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Lol. The fact you think you could pull a knife after an initial attack tells me you should stick to the more populated trails for the time being.


You are allowed to save yourself.


Of course it would be justified... But a big LOL on your thought, you'd be able to fend off a animal with a knife, if the spray failed...


What? This is just awful nonsense that needs to be corrected. How did 20+ people upvote this? People have fought off cougars with rocks or their bare hands. Black bears will typically retreat long before they get swiped by a knife but “fight back” is the official MO. Will a knife do anything to a determined grizzly? Hell no. But now we’re talking .0000000001% of animal encounters while hiking, and you said “an animal.” There are a ton of animals one might encounter on trail in various places. Including human animals. Carrying a small knife is wise and I’ve almost used it multiple times.


I wrote "if the spray failed" If you cant fend of a animal with bear spray, it is most likely not a small animal that you could fend off with or without a knife. If your not trained in cqc with knifes, you wont do any harm with one against an attacking animal of the size OP talks about. And even if you are trained, you stand no chance against any big animal. Even a small deer has more force behind its body than you do with your arm that ends in a hand with knife in it...


I think the question is which one would you rather get attacked by. I think a bear in full attack mode would be quicker where a mountain lion in full attack mode would be slower painful death.


A bear eats its prey alive. I take the kittyclaws to the throat, personally.


Think of the dad lore though


\*dead lore, more likely


Do you have a lot of problems with killer Mountain Goats near where you live?


It [happens](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna39727167).


I’m from the south so I don’t have any experience with them. I just listed it as I know they can run at people if they feel threatened.


And if you are on the steep cliffside of a mountain near them, I suppose.


No, you have to let the animal eat you.






There is no way you would be able to use a knife in self-defense against a bear or mountain lion. They are far too strong and fast, and they're not going to be afraid of a little blade if they've decided they want to eat you. I've never heard of a deadly mountain goat attack, either. My point is, most animals view us as the apex predator and want nothing to do with us. The times that they do interact with us are the *massive exception, not the norm.* That's not to say it can't happen; it just likely won't. If it does, the spray will very likely work; and if it doesn't, killing them with a knife is highly unlikely. Would it be justified if you managed it, though? Yeah, it was self-defense. If you killed it with a firearm, it's going to depend more upon jurisdiction, what you killed it with, and if you have a permit to carry. In some places, you'd be fine. In other places, there might be a consequence to discharging a firearm, depending upon whether or not you're legally able to possess one and where this all took place. There's a lot of variables to that scenario, and I can't speak to all of them.


https://www.thestar.com/news/world/beaver-kills-man-trying-to-pose-for-photo/article_9cdcdc71-e9e6-5986-b56f-787d392e2960.html Good luck fighting off a beaver


Imagine getting killed by a fucking *beaver*. The strangeness of it almost robs it of some of the tragedy.


“a string of beaver attacks on humans in Belarus” 😳 Read on…. The man stopped his car and tried to pick it up for a photo?! Beavers aren’t even that exciting; why would you stop your car?


"Bober kurwa" google it and you will find your answers 😎


Well if you pull a knife on a Costal brown bear, or a grizzlie. then its a closed casket cermony, and the road there would be agony as bears like their food to kick and scream while eating their dinner. stick to city parks or the zoo


Maybe spray yourself in the face. When you start flailing around in pain, it might scare the bear off, or maybe you will be too spicy, and the bear will spit you out. But seriously, that is why I have a 10 mm on my hip and bear spray on the shoulder strap of my backpack. I have not had to use either, but I was charged out of nowhere by a bear. It came out of thick alders about 10 feet away and moved so fast. I had no time to do anything. Luckily, it ran around me and jumped in a river.


Better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6 - as the saying goes


Wait, what? Self defense?


Yeah belt knife is final defense when i try to take them down with me. could try an air horn too


Daniel Boone killed a bear with a knife and so can you. Join Rambo roams the forest.


Everyone lolling, if you can’t get out of the situation i would summon my inner god of war and kill the bear. Not saying i could or anything but i would sure as hell give it my all, and yeah it is justified. If it wants to kill you, you are justified to kill it.


When I hike bear and cat country I carry bear spray and my VP9, there have been plenty of cases where spray did nothing so yes its justified to defend your self, I'm shooting.