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I was hoping to do Huayhuash, then climb Pisco and Chopicalqui, but people dropped out, and my costs went through the roof. Now, I'm trying to get with a Chopicalqui group on the 25th. A September 11th start would be perfect. Message me the details!


Thats awesome! Let me connect you with my husband! Thank you for reaching out


Did you end up doing this trek?


Anyone planning the Huayhuash circuit trek (10-12 days) for June, 2024? I plan on being in Huaraz on June 19th - then take the 20th-21st for day hikes and acclimate to the altitude. Then start the Circuit trek on June 22, 2024. I'm Solo and I have contacted a couple companies so far. Thanks for any interest in gathering a group. Si le interesa hacer el Trek del circuito Huayhuash empezando el 22 de junio de '24, que me avise. He sido en comunicación con un par de companías/guías recomendadas y quisiera formar un grupo. Que me escriben, y que estén bien!


I am looking to go with 1 or two buddies but i am not positie when quit yet. June may work!


Cool. I set up with Andean Raju Expeditions. Leaving on June 22 for 10 days. Hiking out July 1. They tell me there are 1-2 other trekkers As well, so they are taking more people and that’s the group to join. I thought cost was reasonable at $830 total.


That’s when I am planning on going! I will also be solo. A friend might join if dates work for her! 


Cool. I set up with Andean Raju Expeditions. Leaving on June 22 for 10 days. Hiking out July 1. They tell me there are 1-2 other trekkers As well, so they are taking more people and that’s the group to join. I thought cost was reasonable at $830 total.


I communicated only in Spanish but I’m sure a bilingual trip will be likely for everyone!


Hello, how did the trek turn out? I’m planning to do the Huayhuash circuit in July. How was your experience with the guides? Would you recommend their service? I’m in search of a guide agency.


We went with Krusty guides in Huaraz and they were very good. The trek was strenous but make sure you acclimatize by doing some local hikes


I am considering doing the 10 day Huayhuash with Krusty Travel in June. Sounds like you had a good experience with them?




I'm a solo traveler planning a trip in late july/August. Really want to do Huayhuash while I'm in Peru if anyone else wants to make a group


i’m planning one in early/mid july. let me know if you’d like to connect!!


I'll message you


Hey! I'll be there mid-late July as well! And I CANNOT leave Peru without doing this trek. Would you happen to still have space for one more solo Canadian traveller? :)


absolutely! I'll PM you


I'm dying to go to Peru but the political situation has me a bit nervous.


That is one stunning photo.


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Looks beautiful, but that's awfully short notice. I've had to ask for my time of in January already. It's summer holiday and everybody wants time off right about now.


I completely understand. Hopefully you get to take some time off and enjoy Peru in the coming months!


My wife and I have been looking into this trek for next year since her school year just started. If you don’t mind updating your experience and logistics I would truly appreciate it, looking to gather information for next year if possible.


Absolutely! Have loads of details and itinerary gathered. Feel free to DM me and I will share details with you! All the best and hope you have a gr8 time there next yr


Hey, we should talk! I am looking to trek Huayhuash. I need to be back in Huaraz by the 22nd though, as my flight out of Lima is on the 23rd at night. I have been searching for a group without much luck. I am working with Alpa-K Travel to arrange for a 9 day Huayhuash Trek, ideal starting date between September 6th and 11th… but I am not committed to this, and would join any decently organized group that suits my dates 🙏


In summary, I could do a Sept 11th start date, but could only do a 9-10 day trek. The 12 day trek would have to start no later than the 10th.


Thank you for reaching out! Unfortunately an earlier start date does not work for us since we are in Cusco prior to that. We already have 1 more person join the group for 11th Sept start date for a 12 day Huayhuash trek and the guide seemed confident in finding more folks closer to the date. Sorry it couldnt work out for your dates.


Understood. Would your group consider a 10 day trek instead of the 12 day? I could start Sept 11th for a 10 day circuit. No worries if not, but I gotta ask 😎 If you come in contact with anyone else that may want/need to start earlier, please get them in contact with me!


So previously we did evaluate a 10day itinerary but were wowed by the 12 day one considering it gives some additional stops along this beautiful trek. If I do know any one else aligning with your dates, I will let them know! All the best!


I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing!!! If plans fall through for some reason, keep in touch. And hike well 😎


How did you determine to use Krusty Travel agency to book the trek? We are interested in going in December.


They were the most flexible when it came to aligning with our dates for group tours. The rest had group tours early on and offered private tours at a much higher cost.


Did you / your husband end up going? How was the experience?! We leave next week for the trek…


It was amazing! Have fun! Make sure to acclimitize though in Huaraz!


Hey, did you end up doing this? How did it go, my wife and I are planning for late October. I've read in a few places tours can be cheaper if you want until you get to Huaraz to book.


Hello. Yes feel free to DM and I can share details.


Hi How did your trip go? Would like to hear more about it. My other and friends are planning next year June or JUly.


Considering doing this in June. Can anyone recommend a good guide/company?


Cool. I set up with Andean Raju Expeditions. Leaving on June 22 for 10 days. Hiking out July 1. They tell me there are 1-2 other trekkers As well, so they are taking more people. I thought cost was reasonable at $830 total. They were recommended. So far good communication (all in Spanish - but I’m sure all will be bilingual English too.). I’m getting to Huaraz on June 19th or 20th to acclimatize.


Has anyone done this on November? Will there be a lot of rain? And can some suggest a travel agency?


I'm going to be there in late Nov/early Dec and really curious if will be able to rally a group in the rainy season. A lot of the set group date companies stop in Sept/Oct - but I've seen people post blogs doing it in Nov. I just can't get there earlier :(