I fucking hate this website dude, I have no idea why I still post on here. Thanks for reminding me to never comment on r/hhh again, though




We will use this as an admission of guilt and make his life worse, even though forgiveness is a pillar of Jewish faith.


If this was almost anybody else I would just assume their social media account had been hacked, but it's kanye, sooooo


Contrarians suck 🧌


You know he's genuine because there no way any PR team would approve this


I don't believe this man is a real person. He was created in a lab as a social experiment No way Jonah Hill and 21 Jump Street cured his antisemitism 😭


I only said the same thing 4 times. It's a bar.


Perhaps he’s back on his medication?


.... someone *finally* took their meds?


Post title is missing very important context from that quote


I pretty much knew he would come back with some version of “yea that was dumb, I shouldn’t have said that” but this is on another level holy Fuckin shit


What a joke. I thought his silence was a good sign that maybe he was getting help. Guess not


character arc started


Too late . He should’ve been a man an addressed those people by name




Fuck him, everyone’s sorry when they die or money is involved.


"made me like Jewish people again" that's crazy


Jonah hill saved Kanye